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It might be supposed that greater efficiency should be achieved ff several people collabor

ate to solve a problem than if only one individual works on it. The assumption is by no means invariably role.

Although groups often may increase the motivation of their members to deal with problems, there is a counterbalancing need to contend with conflicts arising among members of a group-and to give it coherent directions. Problem solving is facilitated by the presence of an effective leader who not only provides direction but permits the orderly, constructive expression of a variety of opinions; much of the leader's effort may be devoted to resolving differences. Success in problem solving also depends on the distribution of ability within a group. Solutions simply may reflect the presence of an outstanding individual who might perform. even better by himself.

Although groups may reach a greater number of correct solutions, or may require less time to discover an answer, their net man-hour efficiency is typically lower than that achieved by skilled individuals working alone.

A process called brainstorming has been offered as a method of facilitating the production of new solutions to problems. In brainstorming, a problem is presented to a group of people who then proceed to offer whatever they can think of, regardless of quality and with as few inhibitions as possible. Theoretically these unrestricted suggestions increase the probability that at least some superior solutions will emerge. Nevertheless, studies show that when individuals work alone under similar conditions, performance tends to proceed more efficiently than it does in groups.

Under special circumstances, however, a group may solve problems more effectively than does a reason ably competent individual. Group members may contribute different (and essential) resources to a solution that no individual can readily achieve alone; such pooling of information and skills can make group achievements superior in dealing with selected problems. Sometimes social demands may require group agreement on a single alternative, as in formulating national economic or military policies under democratic governments. When only one among several alternative solutions is correct, even if a group requires more time, it has a higher probability of identifying the right one than does an individual alone.

In this passage, the author argues that thinking in groups ______.

A.is the best way to solve any problem

B.is by no means useful in problem-solving

C.may result in effective problem-solving under certain circumstances

D.will inevitably produce greater efficiency in problem solving than individual thinking

提问人:网友lstart 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“It might be supposed that grea…”相关的问题
I might watch this programme. It ______ very funny.

A、suppose to be

B、is supposed to be

C、is supposing

D、is supposed to being

What message can we get from the last paragraph ? A.American football might develop in dif
ferent places. B.American football is supposed to be changeable. C.American football will have its own rules. D.American football might see changes in the years to come.

According to the author, what might be the conventional democracy for students?A.Students

According to the author, what might be the conventional democracy for students?

A.Students are free to select TV programs.

B.Students are supposed to involve in national and community responsibility.

C.Students are free with their brand choice.

D.Students are free in selecting schools.

What message can we get from the last paragraph?A.American football might develop in diffe

What message can we get from the last paragraph?

A.American football might develop in different places.

B.American football is supposed to be changeable.

C.American football will have its own rules.

D.American football might see changes in the 7ears to come.

It can be inferred from the last paragraph that governors often hesitated to address highe
r education directly in the past because______.

A.the universities were supposed to know better about what to do

B.they were not in direct charge of higher education in their states

C.they were afraid that they might offend the public

D.American higher education had always been the best in the world

听力原文:W: Guess what! I saw the rock singer in a downtown shopping center today.M: You t

听力原文:W: Guess what! I saw the rock singer in a downtown shopping center today.

M: You thought it was him, but he is supposed to be in Washington for his concert tour.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.The woman might have made a mistake.

B.The woman should go to Washington to listen to the singer.

C.He thinks the singer is visiting the downtown area.

D.He shares the woman's idea.

Section BDirections: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man an

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the 4 choices by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.

Woman: Have you seen Kelly around? We were supposed to have lunch. Man: Well, her bag is here on the chair. Q: What does the man imply about Kelly?

A.She's probably nearby.

B.She should pick up her things.

C.She forgot her bag.

D.She might be having lunch right now.

听力原文:Teaching is supposed to be a professional activity requiring long and complicated

听力原文: Teaching is supposed to be a professional activity requiring long and complicated training. The act of teaching is looked upon as a flow of knowledge from a higher source to an empty container. The student's role is one of receiving information; the teacher's role is one of sending it. However, teaching need not be the province of a special group of people nor need it be looked upon as a technical skill. Teaching can be more like guiding and helping than forcing information into a supposedly empty head. If you have a certain skill you should be able to share it with someone. All of us, from the very youngest children to the oldest members of our cultures, should come to realize our own potential as teachers. We can share what we know, however little it might be, with someone who has need of that knowledge or skill.


A.A professional activity.

B.Something special.

C.A technical skill.


To understand how Americans think about things, it is necessary to understand "the point".
Americans mention it often: "Let's get right to the point," they will say. "My point is.... What's the point of all this?"

The "point" is the idea or piece of information that Americans suppose is, or should be, at the center of people's thinking, writings, and spoken comments. Speakers and writers are supposed to "make their points clear", meaning that they are supposed to say or write clearly the idea or piece of information they wish to express.

People from many other cultures have different ideas about the point. Africans traditionally tell stories that express the thoughts they have in mind, rather than staring "the point" clearly. Japanese traditionally speak indirectly, leaving the listener to figure out what the point is. Thus, while an American might say to a friend, "I don't think that coat goes very well with the rest of your outfit," a Japanese might say, "Maybe this other coat would look even better than the one you have on." Americans value a person who "gets right to the point". Japanese are likely to consider such a person insensitive if nor rude.

The Chinese and Japanese languages are characterized by vagueness (模糊) and ambiguity. The precision and directness Americans associate with "the point" cannot be achieved, at least not with any grace, in Chinese and Japanese. (76) Speakers of those languages thus have to learn a new way of reasoning and expressing their ideas if they are going to communicate satisfactorily with Americans.

According to the passage, Americans expect speakers and writers to ______.

A.be clear about their main ideas

B.give as much information as possible

C.express their personal views

D.be honest about their true feelings

Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.

Teaching is supposed to be an activity requiring long and complicated training as well as official certification (资格证书). The student's role is one of receiving information; the teacher's role is one of sending it. There is a clear distinction assumed between one who is supposed to know (and therefore not capable of being wrong) and another, usually younger person, who is supposed not to know.

However, teaching need not be the province of a special group of people nor need it be looked upon as a technical skill. Teaching can be more like guiding and assisting than forcing information into a supposedly (想象上,按照推测) empty head. If you have a certain skill you should be able to share it with someone. You do not have to get certified to convey what you know to someone else or to help them in their attempt to teach themselves. All of us, from the very youngest children to the oldest members of our cultures should come to realize our own potential as teachers. We can share what we know, however little it might be, with someone who has the need of that knowledge or skill.

The act of teaching is regarded as ______.

A.a job carried out by well-trained people

B.a technical skill

C.a complicated activity

D.an official certification

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