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听力原文:Bob: Well, what do you think of this, Mary? Do you like this restaurant?Mary: Oh,

听力原文:Bob: Well, what do you think of this, Mary? Do you like this restaurant?

Mary: Oh, honey, it looks very nice. Oh, look, let's see if we can sit over there by the window so we can look at the water.

Bob: Oh, yeah, sure. Uh, hm, excuse me miss, could we have a table over there by the window?

Waitress: Nuh, I am sorry, we are closing that section. Would you mind sitting over there?

Mary: Oh. all right, sure.

Waitress: Would you care to order now?

Bob: Yes, I think we are ready now. Mary?

Mary: Yes. I will have the baked salmon.

Waitress: Very good. What kind of potatoes would you like with that?

Mary: Boiled, please.

Waitress: Vegetable?

Mary: Asparagus...Oh, no. Sorry. I think I'd rather have broccoli.

Waitress: Very good, ma'am. And you. Sir?

Bob: I'd like the veal cutlet.

Waitress: I am sorry. Sir, but we are out of the veal cutlet.

Bob: Oh, I see. Well, bring me the steak then.

Waitress: Yes, sir. And how would you like that?

Bob: Medium rare.

Waitress: What would you have to drink?

Bob: Nothing right now. Thank you.

Bob and Mary ordered all the following EXCEPT _________.


B.Baked salmon.



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更多“听力原文:Bob: Well, what do you th…”相关的问题
听力原文:W: Peter is a quiet boy. He rarely says a thing.M: Well, let me tell you, his bro

听力原文:W: Peter is a quiet boy. He rarely says a thing.

M: Well, let me tell you, his brother Bob is just the opposite.

What kind of a person is Bob?

A.He is shy.

B.He is quiet.

C.He is talkative.

D.He is helpful.

听力原文:W: Well, Bob James, what a surprise! It's nice to see you again!M: Hello, Margare

听力原文:W: Well, Bob James, what a surprise! It's nice to see you again!

M: Hello, Margaret! My gosh! How long has it been? Wasn't it a year ago Christmas, the last time we saw you?

W: You know, I think you're right. How's your wife and the kids?

M: Oh, they're fine.

When did the two people see each other last?

A.More than two years ago.

B.Last Christmas.

C.Last birthday party.

D.A long time ago.

听力原文:M: Do you think Bob is serious about Mary?W: Well I've never seen him go out so o

听力原文:M: Do you think Bob is serious about Mary?

W: Well I've never seen him go out so often with the same person.

Q: What conclusion does the woman want us to draw from her statement?


A.Bob has many girl friends.

B.Bob likes Mary very much.

C.Bob seldom stays at home nowadays.

D.Bob never goes out with Mary. Questions 19 to 20 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

听力原文:W: Hey, Bob! So how was the movie?M: Well, I didn't really enjoy it very much.W:

听力原文:W: Hey, Bob! So how was the movie?

M: Well, I didn't really enjoy it very much.

W: Why? That film got great reviews. It's really popular.

M: Oh, the movie was fine. I just got irritated by the people sitting in front of me.

W: What happened?

M: Well, first they came in late. It took them a while to get into their seats. All this was happening during an exciting part of the movie. And then they started talking.

W: Oh, I hate when that happens!

M: There were two of them: a man and a woman. The man had seen the movie before. He was telling the woman the entire story.

W: Unbelievable!

M: Well, yon won't believe what happened next! Another person asked them to be quiet. Politely, of course.

W: Right.

M: And they started arguing! Their voices were getting louder and louder. One guy was saying, "You shouldn't talk in the movie," and the other guy was saying, "You can't tell me what to do!"

W: Well, what finally happened?

M: The usher had to be called in because it was getting out of hand. Everyone quieted down eventually, but it was too late. They had ruined the movie for me.


A.He didn't really enjoy it very much.

B.He liked its story, but the music was awful.

C.He enjoyed every minute of the movie.

D.He was excited with the development of the story.

听力原文:W: Bob, can we really afford a holiday?M: Of course, both of us work so hard that

听力原文:W: Bob, can we really afford a holiday?

M: Of course, both of us work so hard that we deserve a holiday.

W: Shall we go to Sweden?

M: Sweden's colder than Sheffield. I'd rather not to go to Sweden.

W: What about Florida? It's warmer than Sheffield.

M: Yes, but it's a long way.

W: Then let's go to Hawaii.

