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听力原文: Education is so important in the whole world. Every country takes a certain amou

nt of money from tariffs. According to different countries, there are different strategies. Education is required and free for every child in the United States. Most children start by the age of six. They attend eight years of elementary school and four years of high school(or secondary school). The money for free public schools comes from taxes, and each state is responsible for its own educational system. State legislatures set the educational requirements but leave the management of the schools in the hands of the local 'communities. Most states require their children to go to school until a certain age. This age varies from 16 to 18 years according to the laws of the individual states. The Federal government contributes funds to the states for additional schools and school services.

After graduation from high school, a student can start his higher education in a two-year college, a four-year college, a university, or a specialized professional school either public or private. Most colleges admit students on the basis of their high-school records. Students work to help pay their college expenses. Only 2 percent of the population of the country cannot read and write.

During the whole life of a person, most of the time was spent in studying. And we should put our energy and youth to the valuable career. Study more and learn more.


A.From the Federal government.

B.From the state legislatures.

C.From taxes.

D.From the parents of the school children.

提问人:网友jwmshiwo 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“听力原文: Education is so importan…”相关的问题
听力原文:Smaller class sizes in early grades translated into students scoring higher on ma
th tests in later grades in Tennessee's experiment to see if smaller classes improved education, a study said of Friday.

The result of the experiment suggests that whether smaller classes can improve education is not clear.



听力原文:W: How can your daughter pay for her education at the university?M: We have saved

听力原文:W: How can your daughter pay for her education at the university?

M: We have saved some money for her educational expenses and she can get a part-time job.

Q: What are they talking about?


A.The man's daughter's educational expenses.

B.The woman's daughter's educational expenses.

C.The man's daughter's lack of money.

D.The woman' s daughter' s laziness.

听力原文:M: Together we made $ 50,000 a year. where did you spend it all? How do you expec
t to save for Jack's college education?

W: Where did I spend it? Don't you eat three meals a day?

Q: What are they quarrelling about?



B.Theh' car.


D.Jack's education.

听力原文:The decentralization, diversity, academic freedom and shared governance that have
evolved over the past two centuries have made America's system of higher education one of the most accessible and democratic in the world. Today educators from around the globe are turning to U.S. institutions of higher learning for inspiration.

According to the passage, what has made America's system of higher education a great success?

A.Accessibility, diversity, academic freedom and centralized governance.

B.Diversity, academic freedom, democracy and centralization.

C.Shared governance, diversity, academic freedom and accessibility.

D.Decentralization, diversity, academic freedom and shared governance.

听力原文:W: I'm looking for textbook for my Psychology course. It's called "Introduction t
o Education Psychology". Do you have it?

M: Yes, we do. You'll find it in Section 24 on the top shelf.

Q: What's the man's occupation?


A.A teacher.

B.A psychologist.

C.A librarian.

D.A publisher.

听力原文:W: Hi, Peter, I was surprised to see you in tile class in children's literature y
esterday. Are you also majoring in elementary education?

M: No, I'm not. But as a psychology major I can use this to fulfill the requirement in developmental psychology.

Q: What do you learn from the conversation?


A.The two speakers are classmates.

B.The man is majoring in elementary education.

C.The woman is majoring in elementary education.

D.The two speakers got to know each other in a class.

听力原文:W: Hi, Peter. I was surprised to see you in the class in Children's Literature ye
sterday. Are you also majoring in elementary education?

M: No, I'm not. But as a psychology major, I can use this to fulfill the requirement in developmental psychology.

Q: What do you learn from the conversation?


A.The two speakers are classmates.

B.The man is majoring in elementary education.

C.The woman is majoring hi elementary education.

D.The two speakers got to know each other in a class.

听力原文:Life in the twentieth century must demand preparations. Today, all individuals in

听力原文: Life in the twentieth century must demand preparations. Today, all individuals in a country must have adequate schooling to prepare them for their work as well as for their responsibilities as citizens. With this faith in mind, national leaders everywhere placing more emphasis on the education of the young.

In the United States, government officials, parents, and teachers are working hard to give the children tomorrow's decision - makers best preparation available.

There is no national school policy in the United States. Each of the fifty states makes its own rules and regulations for its schools, but there are many similarities among the fifty school systems. Public schools in all states are supported by taxes paid by the citizens of the individual state. In most states the children are required to attend school until they reach the age of sixteen.

When they become six years old, children begin elementary school. After six years in elementary, they go into junior high school and remain there for three years. The last three years of their public school education are spent in senior high school from which they graduate at the age of eighteen.

A great number of high school graduates continue their education in one of the many colleges or universities in the country. After four years, they receive a bachelor's degree. Some continue studying for a master's degree and perhaps a doctor's degree.


A.School and Education.

B.Individuals in the United States.

C.Responsibilities as Citizens.

D.Tomorrow's Decision- makers.

听力原文:W: Hi, John. I was surprised to see you in the class in children's literature yes
terday. Are you also majoring in elementary education?

M: No, I'm not. But as a psychology major I can use this to fulfill the requirement in developmental psychology.

Q: What do you learn from the conversation'?.


A.The two speakers are classmates.

B.The man is majoring in elementary education.

C.The woman is majoring in elementary education.

D.The two speakers got to know each other in a class.

听力原文:W: Hi, Peter. I was surprised to see you in the class in children's literature ye
sterday. Are you also majoring in elementary education?

M: No, I'm not. But as a psychology major I can use this to fulfill the requirement in developmental psychology..

Q: What do you learn from the conversation?


A.The two speakers are classmates.

B.Tire man is majoring in elementary education.

C.The woman is majoring in elementary, education.

D.The two speakers got to know each other in a class.

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