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A number of boys ()absent some time during the term.

A number of boys ()absent some time during the term.

A.have been

B.has been


提问人:网友陈珊 发布时间:2023-05-29
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更多“A number of boys ()absent some…”相关的问题
Which type of graph would best show the number of boys and the number of girls in each grade ?

A、Line graph.

B、Double bar graph.

C、Pie chart.

D、Scatter plot.

The techer ws worriedbout the boys in her clss, for they spent ______ time plying computer
gmThe techer ws worriedbout the boys in her clss, for they spent ______ time plying computer gmes.lrgemount of B. lrge number of C. lrgemount of D.lrge numbers of

A.large amount of

B.a large number of

C.a large amount of

D.large numbers of

When the bell sounded, the boys rushed out of the classroom, each______ a number of new bo
oks under his arm.

A.had carried

B.to carry

C.to be carried


1. Various (study/studies) show that a significant number of young (person/ people), especially boys are neglecting their schoolwork because they (prefer/prefers) playing games.

A、studies people prefer

B、study person prefer

C、study people prefers

D、studies person prefer

Lake Boys CD a Chart-topperLos Angeles rock band Lake Boys' second CD, "Infinity," topped

Lake Boys CD a Chart-topper

Los Angeles rock band Lake Boys' second CD, "Infinity," topped the charts with 260,000 in sales last week. That displaced Sarah Piper, who sold 236,000 copies of her new CD, "just a Girl," following a 400,000 debut the week before.

Country singer Joe Daltry's "Headstrong in a Tempest" sold 210,000 copies to occupy the number three position for the second straight week, followed by Katherine Mitchell's "Premiere," which sold 196,000 copies. "Def To Reason," from the rap group D'rap G, rounded out the top five with 185,000 sales.

What is learned about Sarah Piper?

A.She recorded a country music CD.

B.She released a new album two weeks earlier.

C.She remained in the same position for two weeks in a row.

D.She previously recorded with a band before releasing a solo CD.

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Two separate surveys suggest that Britain's teenagers are amongst the heaviest drug-users and drinkers in Europe. The British government has introduced a number of measures to tackle the use and supply of drugs, particularly among young people.

The European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drags interviewed 15-and 16- year olds in 35 countries. Twenty six percent of boys and 29 percent of girls in the United Kingdom had indulged in binge drinking at least three times in the previous month. For the purpose of the study, binge drinking was classed as having more than five alcoholic drinks in a row. In the same survey, 42 percent of boys and 35 percent of girls admitted they had tried illegal drugs at least once.

According to another survey, by the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction, two in five 15-year-olds in the United Kingdom have tried cannabis. This number is higher than anywhere else in Europe. The United Kingdom has also the joint highest number of young cocaine users, alongside Spain.

The British government has recently unveiled new plans to fight the problem of drug abuse in the United Kingdom, also among teenagers. According to the new proposals, young offenders will have to attend drug treatment as part of community service. British police will be able to give people blood tests for drugs when they arrest them, not just when they charge them with an offence. Dealers working near a school or using children to help sell drugs will face tougher penalties.

But schools also try to fight the problem of drug use themselves. At the beginning of 2005, a British state school has introduced for the first time random drug testing. Students from a school in Kent will have mouth swabs taken to detect drug use. Each week 20 names will be selected by computer and the swabs sent off to a drug testing laboratory. Results will be available three days later. The school's head teacher says that no child will be tested against his or her wishes. Children who test positive will not be expelled from the school, but those who sell drugs will.

According to the passage, which one is NOT TRUE?

A.In the UK, 29 percent of the boys surveyed in the UK tried binge drink at least 3 times in the previous month.

B.42 percent of boys surveyed had attempted illegal drugs.

C.There are more girls indulging in binge drinking according to the survey.

D.Binge drinking is defined as drinking more than 5 alcohol one after another.

The girls in this sixth grade class in East Palo Alto, California, all have the same acces
s to computers as boys. But researchers say, by the time they get to high school, they are victims of what the researchers call a major new gender gap in technology.

