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William Menninger listed six essential qualities that are the key to success: Sincerity, p

ersonal integrity, humility, courtesy and others. What do you think are the most important things for one to have in order to be successful? Write an essay of about 400 words entitled:

The Essential Qualities One Should Have In Order To Succeed

In the first part of your writing you should state your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details (or examples). In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.

提问人:网友feifei12 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“William Menninger listed six e…”相关的问题
Why are some adults easy to lose their temper according to Dr. Menninger?A.They probably g

Why are some adults easy to lose their temper according to Dr. Menninger?

A.They probably grow up in poor families.

B.They are born to experience failures.

C.They probably have been spoiled by indulgent parents.

D.They may have received undue frustrations in childhood.

Why are some adults easy to lose their temper according to Dr. Menninger?A.They probably g

Why are some adults easy to lose their temper according to Dr. Menninger?

A.They probably grow up in grim circumstances.

B.They are born to have a low boiling point.

C.They probably grow up from families where love and understanding is lacking.

D.They may have received undue frustrations in childhood.

心理学家Edwin S.Schneidman把自杀看作精神痛苦或无法忍受的心理痛苦所致,认为自杀者把_________
__看作解决其问题的最好的办法;Freud和Karl Menninger把自杀看作指向___________的杀人愿望;John Mann把自杀看作脑部___________的异常或缺陷,特别是50-HT系统的异常。

In 1948, Seattle authorities feared that a race riot would break out in a run-down housing
area. A thousand families—300 of them black—were jammed into temporary barracks built for war workers. Tension was in the air, rumors rife, a stabbing reported. The University of Washington, called on for advice, rushed 25 trained interviewers to the scene.

The interviewers went from door to door, trying to discover the extent of racial hatred. They were surprised to find very little. Ninety percent of the whites and blacks interviewed said that they felt "about the same" of "more friendly" toward the other group since moving into the area. What, then, was eating them?

These families were angry about the ramshackle buildings, the back-firing kitchen stoves and the terrible roads inside the property. Many were worried about a strike at Boeing Airplane Co. In short, a series of frustrations from other causes had infected the whole community, and could have resulted in a race riot.

This case is a dramatic application of a challenging theory about human behavior. exhaustively demonstrated by a group of Yale scientists in an old book, Frustration and Aggression, which has become a classic. Since reading it some years ago, I have met many of my personal problems with better understanding, and gained fresh insight into some big public questions as well.

A common result of being frustrated, the Yale investigator have shown, is an act of aggression, sometimes violent. To be alive is to have a goal and pursue it—anything from cleaning the house, or planning a vacation, to saving money for retirement. If someone or something blocks goal, we begin to feel pent up and thwarted. Then we get mad. The blocked goal, the sense of frustration, aggression action—this is the normal human sequence. If we are aware of what is going on inside us, however, we can save ourselves a good deal of needless pain and trouble.

The aggressive act that frustration produces may take a number of forms. It may be turned inward against oneself, with suicide as the extreme example. It may hit back directly at the person or thing causing the frustration. Or it may be transferred to another object—what psychologists call displacement. Displacement can be directed against the dog, the parlor furniture, the family or even total strangers.

The classic pattern of frustration and aggression is nowhere better demonstrated than in military life. GIs studied by the noted American sociologist Samuel A. Stouffer in the last war were found to be full of frustration due to their sudden loss of civilian liberty. They took it our verbally on the brass, often most unjustly. But in combat, soldiers felt far more friendly toward their officers. Why? Because they could "discharge their aggression directly against the enemy".

Dr. Karl Menninger, of the famous Menninger Foundation at Topeka, pointed out that children in all societies are necessarily frustrated, practically from birth, as they are broken into the customs of the tribe. A baby's first major decision is "whether to holier or smaller"—when it discovers that the two acts cannot be done simultaneously. Children have to be taught habits of cleanliness, toilet behavior, regular feeding, punctuality; habits that too often are hammered in.

Grownups with low boiling points, said Dr. Menninger, probably got that way because of excessive frustration in childhood. We can make growing up a less difficult period by giving children more love and understanding. Parents in less "civilized" societies, Menninger observes, often do this. He quotes a Mohave Indian, discussing his small son. "Why should I strike him? He is small, I am big. He cannot hurt me."

When we do experience frustration, there are several things we can do to channel off aggression. First, we can try to remove the cause which is blocking our goal. An individual may be able to change his

A.try to remove the obstacle on his way by all means

B.find an outlet for his rancor

C.take aggressive or even violent acts

D.indulge in despair to some extent

Make a comment on William Wordsworth.Make a comment on William Wordsworth.
Macbeth is one of the well-known tragedies by William Shakespeare. ()

Macbeth is one of the well-known tragedies by William Shakespeare. ()

William was King of England between 1042 and 1066.
___________ was not associated with modernism.

A、Thomas Pynchon

B、Ernest Hemmingway

C、William Carlos Williams

D、William Faulkner

William Blake is a novelist.
From paragraph two we can see that ______.A.Mr. William Donaldson asked Mr. William McDono

From paragraph two we can see that ______.

A.Mr. William Donaldson asked Mr. William McDonough to take the exam instead of himself

B.Mr. William McDonough was asked to do what the Congress wanted him to

C.what Mr. William Donaldson has done might violate shareholder democracy

D.Mr. William Donaldson has somewhat exceeded his authority

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