题目内容 (请给出正确答案)

How did Bert Roberts get this form?A.He visited a website.B.Manov sent it to him.C.He wrot

How did Bert Roberts get this form?

A.He visited a website.

B.Manov sent it to him.

C.He wrote to BTC to request it.

D.He found it in the newspaper.

提问人:网友sosoliuhu 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“How did Bert Roberts get this …”相关的问题
How many years of work experience? does Bert Roberts have?A.TwoB.ThreeC.FiveD.Seven

How many years of work experience? does Bert Roberts have?





If Bert Roberts accepts a job with BTC, what will he probably have to do?A.Get a master's

If Bert Roberts accepts a job with BTC, what will he probably have to do?

A.Get a master's degree

B.Add his testimony to the company's advertisements

C.Move to another country

D.Join a gym

How did people respond to Bush' nomination of Roberts?A.Both Republicans and Democrats wer

How did people respond to Bush' nomination of Roberts?

A.Both Republicans and Democrats were in favor of the nomination.

B.Both Republicans and Democrats were worried about the nomination.

C.Democrats supported the nomination while Republicans were worded about it.

D.Republicans supported the nomination while Democrats were worded about it.

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

The very word "perfume" has feminine meaning to many male ears. Men can be sold" deodorant (除臭剂)", but the idea of all those little bottles with their fussy paraphernalia (随身用具) is too much for the sensitive male ego. Yet no industry can afford to neglect half its potential market, and perfume-makers are ever keen to crack the shell of male silence. Now they may know how to do so.

Craig Roberts of the University of Liverpool and his colleagues -- working with a team from Unilever's research laboratory at nearby Port Sunlight -- have been investigating the problem. They already knew that appropriate scents can improve the mood of those who wear them. What they discovered, though, as they will describe in a forthcoming edition of the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, is that when a man changes his natural body odor it can alter his self-confidence to such an extent that it also changes how attractive women find him.

Half of Dr Roberts's volunteers were given an aerosol spray(烟雾喷剂) containing a commercial formulation of fragrance. The other half were given a spray identical in appearance but lacking active ingredients. The study was arranged so that the researchers did not know who had received the scent and who the fake. Each participant obviously knew what he was spraying on himself, since he could smell it. But since no one was told the true purpose of the experiment, those who got the fake did not realize they were being matched against people with a properly smelly aerosol.

Over the course of several days, Dr Roberts's team conducted several psychological tests on both groups of volunteers. They found that those who had been given the commercial fragrance showed an increase in self-confidence. Not that surprising, perhaps. What was surprising was that their self-confidence improved to such an extent that women who could watch them but not smell them noticed. The women in question were shown short, silent videos of the volunteers. They deemed the men wearing the deodorant more attractive. They were, however, unable to distinguish between the groups when shown only still photographs of the men, suggesting it was the men's movement and bearing, rather than their physical appearance, that was making the difference.

For Unilever and other manufacturers of men's scent, this is an important discovery. The firm's marketing of its, main product in this area, a deodorant called Lynx, plays up the so-called" Lynx Effect"-- which is supposed to make men irresistibly attractive to women. Dr Roberts's experiment, however, suggests that the advertised "Born chicka wah wah" of the product may have nothing to do with a woman's appreciation of the smell, and everything to do with its psychological effect on the man wearing it.

Why are the little bottles with fussy paraphernalia too much for the sensitive male?

A.Because it is of much trouble to carry such bottles.

B.Because such bottles somewhat bear feminine meaning.

C.Because it is fairly enough for them to take deodorant.

D.Because perfume-makers' neglect of them has angered them.

II. Fill in the blanks. (每小题1分,共10分) Directi...

II. Fill in the blanks. (每小题1分,共10分) Directions: In this section, you will hear one conversation in English. It will be spoken twice. Listen and fill in the blanks with the words and expressions the speakers use. Roberts: Hello. You must be Mario Pelleschi. My name is Linda Roberts. I’ve 1. _______________ you. Pelleschi: Hello. 2. _______________ to meet you. Roberts: Did you have 3. _______________? Pelleschi: Yes, although we were late 4. _______________. Roberts: And 5. _______________ are you staying?

In an effort to plan out expenses, the Roberts family is representing its annual budget as
a circle graph. Each sector of the graph is proportional to the amount of the budget it represents. If "clothes and shoes" takes up 54° of the chart, how much of the Roberts's $20,000 annual budget is dedicated to clothes and shoes?






听力原文:W: What do you want to do tonight?M: How about going to tile movies? I should be

听力原文:W: What do you want to do tonight?

M: How about going to tile movies? I should be home from work at 5:20. Then we can go out and eat and then to the movies.

W: What do you want to see?

M: Let's see the ad in the newspaper.

W: It starts at 6:30. I don't think we can get there in time to see the beginning. How about the one at the New State Cinema? That starts at 7:00.

M: I don't like Tom Cruise.

W: Well there's one with Zelta Jones and Tom Hanks that starts at 6:50, Maybe we can go to that.

M: I've already seen it. Maybe we should just stay home and watch TV.

W: There's a Julia Roberts movie on TV. How does that sound?

M: Yeah, let's just stay home and watch that. Then we can go out Friday night.

