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Another trend of the 1990s in the computer industry is toward multimedia formats, as the m

arket for conventional types of computer--those that have computation and data processing as their major functions--has begun to become saturated. Multimedia computers are systems that can process graphics, sound, video, and animation in addition to traditional data processing. Videocassette recorders, televisions, telephones, and audiocassette players have recently undergone a change in technology from analog to digital formats. Television images, for example, can be processed by computer programs once they have been converted to digital signals, while those in conventional analog signals cannot. In other words, digital video images can be zoomed up or down, reshaped, or rearranged by the appropriate software. Also, due to advances in video-signal compression technology, the memory space required for storing a video program has been greatly reduced.

Multimedia has important applications for consumer products and for business needs. Video scenes that are captured by camcorders can be combined with text, sound, and data and can be viewed on television sets in homes, schools, or offices. These multimedia presentations are becoming useful educational and commercial tools. For example, there are available encyclopaedias that contain video programs depicting animal behavior, geomorphic processing, and other natural phenomena. Automobile mechanics can watch videos that demonstrate how to repair new models. In business applications, documents can be annotated with 7oice or video. New consumer products can be more effectively marketed by demonstrating how they can be used. CD-ROMs of numerous other subjects have been recently published; all of them can be viewed on TV monitors using multimedia computers. These multimedia computer systems can, in turn, be incorporated into computer networks, enhancing the effectiveness of communication.

This multitude of new products and capabilities has been made possible by the tremendous progress of microprocessor technology. Because of the advances in this area, personal computers have become more powerful, smaller, and less expensive, which has enabled computer networks to proliferate. Many of the tasks that were traditionally performed by mainframes have been transferred to personal computers connected to communications networks. Although the mainframe. continues to be produced and serves a useful purpose, it has been used more often as one of many different computers and peripheral devices connected to computer networks. In this new role, the function of mainframes as powerful processors of database systems is becoming important, and, as a result, massively parallel computers with hundreds or thousands of microprocessors are being produced. In addition to being powerful, the microprocessors used for this purpose must be inexpensive, but low costs can be achieved only if they are mass-produced. Throughout the world, more than 100, 000, 000 personal computers and 500, 000 workstations are in use, whereas only several hundred supercomputers are in operation; the numbers of mainframes and minicomputers fall somewhere between those of supercomputers and workstations. Because of such high-volume production, microprocessors for personal computers or workstations tend to be inexpensive and are available for use in massively parallel computers as well.

Multimedia computers ______.

A.can process anything but digital data

B.can even process television images

C.are rarely used in education

D.have few business applications

提问人:网友gdsdmsj 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Another trend of the 1990s in …”相关的问题
According to Paragraph 2, what makes music of different cultures bear similarities to one

A.How the octave is divided and scales are produced.

B.The way in which the harmonies of certain music are achieved.

C.Whether there is the trend of being melody- oriented or not.

D.The formal qualities of music instead of rhythmic procedures and textures.

According to the author, the trend for the employment in the Internet world is that more p
eople will______.

A.get employed in the Internet world and begin to love it

B.quit jobs in the Internet world and start their own business

C.become out of work in the Internet world

D.continue to work in the Internet world,: waiting for another dotcom boom

It is possible that the weather of the world may be changing. Some scientists imagine that
this could even mean the beginning of another ice age. The effects of such a change in weather on human population of the world would be frightening.

Recent research suggests that the warming trend (倾向) of the past hundred years or so may be coming to an end. During the past ten years, scientists tell us that the temperature of the world has dropped a little. This would have effects on wind and rain in the weather picture.

Scientists believe clouds may be an important factor (因素) in changing the amount of heat on the earth. Another possibility is that man's agriculture and industry ways may affect the natural weather.

The weather of the world seems to be getting ______.





