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听力原文:W: Everyone seems to be talking about climate change these days!M: I'm not surpri

听力原文:W: Everyone seems to be talking about climate change these days!

M: I'm not surprised. It's all these greenhouse gases--that's what's causing the problem!

W: What are the greenhouse gases?

M: You know, carbon dioxide, which comes mainly from the burning of fossil fuels, such as oil, gas and coal.

W: I've never understood why that's a problem.

M: Evidently these gases build up in the earth's atmosphere, and trap the heat from the sun.

W: And so this heat is warming the planet?

M: Exactly!

W: Well, isn't that good news? I hate these cold winters we get!

M: Yes. But what's good for you here may not be so good for people elsewhere in the world. For the average world temperatures could rise. That can have a huge effect on local climates and ecosystems around the world,

W: So you really think that these floods we've seen m the news could be caused by global warming?

M: Sure! And also the droughts and the storms.

W: So what can we do about it?

M: It's not realistic to stop using fossil fuels today. But we can start trying to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

W: And look for alternative sources of energy too, of course!




C.Fossil fuels.

D.Global warming.

提问人:网友Robinzrb 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“听力原文:W: Everyone seems to be t…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Did you see the tears of laughter on the faces of everyone in the theater?M: Y

听力原文:W: Did you see the tears of laughter on the faces of everyone in the theater?

M: Yes, it was really a success even though some of the plot was too unrealistic to believe.

Q: What are the speakers discussing?


A.A thriller.

B.A tragic play.

C.A comedy.

D.A funny clown.

听力原文:M: Welcome home, Lora. Do you know everyone in the town looks up to you?W: Really

听力原文:M: Welcome home, Lora. Do you know everyone in the town looks up to you?

W: Really? I was just too busy to come back.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.Everyone in the town misses Lots.

B.Everyone in the town expects Lora to come hack.

C.Everyone in the town respects Lora.

D.Everyone in the town wants to see Lots.

听力原文:W: Oh, I can't put up with things here. When you turn on Mexican televisions, it'
s like watching Swedish TV: everyone is blond.

M: That's true in the U. S. as well. What you see on television is a very distorted picture of American life.

Q: Wheree is the woman most probably from?


A.She is from Sweden.

B.She is from Switzerland.

C.She is from the United States.

D.She is from Mexico.

听力原文:M Did you see the weather for this weekend? We're supposed to have stormy weather
starting Friday morning. Should we postpone our department outing? We could move it to the following Saturday.

W I wouldn't be able to make it because I'm going out of town that weekend. Why don't we just cancel the afternoon activities and keep it to lunch?

M That's a good idea. Do you think the others will mind?

W I think they would welcome the idea. We've had so much work this week; everyone is exhausted. I'll go talk to everyone and let them know what's going on. Could you also call the restaurant and make sure that we're seated inside?

When will the storm start?

A.On Thursday

B.On Friday

C.On Saturday

D.On Sunday

听力原文:M: You're my campaign manager, Julie (19) . How do I convince members of the Stud

听力原文:M: You're my campaign manager, Julie (19) . How do I convince members of the Student Union that I'm the best for school president (20) ?

W: That won't be easy.

M: Thanks a lot.

W: I'm just kidding, Bob. Actually I think once we show everyone how well you did as a junior class treasurer, you will win easily.

M: How do we do that? Meet with all three thousand people who are members of the Student Union?

W: Come on. What I'm thinking of first is hanging campaign posters in all the hallways, where most of the students are sure to see them.

M: That sounds good. But everyone puts up posters. What can we do to make that different?

W: The campus radio station is willing to let you have five minutes tomorrow morning at seven o' clock to outline your plans for the year (21) . Lots of students will be listening then.

M: That's a great idea!

W: I've also arranged for you to give a speech during dinner tomorrow. At least five hundred of the students will be there. You'll answer questions after you've finished speaking.

M: That means I'd better come up with the speech pretty quickly. How about if I write it tonight and show it to you after chemistry class tomorrow (22) ?

W: Fine. I'll see you after class.

M: Thanks for all your help!


A.Their lecture notes.

B.The man's election plans.

C.Putting up posters.

D.The campus radio station.

听力原文:M: What are you doing out here alone?W: Just looking at the lights. I like to loo

听力原文:M: What are you doing out here alone?

W: Just looking at the lights. I like to look at the city at night.

M: It's a wonderful party. Everyone is standing around piano and singing. Do you want to join us?

W: I'd rather stay out here for a few minutes. Looks down where I'm pointing.

M: I don't see anything special.

W: That's where I used to live when I was a child.

M: What kind of neighbourhood was it?

W: A very poor one. Everyone was supposed to work hard and end up with a house in the suburbs.

M: But you've ended up with an apartment in the city.

W: Yes, I don't want to lose it. I worked hard for this apartment.

M: I think that means that all of us had better go home soon, so that you can get a little sleep.

W: I do have to be at the office in the morning.

