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Before she could shout "look ______" to the old man, he was run ______ by a car coining fr

om his left.

A.back, on

B.out, over

C.up, down

D.ahead, at

提问人:网友psk091210 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Before she could shout "look _…”相关的问题
Sam had a very p_____ personality; he was very shy, but often outgoing, too. (contradictory)
Ancient Chinese believed that natural disasters are consequences of accumulated sufficient disorders of human beings .
"The effect of this medicine ______ by midnight," the doctor told Emma "You had better not try to read tonight."

A.will wear off

B.wears off

C.will have worn off

D.will be worn off

In the third paragraph, "gagging on a nearby Winston" means ______.

A.near the broccoli counter m the shop was the counter that sold cigarettes

B.while buying vegetables, one very often inhaled cigarette smoke in the shop

C.there were many people in the shop who were smoking Winston brand cigarettes

D.years ago, the majority of the shoppers smoked when buying things

English as a World Language

English is a victim of its own success. Newspapers in England have noticed that the incorrect use of cliches are marring the smooth flow of a great language whose ability to imbibe and absorb has been one important reason for its success. This success also stems from the language's unique position of being the only one spoken in most parts of the world. Really, English has no boundaries. Even in countries such as Japan and China, which were not colonized by Britain, English is making a determined "conquest".

Unfortunately, such a conquest is not always welcome because a language sometimes doubles as a political weapon. In fact, it has always led a troubled life. It has been disliked, even hated, largely because the people who originally spoke English conquered, colonized and terrorized half the world, or just about. The animosity to the language continues, at least in some places. The bitterness that the French, for instance, have for English is a good example of a language being given a quasi-political role in society.

Fortunately, this aversion does not run as deep as it did some years ago, and there is a growing realization that English is the lingua franca. Many nations, such as China and Japan, have been making serious efforts to promote the language.

But there might be a serious problem if every state or continent were to have its own version of English. As is pointed out by the newspapers of England, with too many variations of the language, a time may come when one group of English-speaking people may not be able to understand another. This is happening where the way Singaporeans speak English. Listen to the Australians pronouncing "e"; it sounds like "a". And very possibly, in the future nobody will try to correct school boys and girls for getting their English wrong.

In this passage, the success of English refers to the fact that ______.

A.it has become the most widely used language in the world

B.it has made a conquest in Japan and China, which were not colonized by Britain

C.it has beaten other languages such as French

D.each state or continent has its own version of English


For many people, economic growth and an increase in possessions are signs of progress, but for anti-consumer groups overconsumption and materialism are sicknesses. A recent Public Broadcasting Service corned the term affluenza, which describes consumption of material goods in a strongly negative way.

Af-flu-en-za (noun) combines two words: affluence and fluenza. According to anti-consumer and environmental fights organizations, the high consumption life styles of affluence cause people to be less happy even though they are acquiring more "things". The major negative effect on the environment is that overconsumption is depleting the world's natural resources, anti-consumer groups argue. Furthermore, the groups observe that an artificial, ongoing and insatiable quest for things and the money to buy them has replaced the normal desire for an adequate supply of life's necessities, community life, a stable family, and healthy relationships. For example, today's families are replacing items much more frequently than in the past. Many Americans now treat clothing as "disposable", discarding clothes when fashion changes, and creating a boom in thrift stores, and yard sales. The U.S.A.'s largest export is now used clothes. About 2.5 million tons of unfashionable old clothes and rags are sold to Third World countries every year.

A coined word is a word that ______.

A.combines two words together

B.is often made by putting words or parts of words together

C.is made in the way coins are produced

D.gives an old world a new meaning

What do you think is the water's purpose in writing this passage?

A.To tell the reader that the use of cell phones is as bad as smoking.

B.To call for a ban on the use of cell phones in the public.

C.To emphasize the immoral effect of the cell phone on our consciousness.

D.To draw public attention to the problems caused by the use of cell phones.

The bitterness of the French people toward the English language shows ______.

A.what a political role languages can play in society

B.how people can attach political significance to which language they speak

C.languages in fact always fail to play a political role in society

D.some people like to give languages roles to play

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