听力原文:United Nations records show people the world over are getting older. This is due

听力原文: United Nations records show people the world over are getting older. This is due to better medicine and more food, even in developing countries. Another global statistic: there are fewer younger people able to provide health care and other services for the elderly. Other U.N. statistics show that by the year 2050, people 60 years or older will account for half of the increase in the world's population. The United States is already experiencing nursing shortages and expects other staffing shortages in health Care in the coming years. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described this trend as one of the greatest challenges that most nations will face this century. "Nations around the world are taking notice of the challenges of aging, but too many are still wrestling with them independent of one another, when we all stand to benefit from sharing our common solutions to these common problems:" Secretary Rice said one of the key goals of the summit was to open international discussions on this trend and to encourage research to provide the answers to the challenges posed by global aging.

According to United Nations records, people all over the world are getting older because of______.

A.good health care and other services

B.fewer and fewer challenges and pressures

C.more international discussions between countries

D.better medicine and more food

根据以下资料,回答19~22题。 It is possible that the weather of the world may be changing.S
ome scientists imagine that this could even mean the beginning of another ice age.The effects of such a change in weather on human population of the world would be frightening. Recent research suggests that the warming trend (倾向 ) of the past hundred years or so may be coming to an end.During the past ten years, scientists tell us that the temperature of the world has dropped a little.This would have effects on wind and rain in the weather picture. Scientists believe clouds may be an important factor (因素) in changing the amount of heat on the earth.Another possibility is that man's agriculture and industry ways may affect the natural weather. The weather of the world seems to be getting __. A.hotter B.colder C.warmer D.freezing

Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate wor...

Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word. Nowadays there is a media trend toward diminishing the importance of fathers in the United States. On the one hand, we have easy access to 1) stories about the struggles of working mothers. On the other, the 2) of fathers presented in the media are always 3) or irresponsible. Fathers are usually blamed for not helping much with the housework. Compared with working mothers and at-home dads, working fathers have received less media attention, although most are quietly yet proudly 4) their family duties. Our society has given little cultural 5) to those breadwinner fathers. Recently, there is another media trend of regarding at-home wives as “6) symbols” — a luxury not many men can afford to have. In fact, men as sole wage earners suffer many 7) . They have to work extra hours to make more money to support their families. It would be wise for us to be 8) of the importance of fathers to their children. It would also be advisable for us to recognize the great efforts that fathers make to support their families. They, the unsung heroes, 9) our recognition and our thanks for what they do. 1)

1 There is an accelerating trend toward greater realism in media communications. This tren
d can be attributed to technological innovations.

2 Years ago the radio sounded brassy and full of static. Now, since the development of frequency modulation (FM), radio sound is of a much higher fidelity. Stereophonic sound (stereo), another technological innovation, was a further step toward an improvement in the method of retaining naturalness in sound.

3 Perhaps a greater advance in the trend toward realism in communications was the invention of television. Wall to Wall television with panels for a cinematic effect may indeed be what tomorrow holds in store for us. Only three-dimensional and true-size projection remains to be developed in the continuing search for realism in visual communications.

4 It was not until 1960 that the first major breakthrough in the capability for the production of a practical stereoscopic system took place. At the time, the invention of the laser ray, which incorporated the principles of light and radio radiation, was utilized by communications media technicians. With the laser ray, which created an energy form. known as electromagnetic radiation, it became possible to record the actual distance from each object to the photographic plate. This finished plate, called a hologram (whole picture), permits three-dimensional viewing.

5 The only areas not yet near perfection in the technological communication search for realism are the sensations of touch, taste, and smell. Who knows what sensations of realism we may yet experience in the communications world of tomorrow?

What is one trend attributed to technological innovation in media communication?

A.science fiction

B.historical fiction


D.news development

Another reason convenience foods are likely to become more popular is the increase in the
number of women with children, who work in full-time employment. 2. In the UK, for example, working mothers significantly outnumber stay-at-home mothers. 3. There is evidence that consumption of convenience foods rises with numbers of hours worked. 4. As modern life increasingly demands that people are economically active, this trend is likely to continue. 下面关于这个段落阐述说法正确的选项有哪些?





听力原文:M: Actually Martin, can I just ask you—sorry to hold the meeting up—can I ask you
about the schedule? I mean the schedule for the marketing of our speed bicycle range, because I remember clearly that this range was going to be launched NEXT month. Well, I understand that we can be flexible, but did I just miss anything about the change in the schedule?

