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The process whereby software is instaled into an operational environment is called ” (74)

The process whereby software is instaled into an operational environment is called ” (74) ”.




D.lay up

提问人:网友wym1987 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“The process whereby software i…”相关的问题
Assimilation is a process whereby adjacent sounds become more similar to each other in manner of articulation, place of articulation or voicing in order to facilitate the flow of pronunciation.
The process whereby software is instolled into an operational environment is called ¨(74)

The process whereby software is instolled into an operational environment is called ¨(74) ¨.





Acculturation means a continuing process whereby an individual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, values, behavior, and social skills appropriate to his or her social position.
Which of the following is a process whereby cancer cells travel to other sites in the body and establish secondary tumors?




D、secondary tumorigenesis


Nutrition might be defined as the process whereby we obtain the essential nutrients and us
e them to make many other substances our bodies need. This process would include eating and digesting food and absorbing and using, or metabolizing the nutrients it contains.

Most conceptions of the process of motivation begin with the assumption that behavior. is,
at least in part, directed towards the attainment of goals or towards the satisfaction of needs or motives. Accordingly, it is appropriate to begin our consideration of motivation in the work place by examining the motives for working. Simon points out that an organization should be able to secure the participation of a person by offering him inducements (引诱)which contribute in some way to at least one of his goals. The kinds of inducements offered by an organization are varied, and if they are effective in maintaining participation they must necessarily be based on the needs of the individuals.

Maslow examines in detail what these needs are. He points out not only that there are many needs ranging from basic physiological drives such as hunger to a more abstract desire for self-realization, but also that they are arranged in a hierarchy(等级制度 )whereby the lower-order needs must to a large degree be satisfied before the higher-order ones come into play.

One of the most obvious ways in which work organizations attract and retain members is through the realization, that economic factors are not the only inducement for working as indicated by Morse and Weiss. In line with the social respect and self-realization needs discussed by Maslow, factors such as association with others, self-respect gained through the work, and a high interest value of the work can serve effectively to induce people to work.

According to Maslow, a work organization is able to motivate people to work by______.

A.satisfying their physiological needs

B.satisfying their self-realization needs

C.satisfying hierarchy of their higher-order needs

D.first satisfying their lower-order needs

Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by c

Part A

Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)

Globalization, a process whereby owners of capital are enabled to move their capital around the globe more quickly and easily, has resulted in the removal of state controls on trade and investment, the disappearance of tariff barriers and the spread of new information and communications technologies. In societies around the world, the effects of globalization have influenced social development. Not only are the influences of globalization apparent in markets, their forces are felt in the processes or working towards equality between men and women. Reda Bebars of Egypt, stressing that the advancement of women would not be achieved by passing legislation, said that social development on the national scale must be strengthened and a climate conducive to development must be created if the goals set in Beijing (at the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women) are to be realized. The problems stem from the fact that women are very differently positioned in relation to the markets in different parts of the world. In certain places, where women are socially excluded from leaving their homes, the challenge is to find ways for women to participate. In other places, the challenge is to create markets which are more friendly to women's participation. Ilham Ibrahim Mohamed Ahmed of Sudan condemned the debt burden carried by developing countries, economic sanctions, arbitrary measures and denial of access to new technological developments as obstacles to the growth of women's rights. Women remain very much in the minority among Internet users and still face huge imbalances in the ownership, control and regulation of new information technologies.

"The gains of globalization have not been equitably distributed and the gap between rich and poor countries is widening," said Zhang Lei of the People's Republic of China.

The gains of globalization thus far have for the most part been concentrated in the hands of better-off women with higher levels of education and with greater ownership of resources and access to capital.

"Work in China and Vietnam shows that globalization has brought new opportunities to young women with familiarity with English in new service sector jobs, but has made a vast number of over-35-year-olds redundant, because they are either in declining industries or have outdated skills," Swasti Mitter of the UN's Women Watch Online Working Group on Women's Economic Inequality said.

According to the text, what role has English played during the process of globalization?

A.Created new education opportunities.

B.It has sped up the process of globalization.

C.Opened the doors for new opportunities and increased the number of young women in the working world.

D.Increased the number of skilled women.

An introductory sentence to a brief summary of the passage is given below. Complete th
e summary by adding the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not given in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points. Natural selection is the name given by Darwin to the process whereby new species evolve over time as individuals with useful traits survive and reproduce, passing those traits on to new generations. ____________ ____________ ____________ Answer Choices 1. Darwin believed that natural selection favored organisms that had traits that could help them find food and survive predator attacks and environmental pressures. 2. Darwin explained advanced traits that did not seem to affect an organisms survival as being characteristics useful in finding a mate. 3. Moths near industrial centers evolve dark coloration when the trees in which they live are blackened by pollution from nearby factories. 4. Recently, scientists have expanded the idea of natural selection to include traits that benefit the species as a group, even when those traits seem harmful to the particular individuals who possess them. 5. The peacocks colorful tail feathers are meant to attract peahens, which view the bright colors involved in the display as a sign of the males good health. 6. Religious groups opposition to evolutionism has led some schools to reconsider teaching it, even though it is an established scientific theory with much evidence to prove it.

Wegener based the theory of Continental Drift on all of the following observations EXCEPT

A.opposition of climates.

B.fit of continents.

C.similarities of living animals.