W: Did you forget that Allan and Catherine are coming to dinner that night? In addition we probably couldn't get a baby-sitter Friday. There's a school dance.

M: OK. I hope Saturday is all right. Do we have anything planned for then?

W: No, Saturday is fine. And there's a good movie starting on Saturday too.

M: Good. I'm going to play bowling Saturday morning but I'll be home by 2:00 p.m. Then we can go out for s big dinner and to the movies, if nothing else comes up.

W: I'm sure we'll be able to. It's so nice to share the wonderful romantic movie with my darling.

M: It's the same to me.


A.The weekend dancing.

B.The weekend shopping.

C.The weekend party.

D.The weekend arrangement.

听力原文: This is John Roberts reporting from Cardiff. The result of the match which finis
hed at four this afternoon between France and Wales was a draw. Neither side scored. The Dutch referee did not allow the one goal which France managed to kick. The reason for this was that a French player was unfortunately off side. So both teams went home disappointed. This means that neither the French nor the Welsh team will reach first place in this international competition.

However, I can say that the spectators were delighted with the game. They particularly admired the French forwards, who were already fast and often threatened the Welsh defence. Once it looked as though the Welsh goalkeeper was in serious trouble. He dived to his right to save a shot from the French center forward and crashed his head against the goal post. A doctor examined him but he soon began to play again. Of course the large, friendly crowd applauded him.

This report is about a game of ______.





听力原文:Interviewer: Well, today on Starting Out, we look at the sandwich industry in Bri
tain. I have with me Brian Fraser, the owner of 'Designer Sandwiches', and Geraldine Holmes, another successful sandwich shop owner from Brighton. Brian did you have any problems developing your business?

Brian Fraser: Not at the start. I set up my first sandwich shop in Leeds in 1994. That went well. Unfortunately, though, just before the opening of my second shop, there was a fire in the empty building. So I had to start again and find new premises for it. It's doing as well as the first one now, though.

Interviewer: Why do you think you have been so successful?

Brian Fraser: There's a high demand for sandwiches made from fresh ingredients, especially when they're served in a relaxed and friendly place. Although people have a bit less time nowadays, they're still happy to pay more for something really good.

Interviewer: Of course some people take your sandwiches straight back to their desks. Is that a growing trend?

Brian Fraser: Quite the opposite! It used to be true, but now, because many offices ban smoking completely, we find a lot of people stay at our tables and chat over a cigarette after their sandwich. No one wants to stand outside smoking, especially in winter, and because we're near their offices, people often come in twice a day.

Interviewer: So how long is the average lunch break nowadays?

Brian Fraser: It's nowhere near an hour, of course. I'm told it's slightly more than 30 minutes, I can't remember the exact figure, but well under forty minutes.

Interviewer: Designer Sandwiches are the perfect choice, then.., if you're living in Leeds! Now Geraldine, how did you start your own business?

Geraldine Holmes: Well, it was by accident, really. I planned to train as a journalist, but I got an office job to earn some money first. There were no places to buy a cheap snack near where I worked. My colleagues used to complain about this. So I thought there's an excellent idea here and I made a start immediately.

Interviewer: And how did you finance the business when you started?

Geraldine Holmes: Well, you have to understand that I began in a very small way! So I really didn't need a loan from the. bank. I used to fill a basket with about forty sandwiches, sell them in local offices, and, when the basket was empty, make some more. The little money I'd saved bought the first ingredients, and after that, I always had cash coming in, so there was no need for my parents to help either. Interviewer: Very low risk! Was it difficult to develop the business though? Geraldine Holmes: Yes and no. I made a reasonable profit from the start, so I was able to afford to rent a small place. I sold my sandwiches there, but also continued to supply the many customers I already had. The problem was, I had to close the premises while I delivered to their various offices. Interviewer: So then you employed Jack Roberts, now your business partner, to help you? Geraldine Holmes: Employ, no! I couldn't afford wages. Jack had a very good job then, though he hated it. When I asked him to join the business, he seemed interested. Fortunately for me, he had two weeks off work at the time, so he agreed to take over the deliveries temporarily. Well, he enjoyed it so much, he decided to give up his proper job and take a risk with me.

Interviewer: And from then on, success was guaranteed! Geraldine Holmes, Brian Fraser, thank you for sharing your early careers with us.

?You will hear a discussion between a radio interviewer and the owners of two companies which sell sandwiches.

?For each question 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.

?After you have listened once, replay the recording.

What problem did Brian have with his sandwich business?

A.His first shop was unpopular.

B.He had to close one of the shops.

C.His second shop didn't open on time.

听力原文: This is John Roberts reporting from Cardiff. Tile result of the match which fini
shed at four this afternoon between France and Wales was a draw. Neither side scored. The Dutch referee did not allow the one goal which France managed to kick. The reason for this was that a French player was unfortunately off side. So both teams went home disappointed. This means that neither the French nor the Welsh team will reach first place in this international competition.

However, I can say that the spectators were delighted with the game. They particularly admired the French forwards, who were already fast and often threatened the Welsh defence. Once it looked as though the Welsh goalkeeper was in serious trouble. He dived to his right to save a shot from the French center forward and crashed his head against the goal post. A doctor examined him but he soon began to play again. Of course the large, friendly crowd applauded him.

This report is about a game of ______.





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