Janice Weinman of the American Association of University Woman says, "Girls tend to be less comfortable than boys with the computer. They use it more for word processing rather than for problem solving, rather than to discover new ways in which to understand information."

After re-examining a thousand studies, the American Association of University women researchers found that girls make up only a small percentage of students in computer science classes. Girls consistently rate themselves significantly lower than boys in their ability and confidence in using computers. And they use computers less often than boys outside the classroom.

The instructor of this computer lab says he's, already noticed some differences. Charles Cheadle of Cesar Chavez School says, "Boys are not so afraid they might do something that will harm the computer, whereas girls are afraid they might break it somehow."

Six years ago, the software company Purple Moon noticed that girls' computer usage was falling behind boys. Karen Gould says, "The number one reason girls told us they don't like computer games is not because they're too violent, or too competitive. Girls just said they're incredibly boring."

Purple Moon says it found what girls want, characters they can relate to and story lines relative to what's going on in their own lives. Karen Gould of Purple Moon Software says, "What we definitely found from girls is there is no intrinsic (内在的) reason why they wouldn't want to play on a computer; it was just a content thing."

The sponsor of the study says it all boils down to this, the technology gender gap that separates the girls from the boys must be closed if women are to compete effectively with men in the 21st century.

In this sixth grade classroom, you would find ______.

A.only boys are allowed to use the computers

B.only girls are allowed to use the computers

C.no computers in the classroom

D.both boys and girls are allowed to use the computers

听力原文:W: In the past 10 years, many scientists have studied the differences between men
and women. And they all got the same answer: The sexes are different, because their brains are different. And this, the scientists say, makes men and women see the world in different ways.

Boys, for example, generally are better than gifts at mathematical ideas involving objects and their relationships. Boys are also generally better than girls at the kind of hand and eye movements necessary for bail sports. Girls, on the other hand, generally start speaking earlier than boys. And they generally see better in the dark than boys and are better at learning foreign languages.

What makes men and women better at one thing or another? The answer is the brain. The brain has two sides connected by nerve tracks. The left side is generally used for mathematics, speech and reading. The right side is used for artistic creation and the expression of emotions. In men and women, different areas in each side of the brain develop differently. In boys, for example, it's the area used for mathematics. In girls, it is the area used for language skills. Another interesting difference is that the two sides of a man's brain are connected by a smaller number of nerves than the two sides of a woman's brain are. So the flow of information between the halves of a man's brain is more restricted than that between the halves of a woman's brain. Some scientists say this influences some of our abilities.

According to the speaker, what is one of the advantages of girls?

A.They have better ideas about objects and their relationships.

B.They have more flexible hands and eyes.

C.They can see better than boys at night.

D.They can express their emotions better than boys.

On Your ChildrenFriendly Advice: The main cause for boys and girls to start drinking or sm

On Your Children

Friendly Advice: The main cause for boys and girls to start drinking or smoking is whether they have friends who do, a National Institute of Health study suggests. Researchers find that school children are likely to do the same things as their five closest friends do, and girls are more likely than boys to give in to pressure(压力)to drink. However, the parents' role makes a difference: children whose moms and dads talk and listen to them regularly are less likely to smoke and drink.

Crying for a Smoke: New moms are often annoyed by the cries of new-born babies, but according to one study, there is something they can do about it: give up smoking. Researchers at a Netherlands organization of scientific research questioned parents of 3,000 babies up to six months old and found that stomachache was three times as likely in small babies whose mothers smoke 15 to 30 cigarettes a day, either before or after their babies were born. No data (数据) yet on Dad's smoking, but it's a safe suggestion that he should put the cigarettes out, too.

Out of Shape: Even as the number of overweight children increases, many schools are making unhealthy habits worse by cutting back on sports classes. Physical (体育的) education is meant to provide exercise and encourage lifetime fitness, but a recent study found that only 26% of high schools require at least three years of physical education. It's worse in lower grades: California middle school students get only 25 minutes of physical activity a week.

According to "Friendly Advice", what should parents do to prevent their children from drinking or smoking?

A.Do researches on drinking and smoking habits.

B.Take advice from their children's friends.

C.Put more pressure on boys than on girls.

D.Talk with their children like friends.

