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Only after the storm was over______.A.could we start offB.we could start offC.had we start

Only after the storm was over______.

A.could we start off

B.we could start off

C.had we started off

D.we had started off

提问人:网友shaohui192 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Only after the storm was over_…”相关的问题
SECTION 2Vocabularly ReplacementThis section consists of 15 sentences; in each sentence on

SECTION 2 Vocabularly Replacement

This section consists of 15 sentences; in each sentence one word or phrase is given in the brackets. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the part without causing any grammatical error or changing the basic meaning of the sentence. There is only ONE right answer.

It wasn't long before Franks was a marked man. After he served in Desert Storm, directing helicopter and ground units, the Army's high command gave him the job of remaking the service for the post-cold war world.

A.a person whose conduct is watched with suspicion or hostility

B.a man destined to succeed

C.a remarkable person

D.a notable person

Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conve

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.

听力原文:W: Are Betty and Mary still here?

M: Yes, the storm prevented them from leaving yesterday.

Q: Why are Betty and Mary still here?


A.They want to stay for more days.

B.The weather has kept them here.

C.Yesterday they were too busy to leave.

D.The story hasn't been finished yet.

Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: Water is a continually changing, dynamic surface. This makes studying the weather much more important on the water than on land. For this reason, a simple 24-bour, pocket-sized weather radio should be standard equipment for your boat.

Storms send advance warnings if you know what to look for. Many weather changes can be read in the ever-changing cloud patterns. The first visual signs of a storm will appear in the west, southwest, or northwest. There will be a high cloud formation with a dirty bottom and a tall, stringy top as beginning boaters, my friends and I admired these beautiful cloud formations from our kayak on the Connecticut River on a day we will not forget. The violence of the hurricane-force winds that hit us in our small kayak will be remembered forever.

If you are in your boat, and a storm is on its way, don't try to outrun it. Head for a protected area. If you get stuck, use a bucket or any kind of drag attached to the anchor line, and sit or lie on the bottom of the boat. Many people drown in storms because they stand up, swing their arms, and holler for help. After the storm passes, the boat is floating peacefully without occupants. They fell overboard and drowned.



B.Weather forecasters.

C.Journalism students.

D.Radio operators.

听力原文: GONAIVES, Haiti--Trucks dumped scores of bodies into a mass grave in this flood-
ravaged city still littered with corpses, as officials said the death toll from Tropical Storm Jeanne rose to more than 1,070 and could double again.

There was no funeral ceremony when the bodies were dumped into a 14-foot-deep hole at sunset Wednesday. Dozens of bystanders shrieked, held their noses against the stench and demanded officials collect bodies in nearby waterlogged fields.

The confirmed death toll rose to 1,072, with 1,013 bodies recovered in Gonaives alone, according to Dieufort Deslorges, spokesman for the government's civil protection agency.

He said the number of people missing in the floods rose to 1,250. Only a couple dozen bodies have been identified, and nobody was taking count at the site of the mass grave.

"We're demanding they come and take the bodies from our fields. Dogs are eating them," said bystander Jean Lebrun, listing demands made by residents in the neighborhood whose opposition to mass graves had delayed burials.

"We can only drink the water people died in," the 35-year-old farmer said, citing a lack of potable water in this city of 250,000, with parts still knee-deep in water five days after the storm's passage.

Hurricane experts said Wednesday that Jeanne-now over the open Atlantic as a hurricane--could loop a- round and head toward the Bahamas then threaten the storm-weary southeastern United States as early as this weekend.

Haiti has lost large numbers of people to a serious _______.




D.terrorist attack

Solar StormAt the end of October 2003, a sudden solar storm hit the earth. A solar storm r

Solar Storm

At the end of October 2003, a sudden solar storm hit the earth. A solar storm refers to the large amounts of charged particles released into space______(51) the solar energy increases. The release of the energy______ (52) place along with the activity of the sunspots with a cycle of: 11 years. This time, the______ (53) of the storm exceeded expectations.

