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Alan Taylor's second feature, The Emperor's New Clothes, is a wild leap from the cheap str

eets of Palookaville(愚人城) to the lavish pomp(华丽)of costume drama. He hurdles the treacherous gap with ease. This is a playful piece of historical swash(泼溅) in which Ian Holm doubles up as Napoleon Bonaparte and a grubby deckhand called Eugene. Their uncanny likeness inspires a daring plan by Boney' s loyal aides to swop (交换) the two men like pint pots, and smuggle the captive emperor off the island of St Helena and restore him to the throne.

It works well until Napoleon's escape ship is diverted to Antwerp and his imposter(冒名顶替的) gets drunk on delusions of grandeur. The twists are. as old as Aesop, and Holm has played the diminutive tyrant enough times to improvise his tics with impunity(不受惩罚).

But the period detail, so often a hollow distraction, is welded into the melodrama with quiet ingenuity. The image of Napoleon, trundling through the fields of Waterloo, the site of his 1815 humiliation and now a tacky jumble of souvenir stalls, is a bauble (小玩具)worthy of The Antiques Road Show.

Duly humbled by his lowly disguise, and forced to seek the kindness of shapely peasants—notably bly Hjejle' s fruit seller, Pumpkin--the toppled emperor is made painfully aware of the naked vanity of his own legend. Still, old habits die hard, and Napoleon's military campaign to keep Pumpkin off the gloomy corners of Paris and turn her ailing watermelon business into Tesco will make the iron shopkeepers of Grantham and Finchley blush with envy. The morals are as pungent as moth- balls; the sentiments spongy and sweet.

This is the inevitable fate of a film that has been carefully springcleaned for family consumption. The lopsided joy is Holm, and his touching, virtuoso turns as both Napoleon and his increasingly unruly imposter. Eugene abuses his spitting image to transform. his island prison into a fool's paradise. The "free" Napoleon realises that only a total lunatic could possibly aspire to be Bonaparte.

Under the Ucertificate flap that reads, "To tame a dictator, all you need is a good peasant and a warm fire", is a ghostly, and surprisingly adult, sense of pathos.

The Emperor's New Clothes introduced here is a feature movie ______.

A.well-based on historical facts

B.functioned story about Napoleon Bonaparte

C.describing the treacherous gap of French history

D.of costume drama

提问人:网友ufm2007 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Alan Taylor's second feature, …”相关的问题
Daniel: Mr. Taylor, this is the project plan you asked me to make last week.John:Sure. T

Daniel: Mr. Taylor, this is the project plan you asked me to make last week.

John:Sure. That's a quick job. Could you talk me (答案?) the plan roughly?

Daniel:Of course. The plan (答案?) three parts. The first part is the background of the project, the second part is the (答案?), and the third is the expected results.

John:Er…well…I see.

Daniel:Do you have any (答案?) about it?

John:After I read it in detail, I will tell you my opinion.

Daniel:Thanks, and then I will improve it according to your opinion and suggestions.

One day later.

John:I have finished reading your project plan.

Daniel:Is it what you hoped for?

John: Excellent! You seem to have (答案?) all the major points. We've decided to have a meeting. And could you please get ready to give a presentation of your ideas? We have to try our best to (答案?) the board.

A. persuade


C. covered

D. through

E. includes


疫情全球大流行会对全球宏观经济造成什么样的中长期影响?旧金山联邦储备银行和加州大学戴维斯分校的Òscar Jordà、Sanjay Singh和Alan Taylor等三位经济学家,研究了14世纪以来造成全球死亡人数各在10万以上的15次重大疫情,认为在疫情结束后很有可能迎来低利率时代。请运用IS-LM模型说明低利率可能产生的后果,并提出相应的政策建议。
Alan "Ace" Greenberg chose his nickname to improve his chances with girls at the Universit
y of Missouri. But it is an apt (1)_____ of his wading skills on Wall Street. This week, as the 73-year-old (2)_____ down (3)_____ chairman of Bear Stearns, the investment bank where he has worked since 1949 is in a high. It (4)_____ an increase in post-tax profits in the second quarter of 43% on a year earlier, (5)_____ a time when many of its Wall Street rivals have (6)_____. On June 26th Merrill Lynch (7)_____ a warning that its profits in the second quarter would fall by half, far (8)_____ of expectations. Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have also reported lower profits.

