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听力原文:The Roberts were driving through Port Merlin when they' heard a loud explosion. A

听力原文: The Roberts were driving through Port Merlin when they' heard a loud explosion. At first they thought it was the noise of a plane but before long they saw smoke using a few blocks away and a little further on they came upon a crowd in the street and men with armbands directing the traffic. The way ahead was blocked and they were in a one-way street, so they tried taking a short cut down a side street and soon found themselves in a bad traffic jam. The car in front of them stopped and couldn't start again, so Mr. Robert helped the driver to push it ont of the way.

In the meantime two fire engines as well as ambulances and police arrived and the ambulance men began looking for victims among the debris. The police put up a barrier with a notice across the street leading to the building, which was badly damaged, and tried to stop sightseers from getting near. Two of the ambulance men heard noises while they were searching. It sounded like someone knocking, so they took it in turn to clear away some bricks to get at the person under the floor beneath them. In the end they succeeded in rescuing him.

Some of those who had narrow escapes were interviewed by press reporter. Apparently the explosion had been caused by a leaking gas pipe and it looked as if the firm which had recently fitted the pipes was responsible for the accident.


A.The noise of a plane.

B.The noise of a car crash.

C.The noise of the crowd.

D.A loud explosion.

提问人:网友bixkjwfnh 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“听力原文:The Roberts were driving …”相关的问题
听力原文:What did the hotel clerk say? (A) I stayed at the hotel. (B) He said no rooms wer

听力原文:What did the hotel clerk say?

(A) I stayed at the hotel.

(B) He said no rooms were available.

(C) The clerk filed the letters.





听力原文:W: How many people showed up for the meeting yesterday? Twenty-five?M: Twenty wer

听力原文:W: How many people showed up for the meeting yesterday? Twenty-five?

M: Twenty were expected to come, but the number was double that.

Q: What is the actual number of people who attended the meeting?






听力原文:W: How about your interview?M: I couldn't feel better about it! The questions wer

听力原文:W: How about your interview?

M: I couldn't feel better about it! The questions were not difficult, and I was not nervous. And I seemed to give satisfactory answers for all of them.

How does the man feel about the interview?

A.He thinks it is easy.

B.He thinks it is difficult.

C.He thinks it is not fair.

D.He thinks he did it well.

How did people respond to Bush' nomination of Roberts?A.Both Republicans and Democrats wer

How did people respond to Bush' nomination of Roberts?

A.Both Republicans and Democrats were in favor of the nomination.

B.Both Republicans and Democrats were worried about the nomination.

C.Democrats supported the nomination while Republicans were worded about it.

D.Republicans supported the nomination while Democrats were worded about it.

听力原文:President Bush named federal appeals judge John G. Roberts Jr. to fill the first

听力原文: President Bush named federal appeals judge John G. Roberts Jr. to fill the first Supreme Court vacancy in a decade on Tuesday, delighting Republicans and unsettling Democrats by picking a young jurist of impeccably conservative credentials.

If confirmed by the Republican-controlled Senate, the 50-year-old Roberts would succeed retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, long a swing vote on a court divided over abortion, affirmative action, states' rights and more.

Bush offered Roberts the job in a lunchtime telephone call, then invited him to the White House for a nationally televised, prime-time announcement. The president said his choice will "strictly apply the Constitution in laws, not legislate from the bench."

The confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee was expected to begin in late August or early September. That would allow plenty of time for the Senate to meet Bush's timetable of a vote before the high court begins its new term on Oct. 3.

Bush administration officials arranged for Roberts to pay his first courtesy calls on leading senators on Wednesday after breakfast with Bush in the White House residence. Republican reaction to the appointment was strongly supportive, while Democrats responded in measured terms.

"I'm just a little surprised that he's already subject to criticism. But this is America," said Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa. , chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass,, reflecting an emerging Dem ocratic strategy, said he would use the hearings to probe whether Roberts can "separate his personal ideology frmn the rule of law."

Advocacy groups on the left and the right have made plans for multi million-dollar confirmation campaigns featuring television advertising and grass-roots organizing designed to sway swing vote senators. The ferocity of the battle is undetermined, however.

According to the news items, the retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor must______.

A.be a conservative

B.be a liberal

C.be a moderate

D.have no position

听力原文: This is John Roberts reporting from Cardiff. Tile result of the match which fini
shed at four this afternoon between France and Wales was a draw. Neither side scored. The Dutch referee did not allow the one goal which France managed to kick. The reason for this was that a French player was unfortunately off side. So both teams went home disappointed. This means that neither the French nor the Welsh team will reach first place in this international competition.

However, I can say that the spectators were delighted with the game. They particularly admired the French forwards, who were already fast and often threatened the Welsh defence. Once it looked as though the Welsh goalkeeper was in serious trouble. He dived to his right to save a shot from the French center forward and crashed his head against the goal post. A doctor examined him but he soon began to play again. Of course the large, friendly crowd applauded him.

