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Rose: Hi, Lisa. What's wrong with you?______. Lisa: No, I don't. I've got the flu.

Rose: Hi, Lisa. What's wrong with you?______.

Lisa: No, I don't. I've got the flu.

提问人:网友siicwzy 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Rose: Hi, Lisa. What's wrong w…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Hi, Zach.M: Hey, Lisa. What are you doing here?W: I work here on weekends. How

听力原文:W: Hi, Zach.

M: Hey, Lisa. What are you doing here?

W: I work here on weekends. How come you decided to come to the travel agency? Planning a trip?

M: Yeah, well, you know our breaks are coming, and I need a quick getaway trip somewhere.

W: Well, someone's got the money to burn. But we hardworking students need a break too.

M: I'm going to tell you upfront Lisa. It's not what you think. I'm on a tight budget like everyone else here but I have to get out of this town for a while.

W: Where to?

M: Florida. I'll go see a Miami Dolphin football game.

W: And you need a flight for next week? Well, you are the one who leaves things to the last minute but hmm.., let me take a look at the screen... United's got one to Miami, but a bit expensive, so let me see if there is anything else available.

M: Preferably below $400 for return, can you swing it?

W: One by Phoenix Air for $350. It's a small plane though. Are you sure you don't want me to check again for other flights? It would only take a second.

M: No, that sounds within my range.

W: All tight. Just let me phone in and confirm the times.


A.She works in the travel agency on weekends.

B.She goes to see the man working in the travel agency.

C.She wants to buy a plane ticket.

D.She used to work in the travel agency.

听力原文:Lisa: Hi, Howard. What are you working on?Howard: Hi, Lisa. (5[D]) I've just fini

听力原文:Lisa: Hi, Howard. What are you working on?

Howard: Hi, Lisa. (5[D]) I've just finished a piece of background music.

Lisa: Background music? Oh, like the music they're playing here now.

Howard: Yes. You hear it everywhere — in restaurants, airports, supermarkets...

Lisa: In banks too. I noticed it while at the bank today.

Howard: You're not supposed to notice it. (8[D]) It's just in the background. It' supposed to put you in the right mood.

Lisa: I'm not sure I like that idea.

Howard: Well, it seems to work. Companies pay millions of dollars every year for background music. (6[A])Wssupposed to give you a better feeling about yourself and the people around you. Factories use it a lot.It makes the workers happy, and they work better that way. In one factory, music increased roduction 4.5 percent.

Lisa: Now that I think about it, I can't remember when there wasn't background music in restaurants and stores.

Howard: Yeah, I know that hamburger places play fast music. When they started playing faster music, they found that a customer spent only seventeen minutes eating. The time was twenty-two minutes before that.

Lisa: (7[C]) So they have more people coming in and out to buy hamburgers.

Howard: Exactly. And that's good for business. You can see why music has become so popular. In Los Angeles, for instance, thirty different companies are selling background music services.

Lisa: I still think there's something about it that I don't quite like.

Howard: I know what you mean, but lots of people would not agree with you.

Howard is probably ______.

A.an orchestra conductor

B.a music fan

C.a sales manager in a music company

D.a background music composer

听力原文:(M = man; W = woman)M: Hi, Lisa. How’s life on campus?W: Hi, John. Oh not so had.

听力原文:(M = man; W = woman)

M: Hi, Lisa. How’s life on campus?

W: Hi, John. Oh not so had. Pretty good in fact.

M: Is that what you think? I mean, do you like living on campus?

W: Yeah, I enjoy living here because there' s so many people around and it' s easy to make friends. Wliat about you? Have you ever lived in a dorm before?

M: No, this is the first time.

W: I think you'll find it quite convenient. The library, labs, sports center and other facilities are fight on campus.

M: That' s true. The atmosphere here is different from the outside. But I guess living in town has its advantages too, like being close to the shopping center. You know, our university is so far from downtown.

W: But the commuting to classes... I mean, you would have to get up so early to get to classes on time. And then going home would be so much time.

M: Yeah, but the food here...it seems it's the same thing in the cafeteria every day.

W: Well, I think the food here is OK, and if you want a change, you can eat out once in a while.

M: True.


A.She thinks it' s easy to make friends.

B.She likes to eat in the cafeteria.

C.She can save a lot of time.

D.She likes being close to the shopping center.

根据对话内容,按正确的顺序写出以下8个句子的序号 (字...

根据对话内容,按正确的顺序写出以下8个句子的序号 (字母需大写,答案之间空一格即可)。 A That's too bad. Are you going to see a doctor? B I'm glad to hear that. C How do you feel tonight? D I'm fine, thanks. How are you? E So, are you going to go to school tomorrow? F What's wrong? G Great. See you tomorrow. H I hope you feel better soon. In the afternoon Jason: Hi, Lisa. How are you? Lisa: _______________ Jason: Not so good. Actually, I feel really awful. Lisa: ________________ Jason: I think I have the flu. Lisa: ________________ Jason: No, I'm going to go home and rest. Lisa: ________________ Jason: Thanks. In the evening 2. Lisa: __________________ Jason: I feel much better. Lisa: __________________ Jason: Thanks. Lisa: __________________ Jason: Yes, I am. Lisa: __________________

听力原文:M: Hello, you must be Lisa? Please come in, I am Harry Smith from Harvard.W: Hi,

听力原文:M: Hello, you must be Lisa? Please come in, I am Harry Smith from Harvard.

W: Hi, Dr. Smith, I am Lisa. Dr. Watts recommended me to come here.

M: It is a pleasure to be able to finally meet you! Dr. Watts has been telling me so many good things about you.

