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听力原文:Not long ago, some of you may have read about a team of mountain-climbing scienti

听力原文: Not long ago, some of you may have read about a team of mountain-climbing scientists who helped to recalculate the elevation of the highest mountain in the world: Mr. Everest. Of course, the elevation of Mt. Everest was determined many years ago, using traditional surveying methods. But these scientists wanted to make a more precise measurement using a new method that takes advantage of recent advances in technology. It's called the Global Positioning System. The Global Positioning System uses 24 satellites that circle the Earth. Each of these satellites is constantly sending out signals. And each signal contains important information that can be used to determine the longitude, latitude, and elevation of any point on the Earth's surface. Well, in order to use this system to calculate Mt. Everest's elevation, scientists needed to put a special receiver on its summit to receive signals from the satellites. The problem with this was that, in the past, the receivers were much too heavy for climbers to carry. But now these receivers have been reduced to about the size and weight of a hand-held telephone, so climbers were able to take a receiver to the top of Everest and, from there, to access the satellite system signals that would allow them to determine the precise elevation. And it turns out that the famous peak is actually a few feet higher than was previously thought.

Q. 23. What is the talk mainly about?

Q. 24.Why does the speak mention a hand-held telephone?

Q. 25.According to the talk, what probably contributed most to the success of the new study of Mount Everest?

Q. 26.In the study described, how were satellites' signals used?


A.The advantages of traditional surveying methods.

B.Using satellites to communicate with mountain climbers.

C.Obtaining new information about a mountain.

D.Controlling satellites from the top of a mountain.

提问人:网友liyanfeiyl 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“听力原文:Not long ago, some of you…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Well, Bob James, what a surprise! It's nice to see you again!M: Hello, Margare

听力原文:W: Well, Bob James, what a surprise! It's nice to see you again!

M: Hello, Margaret! My gosh! How long has it been? Wasn't it a year ago Christmas, the last time we saw you?

W: You know, I think you're right. How's your wife and the kids?

M: Oh, they're fine.

When did the two people see each other last?

A.More than two years ago.

B.Last Christmas.

C.Last birthday party.

D.A long time ago.

听力原文:In today's national news, the central transportation authority announced that the
new north south highway is finally scheduled to open next week after 3 years of construction. Long distance commuters and other travelers have long waited for the opening of the new highway which will reduce driving time from the border to the capital city to approximately 2 and a half hours. When the construction began 3 years ago, the central government was in the middle of a budget crisis and the work was pushed back due to funding shortages. Drivers on the road will pay a toll of 4 dollars to use the highway.

What is the report about?

A.A Highway opening

B.The start of construction

C.Company budget

D.A new car model

听力原文:What did the youngest boy have to do for the oldest ones not long ago?(10)A.Clean

听力原文:What did the youngest boy have to do for the oldest ones not long ago?


A.Cleaning shoes.


C.Term papers.

D.Classroom exercises.

听力原文:Not long ago, some of you may have read about the team of mountain climbing scien

听力原文: Not long ago, some of you may have read about the team of mountain climbing scientists who helped to recalculate the elevation of the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest. Of course the elevation of Mount Everest was determined many years ago using traditional surveying methods. But these scientists wanted to make a more precise measurement, using a new method that takes advantage of recent advances in technology; it's called the Glob al Positioning System. The Global Positioning System uses 24 satellites that circle the earth. Each of the satellites is constantly sending out signals, and each signal contains important information that can be used to determine the longitude, latitude and elevation at any point on the earth’s surface. Well in order to use the system to calculate a mount of Everest's elevation, scientists need to put a special receiver on the summit to receive signals from the satellites. The problem with this was that in the past, the receivers were much too heavy for climbers to carry. But now these receivers have been reduced to about the size and weight of a hand-held telephone, so climbers were able to take the receiver to the top of the Everest, and from there, to access the satellite system signals that would allow them to determine the precise elevation. And it turns out that the famous peak is actually a few feet higher than us previously thought.


A.The advantages of traditional surveying methods.

B.Using satellites to communicate with mountain climbers.

C.Obtaining new information about a mountain.

D.Controlling satellites from the top of a mountain.

听力原文:Not long ago, some of you may have read about the team of mountain climbing scien

听力原文: Not long ago, some of you may have read about the team of mountain climbing scientists who helped to recalculate the elevation of the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest(珠穆朗玛峰). Of cause the elevation of Mount Everest was determined many years ago using traditional surveying methods. But these scientists wanted to make a more precise measurement, using a new method that takes advantage of recent advances in technology; it’s called the Global Positioning System. The Global Positioning System uses 24 satellites that circle the earth. Each of the satellites is constantly sending out signals, and each signal contains important information that can be used to determine the longitude, latitude and elevation at any point on the earth's surface. Well in order to use the system to calculate amount of Everest’s elevation. Scientists need to put a special receiver on the summit to receive signals from the satellites. The problem with this was that in the past, the receivers were much too heavy for climbers to carry. But now these receivers have been reduced to about the size and weight of a hand-held telephone, so climbers were able to take the receiver to the top of the Everest, and from there, to access the satellite system signals that would allow them to determine the precise elevation. And it turns out that the famous peak is actually a few feet higher than us previously thought.


A.The advantages of traditional surveying methods

B.Using satellites to communicate with mountain climbers

C.Obtaining new information about a mountain

D.Controlling satellites from the top of a mountain

Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conve

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.

