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All the people who went to the new supermarket had one great hope: to be the lucky custome

r who did not have to pay for his shopping. For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised. It said, "Remember, once a week, one of our customers gets free goods. This may be your lucky day!"

For several weeks Mrs. White hoped, like many of her friends, to be the lucky customer. Unlike her friends, however, she never lost heart. Her kitchen was full of things which she did not really need. Her husband tried again and again to persuade her to give it up, but she just wouldn't listen. She dreamed of the day when the manager of the supermarket would come up to say, "Madam. this is your lucky day. Everything in your basket today is free."

One Friday morning, after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy some tea. She rushed back to the supermarket, got the tea and went to the desk to pay for it. As she was walking, she saw the manager of the supermarket coming up. "Madam," he said warmly, holding out his hand, "I want to congratulate you! You are our lucky customer today. Everything you've got in your basket is free."

People went to the supermarket to ______.

A.buy food

B.be lucky customers

C.get free things

D.meet the manager

提问人:网友bugsky 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“All the people who went to the…”相关的问题
In America, people who specialize in family problems ______.A.reaffirm the belief that a w

In America, people who specialize in family problems ______.

A.reaffirm the belief that a woman's place is in the home

B.would re-establish the father as the dominant figure of the family

C.are becoming more aware of the importance of the father's role in the family

D.believe that the mother deserves all the credit or blame for the raising of the children

听力原文:W: You know, I've often wondered why people laugh at the picture of a big belly b
usinessman slipping on a banana skin and falling on his bottom. We are to feel sorry for him.

M: Actually, Laura, I think we laugh because we are glad it didn't happen to us. But of course there is also a kind of humorous satisfaction in seeing somebody self-important making a fool of themselves.

W: Yes, and then there are a lot of jokes about people who are too fat or physically handicapped, you know, deaf, or short-sighted, things like that. After all, it's not really funny to be like that.

M: Oh, I think that's because we're embarrassed. We don't know how to cope with the situation. Perhaps we are even a bit frightened we might get like that, so we laugh. What about the custard pie routine?

W: What do you mean "custard pie routine"?

M: You know, all those old films where someone gets so outraged with his boss, he picks up a custard pie and plasters it all over the other person's face.

W: That never makes me laugh very much, because you can guess it's going to happen. But a lot of people still find it laughable. It must be because it's the sort of the thing we'd all love to do once in a while and never quite have the courage to.

M: I had an old aunt who used to throw cups of tea at people when she was particularly irritated. She said it relieved her feelings.

W: It must have come a bit expensive.

M: Not really. She took care never to throw her best china.


19. Why does the man say we laugh when we see some self-important people making fools of themselves?

20. Why do some people joke about those who are fat or handicapped according to the man?

21. Why do many people find it funny to see someone throwing a custard pie on their boss's face?

22. Why did the man's aunt say she would drop cups of tea at people occasionally?


A.We simply cannot help reacting instinctively that way.

B.We wish to hide our indifference to their misfortune.

C.We derive some humorous satisfaction from their misfortune.

D.We think it serves them right for being mean to other people.

听力原文:M: As usual, the lecture hall is in a complete mess this afternoon. Newspapers, s
oda cans, used tissues, all of them, just thrown all over the floor. I can't understand how people can be so thoughtless.

W: Well, your professor should have the authority to get something done about it.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?


A.Tell his professor about the condition of the lecture hall.

B.Organize a team of students to clean the lecture hall.

C.Find out who has been making a mess.

D.Wait to see if the problem will be solved.

听力原文:M: AS usual,the lecture hall is in a complete mess this afternoon. Newspapers,sod
a cans,used tissues, all of them,are just thrown all over the floor. I can't understand how people can be so thoughtless.

W: Well,your professor should have the authority to get something done about it.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?


A.Tell his professor about the condition of the lecture hall.

B.Organize a team of students to clean the lecture hall.

C.Find out who has been making a mess.

D.Wait to see if the problem will be solved.

听力原文:W: In the studio today we've got Roberta Wilson, who's a time management consulta
nt. Good morning, Roberta.

M: Good morning, Cindy.

W: Roberta, what exactly do time management consultants do?

M: Well, Cindy, it's all about helping people to organize their work in an ef fective way: maximum efficiency; minimum stress.

W: Hah, sounds like something I need. Who are your clients?

M: Um, mainly business people, but I've also worked with politicians, civil servants and university lecturers.

W: Um, quite a range, then. And what sort of things help people to organ ize their time? I suppose punctuality is important.