?You will hear another five recordings.

?For each recording, decide what the speaker is doing.

?Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording.

?Do not use any letter more than once. There are some extra letters which you do not need to use

?You will hear the five recordings twice.

A.inviting comments

B.raising an objection

C.opening and setting agenda


E.interpreting a trend

F.defending himself/herself

G.offering support

H.ending a presentation

Convenience foods have now become the norm in many...

Convenience foods have now become the norm in many societies. Although some people idealize traditional cooking practices and believe they will prevail indefinitely. In fact, there are a number of reasons for believing that convenience foods are likely to grow in popularity. The first reason is the decline in family size and the increase in single-adult households. In more traditional societies, where families tended to be large, it made economic sense for one person to devote her/himself to time-consuming domestic tasks such as growing and preparing food. Nowadays, people tend t live in ever smaller family units. If each family were to spend large amounts of time growing and processing food, this would be a poor use fo society’s human resources. Another reason convenience foods are likely to become more popular is the increase in the number of women with children, who work in full-time employment. In the UK, for example, working mothers significantly outnumber stay-at-home mothers. There is evidence that consumption of convenience foods rises with numbers of hours worked. As modern life increasingly demands that people are economically active, this trend is likely to continue. 请给这篇文章写一个结尾段

Passage OneThe Urbanization — migration away from the suburbs to the city center — will be

Passage One

The Urbanization — migration away from the suburbs to the city center — will be the biggest real estate trend in 2015, according to a new report.

The report says America’s urbanization will continue to be the most significant issue affecting the industry, as cities across the country imitate the walkability and transit-oriented development making cities like New York and San Francisco so successful.

As smaller cities copy the model of these “24-hour cities,”tfiore affordable versions of these places will be created. The report refers to this as the coming of the “18-hour city,”,and uses the term to refer to cities like Houston, Austin, Charlotte, and Nashville, which are “positioning themselves as highly competitive, in terms of livability, employment offerings, and recreational and cultural facilities.”

Another trend that looks significant in 2015 is that America’s largest population group, Millennials (千禧一代),will continue to put off buying a house. Apartments will retain their appeal for a while for Millennials, haunted by what happened to home-owning parents.

This trend will continue into the 2020s, the report projects. After that, survey respondents disagree over whether this generation will follow in their parents,footsteps, moving to the suburbs to raise families, or will choose to remain in the city center.

Another issue affecting real estate in the coming year will be America’s failing infrastructure. Most roads, bridges, transit, water systems, the electric grid, and communications networks were installed 50 to 100 years ago, and they are largely taken for granted until they fail.

The report’s writers state that America’s failure to invest in infrastructure impacts not only the health of the real-estate market, but also our ability to remain globally competitive.

Apart from the specific trends highlighted above, which cause some investors to worry, the report portrays an overall optimism borne by the recent healthy real-estate “upcycle” and improving economy. Seventy-four percent of the respondents surveyed report a “good to excellent” expectation of real-estate profitability in 2015. While excessive optimism can promote bad investment patterns, resulting in a real- estate “bubble,” the report’s writers downplay that potential outcome in that it has not yet occurred.

According to the new report, real estate development in 2015 will witness_______ .

A.an accelerating speed

B.a shift to city centers

C.a new focus on small cities

D.an ever-increasing demand

Why are Millennials reluctant to buy a house?A.They can only afford small apartments

B.The house prices are currently too high

C.Their parents' bad experience still haunts them

D.They feel attached to the suburban environment

What characterizes “24-hour cities” like New York?A.People can live without private cars

B.People are generally more competitive

C.People can enjoy services around the clock

D.People are in harmony with the environment

What might hinder real estate development in the U.S.?A.The continuing economic recession in the country

B.The lack of confidence on the part of investors

C.The fierce global competition

D.The worsening infrastructure

How do most of the respondents in the survey feel about the U.S. real-estate market in 2015?A.Pessimistic





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