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听力原文:W: Excuse me, do you mind answering a few questions?M: No.W: Firstly, do you ever

听力原文:W: Excuse me, do you mind answering a few questions?

M: No.

W: Firstly, do you ever cat fast food?

M: Yes, I do.

W: What kind of fast food do you normally eat?

M: Oh, you know, burgers, sandwiches, well sometimes like a pizza.

W: Oh, right. And how often do you eat fast food? Every day, more than once a week or less than once a week?

M: Well, Monday to Friday when I'm working, but not usually at the weekends.

W: And what time of day do you eat fast food?

M: Well, at work as I said, you know at lunchtime I go out and get a burger or a sandwich. Sometimes, if I'm going out and I don't have time to cook in the evenings then I'll send out for a pizza.

W: Oh, right. Do you only eat it as a main meal or do you snack between meals?

M: No, only a main meal, you know luxurious, in the evening.

W: And what do you think of fast food? Which statements do you think are true? Um, either "It's convenient"?

M: Oh, definitely. I mean, that's sort of the main reason that I eat it.

W: Right. How about "It tastes good"?

M: Yeah, I mean, not as good as food like in a good restaurant, but it's not bad.

W: "It's good for you"?

M: No. Sort of eating quickly and standing up it's sort of bad for you, the food itself isn't very good for you, you know there's not enough greens, you know vegetables or salad.

W: How about "It's an expensive way of eating"? What do you think of that?

M: Oh, yes, it is, but you're paying for the convenience, you know the speed of it. Well, I certainly think that it's cheaper than cooking your own food.

W: And what about lastly "It creates Jitter". Do you think that's true?

M: Yes, it does. Only I always put mine in a litter bin, but unfortunately a lot of people don't, but in the packaging there is a lot of paper involved and plastic and sometimes polystyrene.


A.Fried chicken.




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更多“听力原文:W: Excuse me, do you mind…”相关的问题
3. Interviewer: That’s good. ____________? Interviewee: Yes. Is there any chance of full-time training for new employees abroad?

A、A. Do you have any question for us

B、B. How long is the probation

C、C. Are you willing to take other’s advice?

D、D. Thank you for your time

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: Most people have had a dog or wanted one as their companion at some time in their lives. If you are thinking of buying a dog, however, you should first decide what sort of companion you need and whether the dog is likely to be happy in the surroundings you can provide. Specialist advice is available to help you choose the most suitable breed of dog. But in part, the decision depends on common sense. Most breeds were originally developed to perform. specific tasks. So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example, you should choose a breed that has the fight size and characteristics. You must also be ready to devote a good deal of time to train the dog when it is young and give it the exercise it need to throughout its life, or to let it live in the country and can let it run freely. Dogs are demanding pets, whereas cats identify with the house, and so are content if their place is secure. A dog identifies with its master and consequently wants him to show proof of his affection. The best time to buy a baby-dog is when it is between 6 and 8 weeks old so that it can transfer its affection from its mother to its master, ff baby dogs have not established a relationship with the human being until they am over three months old, their strong relationship will always be with dogs. They are likely to be too shy when they are brought out into the world to become good pets.


A.The color of the dog.

B.The price of the dog.

C.Whether the dog will fit the environment.

D.Whether the dog will get along with the other pets in the house.

A.They are less likely to run away.

B.It's easier for their masters to train them.

C.They are less likely to be shy with human beings.

D.It's easier for them to form. a relationship with their masters.

A.It must be trained so it won't bite.

B.It needs more love and care.

C.It demands more food and space.

D.It must be looked after carefully.


听力原文: People in Poland take their pleasure seriously. They like to have an aim even when spending the time which is entirely their own. During the summer, people start work very early in the morning, so that they can finish early and enjoy a leisurely afternoon. It is difficult to imagine Polish people going aimlessly for a walk in the country, though they might go to pick wild fruit, to visit a place of historical importance or to walk 20 km as training exercise. They are often admired for their immense enjoyment of the arts. All their parks are beautifully cared for and are for the use and enjoyment of the people. Quite ordinary people will talk with obvious delight about concerts. There is nearly always a crowd at the door of the theatre, asking for returned tickets. People in Poland now have far more leisure time and more money than ever before. It is therefore possible to spend the weekends in many new ways. Many people now have over 20 vacation days per year. This provides an opportunity for holidays in the country or at the seaside.


A.They often go for walks at a leisurely pace.

B.They usually have a specific purpose in mind.

C.They like the seaside more than the countryside.

D.They seldom plan their leisure activities in advance.

A.Their hardworking spirit.

B.Their patience in Waiting for theatre tickets.

C.Their delight in leisure activities.

D.Their enthusiasm for the arts.

A.Clay tiles.

B.Slate or stone.

C.Wooden shingles.

D.Reeds or straw.

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Should doctors ever lie to benefit their patients – to speed recovery or to conceal the approach of death? In medicine as in law, government, and other lines of work, the requirements of honesty often seem dwarfed by greater needs: the need shelter from brutal news or to uphold a promise of secrecy; to expose corruption or to promote the public interest.

What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man coming for a routine physical checkup just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form. of cancer that will cause him to die within six months? Is it best to tell him the truth? If he asks, should the doctors deny that he is ill, or minimize the gravity of the prognosis? Should they at least conceal the truth until after the family vacation?

Doctors confront such choices often and urgently. At times, they see important reasons to lie for the patient's own sake; in their eyes, such lies differ sharply from self-serving ones.

Studies show that most doctors sincerely believe that the seriously ill do not want to know the truth about their condition, and that informing them risks destroying their hope, so that they may recover more slowly, or deteriorate faster, perhaps even commit suicide. As one physician wrote: "Ours is a profession which traditionally has been guided by a precept that transcends the virtue of uttering the truth for troth's sake, and that is 'as far as possible do no harm' ."

Armed with such a precept, a number of doctors may slip into deceptive practices that they assume will "do no harm" and may well help their patients. They may prescribe innumerable placebos, sound more encouraging than the facts warrant, and distort grave news, especially to the incurably iii and the dying.

But the illusory nature of the benefits such deception is meant to bestow is now coming to be documented. Studies show that, contrary to the belief of many physicians, an overwhelming majority of patients do want to be told the truth, even about grave illness, and feel betrayed when they learn that they have been misled. We are also learning that truthful information, humanely conveyed, helps patients cope with illness: helps them tolerate pain better, need less medication, and even recover faster after surgery.

Not only do lies not provide the "help" hoped for by advocates of benevolent deception: they invade the autonomy of patients and make them unable to decide on informed choices concerning their health.

The following are greater needs than honesty, except for ______.

A.the need to shelter from brutal news of serious illness

B.the need to uphold a promise of secrecy

C.the need to go on vacation

D.the need to promote public interest

Doctors sometimes choose to lie because they think ______.

A.they have the right of secrecy

B.they lie just for the patient' s sake, not for self-serving ones

C.they like to lie

D.they want to know how the patient reply after such lies

Studies show that most doctors believe ______.

A.the seriously ill do want to know the truth about their condition

B.informing the patients with grave illness will encourage them

C.letting the patients know their condition helps recover

D.patients informed with their incurable illness may commit suicide

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