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听力原文:A new study by American Institutes for Research found that more than a half of 4-

year college students and nearly 75% of 2-year college students lack the ability to figure out a tip, compare prices or even balance a checkbook. There's been an assumption out there that college students are graduating with ascertained level of what we do expect proficient skills. In this study really shows that some of those assumptions may not be correct. But the problem researchers say is the majority of them can't comprehend when they just read.Some students say they are not surprised by the results and colleges need to do more to better prepare them. It's irresponsible and negation for colleges just be able to put their name in the university of people's degrees and send the people to workforce when they're unprepared and unskilled.

How many 2-year college students do not have the ability to figure out a tip?





提问人:网友dengwenji 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“听力原文:A new study by American I…”相关的问题
听力原文:A new study said bottled water may not be cleaner or safer than tap water—a natio
nal organization dedicated to protecting public health and the environment produced the report after surveying more than 100 brands of bottled water.


听力原文:M: If you aren't doing anything particular, shall we see the new play at the gran
d theater tonight?

W: Sounds great. But I've got to go over my notes for tomorrow's midterm.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.She has to study for the exam.

B.She is particularly interested in plays.

C.She's eager to watch the new play.

D.She can lend her notes to the man.

听力原文:According to a new study done at the medical school of the University of Californ
ia at Los Angeles, left-handed people may be more likely m have accidents than the fight-handed.


A.Left-handed people tend to be smarter than the right-handed.

B.The rate of left-handed having undesirable occurances is higher than that of the right-handed.

C.Left-handed people like to have accidents more than the right-handed.

D.Left-handed people have greater difficulty in controlling their vehicles.

听力原文: A new government study shows that most US corporations paid no federal taxes bet
ween 1996 and 2000. The study found that more than 60 percent of US-based companies avoided federal taxes altogether. The percentage of foreign-owned firms that paid zero taxes was about 10 percent higher. A front-page article in Tuesday's Wall Street Journal says the study show that evading taxes, through legal or other means, has become "deeply rooted in US corporation culture."

About ______ of foreign-owned companies avoided federal taxes altogether.

A.60 percent

B.10 percent

C.70 percent

D.50 percent

听力原文:A new international study shows that six people die every minute from smoking. Th

听力原文: A new international study shows that six people die every minute from smoking. This study shocked most people because it means 3 million deaths around the world every year. If the present rate of smoking continues, the number of deaths each year from smoking could rise to 10 million by the year 2050. This news has worried the most people in the developed countries, especially those smokers.

The study also shows that smoking is the main cause of the death in industrial countries, and most of the smoking deaths have happened to men, especially in developing countries. That means more people smoke in the poor areas than in the rich areas and more people died in the poor countries than in the wealthy countries.

In addition, the study indicates that smoking may also cause lung cancer to those adults. It may lead to cancer of the mouth and other parts of body. Smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to suffer from heart disease. Therefore, experts advise the people to stop smoking completely so that they can reduce their chance of dying early.


A.3 million smokers increase every year.

B.3 million people get lung cancer every year.

C.3 million cigarettes ate produced every year.

D.3 million people die from smoking every year.

听力原文:According to a new study done at the Medical school of the University of Californ

听力原文: According to a new study done at the Medical school of the University of California, left handed people may be more likely to have accidents than the right handed. One reason may be that left handers tend to make minor mental mistakes. In the study of 2000 sailors, those who had more mental errors also had more accidents, end left handers were reported to have more mental errors and more accidents than right handers. The author of the study, Harry Smith said "Minor mental mistakes are mistakes that any adults would make when they were tired or careless and they could lead to accidents because they lose track of what we are doing." Paul White, chief of the study program said that he found the study interesting and exciting. But he warned that the conclusions should not be accepted without further investigation. He said the study had limitations, and limitations could have influenced the results. Harry Smith, who is right handed himself, stressed that the study was not an official project and said that the findings cannot be applied m every left hander. He said minor mental mistakes were mostly because of the lack of concentration. But in the past, it was believed that left handers tended to have more accidents largely because most equipment was designed for right handers.


A.Right handers are more likely to have mental mistakes.

B.Left handers are more liable to have accidents.

C.Left handers are more skillful in handling things.

D.Right handers get tired easily.