This report is about a game of ______.





听力原文: This is John Roberts reporting from Cardiff. The result of the match which finis
hed at four this afternoon between France and Wales was a draw. Neither side scored. The Dutch referee did not allow the one goal which France managed to kick. The reason for this was that a French player was unfortunately off side. So both teams went home disappointed. This means that neither the French nor the Welsh team will reach first place in this international competition.

However, I can say that the spectators were delighted with the game. They particularly admired the French forwards, who were already fast and often threatened the Welsh defence. Once it looked as though the Welsh goalkeeper was in serious trouble. He dived to his right to save a shot from the French center forward and crashed his head against the goal post. A doctor examined him but he soon began to play again. Of course the large, friendly crowd applauded him.

This report is about a game of ______.





听力原文:W: What do you want to do tonight?M: How about going to tile movies? I should be

听力原文:W: What do you want to do tonight?

M: How about going to tile movies? I should be home from work at 5:20. Then we can go out and eat and then to the movies.

W: What do you want to see?

M: Let's see the ad in the newspaper.

W: It starts at 6:30. I don't think we can get there in time to see the beginning. How about the one at the New State Cinema? That starts at 7:00.

M: I don't like Tom Cruise.

W: Well there's one with Zelta Jones and Tom Hanks that starts at 6:50, Maybe we can go to that.

M: I've already seen it. Maybe we should just stay home and watch TV.

W: There's a Julia Roberts movie on TV. How does that sound?

M: Yeah, let's just stay home and watch that. Then we can go out Friday night.

W: Did you forget that Allan and Catherine are coming to dinner that night? In addition we probably couldn't get a baby-sitter Friday. There's a school dance.

M: OK. I hope Saturday is all right. Do we have anything planned for then?

W: No, Saturday is fine. And there's a good movie starting on Saturday too.

M: Good. I'm going to play bowling Saturday morning but I'll be home by 2:00 p.m. Then we can go out for s big dinner and to the movies, if nothing else comes up.

W: I'm sure we'll be able to. It's so nice to share the wonderful romantic movie with my darling.

M: It's the same to me.


A.The weekend dancing.

B.The weekend shopping.

C.The weekend party.

D.The weekend arrangement.

SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

听力原文: Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, ER and Friends were some of ihe big Winners at the People’s Choice Awards on Sunday night.

Roberts took home the favorite motion picture actress award. Hanks wen favorite motion picture actor and favorite dramatic motion picture actor, beating out last year’s dual winner, Mel Gibson.

"People, love, and understanding. Thank you, everybody "Hanks said in his acceptance speech. "I' m a lucky man... I have a great job and I get to do it often enough to get me out of the house on school nights."

N Sync. Faith Hill and Garth Brooks were named favorite musicians.

The awards are decided through a public opinion poll conducted by Gallup. Favorite TV shows included ER. Friends. My Wife and Kids and Survivor: The Australian Outback.

The 28th annual People’s Choice Awards took its cue from the Emmys. In apparent reaction to the Sept. 11 attacks, it was a subdued affair. Dressy business attire took the place of formal wear as performers from movies, television, and music came together to allow the public to honor them.

This year, people were allowed to vote online in two categories -- favorite new television comedy series and favorite new drama.

The star of King of Queens Kevin James hosted the affair and provided comic relief. One of his funnier bits came when he donned a swan dress, á la Blork at last year’s Oscars, although he maintained he had the outfit first. A video clip was shown featuring him shopping, golfing and hanging out in the swan ensemble.

Which of the following words can best describe this year’s celebration?





SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

听力原文: Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, ER and Friends were some of the big winners at the People's Choice Awards on Sunday night.

Roberts took home the favorite motion picture actress award. Hanks won favorite motion picture actor and favorite dramatic motion picture actor, beating out last year's dual winner, Mel Gibson.

"People, love, and understanding. Thank you, everybody." Hanks said in his acceptance speech. "I'm a lucky man... I have a great job and I get to do it often enough to get me out of the house on school nights."

N Sync. Faith Hill and Garth Brooks were named favorite musicians.

The awards are decided through a public opinion poll conducted by Gallup. Favorite TV shows included ER, Friends, My Wife and Kids and Survivor: The Australian Outback.

The 28th annual People's Choice Awards took its cue from the Emmys. In apparent reaction to the Sept. 11 attacks, it was a subdued affair. Dressy business attire took the place of formal wear as performers from movies, television, and music came togehter to allow the public to honor them.

This year, people were allowed to vote online in two categories -- favorite new television comedy series and favorite new drama.

The star of King of Queens Kevin James hosted the affair and provided comic relief. One of his funnier bits came when he donned a swan dress, á la Blork at last year's Oscars, although he maintained he had the outfit first. A video clip was shown featuring him shopping, golfing and hanging out in the swan ensemble.

Which of the following words can best describe this year's celebration?





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