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听力原文:M: I figured it all out. It looks like it'll take us about seven hours to drive f

rom here to Shanghai.

F: It'd be more relaxing to take the train. But I guess we should watch our expenses.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.They should take the train instead.

B.They have to drive to Shanghai for economic reason.

C.They'd better driver faster.

D.Their watches are too expensive.

提问人:网友chenjia876 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“听力原文:M: I figured it all out. …”相关的问题
听力原文:W What are you doing sitting in the dark? Why don't you turn on the light? M I ha

听力原文:W What are you doing sitting in the dark? Why don't you turn on the light?

M I had it on, but it just turned off a few minutes ago. I figured the electricity had gone out in the building. W No, these lights go off in half an hour if they detect no movement in the room. To turn them back on, all you have to do is wave your arms.

M You're kidding! I didn't even budge when the lights went out. I suppose if I had gotten up, I would have figured out what was going on.

Why is the woman surprised?

A.The office is unlocked.

B.The office is very cold.

C.The man is sitting in the dark.

D.The man is leaving the office early.

听力原文:W: I just can't believe this is our last year. College is going by fast.M: Yeah,

听力原文:W: I just can't believe this is our last year. College is going by fast.

M: Yeah, we'll have to face the real world soon. So have you figured about what you are going to do after you graduate?

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The two speakers are at a loss about what to do.

B.The man is worried about his future.

C.The two speakers are seniors at college.

D.The woman regrets spending her time idly.

Part ADirections: You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one questi

Part A

Directions: You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer ― A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.

听力原文:M: I understand you missed the calculus problem on today's homework.

W: Yes, and if I had just used my head, I would have figured it out!

What does the woman mean?

A.She figured the problem out in her head.

B.She was ahead of the other students until today.

C.She didn't think careful about the problem.

D.She used her calculator to do the problem.

听力原文:W Hi Tom, I tried installing my new car stereo, but I guess I'm just not good wit
h electronics. Do you think you can help me?

M I've never installed a car stereo before. I'm not sure I'd be able to do it.

W Oh. I figured since you were able to wire your home system, you could install a car stereo. Do you have any friends who can do it? I'm afraid a professional might be expensive.

M Well, let me look at the directions first. I'll stop by later this afternoon and try to do it, and if I can't, you should have it done professionally. I don't think it's very expensive at all.

What is the purpose of the call?

A.To return a call

B.To ask for a favor

C.To suggest an activity

D.To request information

听力原文:M: Where are you going to go for summer vacation?W: I was going to go to France a

听力原文:M: Where are you going to go for summer vacation?

W: I was going to go to France and Germany, but with the depreciation of the dollar, I'm having second thoughts.

M: It's not as though there was nowhere to go in the States, right?

W: You know, I've only ever been to seven states. I figured I might take a trip down the West Coast.

M: You could do a lot worse than that. There's some stunning scenery and the people in those parts are really friendly.

W: That's what I heard. Anyway, I'm going to take a look at some second hand trailers this month. I can pick one up really cheap and then I won't need to pay for motels every night.

M: I wouldn't recommend that. Trailers aren't cheap and can be pretty unreliable. The weather on the West Coast in the summer is going to be really good. You'd be much better off just buying a tent.

Where is the woman planning to go on vacation?




D.The UK.

听力原文:M: Where axe you going to go for summer vacation?W: I was going to go to France a

听力原文:M: Where axe you going to go for summer vacation?

W: I was going to go to France and Germany, but with the depreciation of the dollar, I'm having second thoughts.

M: It's not as though there was nowhere to go in the States, right?

W: You know, I've only ever been to seven states. I figured I might take a trip down the West Coast.

M: You could do a lot worse than that. There's some stunning scenery and the people in those parts are really friendly.

W: That's what I heard. Anyway, I'm going to take a look at some second hand trailers this month. I can pick one up really cheap and then I won't need to pay for motels every night.

M: I wouldn't recommend that. Trailers aren't cheap and can be pretty unreliable. The weather on the West Coast in the summer is going to be really good. You'd be much better off just buying a tent.

Where is the woman planning to go on vacation?




D.The UK.

听力原文:M: Yael, what's that in your hand?W: Come on, Don. Haven't you seen a cigarette b

听力原文:M: Yael, what's that in your hand?

W: Come on, Don. Haven't you seen a cigarette before? Every day in the United States, about 1500 girls begin smoking, and I figured, why not do my share?

M: But Yael, don't you know that tobacco kills more than 140,000 women each year, and that half of those women are between the ages of thirty-five and sixty-nine?

W: Yeah, but that's why I smoke a brand brand with low nicotine and tar content.

M: Although tobacco companies advertise some cigarettes as "light", this is just an advertising ploy to obscure the risks associated with smoking — smoking a light cigarette is just as risky as smoking a regular one. In fact, research shows that people who smoke light cigarettes actually smoke differently in order to get higher levels of nicotine.

W: I didn't know that.