M: You must be joking. How much would it cost for the two of us?

W: Well, where do you really want to go?

M: Why can't we reach a conclusion?


A.Going to Sweden.

B.How to work hard.

C.Spend a holiday in Florida..

D.Where to spend the holiday.

听力原文:Bob: I'm longing to hear about this tour. Janet, you must be terribly excited.Jan

听力原文:Bob: I'm longing to hear about this tour. Janet, you must be terribly excited.

Janet: Oh, I am. I ... I've never been to America before, so I'm really looking forward to it. I thought of going fly-drive.

Bob: Fly-drive?

Janet: Yes. You know, you ... (5[A]) you can arrange for a car to be waiting for you at the airport when you arrive. You book everything this end including the plane tickets.

Bob: Sounds simple enough. Are you going to, then?

Janet: Well, I'm bit worried about driving on the other side of the road and having to, so (4[D]) I decided it would be better to go on a more organized holiday.

Bob: What do you mean by "organized"?

Janet: (4[D]) Well, everything is arranged by a tour operator. You know, you are taken around and shown where to go and what to do. I would probably miss half the sights otherwise.

Bob: Mm, where are you going anyway?

Janet: Orlando. It's in central Florida.

Bob: Sounds OK. Are you going on your own?

Janet: Yes, I don't mind that. (7[B]) There will be other people on the tour, I'm sure to make friends, You know, I like meeting new people. Here, let me show you the brochure.

Bob: (6[C]) It looks pretty packed, Do you really have time to do all these things?

Janet: Oh, yes. It's all planned.

Janet has eventually decided to go on a ______.

A.fly-drive holiday

B.car trip

C.two-city holiday

D.conducted tour

听力原文:W: Well, Bob James, what a surprise! It's nice to see you again!M: Hello, Margare

听力原文:W: Well, Bob James, what a surprise! It's nice to see you again!

M: Hello, Margaret! My gosh ! How long has it been? Wasn't it a year ago Christmas, the last time we saw you?

W. You know, I think you' re right. How's your wife and the kids?

M: Oh, they' re fine. Billy fell down and broke his leg a few months ago. But other than that, there's been nothing special.

W: Wasn't Joey learning to play the violin? Seems to me I remember something about that.

M: Oh, he's given that up. He's all excited about sports now. Actually I don't mind.

W: And your wife, what is she doing these days?

M: She's going to a night school on Mondays and Thursdays. She's studying French now. But last year she studied typing and sewing. I think she just enjoys going to school. Next it'll probably be cooking.

W: How nice for her. Oh, I'm sorry, I've got to rush. But say hello to Mrs James for me, will you?

M: Sure I will, and remember me to your husband, goodbye.

When did the two people see each other last?

A.More than two years ago.

B.Last Christmas.

C.Last birthday party.

D.A long time ago.

听力原文:M: Hello. Nancy. This is Bob, How are you?W: Fine. thank you. A bit too busy thou

听力原文:M: Hello. Nancy. This is Bob, How are you?

W: Fine. thank you. A bit too busy though. You know, I'm trying to put everything in order in my new list.

M: Oh. I see. Well. I was wondering if you would like to go to a concert to- morrow night. I think it will be good. And if I remember correctly, you did say you liked country music.

W: Yes. That's right; I do. It's nice of you to ask. Bob. But I don't think I can. Mother has already asked me to see a friend and then we'll go to the theater together. In fact she's getting the tickets this evening.

M: Oh. well, never mind. What about next weekend? This concert is still on then, I think, if you are free next Saturday.

W: Oh. I'd like to very much. But what time exactly?

M: It starts at 7:30. I think.

W: Oh. good. That'll be fine. The tennis match will be over by five o'clock, I'm sure.

M: Good. I'U call you again when I get the tickets.

W: Sure. Bye now.

Why does Bob call Nancy?

A.To ask if she's got the tickets.

B.To invite her out for an evening.

C.To offer his help with his new flat.

听力原文:What did Bob say at the annual sales conference?(A) The conference will be held n

听力原文:What did Bob say at the annual sales conference?

(A) The conference will be held next week.

(B) Bob buys a new car.

(C) The RTM company could be a potential threat to us.





听力原文:What is Bob going to pay for?(7)A.His ticker only.B.Their vacation.C.His supper o

听力原文:What is Bob going to pay for?


A.His ticker only.

B.Their vacation.

C.His supper only.

D.Their supper.

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