M: Tell me how do you do it to both work and play so hard?

W: I don't know. I just like to do both.

What kind of neighborhood did the woman live as a child?

A.An affluent one.

B.A poor one.

C.A suburban one.

D.A rural one.

听力原文:W: Mike, would you please tell us about Thanksgiving Day? We have no idea about i

M: Well, Thanksgiving Day is one of the oldest American holidays. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

W: How is it spent? For example, in your family?

M: In my family, we always go to my grandmother's house on Thanksgiving Day. Everyone is glad to see everyone else and there is a busy time for talking. After dinner, no one can move and we all sit around and talk, play word games, or tell jokes until it is time to go home. It is always difficult to leave because Thanksgiving Day is one of the few days of the year when the whole family gets together.

W: It sounds really interesting!

M: It is. By the way, you are welcome to be our guest next Thanksgiving Day.

W: Thanks a lot, I'll be glad to come.

Question 8: When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated ill America?


A.The first Thursday of November.

B.The fourth Thursday of November.

C.First of November.

D.The fourth of November.

听力原文:M: What are you doing oat here alone?W: Just looking at lights. I like to look at

听力原文:M: What are you doing oat here alone?

W: Just looking at lights. I like to look at the city at night.

M: It's a wonderful party. Everyone is standing around the piano and singing. Do you want to join us?

W: I'd rather stay oat here for a few minutes, Look down where I'm pointing.

M: I don't see anything special.

W: That's where I teed to live when I was a child.

M: What kind of neighborhood was it?

W: A very poor one. Everyone was supposed to work hard and end up with a house in the suburbs.

M: But you've ended up with an apartment in the sky.

W: Yes, I don't want to lose it. I worked hard for this apartment.

M: I think that means that all of us had better go Ixshe soon, so that you can get a little sleep.

W: I do have m be at the office in the morning.

M: Tell me how do you do it to both work and play so hard?

W: I dealt know. I just like to do both.


A.An affluent one.

B.A Ix)or one.

C.A suburban one.

D.A rural one.

听力原文:W: Hi, Zach.M: Hey, Lisa. What are you doing here?W: I work here on weekends. How

听力原文:W: Hi, Zach.

M: Hey, Lisa. What are you doing here?

W: I work here on weekends. How come you decided to come to the travel agency? Planning a trip?

M: Yeah, well, you know our breaks are coming, and I need a quick getaway trip somewhere.

W: Well, someone's got the money to burn. But we hardworking students need a break too.

M: I'm going to tell you upfront Lisa. It's not what you think. I'm on a tight budget like everyone else here but I have to get out of this town for a while.

W: Where to?

M: Florida. I'll go see a Miami Dolphin football game.

W: And you need a flight for next week? Well, you are the one who leaves things to the last minute but hmm.., let me take a look at the screen... United's got one to Miami, but a bit expensive, so let me see if there is anything else available.

M: Preferably below $400 for return, can you swing it?

W: One by Phoenix Air for $350. It's a small plane though. Are you sure you don't want me to check again for other flights? It would only take a second.

M: No, that sounds within my range.

W: All tight. Just let me phone in and confirm the times.


A.She works in the travel agency on weekends.

B.She goes to see the man working in the travel agency.

C.She wants to buy a plane ticket.

D.She used to work in the travel agency.

听力原文:M: Hi, Sally, going to the football game today?W. Not to it. I' m planning to wat

听力原文:M: Hi, Sally, going to the football game today?

W. Not to it. I' m planning to watch it on television.

M: Why is that? Do you feel too poor this close to the end of the month?

W: Money is not the problem. I find it easier to follow football on television than in the stadium. When I see the game in person, I feel just I am too far away from the action, and I always lose track of the ball.

M: I know just what you mean. Besides on television the new cameras they use give you super-views of all the plays. But there is always so much excitement. People cheering and shouting when you are there in person. The enthusiasm is catching, and I'd cheer along with everyone else.

W: You are right there. But I' d like to know exactly what I'm yelling for. And if I can' t even see who has the ball, I can't get very excited. So I really prefer watching it on television.

M: I see your point. Well, enjoy the game.

W: You too.

What is the main topic of the conversation?

A.Attendance at sports meet.

B.Viewing football games.

C.Interviews with football players.

D.Types of college cheers.

听力原文:M Excuse me, Chantelle, have you been able to check your e-mail this morning? I c
an't check mine.

W The company has been updating the servers and changed all of the e-mail programs last night. You'd better go over to technical support. The manager backed up everyone's e-mails from the old system to help with the transition.

M Oh, okay. That's up on the eighth floor, across from human resources, right?

W No, that department is located in the basement on B2. Go past the reception desk and at the end of the hallway turn right and keep walking until you see the shipping department. It's just past them.

What happened in the company last night?

A.The company updated the new regulations.

B.The company changed their password to the system.

C.All departments have been moved to other floors.

D.The computer system in the company has been updated.

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