Strange that this surprised. (9)_____ Alan Greenspan's frenetic cuts (10)_____ interest rates, times are good for underwriters and waders of bonds, core activities for Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, (11)_____ also recorded a sharp increase in profits. It has been a terrible (12)_____ for equity underwriters and for advisers on the small amounts of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) this year.

Merrill, Goldman and Morgan Stanley are three of the investment banks that gained (13)_____ during the boom in equity and M&A business, and they are now (14)_____ the most. Of the three, Merrill is weakest in bonds. It cut (15)_____ its fixed-income activities after the collapse of Lung-Term Capital Management (LTCM) in 1998. As it happens, both Bear Stearns and Lehman have long been criticised for their weakness in equities.

Mr. Greenberg is famous for worrying about even the price of a paper-clip at Bear Stearns. This used to seem terribly (16)_____,but these days other Wall Street firms are (17)_____ about costs. Lay-offs are (18)_____ though not yet alarmingly—not least, because banks saw how Merrill Lynch lost (19)_____ when the markets rebounded quickly after the LTCM crisis. Still, if few (20)_____ of improvement show soon, expect real blood-letting on Wall Street.





10. Xu Zhimo memorial garden at King's College Cam...

10. Xu Zhimo memorial garden at King's College Cambridge opens to public Chinese poet Xu Zhimo's memorial garden opened at King's College Cambridge in England on Friday, during the fourth annual Cambridge Xu Zhimo Poetry and Art Festival. Dozens of poets from China and Britain gathered in the garden, reading their own works on the theme of Birds and Gardens. Xu Zhimo was an early 20th-century Chinese poet. In 1921, Xu studied at King's College Cambridge. His best-known poem, "A Second Farewell to Cambridge," was written in 1928, after Xu's third visit to Cambridge. It is filled with longings for Cambridge, his love of England and its poetry. 90 years later, a Chinese garden named after Xu Zhimo's was designed and built at King's College Cambridge. It is the first Chinese garden built inside any college campus in Cambridge. The garden center is shaped as Yin and Yang, with a walking path running through. The inscribed in the path are the second and third verses of "A Second Farewell to Cambridge", guiding visitors through the garden to the Crescent Moon Bench, which was named in memory of the Chinese literary society co-founded by Xu Zhimo in 1923. Professor Alan Macfarlane, chair of the Cambridge Xu Zhimo Poetry and Art Festival, said on Friday that the garden is not only designed on Daoist and Buddhist principles, but also to represent a fusion of East and West, just as Xu Zhimo was trying to bring the cultural treasures from China to England, and from England to China. Macfarlane added that he hopes through both poetry and the garden, cultural links between China and Britain can be further enhanced. The poetry festival has become one of the most influential Sino-British cultural exchange activities in Britain since 2015. During this year's festival, eight artwork exhibitions showcasing modern Chinese paintings, porcelain artworks and calligraphy are also being held at the college. 20. What can you know from this passage?

A、Xu Zhimo was the best Chinese poet in 20th-century.

B、"A Second Farewell to Cambridge” was finished by Xu Zhimo in 1921 when he studied at King's College Cambridge.

C、"A Second Farewell to Cambridge" is Xu Zhimo’s best-known poem.

D、The Chinese garden named after Xu Zhimo's is the first garden built inside any college campus in Cambridge.