听力原文:A new study reports the common drug aspirin greatly reduces life-threatening prob

听力原文: A new study reports the common drug aspirin greatly reduces life-threatening problems after an operation to replace blocked blood vessels to the heart. More than 800,000 people around the world have this heart surgery each year. The doctors who carried out the study say giving aspirin to patients soon after the operation could save thousands of lives. People usually take aspirin to control pain, and reduce high body temperature. Doctors also advise some people to take aspirin to help prevent heart attacks. About 10% ~ 15% of these heart operations end in death or damage to the heart or other organs. The new study shows that even a small amount of aspirin reduced such threats. The doctors said the chance of death for patients who took aspirin would fall by 67 %. They claimed this was true if the aspirin was given within 48 hours of the operation. The doctors believe aspirin helps heart surgery patients because it can prevent blood from thickening, and blood vessels from being blocked. However, the doctors warned that people who have stomach bleeding or other bad reactions from aspirin should not take it after heart surgery.


A.It has been proven to be. the best pain-killer.

B.It is a possible cure for heart disease.

C.It can help lower high body temperature effectively.

D.It reduces the chance of death for heart surgery patients.

听力原文:A new study from the University of New South Wales has discovered that during the

听力原文: A new study from the University of New South Wales has discovered that during the working week, Australian fathers only spend an average of just over a minute each day alone with their children. Australian mothers, on the other hand, spend 3 hours a week purely looking after their children. On much greater disparity than in other countries, like America, Denmark, Italy and France (Q14) , working couples divide the child-care more evenly. According to the author of the study, traditionally, Australian fathers appear to like the fun aspects of parenthood, but stay away from daily child-care activities. So while they tend to be happy taking the kids to the park or to sports event, they are unlikely to participate regularly in feeding, bathing, or taking the kids to school (Q15). In short, Australian parenting is seen as a woman's job and a man's hobby. However, the last twenty years have seen the arrival of the so-called "new man"— the man who is willing to share the house-work and child-care (Q16). The "new man" has a picture of his children on his computer desktop at work; he never misses the kids' school plays and he passes on a drink after work so that he can get home in time to read their bedtime story. This new study suggests that the new man feels a little more at home in Europe than in Australia (Q17). Indeed, a poll conducted in the UK indicated that almost 70% of British women thought that men were as good at raising children as women.

According to the passage, mothers in______ spend more time looking after children.





听力原文: While many overweight people claim to have a strong desire to shed excess pounds
, most do little to achieve this goal, a new study suggests. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota report that only one in three people who are trying to lose weight, and one in five people trying not to gain weight, follow the widely recommended approach of at least 150 minutes of exercise weekly and reduced caloric intake. A staggering 61% of American adults currently meet the scientific definition of overweight or obesity, putting them at increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, arthritis, depression and several forms of cancer.

According to the study, how many people really intend to lose weight?

A.About 30%.

B.About 20%.

C.About 61%.

D.About 50%.

听力原文:Dr. Williams in New York carried out a study of cats, which had fallen out of win

听力原文: Dr. Williams in New York carried out a study of cats, which had fallen out of windows of apartment blocks. Nine out of ten survived a fall of two storeys or more. One cat fell from a flat on the thirty- second floor and only lost a tooth. Interestingly, the cats were most at risk from injury or death if they fell from the seventh floor. Falling from either a lesser or greater height gave them a better chance of survival.

What is the significance of the seventh floor? The study shows that this is the distance cats take to reach their terminal speed, i.e., the final speed that does not change once it is reached. After the seventh floor, it may be that they relax and spread out their legs like a flying squirrel. This would slow them down and allow their muscles to absorb more of the force of impact, which would reduce the damage.

Cats also have a very well-developed sense of balance. They can change position while falling so that they land on their feet. This has the advantage of spreading the force of impact with the ground over four legs and so does less damage to each leg.


A.Nine out of ten.

B.One third.

C.Elven out of thirty.

D.One fourth.

听力原文:New research from Australia shows that pets are good for your health. The finding

听力原文: New research from Australia shows that pets are good for your health. The findings of this new study suggest that people who have pets are at less risk from heart disease than those who do not.

The new research was carried out over three years and examined 3,000 people. They took tests that measured a variety of different factors known to be involved in heart disease--blood pressure and blood levels. Also, people were asked about their lifestyles. The 800 people who owned pets had low levels on each of the factors measured than those who did not own pets. The study 'also showed that it did not matter what kind of pet was owned--a cat was as good as a dog— so the benefits could not be attributed to the exercises involved in walking a dog.

The question is just how pets manage to make their owners more healthy. The obvious answer is that they make their owners feel more relaxed and happy. The Australian scientists who organized this study commented that if a new drug was available that was as effective as simply having a pet, then this drug would undoubtedly be considered a breakthrough in the control of heart disease.


A.Pets manage to make their owners more healthy.

B.Pets spread many kinds of disease to men.

C.Pet owners enjoy better health because of exercises.

D.Pets can sometimes cause high blood pressure in man.

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