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听力原文:W: Bird watching! Now what is it people love about this so much?M: I think it's t

听力原文:W: Bird watching! Now what is it people love about this so much?

M: I think it's the challenge, it keeps your brain going, you feel like a little kid on a treasure hunt. You're poking around the trees, and looking for little hidden birds.

W: The three central characters in your book, the top finishers in the 1998 Big Year competition, were clearly looking for a challenge. Tell us how the Big Year works.

M: Well, the Big Year is a contest with no referees and few rules. The idea is, who can see the most species of birds in North America in one year. So you can see them however you want. You can fly to see them, ride a bike to see them. In one case, they even took a helicopter to see them in the Ruby Mountains of Nevada.

W: And they chase the birds through the canyon, as I recall.

M: They did, up and over peaks, and one guy had a horrible seasickness problem.

W: It is said he just hoped he could hold his breakfast together.

M: And he did, and he got the bird. What a great bonus.

What do the man and the woman talk about?

A.A book on birds.

B.Species of birds.

C.A man chasing birds.

D.Activities of watching birds.

提问人:网友huzhuo800 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“听力原文:W: Bird watching! Now wha…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Do you mind if I turn the television off?W: Well, I'm in the middle of watchin

听力原文:M: Do you mind if I turn the television off?

W: Well, I'm in the middle of watching a program.

M: Sorry, I didn't notice that.

What does the woman imply?

A.The man should leave the television on.

B.The program will be over soon.

C.She'll watch television later.

D.The man should watch the program too.

听力原文:M: Chris just bought a bird, and she paid five hundred dollars for it!W: And I'll

听力原文:M: Chris just bought a bird, and she paid five hundred dollars for it!

W: And I'll bet she still hasn't had her brakes fixed.

Q: What does the woman imply about Chris?


A.The bird will make her happy.

B.She should have paid less for the bird.

C.She has spent her money unwisely.

D.She needs to buy a new car.

听力原文:M: Oh, my! I am already ten minutes late. Does Prof. Brown always start the class
at nine?

W: Does a bird fly?

Q: What does the woman imply about Prof. Brown?


A.His lecture today is about bird's behavior.

B.Prof. Brown will cancel class today.

C.He always starts the class at nine.

D.He always begins the class ten minutes late.

听力原文:W: What are you doing recently?M: I got a job at the restaurant, but it doesn' t

听力原文:W: What are you doing recently?

M: I got a job at the restaurant, but it doesn' t sound very interesting.

W: How much will they pay you?

M: $ 160 a week.

W: I'd take it if I were you.

M: But it doesn't sound interesting.

W: But you need a job, don't you?

M: But I might find a better job somewhere.

W: Maybe, but a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

M: I think you are right.

Where does the man get his job?

A.At a restaurant.

B.At a company.

C.At a hotel.

听力原文:M:Hurry up, Linda! I hear that there aren't many tickets left for the football ma

W:I am ready now. Let's go. It is the early bird that catches the worm.

Q:Why did the man ask the woman to hurry up?


A.He didn't want to warm up for the game.

B.He didn't want to be held up in traffic.

C.He wanted to make sure they got tickets.

D.He wanted to catch as many birds as possible.

听力原文:M: Hurry up, Linda. I hear that there aren't many tickets left for the football m

W: I'm ready now. Let's go. It's the early bird that catches the worm.

Q: Why did the man ask the woman to hurry up?


A.He didn't want to warm up for the game.

B.He didn't want to be held up in traffic.

C.He wanted to make sure they got tickets.

D.He wanted to catch as many game birds as possible.

听力原文:I believe that bird is known as a common finch.(A) Yes, he told me he was.(B) It'

听力原文:I believe that bird is known as a common finch.

(A) Yes, he told me he was.

(B) It's quite lovely.

(C) He's well known in the industry.





听力原文:M: Hey, Carla, haven't seen you for a long time. Look, what's new?W: Well, I got

听力原文:M: Hey, Carla, haven't seen you for a long time. Look, what's new?

W: Well, I got a new car.

M: Really? What happened to old Betsy? Sold it?

W: (9) After 150,000 miles, she finally died.

M: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

W: Me, too. It had been my favorite once.

M: So what kind of car did you get?

W: A Toyota. In the beginning I wanted to buy an American car. But you know, recently the oil price has been going up continuously. So I decided to get an economical type.

M: That's a good little car. Have you ever thought about how cars get their names?

W: Huh-uh, not really.

M: Well think about it. Toyota has a series of different names for its ears. They all start with a "c" and sound Italian, but they don't mean anything.

W: Just like lots of American cars are named after birds or fast animals, such as "Blue Bird", "Eagle".

M: Car companies must spend a lot of time and money coming up with these names. Speaking of which, what are you going to call your new car?

W: I don't know yet. Do you have any ideas?

In this conversation, what is Betsy?

A.A grandmother.

B.A pet.

C.A car.

D.A friend.

Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conve

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.

听力原文:M: So, Kathy, you are the manager of the Canford Street Park. Tell me something about it.

W: Well, the park provides an environment where flowers, birds, butterflies and trees...where all these can-live naturally, with no human interference.

Q: What kind of a park are the two speakers talking about?


A.A flower park.

B.A bird park.

C.A forest park.

D.A nature park.

听力原文:The cowbird is an unusual American bird, which builds no nest. Instead, a female
lays an egg in the nest of another bird and leaves the chicks to be hatched and raised by the adopted parents. Usually, these adopted parents don't seem to notice anything strange about the young cowbird.Even though it may be twice size of their own chicks.

What is remarkable about the cowbird?

A.The cowbird builds its nest.

B.The cowbird sits on the cow.

C.The cowbird has its own chicks.

D.The cowbird builds no nest.

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