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Using HIV Virus to Cure Cancer Scientists are planning to use human immunodeficiency (免疫

Using HIV Virus to Cure Cancer

Scientists are planning to use human immunodeficiency (免疫缺陷) virus (HIV), one of mankind's most feared viruses, as a carrier of genes which can fight cancer and a range of diseases that cannot be cured. The experts say HIV has an almost perfect ability to avoid the body's immune (免疫的) defenses, making it ideal for carrying replacement genes into patients' bodies, according to the Observer.

A team at the California-based Salk Institute, one of the world's leading research centers on biological sciences, has created a special new breed of HIV and has started negotiations with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to begin clinical gene therapy (治疗) trials this year. The first trials are expected to involve patients suffering from cancers that cannot be cured by surgery although project leader Professor Inder Verma said the HIV technique would have "far wider applications".

The plan remains very likely to cause controversy since it involves making use of a virus which has caused more than 22 million deaths around the world in the past two decades. Verma said that the idea of using HIV for a beneficial purpose was "shocking" but the fierce nature of HIV had disappeared by having all six of the potentially deadly genes removed.

Illnesses such as various cancers are caused when a gene in a patient's body fails to work properly. In the past two years, breakthroughs in genetics (遗传学) have led gene therapy scientists to try and replace the genes that do not function normally.

Unfortunately, the body's immune defenses have been known to attack the modified genes and make them lose their effects before they can start their task and progress in the field has been held up by the lack of a suitable carrier.

The HIV virus has the ability to escape from, and then destroy, the immune defense cells designed to protect our bodies and this makes it attractive to scientists as a way of secretly conveying replacement genes into patients' bodies.

FDA has approved the plan of using HIV to cure cancer in humans.



C.Not mentioned

提问人:网友yaohlin 发布时间:2022-01-06
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Using HIV Virus to Cure Cancer Scientists are planning to use human immunodeficiency

Using HIV Virus to Cure Cancer

Scientists are planning to use human immunodeficiency (免疫缺陷) virus (HIV), one of mankind's most feared viruses, as a carrier of genes which can fight cancer and a range of diseases that cannot be cured, The experts say HIV has an almost perfect ability to avoid the body's immune (免疫的) defenses, making it ideal for carrying replacement genes into patients' bodies, according to the Observer,

A team at the California-based Salk Institute, one of the world's loading research centers on biological sciences, has created a special new breed of HIV and has started negotiations with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to begin clinical gene therapy (治疗) trials this year. The first trials are expected to involve patients suffering from cancers that cannot be cured by surgery although project leader Professor Inder Verma said the HIV technique would have "far wider applications".

The plan remains very likely to cause controversy since it involves making use of a virus which has caused more than 22 million deaths around the world in the past two decades. Verma said that the idea of using HIV for a beneficial purpose was "shocking" but the fierce nature of HIV had disappeared by having all six of the potentially deadly genes removed.

I'll nesses such as various cancers are caused when a gene in a patient's body fails to work properly. In the past two years, breakthroughs in genetics (遗传学) have led gene therapy scientists to try and replace the genes that do not function normally.

Unfortunately, the body's immune defenses have been known to attack the modified genes and make them lose their effects before they can start their task and progress in the field has been held up by the lack of a suitable carrier.

The HIV virus has the ability to escape from, and then destroy, the immune defense cells designed to protect our bodies and this makes it attractive to scientists as a way of secretly conveying replacement genes into patients' bodies.

第 16 题 FDA has approved the plan of using HIV to cure cancer in humans.


B. Wrong

C. Not mentioned

根据下列文章,请回答 16~22 题。 Using HIV Virus to Cure Cancer Scientists are planning

根据下列文章,请回答 16~22 题。

Using HIV Virus to Cure Cancer

Scientists are planning to use human immunodeficiency(免疫缺陷)virus(HIV)。One of mankind’s most feared viruses,as a carrier of genes which can fight cancer and a range of diseases that cannot be cured.The expels say HIV has an almost perfect ability to avoid the body’s immune(免疫的)defenses,making it ideal for carrying replacement genes into patients’ bodies。according to the Observe.

A team at the California-based Salk Institute,one of the world’s leading research centers on biological sciences。has created a special new breed of HIV and has started negotiations with the U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA)to begin clinical gene therapy(治疗)trials this year.The first trials are expected to involve patients suffering from cancers that cannot be cured by surgery although project leader Professor inder Verma said the HIV technique would have” far wider applications”.

The plan remains very likely to cause controversy since it involves making use of a virus which has caused more than 22 million deaths around the world in the past two decades.Verma said that the idea of using H IV for a beneficial purpose was“shockin9’’but the fierce nature of HIV had disappeared by having all six of the potentially deadly genes removed.

Illnesses such as various cancers are caused when a gene in a patient’s body fails to work properly.In the past two years。breakthroughs in genetics(遗传学)have led gene therapy scientists to try and replace the genes that do not function normally.

Unfortunately, the body’s immune defenses have been known to attack the modified genes and make them lose their effects before they can start their task and progress in the field has been held up by the lack of a suitable carrier.

The HIV virus has the ability to escape from.and then destroy, the immune defense cells designed to protect our bodies and this makes it attractive to scientists as a way of secretly conveying replacement genes into patients’ bodies.

第 16 题 FDA has approved the plan of using HIV to cure cancer in humans.



C.Not mentioned

To diagnose influenza, the virus must be identified by using a microscope.A.YB.NC.NG

To diagnose influenza, the virus must be identified by using a microscope.




The virus is active and highly contagious during the chronic HIV infection.
According to the passage,______.A.more and more women are infected by HIV virusB.women hav

According to the passage,______.

