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Think of the ocean on a calm day. Ignoring the rise and fall of the waves, you might imagi

ne the surface was dead flat the whole way across. You'd be wrong. Hills and valleys are as much as a feature of the sea as the land, although on a much smaller scale.

These undulations have a variety of causes. Tides, currents, eddies, winds, river flow and changes in salinity and temperature push the sea level up in some places and down in others by as much as 2 meters. Ever tried swimming uphill?

How do we map these oceanic hills and valleys? First, we need to know what the planet would look like without them. This is where the geoid (大地水准面) comes in. It is a surface where the Earth's gravitational potential is equal and which best fits the global mean sea level. It is approximately an ellipsoid, though uneven distribution of mass within the Earth means that it can vary from this ideal by up to 150 meters.

The geoid represents the shape the sea surface would be if the oceans were net moving and affected only by gravity. Thus it can be used as a reference to measure any deviations in the ocean surface height that aren't caused by gravity—the hills and valleys, for instance, or any regional increase in sea level.

So how do you measure the geoid and the ocean's irregular topography? It's complicated. Geophysicists calculate the geoid using data on variation in gravitational acceleration from several dozen satellites.

The hills and valleys of the oceans are all very interesting, but can the geoid tell us anything more significant about the state of the planet? It certainly can. Knowing accurately where the geoid lies and how the Ocean surface deviates from it will help meteorologists spot changes in Ocean currents associated with climate change. The circumpolar current around Antarctic is one they are particularly interested in.

It can also predict local climate variations produced by events such as El Nino, El Nino keeps warm water that would normally move westwards close to the coast of South America, deprives Southeast Asia of its monsoon rains, and increases rainfall on the west coast of the Ametlca. Since temperature changes cause changes in sea level, geoid-watchers should be able to prepare us before it strikes.

From the first paragraph, we can learn that______.

A.the surface of the sea is a dead flat on a calm day

B.the sea waves are caused by a variety of factors

C.it's a good idea to swim uphill, sometime

D.hills and valleys only exist on land

提问人:网友chenhaihui 发布时间:2022-01-07
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Jinmay O’Bfien

A.Overfishing results from extensive use of new technologies.

B.Many people in my place support stricter regulation on fishing.

C.I think that you failed to point out the real reason for overfishing.

D.We are in a very weak position to compete with other countdes in fishing.

E.Sooner or later,we will feel regretful about out current fishing practice.

F.I didn’t know there were such damaging ways of fishing around the world.

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听力原文:M: Hey, Linda! Long time no see! I heard that you're going on a boat trip this af

W: Yes, l am, and I can't wait! I've never been up close to a whale before. Do you think we'll see many whales today?Cindy told me she didn't see anything last time, so I think it really depends on luck. What would you say?

M: Well, I think we should have better luck, because this is the best time of the year to see whales.

W: Why is winter the best time of the year to see whales?

M: At this time of the year, the whales are heading south from Alaska to warmer water for the winter. Then they'll return to Alaska before summer.

W: So we can see lots of whales busy traveling at this particular point. By the way, do you know how long the boat trip is? Cindy said it was like quite a long day, and I think it was probably because she didn't see anything.

M: The boat leaves at one o'clock and returns at about three o'clock. So you may want to get to the fisherman's wharf before one.

W: Only a two-hour trip?

M: Yes, the whale-watching travel is pretty close to shore, so we don't need to go out very far in the ocean to see them.

W: I guess two hours is probably enough. I've never actually been out on the ocean in a boat, and I'm not really sure I'll like it. OK, then, I will see you this afternoon?


A.She was very lucky to see many whales.

B.She didn't go to the whale-watching trip.

C.She didn't see a whale on her whale-watching trip.

D.She liked the whale-watching trip very much.

听力原文:W: (22) I don't know if we'll be able to spare a whole day at the Ocean Park. We'

听力原文:W: (22) I don't know if we'll be able to spare a whole day at the Ocean Park. We've only got four days in Hong Kong, remember?

M: Oh, right, well, in that case, I'd advise you to get there early. (22)1t opens at 10 o'clock in the morning on week ends. Look, I think I've got a plan of the place somewhere. Let me see.., yes, here we are. You can have this.

W: Thanks.

M: OK, I'll show you. Let's start with the lower level. See? Here? You arrive by taxi or bus or whatever here, on the right, can you see? That's the bus terminal. And you go in through the main entrance. (23)Yon could go to the Water world first but I think you'd better skip that as you're short of time.

W: I can see the cable cars.

M: OK, walk past the cable car terminal, at the bottom of the plan, (24)and bear right past the Waterfall Gardens. Actually? have a look in, there are ducks and other birds in the pool there-it's very pretty. Then you'll see some steps u p on the left. Follow that path and you'll come to the Centenary Garden which is a good place to stop and take pictures if you've got your camera.

W: What's the next place?

M: Then carry on until you're almost at the Children Zoo. It takes quite a long time to walk around. But I do recommend the "touch and feed" section opposite, as I said. (25)The fun fair is very interesting? but it’s great fun for older children.


A.The Waterfall Garden.

B.The theatre.

C.The Water World.

D.The Ocean Park.

O/F=OCEAN FREIGHT,海运费,一般是指不包括各种附加费的基本海运费。
A.Anti-animal-abuse demonstrations.B.Anti-nuclear campaigns.C.Surveying the Atlantic O

A.Anti-animal-abuse demonstrations.

B.Anti-nuclear campaigns.

C.Surveying the Atlantic Ocean floor.

D.Removing industrial waste.

听力原文:W: (22)I don't know if we'll be able to spare a whole day at the Oceam Park We've

听力原文:W: (22)I don't know if we'll be able to spare a whole day at the Oceam Park We've only got four days in Hong Kong, remember?

M: Oh, right, well, in that case. I'd advise you to get there early. (22)It opens at 10 o'clock in the morning on weekends. Look, I think I've got a plan of the place somewhere. Let me see.., yes, here we are. You can have this.

W: Thanks.

M: OK, I'll show you. Let's start with the lower level. See? Here? You arrive by taxi or bus or whatever here, on the right, can you see? That's the bus terminal. And you go ill through the main entrance. (23)You could go to the Water World first but I think you'd better skip that as you're short of time.

W: I can see the cable cars.

M: OK, walk past the cable car terminal, at tile bottom of the plan, (24)and bear right past the Waterfall Gardens. Actually, have a look in, there are ducks and other birds in the pool there--it's very pretty. Then you'll see some steps up on the left. Follow that path and you'll come to tile Centenary Garden which is a good place to stop and take pictures if you've got your camera.

W: What's the next place?

M: Then carry on until you're almost at the Children Zoo. It takes quite a long time to walk around. But I do recommend the "touch and feed" section opposite, as I said. (25)The Fun Fair is very interesting, but it's great fun for older children.


A.The Waterfall Garden.

B.The theatre.

C.The Water World.

D.The Ocean Park.

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A.To learn how people think about ocean.

B.To show how ocean affects peoples lives.

C.To tell if something goes wrong with the oceans.

D.To develop measures to deal with oceans problems.

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