Karen Rusa was a 30-year-old woman and the mother of four children. For the past several m
onths Karen had been experiencing repetitive thoughts that centered around her children's safety. She frequently found herself imagining that a serious accident had occurred; she was unable to put these thoughts out of her mind. On one such occasion she imagined that her son, Alan, had broken his leg playing football at school. There was no reason to believe that an accident had occurred, but she kept thinking about the possibility until she finally called the school to see if Alan was all right. Even after receiving their assurance that he had not been hurt, she described herself as being somewhat surprised when he later arrived home unharmed. Karen also noted that her daily routine was seriously hampered by an extensive series of counting work that she performed throughout each day. Specific numbers had come to have a special meaning to her; she found that her preoccupation with these numbers was hampering her ability to perform. everyday activities. One example was grocery shopping. Karen believed that if she selected the first item on the shelf, something terrible would happen to her oldest child. If she selected the second item, some unknown disaster would fall on her second child, and so on for the four children. Karen's preoccupation with numbers extended to other activities, most notable the pattern in which she smoked cigarettes and drank coffee. If she had one cigarette; she believed that she had to smoke at least tour in a row, or one of her children would be harmed in some way. If she drank one cup of coffee, she felt compelled to drink tour. Karen acknowledged the unreasonableness of these rules, but, nevertheless, maintained that she felt more comfortable. When she observed them earnestly, when she was occasionally in too great a hurry to observe these rules, she experienced considerable anxiety, in the form. of a subjective feeling of dread and fear. She described herself as tense, uneasy, and unable to relax during these periods. The occurrence of rarely minor accidents does not reduce her belief that she had been directly responsible because of her inability to observe the rules about number.

The main idea of this passage is to

A.describe a woman who suffered from a psychological disease.

B.warn the readers against any imagination.

C.explain the reason why Karen had such fanciful thoughts.

D.present a case for the readers to study.

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

To achieve success in high tech Silicon Valley, Alan Aerts used low tech skills and hard work. He carried boxes of produce for a grocery store and sold bread to restaurants while launching a vending machine(自动贩卖机) business that sells soft drinks and snack foods to workaholic computer engineers. In 1980, on his route as a bread salesman for a bakery, Aerts ran into the owner of a Pac Man game control panel who was servicing his equipment at a restaurant in Oakland, California.

Aerts, who always wore a shirt and tie on sales calls, was impressed by the other fellow's jeans and T shirt and resolved to branch out on his own. But capitalism requires capital, and Aerts had little money to spare. Living paycheck to paycheck with his wife and newborn son, he worked days at the bakery and nights at a grocery store to pay the mortgage (抵押). During the breaks between jobs, he developed his business strategy. "I'm sure I did every wrong thing you can possibly do," says Aerts. "But I knew that with enough hard work, it would all make sense. "

To get his business off the ground, he relied on a second mortgage and credit cards, sometimes paying rates as high as 19%, to buy video game and vending machines. After purchasing several machines at retail price, he realized he could buy them directly from the manufacturers for less. And he learned that vending machines were more profitable than video games, which needed to be replaced frequently to keep up with the changing tastes of game players. Aerts used the contacts he made through his bakery job to prospect for new business. To hedge his bets, he put in ten years at the grocery store to earn a modest pension.

Today, his company, Custom Vending Systems, is the largest privately owned grocery store in the region. He says business is booming as the Valley's economy blossoms. In 2005, Aerts and his wife donated as much as $2.5 million to fund scholarships at the local community college. He's still busy around the clock, but now he dedicates evenings and weekends to charity work and local politics instead of a second job.

Alan Aerts achieved success in Silicon Valley mainly by ______ .

A.starting a vending machine business

B.the traditional approach and hard work

C.selling soft drinks and snack foods

D.selling game control panels

Dear Mr./Ms.,Mr. William Taylor, President of our Corporation and Mr. James Rogers, Market

Dear Mr./Ms.,

Mr. William Taylor, President of our Corporation and Mr. James Rogers, Marketing Manager, would like to visit Beijing to continue our discussions on h joint venture. They plan to leave in the second half of April and stay in China for about a week. Please let us know if the planned visit is convenient for you and what itinerary you would suggest. If the time of their visit is agreeable, will you kindly request your Embassy here to issue the necessary visa?