This______(54) of intense solar storm was caused by the eruption of a solar flare (闪光) and the ejection (喷发) of the solar corona (日冠) on October 28, 2003. Large amounts of charged particles moved 150,000,000 kilometers through space toward the ______(55) in 19 hours. They could affect aircraft roaming (漫游) in space.

The high-energy particles will______(56) some of the parts of an aircraft. They may also cause it to fail. High-energy particles can threaten the safety of an aircraft at a high orbit. If an aircraft orbits at a lower orbit, it is______(57) because it is under the protection of the earth's magnetic field.

A solar storm not only affects aircraft but also is a ______(58) to the environment and humans. The aerosphere and magnetic field of the earth can______(59) humans from ultraviolet radiation and X-rays. While most of the X-rays are absorbed after they enter the aerosphere (大气层), still a few can______(60) the ground.

The geomagnetic storm caused by this round of solar storm reaches its highest level on the two______(61) of the earth, which affects electricity supply of North America. Overexposure to______(62) threatens the health of passengers on planes flying over the Polar Regions. If we fly in the sky during such a solar storm, it______(63) we receive ten times the X-ray radiation. It's really damaging.

Scientists say a solar eruption is like the sun sneezing, which will make the earth______(64) a cold. Though this natural force is irresistible, scientists can still______(65) its movement accurately by monitoring. Facing successive solar storms, humans can't drop their guard.





听力原文: Now the British news. A storm which had badly affected several parts of Britain
during the weekend is believed to have killed at least 8 people. Many thousands pounds of damage were also caused. In places the wind reached speed of 115 miles an hour and coastal areas in Southwest England and Wales were particularly hard hit. Six of those killed were a party of Scottish fishermen, whose boat sank in the first of collision. After an intensive search, police divers discovered the wreck of' this fish boat, the "Destiny" in 100 feet of water, only a quarter of mile from the port. But the attempt to find the missing crew have to be called off because of further gales and heavy swell.

The boat "Destiny" is about

A.100 feet away from the port.

B.a quarter of kilometers away from the port.

C.100 feet deep in the water and a quarter of mile away from the port.

D.a quarter of mile deep in the water and too feet away from the port.

Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversation

Section B

Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D.

听力原文:W: It was a heavy storm last night, wasn't it?

M: It certainly was. The wind broke several windows. What weather!

W: Do you know that big tree in front of my house? One of the biggest branches came down in the night.

M: Really? Did it do any damage to your home?

W: Thank goodness! It is far away from that.

M: I really hate storms. It's about time we had some nice spring weather.

W: It's April, you know. The flowers are beginning to blossom.

M: Yes, that's tree. But I still think the weather is terrible.

W: I suppose we should not complain. We had a fine March after all.


A.The tree was broken.

B.AI1 the leaves fell down.

C.One of the branches fell down.

D.The tree. was cut down.

After the music had ______ there was a storm of applause.A.died outB.died hardC.died offD.

After the music had ______ there was a storm of applause.

A.died out

B.died hard

C.died off

D.died away

() the storm at night, the morning dawned clear and fine over the bay.





A mysterious phenomenon is the ability of over-water migrants to travel on course. Birds,
bees, and other species can keep track of time without any sensory cues from the outside world, and such "biological clocks" clearly contribute to their "compass sense." For example, they can use the position of the Sun or stars, along with the time of day, to find north. But compass sense alone cannot explain how birds navigate the ocean: after a flock traveling east is blown far south by a storm, it will assume the proper northeasterly course to compensate. Perhaps, some scientists thought, migrants determine their geographic position on the Earth by celestial navigation, almost as human navigators use stars and planets, but this would demand of the animals a fantastic map sense. Researchers now know that some species have a magnetic sense, which might allow migrants to determine their geographic location by detecting variations in the strength of the Earth's magnetic field.

The main idea of the passage is that ______.

A.migration over land requires a simpler explanation than migration over water does

B.the means by which animals migrate over water are complex and only partly understood

C.the ability of migrant animals to keep track of time is related to their magnetic sense

D.knowledge of geographic location is essential to migrants with little or no compass sense

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