M: Um, yes and no. It's easier to finish a meeting on time if it starts on time. But in international contexts, you do have to be aware of cultural differences.

W: For example?

M: Well, in Britain big, formal meetings usually start on time, but less for mal meetings often begin a few minutes late. In Germany, on the other hand, people expect all meetings to begin on time; In some countries, er, for example, in Latin America, there's a more relaxed attitude. So, you d6 have to adapt to circumstances.

W: Um, it sounds like even if you manage your own time very well, you still can't control what other people do.

M. Well, you can set limits. If you're meeting a friend who always arrives late, you can say, "Well, I'm going to wait for 15 minutes. If they aren't there by then, I'll leave,"

W: Hmm. I've got one friend who's always late. I don't think I'd ever see her if I did that.

M: Hah, but people who are always late are the ones you need to set limits with. If they know that you won't wait, then, perhaps they'll make an effort.

W: Isn't that rather harsh?

M: No, not really. Someone who constantly turns up late is putting a low value on your time. Let them know you've got other things to do. And I'm not suggesting you do that with everyone just the persistent latecomers.


A.To help people to organize their work in an effective way.

B.To help people to become efficient at their jobs.

C.To help people to arrange their time properly.

D.To help people to reduce stress.

听力原文:W: Well, Charles, I must say that your shop is pretty remarkable. [7]Urn, it's ba
sically a sweetshop, but you also do stationery, greeting cards, tobacco and fireworks...

M: And newspapers.

W: And newspapers. Ah. And apart from all that, you've got photocopiers...

M: That's right.

W: And a fax machine.

M: Indeed.

W: Yes. How did... I mean, why the photocopiers?

M: Everything that's happened in my shop has almost happened by accident. [9]But when I got into Clifton, I needed a photocopy one day and no one could tell me where to go. So it struck me that if I didn't know where to go, other people were in the same situation, so that's why I started it. And then I added on a facsimile machine because it seemed like a natural progression at the time. And all sorts of people use it.

W: Yes, who, what sort of people do use it?

M: [10] Um, a lot of professional people—surveyors, engineers—particularly people who need to send, plans. [8] Because in the past you could send messages via telex, but a telex can't express a plan, whereas facsimile has that dimension, the added dimension.

W: Right. And do people send these fax messages abroad, or is it just to this country?

M: Well, it's surprising because when I started, I thought I'd be sending things to London and maybe Birmingham, [9] but in fact, a high percentage of it is sent abroad, because it's immediate, it's very speedy.

Charles' shop does NOT sell



C.writing paper and envelops.

D.a fax machine.

听力原文:W: Are you free this evening? I'm going over to the International Center later on
if you'd like to come with me.

M: I remember receiving their calendar of activities in my campus mailbox a week ago. I didn't really look at it though. Isn't that where they organize parties trips for foreign students?

W: Not only for foreign students. The International Center's activities are intended for all students. They set up conversation tutorials for a variety of languages, and, through the center's Host Family Program, you can visit the home of a local family.

M: Now that you mention it, it would be nice to meet more people from this area. I find the customs of this country really confusing sometimes. But also there are times when I need to talk to people who come from other countries as I do. I'll bet a lot of them feel the way I do.

W: Of course. You are not the only person who is new around here. Take me. My family lives 500 miles away from here. That isn't another country, but it is a long distance. The center is a good place for meeting people who can tell you how to get to know this city. And if you ever feel lonely, you can go over there and find someone to chat with. On week nights, they don't close until 10:30.

M: I guess it's worth visiting. Did you say you are going there tonight?

W: Huh-huh, to a coffee hour at eight.

M: All right. I'll come, too. I might as well as see what the International Center is like. How about meeting me in front of the library and we'll walk there together?

W: Sure. See you then.

What does the International Center send out to students?

A.A diagram of their facilities.

B.A timetable of events.

C.Maps of the city.

D.Samples of coftee from.other countries.

听力原文:M: Who do you think will make better service people?W: Should be those people who

听力原文:M: Who do you think will make better service people?

W: Should be those people who appear friendly in a job interview.

M: Not necessarily, just as it's false to think that talkative people make better sales representatives than quieter, more thoughtful people.

W: But being friendly is very important to being a better service man.

M: You know in an employment interview, many people can be whomever they think you want for the job. Even if you've hired many, many people, you can be fooled. A true service personality is not something you can directly observe or quickly detect.

W: Then, who should be the people that you will hire?

M: Not all customer service jobs are the same. Someone at a discount store may share some characteristics with a man in a special service unit of a firm that constructs nuclear power plants. But people in both jobs will likely have distinct characteristics that make them ideally suited for one or the other position.