New data released today from the Partnership for a Drug Free America suggest that not only
are girls now drinking more than boys, they turn to drugs and alcohol for more serious reasons as well. The report, which analyzed results from the 2009 Partnership Attitude Tracking Study (PATS), a survey of teen attitudes and behaviors, shows that the number of middle-and high-school girls who say they drink has increased by 11 percent in the past year. Boys have stayed at about the same level, hovering around 52 percent.

These numbers are more indicative of a long-term trend than a sudden uptick. In 2005 the rate of girls who had used alcohol in the past year as surveyed by the partnership hit 57 percent, only to fall back to 55 percent in 2007 and 53 percent in 2008. (During that same time, boys continued to fall within a couple of percentage points of 50 percent, but the changes were not statistically significant. )

These aren't the only data to note issues involving girls and drinking. According to Monitoring the Future, an ongoing study that monitors the habits and attitudes of young Americans, the number of high-school students who admitted being drunk in the previous 30 days has changed dramatically for boys compared with girls. In 1998, 39 percent of boys reported being drunk in the previous 30 days, compared with 26. 6 percent of girls. Ten years later, in 2008, 29.2 percent of boys reported being drunk during the 30-day period, while girls stayed relatively steady at 26. 2 percent. "The numbers go down for boys and girls, but they go down much more dramatically for boys," says Amelia Arria, director of the center on young adult health and development at the University of Maryland, School of Public Health. "It represents a 25 percent decrease for boys, but only a 1 percent decrease for girls. Girls are staying kind of level, and boys are dropping. "

For years, boys were the focus of underage-drinking interventions, but for the past decade, researchers have seen a close in the gender gap. Researchers speculate that more products devoted to making drinking easier and tastier—the sugar-laden beverages known as alco-pops—are a factor. "There's a whole new raft of products that have come out in the last 10 to 12 years that were oriented to young females," says David Jerigan, executive director of the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth. "Alcohol now gets sold to girls as a functional food: it gets sold with calorie information, a drink of fitness, a drink with health benefits. "

But girls may be less concerned about their figure than they are about, well, everything else. The Partnership for a Drug Free America results also show that girls are more likely to associate drugs and alcohol with a way to avoid problems and relieve stress. (Boys, on the other hand, show dramatic increases in seeing drugs and alcohol as social lubricants: in 2009 compared with 2008, they were 16 percent more likely to see them as a way to make socializing easier, and 23 percent more likely to label drinking as a necessary ingredient for a party. )

Teen girls are more likely to be attuned to their feelings, says Leslie Walker, M. D. , director of adolescent medicine at Seattle Children's Hospital, and therefore may seek alcohol as a way to self-medicate. "Girls tend to be more internalized with issues that are happening anyway. It makes sense that if they have some stress and things that they are dealing with, they're going to take care of themselves instead of reaching out. "

Recent research on the adolescent brain has shown significant differences between males and females. Arria says, "Girls tend to be more sensitive to emotional stress, neurologically. Girls mature a little bit earlier in parts of the brain; boys develop later in those areas. " That increased sensitivity, she says, combined with more relaxed attitudes and easier access to alcohol, may explain th

A.Teen girls are drinking more than boys for different reasons.

B.Measures should be taken to relieve the stress and worries of teen girls.

C.Teen girls are feeling more stress than boys.

D.Teen girls are drinking mainly for fun.

While it is true that Americans believe climbing the educational ladder leads to success,
they are less certain that intellectual achievement is the only important factor leading to success. A competitive personality is seen as important to success, especially in men. The development of social and political skills is also considered to be very important.

To help Americans develop these other important skills, schools have added a large number of extracurricular(课程) activities to daily life at school. This is especially true of high schools and colleges and ex tends down into elementary schools as well.

Athletics, frequently called "competitive sports", are perhaps the most important of these activities. Football, basketball, and baseball teams are seen as very important in teaching students, particularly boys, the "winning spirit". At times, athletic teams seem to become more important to some students and their parents than the academic programs offered by the schools.

Americans believe that education is______.

A.the only way to success

B.the main purpose of the schools

C.just like climbing ladders

D.important to success

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