W: That's very flattering. But I am not sure that I deserve all of that praise!

M: Yes, of course you do! I have learned so much about you. It's so fresh to see a student who is so modest about her accomplishments. Now would you mind my telling you what type of help I will need with my project.

W: Sure.

M: I am basically looking for someone who can gather information regarding cultures which exist along the Amazon River.

W: Really? What a coincidence! That's the topic for my senior paper!

M: That's fabulous! Would you be available to do around 16- 20 hours of research each week? I'm currently on vacation, so I'll be staying in Southern California the next three months. Perhaps we could meet each week to review your findings.

W: That's great! I will be very happy to work with you.

M: Good, if you decide to take this short-term job, the university has agreed to provide 4 credit hours for your work in this position.

W: Really? Thank you so much! I'd like to start the work immediately!


A.Bemuse Dr. Watts recommended her to come.

B.Because Lisa was very modest.

C.Because Lisa has got a lot of praise from the teachers.

D.Because her teacher has praised her before Prof. Smith.

What is the woman eager to see in the future?A.The Eiffel Tower.B.The famous fountain.C.Th

What is the woman eager to see in the future?

A.The Eiffel Tower.

B.The famous fountain.

C.The Mona Lisa.

D.The famous cathedral.

SECTION BINTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen c


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.

Now listen to the interview.

听力原文:Bill: Hi, Howard. What are you working now?.

Howard: Hi, Bill. Hi, Lisa. I've just finished a piece of background music.

Lisa: Background music? Oh, like the music they're playing here now.

Howard: Yes. You hear it everywhere--in restaurants, airports, supermarkets, department stores...

Bill: In banks, too. I noticed it while we were at the bank today.

Lisa: Did you? I didn't.

Howard: You're not supposed to notice it. It’s just there, in the background. It's supposed to influence your attitudes, put you in the right mood.

Lisa: I'm not sure I like that idea.

Howard: Well, it seems to work. Companies pay millions of dollars every year for background music. It's supposed to give you a better feeling about yourself and the people around you. Factories use it a lot. It makes the workers happy, and they work better that way. In one factory, music increased production 4.5 percent.

Bill: I should think they'd get tired of hearing music all day.

Howard: They don't, though. One fellow in San Francisco told me, "If the music stops, somebody always runs to the telephone to complain.”

Lisa: Now that I think about it, I can't remember when there wasn't background music in restaurants and stores.

Howard: That shows how young you are. Actually, it all started during World War II when some factories had their own orchestras to keep workers happy and calm. Now, of course, the music is piped in by a machine, and different kinds of music are played at different times during the day. They play faster music at ten in the morning than at eight, for instance, because workers tend to be slower then.

Bill: What about restaurants? Do they play the same music for dinner and lunch?

Howard: I don't know about that, but I do know that hamburger places play fast music. When they started playing faster music, they found that a customer spent only seventeen minutes eating. The time was twenty-two minutes before that.

Lisa: So they have more people coming in and out to buy hamburgers.

Howard: Exactly. And that's good for business. You can see why music has become so popular. In Los Angeles, for instance, thirty different companies are selling background music services.

Lisa: I still think there's something about it that I dolor quite like.

Howard: I know what you mean, but lots of people would not agree with you. The Xerox Corporation in Rochester, N.Y. spends more than $ 80,000 a year for background music. Prisons use it, and farmers use it to keep their cattle calm. It's even supposed to have an effect on plants.

Howard is probably______.

A.an orchestra conductor

B.a music fan

C.a sales manager in a music company

D.a background music composer

Complete the conversation. Choose from the answers (A-D).Rose: Hi, Jon. I see you're
Complete the conversation. Choose from the answers (A-D).Rose: Hi, Jon. I see you're

Complete the conversation. Choose from the answers (A-D).

Rose: Hi, Jon. I see you're working on our math homework.

Jon: I'm trying!

Rose: Well, I finished mine. I can help you.____, actually.

Jon: Maybe for you, but____

Rose: Yeah, I guess I am good at working with numbers in my head. You can use a calculator if you want.

Jon: That's a good idea. Now, I have to find it!


Jon: That would be great, Rose. I'll look in my bag. Can you look in my desk?

Rose: Sure. No problem.____

A、I'll give you a hand if you like.

B、It's really pretty simple

C、I'm not very good at things like that.

D、Let me show you.

听力原文:W: Who's your new secretary, Tom?M: Miss Lisa. I'm very pleased with the work tha

听力原文:W: Who's your new secretary, Tom?

M: Miss Lisa. I'm very pleased with the work that she has done so far.

Q: What do we know about the man's secretary?


A.The secretary is not very efficient.

B.The secretary is a man.

C.The secretary has not been working there very long.

D.The secretary is married.

On the first day of school one of my classmates began a talk with me that changed my life.
She said, "Hi, handsome. My name is Rose. Im eighty-seven years old. " "Why are you in college at such an age?" I asked. "I always dreamed of having a college education and now Im getting one!" she told me. After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends. At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet and Ill never forget what she taught us. She cleared her throat and began: "We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor each and every day. Youve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are dead and they dont even know it! There is a giant difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and dont do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight. Anybody can grow older. That doesnt take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The elderly usually dont have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets. " She concluded her speech by courageously singing "The Rose. " She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives. At the years end, Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years before. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep. Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that its never too late to be all you can possibly be.

What is the meaning of "We became instant friends. " in Paragraph 4?

A.We became friends right away.

B.We never talked to each other after then.

C.We did not keep our friendship for a long time.

D.We often helped each other after making friends.

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