A.more and more women are infected by HIV virus

B.women have more chances of being infected by HIV virus

C.the aim of the study in this passage is to understand how the virus works

D.many medical studies didn't answer any questions

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)Directions: In this part, you.viii hav

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

Directions: In this part, you.viii have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

HIV Vaccine Feat Leaves More Questions Than Answers

Only hours after HIV vaccine researchers announced the achievement of a milestone that has eluded them for a quarter of a century, they began plotting their next steps—and coming back to reality. Their ultimate goal, halting the spread of AIDS, remains far in the future. A Thai and American team had announced early Thursday in Bangkok that they had found a combination of vaccines that provided modest protection against infection with HIV, offering the first proof of principle that the deadly disease could be tamed by teaching the immune system to recognize the virus and defeat it. Scientists around the world hailed the achievement.

But by Thursday afternoon, the initial wave of joy had given way to the recognition that many questions will have to be answered before researchers can produce a vaccine that will reliably shield people from HIV. For starters, it could take years to figure out the biological mechanisms that produced the apparent 31 ~ reduction in infections among those given the vaccine treatment.

Researchers have never before observed antibodies (抗体) or other molecules in the blood that could block an infection of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Now they will try to figure out whether this combination of vaccines stimulated new molecules, or provoked an unusual blend of ones previously observed. Experts predicted that it would require 2 to 3 years of research to better understand how the vaccine worked, and an additional 5 to 10 years to produce a vaccine that was ready to test in people. Some researchers even wondered whether the apparent reduction in infections was simply a statistical mistake resulting from the small number of HIV cases observed in the trial.

The abundance of unanswered questions hasn't sapped the enthusiasm of many HIV researchers. After 26 years of seemingly futile research on vaccines, they have finally made some progress on demonstrating the feasibility of an HIV vaccine, said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which largely funded the $120-million study. "This is the first positive signal—modest though it may be—that we have ever got with any vaccine that we have ever tested in humans," Fauci said. But "is it a vaccine that is ready for prime time? No."

The Thai trial, which began in 2003, had been laughed at by many critics as a waste of time and money because its two vaccines had produced no benefit in individual trials. But a few researchers speculated that using them together—with one vaccine priming (开始修复) the immune system and the second boosting that response—would be more effective. The primer in this combination is Alvac, made by Sanofi Pasteur, which uses a harmless virus to carry three synthetic HIV genes into the body. :The boost comes from Aidsvax, originally made by VaxGen Inc. and now owned by the nonprofit group Global Solutions for Infectious Diseases. It contains a genetically engineered version of a protein from the HIV surface.

The study, led by Dr. Supachai Rerks-Ngarm of the Thai Ministry of Public Health's Department of Disease Control, involved more than 16,000 volunteers in Thailand, all from the general population rather than from a pool of high-risk homosexuals and drug users used in past studies. Half received four priming doses of Alvac and two boost doses of Aidsvax over a six-month period; the other half received placebo (无效对照药) shots. After three years of follow-up, new HIV infections were observed

A.scientists have made certain achievements in HIV vaccine

B.HIV vaccine has been proved successful ultimately

C.HIV vaccine has been proved useless

D.HIV has already been decoded and defeated

The gene therapy can curb HIV infection by______.A.helping healthy cells withstand the rav

The gene therapy can curb HIV infection by______.

A.helping healthy cells withstand the ravages of HIV virus

B.completely stopping the infected cells from spreading

C.considerably inhibiting the tat gene from working

D.isolating HIV virus from the healthy cells

The HIV virus has caused more deaths in developed countries.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned

The HIV virus has caused more deaths in developed countries.



C.Not mentioned

The Safeness of IUDs for HIV-positive Women1. Women infected with the most common form. of

The Safeness of IUDs for HIV-positive Women

1. Women infected with the most common form. of HIV may safely use the intrauterine device (IUD) for contraception, provided they see a doctor regularly, new study findings suggest.

2. World Health Organization guidelines currently state that, in general, HIV-infected women should avoid IUDs. "Those guidelines were essentially made on theoretical concerns, and there are really very little data on what contraceptive is appropriate for HIV-infected women," said the lead author Dr. Charles S. Morrison in North Carolina.

3. Morrison and colleagues gathered information on IUD-related complications at 1, 4 and 24 months after placement of the device in 636 women living in Nairobi, Kenya. Of these women, 156 had HIV infection. Participating physicians did not know the patients' HIV status. There was "little difference in any side effects in HIV-infected women compared with HIV-uninfected women, suggesting that the IUD is likely an appropriate method for HIV-infected women," Morrison said. "This is an important issue, because there are now 16 million women living with HIV and a lot of them have a critical need for contraception," he added.

4. The researchers did find that women with infections such as gonorrhea or chlamydia at the study's outset were at increased risk of IUD complications, confirming current guidelines suggesting that women with sexually transmitted diseases not use IUDs.

5. In addition, there was no difference in the amount of virus the HIV-positive women were releasing from their cervix, or shedding8, at the beginning of the study compared with 4 months after the IUD was inserted, the researchers reported in the August issue of the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Conversely, some studies have shown a relationship between increased cervical HIV shedding and the use of oral contraceptives.

6. "What this study suggests is that you need to avoid IUD use in women with a cervical infection but not women with HIV infection," Morrison said. "Women with cervical infections are at increased risk of complications; women with HIV infection are not."

A. Morrison's Survey and Findings

B. Comments on Current Guidelines

C. The Relation of Sexually Transmitted Diseases to IUD Complications

D. The Concrete Contents of Current Guidelines

E. A Conclusion of Morrison's Study

F. The Relationship Between Cervical HIV Shedding and Using IUDs

Paragraph 2 ______

The HIV virus is an excellent warrior to fight the body's immune cells.A.RightB.WrongC.Not

The HIV virus is an excellent warrior to fight the body's immune cells.



C.Not mentioned

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