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听力原文:This is William Marshall with this hour's top story. The City of Plasburg today h

as announced plans to create a brand new sports complex in downtown Plasburg. According to Mayor Jackson Tuttle, the $50 million project will begin next August and should be completed in 30 months. The sports complex will feature an 11,000 seat hockey arena, a 30,000 square foot gymnasium and four additional fitness facilities. Located near the Plainsview Bridge, the complex will complement the new football and soccer field that opened last May. The complex is expected to be called the Walden Center after Plasburg's first mayor Henry Walden. An estimated 500 full-time jobs are expected to be created from the new complex. The complex is also said to be a necessity should the city hope to host the Commonwealth Games six years from now. This is William Marshall for 1090 AM News.

What is the main topic of the news?

A.A brand new sports car will be launched.

B.A new mayor will be elected.

C.A sports complex will be created.

D.The Plainsview Bridge is being repaired.

提问人:网友jjxwhb 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“听力原文:This is William Marshall …”相关的问题
听力原文:Hello, this is Hogan, is William in?(A) Sorry, he is my boss. (B) Yes, please com

听力原文:Hello, this is Hogan, is William in?

(A) Sorry, he is my boss.

(B) Yes, please come in.

(C) Yes, hold on please.





听力原文:M: Hello, this is William White. May I speak to Miss Brown?W: I'm sorry, Mr. Whit

听力原文:M: Hello, this is William White. May I speak to Miss Brown?

W: I'm sorry, Mr. White. Miss Brown has gone to buy some dictionaries.

Where might Miss Brown go?




听力原文:I think William is a great actor.(A) He's always acting up.(B) I haven't seen it

听力原文:I think William is a great actor.

(A) He's always acting up.

(B) I haven't seen it yet.

(C) Yes, he's really good,





听力原文:The man packed to serve as the top US commander in the Middle East faced an equal
ly tough challenge today in Washington. Navy Admiral William Fallon appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee and spoke bluntly about the challenges plaguing the region particularly the war in Iraq. Fallon told committee members that the US miscalculated the war and that time is running out.

The Navy Admiral William Fallon said the US miscalculated the war and that time is running out in front of the committee.



听力原文:According to Tom, William lost his job not because he was always sick and usually
went to work late, but because he made a big error in last month's accounting and the boss was angry with him.

William lost his job because

A.he was always sick.

B.he usually went to work late.

C.he made a mistake in his work.

D.he got angry with his boss.

听力原文:W: Can you give me a driving lesson this afternoon, William?M: Yes, I guess I can

听力原文:W: Can you give me a driving lesson this afternoon, William?

M: Yes, I guess I can, but I'm afraid I don't have much time.

W: Good. See you later.

What will the man probably do?

A.He will ask the woman to teach him to drive.

B.He will learn to drive.

C.He will leave the woman alone.

D.He won't teach the woman how to drive.

听力原文:W: Did you hear about Mr. William's case last week?M: Yes. It's too terrible. As

听力原文:W: Did you hear about Mr. William's case last week?

M: Yes. It's too terrible. As a matter of fact, he should not issue an open cheque in favor of a third party. Anyone who holds it would present it to the paying bank and obtain cash against it.

Q: What happened to Mr. Williams?


A.He lost a cheque and the thief cashed it.

B.He opened a cheque account.

C.A thief stole the money from the bank.

D.He cashed the cheque but the money was stolen by a thief.

听力原文:Hi, Ms. Roberts. This is William from the Victoria Theater. I wanted to give you

听力原文: Hi, Ms. Roberts. This is William from the Victoria Theater. I wanted to give you an update on your group reservation. I've booked forty tickets for your group to see the musical Running Away next Thursday. As we discussed, you've received a 25 percent discount because of the size of your group. You will find the seat number at the bottom of each ticket. They're very good seats—in the center, close to the stage. Now, as part of our special group promotion, as I explained, all of you will be able to meet the actors after the show to ask questions and get autographs. Just remember that these seats cannot be changed, and the tickets cannot be returned.

Why has the price of the tickets been reduced?

A.They are for an afternoon performance.

B.They are for a large group.

C.They are for seats at the rear of the theater.

D.They are for a performance today.

听力原文:Dr. William N. Green is a children's dentist. Most of his patients are children.

听力原文: Dr. William N. Green is a children's dentist. Most of his patients are children. Children like to come to his office. He tells them about their teeth. He cleans their teeth well. He also takes care of their toothaches and fixes their broken teeth. Then he gives them a small gift.

Dr. Green lives in Olney. That's a small town near Washington,@D@C.. But his dental office is in Washington at 1616 Jefferson Street. He gets up at 6:15 every morning. He eats breakfast at 6:45 and leaves for work at 7:15. He drives to work and keeps his car in a parking lot on Madison Street. He gets to his office about 8:00.

Dentists earn a lot of money, and they also have a lot of responsibilities.

What is Dr. William N. Green?

A.A children's doctor.

B.A children's dentist.

C.A children's scientist.

听力原文:W: I was quite surprised when I heard William play the violin. From the way he ta
lked I thought he was just starting his lessons.

M: Oh, that's the way he always talks.

Q: What do we learn about William from this conversation?


A.William is just starting the violin lessons.

B.William can't play the violin.

C.William is very modest about his performance.

D.William is very proud of his performance.

听力原文:W: Good morning, Hillton Hotel. Can I help you?M: Good morning. My name is Willia

听力原文:W: Good morning, Hillton Hotel. Can I help you?

M: Good morning. My name is William Woods. I'd like to book a single room with bath.

W: I'm afraid the single room has booked out, what about the double room with bath?

M: That' s OK. By the way, how much is the fee per night?

W: $ 65. When will you be arriving and leaving, Sir?

M: From Monday, August 23rd to Saturday, August 28th.

W: Quite all right, Sir. Mr. William Woods, double room with bath, six nights. Is it right?

M: Yes , that's it. Thank you very much.

W: You're welcome.

What kind of room does William Woods want?

A.A single room.

B.A double room with bath.

C.A single room with bath.

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