D.similarities in rocks and ic

As people age, their cells become less efficient and less able to replace damaged componen
ts. At the same time their tissues stiffen. For example, the lungs and the heart muscle expand less successfully, the blood vessels become increasingly rigid, and the ligaments and tendons tighten.

Few investigators would attribute such diverse effects to a single cause. Nevertheless, researchers have discovered that a process long known to discolor and toughen foods may also contribute to age-related impairment of both cells and tissues. That process is nonenzymatic glycosylation, whereby glucose becomes attached to proteins without the aid of enzymes. When enzymes attach glucose to proteins (enzymatic glycosylation), they do so at a specific site on a specific protein molecule for a specific purpose. In contrast, the nonenzymatic process adds glucose haphazardly to any of several sites along any available peptide chain within a protein molecule

This nonenzymatic glycosylation of certain proteins has been understood by food chemists for decades, although few biologists recognized until recently that the same steps could take place in the body. Nonenzymatic glycosylation begins when an aldehyde group (CHO) of glucose and an amino group (NH2) of a protein are attracted to each other. The molecules combine, forming what is called a Schiff base within the protein. This combination is unstable and quickly rearranges itself into a stabler, but still reversible, substance known as an Amadori product.

If a given protein persists in the body for months or years, some of its Amadori products slowly dehydrate and rearrange themselves yet again, into new glucose-derived structures. These can combine with various kinds of molecules to form. irreversible structures named advanced glycosylation end products (AGE's). Most AGE's are yellowish brown and fluorescent and have specific spectrographic properties. More important for the body, many are also able to cross-link adjacent proteins, particularly ones that give structure to tissues and organs. Although no one has yet satisfactorily described the origin of all such bridges between proteins, many investigators agree that extensive cross-linking of proteins probably contributes to the stiffening and loss of elasticity characteristic of aging tissues.

In an attempt to link this process with the development of cataracts (the browning and clouding of the lens of the eye as people age), researchers studied the effect of glucose on solutions of purified crystallin, the major protein in the lens of the eye. Glucose-free solutions remained clear, but solutions with glucose caused the proteins to form. clusters, suggesting that the molecules had become cross-linked. The clusters diffracted light, making the solution opaque. The researchers also discovered that the pigmented cross-links in human cataracts have the brownish color and fluorescence characteristic of AGE's. These data suggest that nonenzymatic glycosylation of tens crystallins may contribute to cataract formation. (454)

With which of the following statements concerning the stiffening of aging tissues would the author most likely agree?

A.It is caused to a large degree by an increased rate of cell multiplication.

B.It paradoxically both helps and hinders the longevity of proteins in the human body.

C.It can be counteracted in part by increased ingestion of glucose-free foods.

D.It probably involves the nonenzymatic glycosylation of proteins.

As people age, their cells become less efficient and less able replace damaged components.
At the same time their tissues stiffen, For example the lungs and the heart muscle expand less successfully, the blood vessels become increasingly rigid, and the ligaments and tendons tighten.

Few investigators would attribute such diverse effects to a single cause. Nevertheless, researchers have discovered that a process long known to discolor and toughen foods may also contribute to age-related impairment of both cells and tissues. That process is nonenzymatic glycosylation, whereby glucose becomes attached to proteins without the aid of enzymes. When enzymes attach glucose to proteins (enzymatic glycosylation), they do so at a specific site on a specific protein molecule for a specific purpose. In contrast, the nonenzymatic process adds glucose haphazardly to any of several sites along any available peptide chain within a protein molecule.

This nonenzymatic glycosylation of certain proteins has been understood by food chemists for decades, although few biologists recognized until recently that the same steps could take place in the body. Nonenzymatic glycosylation begins when an aldehyde group (CHO) of glucose and an amino group (HN2) of a protein are attracted to each other. The molecules combine, forming what is called a Schiff base within the protein. This combination is unstable and quickly rearranges itself into a stabler, but still reversible, substance known as an Amadori product.

If a given protein persists in the body for months or years, some of its Amadori products slowly dehydrate and rearrange themselves yet again, into new glucose-derived structures. These can combine with various kinds of molecules to form. irreversible structures named advanced glycosylation end products (AGE's). Most AGE's are yellowish brown and fluorescent and have specific spectrographic properties. More important for the body, many are also able to cross-link adjacent proteins, particularly ones that give structure to tissues and organs. Although no one has yet satisfactorily described the origin of all such bridges between proteins, many investigators agree that extensive cross-linking of proteins probably contributes to the stiffening and loss of elasticity characteristic of aging tissues.

In an attempt to link this process with the development of cataracts (the browning and clouding of the lens of the eye as people age), researchers studied the effect of glucose on solutions of purified crystallin, the major protein in the lens of the eye. Glucose-free solutions remained clear but solutions with glucose caused the proteins to form. clusters, suggesting that the molecules had become cross-linked. The clusters diffracted light, making the solution opaque. The researchers also discovered that the pigmented cross-links in human cataracts have the brownish color and fluorescence characteristic of AGE's. These data suggest that nonenzymatic glycosylation of lens crystallins may contribute to cataract formation.

With which of the following statements concerning the stiffening of aging tissues would the author most likely agree?

A.It paradoxically both helps and hinders the longevity of proteins in the human body.

B.It can be counteracted in part by increased ingestion of glucose-free foods.

C.It is exacerbated by increased enzymatic glycosylation.

D.It probably involves the nonenzymatic glycosylation of proteins.

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