M: The one thing you can say about tobacco companies is that they are really savvy about marketing. While tobacco ads that target men focus on cigarettes as macho or cool, tobacco ads that target women focus on social and political themes important to women. For example, ads will say that you've come a long way, or that you've found your voice, or encourage you to just be yourself, as if smoking has anything to do with progress and self-expression. Young women are especially vulnerable to these ads because addiction, disease, and premature death seem so remote to them. And the thing is, people who have smoked as few as one hundred cigarettes report having difficulty quitting.

W: So, Don, can you pass me that ashtray?

M: With pleasure, Yael, as long as you put it out.

What are the speakers talking about?

A.Tobacco advertisement.

B.Tobacco companies.

C.Smoking men.

D.Smoking women.

听力原文:W: Hi. Can I help you?M: Yeah, I'm looking for a reference book. W: OK. Do you kn

听力原文:W: Hi. Can I help you?

M: Yeah, I'm looking for a reference book. W: OK. Do you know the title?

M: Well. I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for. I need information on European demographics.

W: OK, do you just need population statistics, like, total population, male-female ... real basics for demographics?

M: Yeah. Population, literacy rate, uh, let's see ... life expectancy by gender, like if women tend to live longer than men ... things like that.

W: OK, well, I'm pretty sure you can get most—if not all—of those statistics from an atlas.

M: Yeah, but I'm kind of looking for it by city, not by country.

W: I see ...

M: Well, do you know if there are any other reference books I can use for this?

W: Hmmm. Maybe you could tell me what this is for; maybe I can help you better.

M: OK. Geography with Professor Miller and it's sort of an analysis of, uh, urban areas, a comparison of population trends and economic indicators, social indicators ...

W: Did your professor give you any ideas on where to look?

M: No. She just gave us the assignment and I figured I could find what I needed here without too much of a problem.

W: Yeah, it should be easier than this. I mean, I know there's one for North American cities, but I don't think that'll be a big help.

M: Nah.

W: Let's go over to the reference section. Let's take a look around that area and see if anything looks promising.

What does the man need from the library?

A.A research study written by his professor.

B.Demographic information about people living in Europe.

C.Information on research methods in demographics.

D.A specific geography reference book.

听力原文:M: Hi, Cathy. I am here because I visited caves all over North America. Since you
are going to study cave formations, Dr. Bow asked me to come to share some of my experiences with you.

W: Hi, Bill. So wonderful! I can't wait to hear about it!

M: Recently, I visited the La Chagire Cave in New Mexico, my dream has always been to discover a new passage way. I had a chance there, because La Chagire is so large that discoveries are frequently made there.

W: Was it newly discovered?

M: The cave was not even discovered until 1986.

However, people in that area had figured that there must be a cave nearby, because of the strong wind that blew from behind the huge rock that covered the entrance. Enormous amount of air enter and exit the cave in order to maintain balance of the pressure with the inside air.

W: You must have had to fight heavy wind when you were in the cave.

M: Exactly, I had to fight 45 mile per hour winds. After all that effort, I had to be extremely careful maintaining my energy level. People who are tired tend to be careless, and may be more concerned about getting out of the cave than taking care of it.

W: Anything interesting or thrilling in the cave?

M: There are formations in La Chagire that look like ocean waves, Christmas trees and other stuff no one has ever seen before.

W: Caves are normally created by carbonic acid, right?

M: But this cave sculpted out by very powerful sulfuric acid that swells up from below.


A.He was asked to leads group of inexperienced carets there.

B.It was the first cave that he had ever visited.

C.Clearly marked trails made it easy to explore.

D.lie hoped to make a discovery.

听力原文:W: I haven't seen you down at the tennis court in weeks. Have you been on vacatio

M: No, I have been around. It's just that I've got this pain in my elbow that's keeping me from playing tennis. And you know how much I love tennis!

W: I know. I used to see you practice every night. So what have you been doing to treat your elbow?

M: You name it pain-killers, heating pads, ice. But nothing seems to work.

W: Have you tried acupuncture?

M: Well, I've heard about it--they stick needles in all parts of your body, but I'm not too sure.

W: I don't blame you for being hesitant. I had a similar problem with my shoulder a while back. But I read an article about acupuncture for relieving pain, so I figured, why not? I'll try it.

M: And it worked?

W: It worked for me. The article was about an acupuncturist in California who's been successful in helping 90 percent of the people he's treated for the pain they get in their hands when they type too much.

M: That sounds promising. Now, isn't acupuncture a Chinese tradition?

W: That's right. The Chinese have been using acupuncture to treat pain for thousands of years. But it's really starting to catch on over here now. There are more than 9,000 licensed acupuncturists in the United States.

M: Wow! Is there an acupuncturist near campus?

W: There sure is. Are you busy now? I could walk you over there and you could make an appointment.

M: That'd be great. I want to get this problem taken care of as soon as possible so I can start playing tennis again.


A.Places to play tennis.

B.A way to relieve pain.

C.Common sports injuries.

D.A topic for a research paper.

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