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听力原文:W: I want to watch TV and improve my English. What is your favorite TV show?M: I

听力原文:W: I want to watch TV and improve my English. What is your favorite TV show?

M: I like sitcoms. I watch "Friends" a lot. I never missed a single episode. Of course there are other sitcoms like "Wings", "Frazier", "Family Ties". Those are all very good.

W: What time do they come on?

M: Mostly in the evenings. These are actually old shows, but NBC has re-runs of them. "Frazier" is on from 6:00 to 6:30 on NBC every day week days. "Friends" is from 6:30 to 7:30 PM, also on NBC. Channels like Nick-at-Nite show older sitcoms almost every night except Sundays.

W: What are the older sitcoms?

M: "Cheers" is a good one. "All in the Family", "Three's Company" and "Family Ties" are all great ones. But they are usually shown very late at night, beginning from 10:00 PM until 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning.

W: Which ones are the movie channels?

M: Channel 45 is Super-Station. That channel has a lot of good movies. TNT is channel 17. You can also find many movies on TNT. What's bothering me is the commercials. A two-hour movie can run three and half hours because of the commercials. That's really annoying.

What sitcom does the man like best?


B.Family Ties.


D.All in the Family.

提问人:网友xiaobrown 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“听力原文:W: I want to watch TV and…”相关的问题
听力原文:M:Remember, you promised to help me with my homework for English class.W:But I wa

听力原文:M:Remember, you promised to help me with my homework for English class.

W:But I want to watch this program first. It is almost over. Wait a moment, please.

Q:What does the woman mean?


A.She will help the man later.

B.She doesn't want to help him with the homework.

C.The man should do the homework himself.

D.The man should watch the program first.

听力原文:M: Nobody told me that the English class was cancelled today.W: Yeah, sorry, I wa

听力原文:M: Nobody told me that the English class was cancelled today.

W: Yeah, sorry, I want to, but I was so busy it slipped my mind.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She is very happy that the English class was cancelled.

B.She meant to go but slipped.

C.She meant to go to class but forgot.

D.She forgot to tell him.

听力原文:M: Excuse me, how much does an ice cream cost?W: Two yuan. And how many do you wa

听力原文:M: Excuse me, how much does an ice cream cost?

W: Two yuan. And how many do you want?

M: Two, please.

W: Anything else you want to buy?

M: Oh, yes, I still want some bread. A piece of bread, please.

W: Here you are. 1.5 yuan a piece.

M: By the way, do you have any fruit here, such as apples or oranges?

W: I'm sorry we haven't got any.

M: All right. Here's the money for you.

W: Thank you.

Where does the dialog take place?

A.At home.

B.At a hotel.

C.In a store.

听力原文:W: What shall we do tomorrow?M: Shall we go to the park?Q: Where does the mail wa

听力原文:W: What shall we do tomorrow?

M: Shall we go to the park?

Q: Where does the mail want to go?





听力原文:MA Gayle, are you busy on Thursday evening?WA I don't think so. Why?MA Rose and I

听力原文:MA Gayle, are you busy on Thursday evening?

WA I don't think so. Why?

MA Rose and I are meeting at Nirchi's to review the presentation for Caplan Paper before we present it Friday morning. We were wondering if you'd be able to give us some feedback since you're familiar with the campaign.

WA Sure, I'd be glad to help you. What time do you want to meet on Thursday? I should be free any time after 6:30.

What will happen Friday morning?

A.The man will hold on interview.

B.The man will meet with the woman.

C.The man will give a presentation.

D.The man will review an important campaign.

听力原文:WA Ralph, I meant to ask you about the picture frame. you gave Simone. Where did
you buy it?

MB I bought it at Perfect Home. There were a few other styles that were nice too, but I liked that one best.

WA Yes, it was very nice. I want to buy one for my grandmother's birthday.

MB That's a great idea. It makes a great gift, and it was on sale too.

What does the woman ask about?

A.A mug

B.A clock

C.A brief case

D.A picture frame

听力原文:W: You must have been driving too fast.M: No,I crashed into the tree because I wa

听力原文:W: You must have been driving too fast.

M: No,I crashed into the tree because I was trying not to hit a box that had fallen off the truck just ahead.

Q: What happened to the man?


A.He hit a tree.

B.He hit a truck.

C.He hit a box.

D.He hurt his head.

听力原文:M: Why were you late for work today?W: I overslept and missed the train.Q: Why wa

听力原文:M: Why were you late for work today?

W: I overslept and missed the train.

Q: Why was the woman late?


A.She got up later than usual.

B.She took the wrong train.

C.She forgot that she should work.

D.The train was late.

听力原文:MA I want to burn these lectures onto one CD, but I'm having trouble doing it. I
keep getting an error message.

WA Have you checked all the settings on your software program?

MA I did, but it's the first time I've used this software and maybe I missed something.

WA Let me take a look... Okay, here's the problem... You had the wrong box checked for the file-type. You need to mark the box that says "MP-three." Try copying again, it should work this time.

What does the man want to do?

A.Backup a database

B.Copy files to a CD

C.Install some software

D.Download a file to his computer

听力原文:W: That'll be 8 dollars, not 7dollars.M: Sorry. I thought the fare to New York wa

听力原文:W: That'll be 8 dollars, not 7dollars.

M: Sorry. I thought the fare to New York was 7 dollars.

W: There is an additional charge of 1 dollar if you buy your tickets on the train when the ticket office is open.

How much more does the man have to pay?





听力原文:M: Why were you late for work today?W: I overslept and missed the train.Q: Why wa

听力原文:M: Why were you late for work today?

W: I overslept and missed the train.

Q: Why was the woman late?


A.She got up later than usual.

B.She took the wrong train.

C.She forgot that she should work.

D.The train was late.

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