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How ATMs Work?You're short on cash, so you walk over to the automated teller machine (ATM)

How ATMs Work?

You're short on cash, so you walk over to the automated teller machine (ATM) ,insert your card into the card reader, respond to the prompts on the screen, and within a minute you walk away with your money and a receipt. Have you ever wondered about the process that makes your bank funds available to you at an ATM on the other side of the country?

ATM Card vs. Check Card

As an alternative to writing checks and using a credit card, most major banks have teamed up with major credit-card companies to issue check cards.

Check cards are different from straight ATM cards in a couple of ways. First, check cards are also known as debit cards because of how they work--instead of getting credit for your purchase and receiving a monthly bill, like you do with a credit card, a check/debit card deducts money from your checking or savings account.

Also, while you can only use your ATM card at the ATM machine (and some grocery stores), you can use a check card at most retailers that accept credit cards.

There are exceptions. Some hotels and rental car services only accept credit cards because it's easier, cheaper, and less of a risk to them than check cards. Those that do accept check cards often put a certain amount of money in your bank account "on hold" (unavailable to you)-usually the cost of the room or rental including taxes and other fees, plus a percentage of the total or a fee to cover possible damages. When you check out of the hotel or turn in your rental car, the difference between the" hold" amount and what you're actually billed .is released back into your account: This is something to consider when using your debit card to reserve a hotel room or rent a car.

The Way ATMs Work

An ATM is simply a data terminal with two input and four output devices. Like any other data terminal, the ATM has to connect to, and communicate through, a host processor. The host processor is analogous to an Internet service provider (ISP) in that it is the gateway through which all the various ATM networks become available to the cardholder (the person wanting the cash).

Most host processors can support either leased-line or dial-up machines. Leased-line machines connect directly to the host processor through a four-wire, point-to-point, dedicated telephone line. Dial-up ATMs connect to the host processor through a normal phone line using a modem and a toll-free number, or through an Internet service provider using a local access number dialed by modem.

Leased-line ATMs are preferred for very high-volume locations because of their thru-put capability, and dial-up ATMs are preferred for retail merchant locations where cost is a greater factor than thru-put. The initial cost for a dial-up machine is less than half that for a leased-line machine. The monthly operating costs for dial-up are only a fraction of the costs for leased-line.

The host processor may be owned by a bank or financial institution, or it may be owned by an independent service provider. Bank-owned processors normally support only bank-owned machines, whereas the independent processors support merchant-owned machines.

Sensing Bills

The cash-dispensing mechanism has an electric eye that counts each bill as it exits the dispenser. The bill count and all of the information pertaining to a particular transaction is recorded in a journal. The journal information is printed out periodically and a hard copy is maintained by the machine owner for two years. Whenever a cardholder has a dispute about a transaction, he or she can ask for a journal printout showing the transaction, and then contact the host processor. If no one is available to provide the journal printout, the cardholder needs to notify the bank or institution that issued the card and fill out a form. that will be faxed to the host processor. It is the host proc




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更多“How ATMs Work?You're short on …”相关的问题
听力原文:How do you like your work?(2)A.I like it very much.B.That's a good idea.C.Thank y

听力原文:How do you like your work?


A.I like it very much.

B.That's a good idea.

C.Thank you.

D.You're welcome.

Which sentence is used by Rocky to encourage the chickens?

A、The most important thing is we have to work as a team.

B、Hey, do I tell YOU how to lay eggs?

C、Pain is your friend.

D、Now they’re over easy!

The Organized Traveller's ChecklistHere's a step-by-step guide to accomplishing the essent

The Organized Traveller's Checklist

Here's a step-by-step guide to accomplishing the essentials in the weeks, days, and hours before you leave on vacation.

Eight Weeks Ahead

If you're going out of the country and don't have all of the documents you need--whether passports or original birth certificates--now is the time to get them. If it looks like the documents may not arrive until the last minute--or even late--show your airline tickets to personnel at the government agencies from which you're requesting documents. Ask them to put a rush on your application.

If you're traveling abroad, contact a travel health specialist (your health-care provider may have a travel department, or your doctor may be able to recommend a specialist), or contact your local health department to ask about immunizations and preventive medicines.

When it comes to what to take with you--be it luggage, sports equipment, camping gear, or clothing--now's the time to assess your needs. You can save shopping time and hassle by buying from catalogs: order now so purchases will arrive before your departure date.

Six Weeks Ahead

If you don't belong to an auto club and are about to use your car on a trip, join a club now so you can take advantage of member benefits. These usually include trip-planning services, maps, guidebooks, discounts at accommodations and attractions, and roadside emergency help.

Join an airline's frequent-flier program too--it's free. Make sure the names on your tickets and on membership forms are identical, or you won't get mileage (英里里程)credit for your flights. Give frequent-flier numbers to your travel agent.