W: Then what kind of personality will be suited to a particular job?

M: Well, first you need to understand what the job truly requires.

W: How do you do that?

M: You analyze the job. Determine the fundamental skills it takes to perform. it well.

W: What are some of these skills?

M: Such skills include: analytic, creative, computational, interpersonal, project management, conflict resolution, negotiating, and time management.

W: You mean that I can find some skills'?

M: Yes. If you assign yourself the task, you can probably identify many of the true skills that lie within a particular job.

W: What is the advantage of it?

M: When you match a job's skill characteristics to a person, you vastly increase the chances for a successful hire.


A.How to acquire the necessary skill.

B.How to find a job of high salary.

C.How to design a reliable interview.

D.How to hire the type of service people you need.

听力原文:W: Mr. Bacon, what is your job exactly?B: I'm a vet, looking after sheep, horses,

听力原文:W: Mr. Bacon, what is your job exactly?

B: I'm a vet, looking after sheep, horses, dogs, cats. We even have lions and tigers at the zoo.

W: What sort of pets do people bring to your clinic?

B: Mostly dogs and cats but then we have snakes and parrots and all other animals people keep as pets.

W: Snakes? Why do you think people keep snakes?

B: I quite like snakes, but I wouldn't want one as a pet. Um...some people are very keen on them.

W: Maybe they keep snakes to frighten others. All right, do you think people spend more money on their animals than their children?

B: It depends on the people. Some are very good with their animals, some treat them far better than they would their kids, and unfortunately some are cruel with the animals.

W: What experience have you had of people who treat their animals too well?

B: Lots of animals come here with lipstick marks on the head. We regard that as a specific sort of condition here.

W: Are animals good for people's health?

B: Well, they seem to help old people. These people see one person every two days, but their animal is with them all day, and it's a companion.

W: Above all, why are you interested in your job?

B: Maybe the animals sometimes attack me and there is much paper work. The thing I like best is to deliver new animals. It always amazes me one moment you have one mother and the next moment you can have a pile of animals.

According to Mr. Bacon. people keep snakes because

A.they like them as pets.

B.they are curious of them

C.they use them to frighten other people.

D.they keep them to do research.

听力原文:W: Well, we heard some people just now who seem to feel that other people have a
wrong idea about the work they do. Do you think this sort of thing is very widespread?

M: Oh absolutely. Most jobs or professions seem to have an image or a stereotype attached to them, often much to the irritation of the job holders. But there is a serious point to all this, too, that maybe young people actually choose their careers under the influence of these false images. And certainly, there is evidence that they may even avoid certain careers because they have a negative image. Well, on a large scale, as you can imagine, this could cause problems for whole sectors of the economy.

W: Er, you say there's evidence?

M: Oh most definitely. There was a survey recently into children's attitudes to different professions.

W: How was that done, though? Because, after all, children don't know much about the world of work before they get into it.

M: Well, exactly. What the investigators wanted to get at was their impressions and their prejudices. They used a very simple technique. They gave the children twelve pairs of statements. In each pair one statement was positive, the other was its opposite.

W: I see. What professions did they ask about?

M: Do you really want the whole list? It's huge!


A.He is a scientist.

B.He is a sociologist.

C.He is an officer.

D.He is a boss.

听力原文:M: Excuse me, may I have some information about the reception party that you're a
dvertising outside. It's for new students, isn't that right?

W: That's right and what would you like to know about it?

M: Well, I'm not really sure what the purpose of the event is.

W: The party will provide students with a chance to get to know each other, and a chance for students who have successfully been through university to pass on some valuable advice.

M: Who's organizing the event? Is it the faculty or...

W: Actually, it is the Alumni Association that's organizing this event. So, it's strictly a student to student event.

M: I hope we won't have to sit through a lot of boring speeches. I mean aren't these students just "brains" anyway. What can they actually do to help a guy like me?

W: No, these people are not "brains" at all. The Alumni are simply a group of normal, but grateful students who hope that, by sharing their experiences with new students, they can help more students to successfully graduate.

M: But still we have any time for some fun at this party?

W: Most of the time will be split between eating, dancing, and singing—so not to worry. However, some of the words of wisdom from the former students should not be missed.

M: You've got a point. They are, after all, success stories if they've managed to survive university life. I hear about only half of all students who start university actually finish it.

W: And besides that, there's another reason to go.

M: What's that?

W: The pie they'll be serving is delicious. I know since I'm the one who will be making it.


A.The University faculty.

B.The Student Association.

C.Former students.

D.No one.

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