While much of our contemporary disquiet about priv

acy tends to spring from the malevolent capacity of technology, the yearning for a private realm long precedes the Brave New World of bits and bytes, of electronic surveillance, and CCTV. Indeed, anthropologists have demonstrated that there is a near-universal desire for individual and group privacy in primitive societies, and that this is reflected in appropriate social norms. Moreover, we are not alone in seeking refuge from the crowd. Animals too need privacy.At the most general level, the idea of privacy embraces the desire to be left alone, free to be ourselves—uninhibited and unconstrained by the prying of others. This extends beyond snooping and unsolicited publicity to intrusions upon the “space” we need to make intimate, personal decisions without the intrusion of the state. Thus “privacy” is frequently employed to describe a zone demarcated as “private” in which, for example, a woman exercises a choice as to whether she wishes to have an abortion, or an individual is free to express his or her sexuality. Debates about privacy are therefore often entangled with contentious moral questions, including the use of contraception and the right to pornography.In any event, it is clear that at the core of our concern to protect privacy lies a conception of the individual’s relationship with society. Once we acknowledge a separation between the public and the private domain, we assume a community in which not only does such a division make sense, but also an institutional structure that makes possible an account of this sort. In other words, to postulate the “private” presupposes the “public”.A life without privacy is inconceivable. But what purposes does privacy actually serve? In addition to its significance in liberal democratic theory, privacy stakes out a sphere for creativity, psychological wellbeing, our ability to love, forge social relationships, promote trust, intimacy, and friendship.In his classic work, Alan Westin identifies four functions of privacy that combine the concept’s individual and social dimensions. First, it engenders personal autonomy; the democratic principle of individuality is associated with the need for such autonomy—the desire to avoid manipulation or domination by others. Second, it provides the opportunity for emotional release. Privacy allows us to remove our social mask: On any given day a man may move through the roles of stern father, loving husband, car-pool comedian, skilled lathe operator, union steward, water-cooler flirt, and American Legion committee chairman—all psychologically different roles that he adopts as he moves from scene to scene on the individual stage. Privacy gives individuals, from factory workers to Presidents, a chance to lay their masks aside for rest. To be always “on” would destroy the human organism.Third, it allows us to engage in self-uation—the ability to formulate and test creative and moral activities and ideas. And, fourth, privacy offers us the environment in which we can share confidences and intimacies, and engage in limited and protected communication.

1、Where does much of our current worry about privacy come from according to the author_________?

A、It comes from the evil power of technology.

B、It comes from the primitive societies.

C、It comes from the longing for a private realm.

D、It comes from our seeking refuge from the crowd.

2、What is the main idea of the second paragraph?.

A、It mainly explains the differences between the individual and the public._________

B、It mainly expounds what privacy is.

C、It mainly emphasizes that privacy is involved in some moral questions.

D、It mainly emphasizes the importance of privacy to women.

3、How do you understand the sentence “In other words, to postulate the ‘private’ presupposes the ‘public’”_________?

A、It means that to assume the “private” is the precondition of the “public”.

B、It means that the “private” and the “public” are entangled with each other.

C、It means that the “public” is the precondition of assuming the “private”.

D、It means that the “public” is unrelated to the “private”.

4、According to Alan Westin, how many functions does privacy have_________?

A、Five functions.

B、Three functions.

C、Two functions.

D、Four functions.

5、What is the first function of privacy mentioned in Alan’s book_________?

A、It offers a personal autonomy to satisfy the desire for not being controlled by others.

B、It provides the chance for emotional release.

C、It allows human beings to be engaged in uating themselves.

D、It offers a personal and intimate environment.

Alan's grandpa caught cold last week.A.真B.False

Alan's grandpa caught cold last week.



It's appropriate to call a British man Alan Jones, who is a family lawyer, Lawyer Jones.
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