Four Weeks Ahead

Airline seats are generally assigned and confirmed 30 days prior to departure, so call now to get your desired seat assignments and to make certain your family is seated together. Another call to make is to a kennel (养狗场) or other facility if you plan to board a pet during vacation.

Buy any home security and automation (自动操作)devices you'll need. These might include timers for lights and TVs, an alarm system, automatic plant-watering systems, and pet feeders. Figure out how they work now so you won't be scrambling to set them on the day of departure.

If anyone in your family wears glasses or contacts, order a spare pair today so they'll be ready by the time you go. At the very least, get an up-to-date prescription so you can take it to a quick-service optical store if glasses are lost or broken. If you need prescriptions or checkups, make those appointments now.

Two Weeks Ahead

Write down your doctors' and. pharmacist's phone numbers in case you need information on the road. If you'll be driving your own car, have a reliable mechanic check it from top to bottom.

Plan the route now: Do it yourself with good maps and trip-planning software, or use your automobile club's trip-planning service. Clubs like the American and Canadian Automobile Associations (AAA and CAA) require two weeks' notice to provide this service to members.

You will want to carry a moderate amount of cash, as well as traveler's checks and credit or debit cards. Automated teller machines (ATMs) are handy because you don't have to take as much cash with you, but check with your bank to see if there will be ATMs where you're going. Buy the traveler's checks now, and be sure to keep the records detailing check numbers separate from the checks themselves.

Check camera equipment. Buy fresh batteries and more film than you think you'll need. Resort-area stores charge premium prices for cameras and film.

One Week Ahead

No need to pack yet, but get everything ready. Gather toiletries, medicines, shoes, clothes, first-aid supplies, toys, and activities. Wash clothes and add to the pile. Make a separate pile for carry-on items.

A.A travel agency.

B.A travel health specialist.

C.Passports personnel.

D.Birth certificates personnel.

PART 2Tell me about your parents.You should say:what they do at work and in their free


Tell me about your parents.

You should say:

what they do at work and in their free time something about their characters

how they are similar and how they are different

and say how similar to your parents you think you are.

You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.

You will have one minute to think about what you're going to say.

You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

听力原文:M: You're redecorating your apartment, aren't you? How is it coming along?W: Oh,

听力原文:M: You're redecorating your apartment, aren't you? How is it coming along?

W: Oh, I'm just taking it one step at a time.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.She has finished only one step.

B.She doesn't have any more time for redecorating.

C.The work has been completed.

D.The redecorating is being done gradually.

M: Lisa, how are you getting along with our term paper? W: I’ve been writing and re

M: Lisa, how are you getting along with our term paper?

W: I’ve been writing and rewriting it. I simply don’t know if I will ever get it finished.

15. How does Lisa feel about her work?

A. Satisfied.

B. Frustrated.

C. Annoyed.

D. Confident.

听力原文:M:In the old days,people took pride in their own work and built things by themsel

W:Nowadays you're lucky if they don't fall apart before you get them home.

Q:How do they feel about products manufactured nowadays?


A.Satisfied with their price.

B.Displeased with their quality.

C.Pleased with modern mass-production techniques.

D.Displeased with their technological complexity.

听力原文:W: Bob, can we really afford a holiday? We're paying for this house and the furni
ture is on HP and..

M: Now listen, Peggy. You work hard and I work hard. We' re not talking about whether we can have a holiday. We' re talking about where and when.

W: Shall we go to Sweden?

M: Sweden' s colder than Sheffield. I' d rather not go to Sweden.

W: What about Florida? Florida' s wanner than shettidd.

M: Yes, but it's a long way. How long does it take to get from here to Floride.

W: All right. Let' s go to Hawii.

M: You must be joking. How much would it cost for the two of us?

W: But the brochure says the problem of money will disappear. Bob, where do you really want to go?

M: I' m thinking of Wales or Scotland. Do you know why?

W: Yes. "They' re right on our doorstep and so close to home."


A.husband and wife

B.father and daughter



Julio: ______ Officer: Well, first, you write and get an application form. Then, you send
it in with a copy of your school records. And after that, you ask your teachers for some letters of recommendation. Julio: Are foreign students allowed to work in the States? Officer: They'll only let you work in the summer. And you'll need to get permission from the U.S. Officer of Immigration to do that. During the school year you're not allowed to work unless the work experience is part of your school program.

A.I'd like to get some information on how to get into an American university.

B.Is it all right to apply to several universities at the same time?

C.When can I apply for that?

D.I'd like to get some information on how to get a tTavel card.

– Oh, you're back at work? How was your holiday? – ().

A. We had rain every day and stayed at the hotel most of the time

B. The ten-day holiday was not long enough

C. I was missing you when I was on holiday

D. I heard you were on holiday, too

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