听力原文:M: The bag is $18 now.

W: Yes, it's exactly a half more than it was two months ago.

Q: What was the price of the bag two months ago?






听力原文:Why don't birds get lost on their long flights from one place to another? Scienti

听力原文: Why don't birds get lost on their long flights from one place to another? Scientists have puzzled over this question for many years. Now they are beginning to fill in the blanks.

Not long ago, experiments showed that birds rely on the sun to guide them during daylight hours. But what about birds that fly by night? Tests with artificial stars have proved that certain night-flying birds are able to follow the stars in their long-distance flights.

A dove had spent his lifetime in a cage and had never flown under a natural sky. Yet it showed an inborn ability to use the stars for guidance. The bird's cage was placed under an artificial star-filled sky. The bird tried to fly in the same direction as that taken by his outdoor cousins. Any change in the position of the artificial stars caused a change in the direction of his flight.

But the stars are apparently their principal means of navigation. When the stars are hidden by clouds, they apparently find their way by such landmarks as mountain ranges, coast lines, and river courses. But when it's too dark to see these, the doves circle helplessly, unable to find their way.

The reason why birds don't get lost on long flights ______.

A.has been known to scientists for years

B.has only recently been discovered

C.is known by everyone

D.will probably remain a mystery

听力原文:Mechanized carnival attractions draw big crowds at the Maryland State Fair. But t

听力原文: Mechanized carnival attractions draw big crowds at the Maryland State Fair. But there is another side to this event. It is a scene that looks like it is fight off the farm. The fair is a yearly event that helps America's largely urban-dwelling population reconnect with its agrarian roots.

Fairs were originated hundreds of years ago in various forms and certainly the fair as we know it is about a hundred years old. It was a place for the agricultural community to get together and show off what they had done over the past year.

Farmland scenes like this have become ever less common across the United States. But it seems they will always be preserved at America's state fairs.

Which of the following statements is correct?

A.The Maryland State Fair is held annually.

B.The Maryland State Fair is held by farmers.

C.The fair as we know it has a long history of hundreds of years.

D.Fairs were originated a hundred years ago.

听力原文:Long ago, no one in Europe smoked. The tobacco plant was unknown there. It grew i

听力原文: Long ago, no one in Europe smoked. The tobacco plant was unknown there. It grew in America and Christopher Columbus found it there. Later he returned to Europe and told people about tobacco. He said that the American Indians often smoked it. They threw some tobacco leaves on a fire, then put long tubes in their mouths. The other ends of the tubes were over the fire, so they were able to draw the smoke into their mouth.

About the year 1560 a Frenchman, Jean Nicot, was living in Lisbon, Portugal. He was very interested in all American plants. Some of them were very different from the plants of Europe. He used the leaves of the tobacco plant to cure pain. When a man had a bad pain in a leg or an arm, Nicot put tobacco leaves on the painful place and tried to cure the pain in that way. We say now that tobacco contains nicotine. The word nicotine comes from this man's name.

Sir Walter Raleigh was a famous man in the days of Queen Elizabeth the First. He traveled widely and learnt to smoke. Then he returned to England, but he didn't stop smoking. He used to smoke two pipes every day secretly in his room. When anyone came in, he quickly hid his pipe. A man came in and found clouds of smoke in the room. More smoke was coming from Raleigh's mouth, so the man got some water and threw it over Raleigh. He believed that Raleigh was burning. He ran out of the house and told everybody about it. After this, smoking was not a secret.


A.In Asia.

B.In Europe.

C.In America.

D.In Latin America.

听力原文:The year is 2501, and the Earth is desperately short of fuel. All Earth's coal, o

听力原文: The year is 2501, and the Earth is desperately short of fuel. All Earth's coal, oil and wood have been used up long ago, and scientists have been sent to the ends of the universe in search of alternative forms of energy.

A rich and powerful civilization has been discovered on the planet Jupiter, and Earth is supplied with fuel by constant supply fleets from that planet, but the price is very high. Unless it discovers an alternative source of energy soon, civilization on Earth will fail, and its inhabitants will have to move to other planets where they will be little more than slaves. Then Jupiter will take possession of Earth-- the most beautiful, most desirable planet in the universe.

Human scientists have been sure for a long time that Jupiter possesses a method of creating constant energy and now ten explorers on a secret mission from Earth have discovered the secret--a kind of heavy, green dust which will change salt water to high grade petroleum. This dust covers a large part of Jupiter's surface, and just a few pounds of it could solve the world's energy crisis since it would reproduce itself continuously in Earth's atmosphere.






听力原文:Woman:I get lots of ideas for novels, but I don't necessarily follow them all up.

听力原文:Woman: I get lots of ideas for novels, but I don't necessarily follow them all up. Only when they stick around over a period of years do I realise that a particular idea has really got a hold on me. That's certainly what happened with my latest novel, 'The Red Cord'. Although it's set in my home city of Sydney, Australia, the stirrings of an idea came about ten years ago when I was travelling in China. This was followed by a long period when the idea occasionally came back into my consciousness, each time refined a little more, until I reached a point where I thought I'd better start writing.

You hear a novelist talking about how she writes. How does she get her ideas for her novels?

A.She bases her novels on personal experiences.

B.Ideas come to her once she starts writing.

C.She lets ideas develop gradually in her mind.

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