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4) Scholars have long pointed out the link between Puritanism and capitalism: Both rest on ambition,_________, and an intense striving for success.

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更多“4) Scholars have long pointed …”相关的问题
2) Scholars have long pointed out the link between Puritanism and capitalism: Both rest on_______ , hard work, and an intense striving for success.

A、A. ambition

B、B. happiness

C、C. fortune

D、D. desire

The scholars who put forward interaction hypothesis hold () .A.language acquisition is
The scholars who put forward interaction hypothesis hold () .

A.language acquisition is a process of “stimulus- response”

B.humans are predisposed to acquire a language

C.human‟s linguistic potentiality must be combined with the environment.

D.human‟s linguistic environment can be ignored as long as humans have language acquisition device.

Students and scholars have long known that the American Indians were not really IndiansA.t

Students and scholars have long known that the American Indians were not really Indians


B.at all



Long ago, in 331 B.C., Greece conquered Egypt and built Alexandria.This city was named after Alexander the Great'King of Greece.After Alexander's death, a great general named Ptolemy became ruler of Egypt.

The Greeks loved learning.Ptolemy believed that people needed to have written records of their thoughts and ideas.They needed to have a place to collect their books.For the first time in history, Ptolemy tried to collect together all the Greek books that had been written.To do this, he built the largest and the best library in ancient world.

Before this time, great writings were often hard to find, and many had been lost.Books were then written by hand on a kind of paper called papyrus.Sheets of papyrus were rolled around wooden sticks.The papyrus rolls were stored in deep shelves on the library walls.

All books brought in Egypt were taken to the library.There scholars studied them and corrected any mistakes.The books were copied over so they would be easier to read and store.They were listed in catalog.

The library at Alexandria grew to have over a half million books.It was a center of learning for over 700 years before it was destroyed by fire in A.D.391.

31.Alexandria is the name of a()while Alexander was the name of a().

A.place in Egypt ...king in Greece

B.place in Greece ...king in Egypt

C.king in Greece ...place in Egypt

D.place in Greece ...king in Greece

32.In this passage the word “scholars” means().

A.people who fought as soldiers

B.people with much learning

C.people who taught in schools

D.people who wrote the Greek books

33.The passage does not say so, but it makes you think that().

A.it was hard to make papyrus

B.copying books took a long time

C.no one ever read books at Alexandria

D.books from all over the world were brought to the library

34.Why did Ptolemy build a large library at Alexandria?()

A.Because he thought it would make him as famous as Alexander the Great.

B.Because he wanted a safe place to collect all Greek books.

C.Because he wanted a new way to print books.

D.Because he wanted to correct all the mistakes in the books.

35.Which of the following does the passage lead to believe?()

A.The library at Alexandria only had a few hundred books.

B.There were many libraries in Egypt at that time.

C.The great library helped to make Alexandria famous.

D.The scholars corrected all the mistakes in the books.

Long ago, in 331 B.C., Greece conquered(征服)Egypt and built Alexandria(亚历山大港).Th
Long ago, in 331 B.C., Greece conquered(征服)Egypt and built Alexandria(亚历山大港).Th

is city was named after Alexander the Great’King of Greece.After Alexander’s death, a great general named Ptolemy became ruler of Egypt.

The Greeks loved learning.Ptolemy believed that people needed to have written records of their thoughts and ideas.They needed to have a place to collect their books.For the first time in history, Ptolemy tried to collect together all the Greek books that had been written.To do this, he built the largest and the best library in ancient world.

Before this time, great writings were often hard to find, and many had been lost.Books were then written by hand on a kind of paper called papyrus.Sheets of papyrus were rolled around wooden sticks.The papyrus(纸莎草制的纸)rolls were stored in deep shelves on the library walls.

All books brought in Egypt were taken to the library.There,scholars studied them and corrected any mistakes.The books were copied over so they would be easier to read and store.They were listed in catalog(目录).

The library at Alexandria grew to have over a half million books.It was a center of learning for over 700 years before it was destroyed by fire in A.D.391.

1.Alexandria is the name of a() while Alexander was the name of a ().

A.place in Egypt; king in Greece

B.place in Greece; king in Egypt

C.king in Greece; place in Egypt

D.place in Greece; king in Egypt

2.In this passage the word“scholars”means ().

A.people who fought as soldiers

B.people with much learning

C.people who taught in schools

D.people who wrote the Greek books

3.The passage does not say so, but it makes you think that ().

A.it was hard to make papyrus

B.copying books took a long time

C.no one ever read the books at Alexandria

D.Books from all over the world were brought to the library

4.Why did Ptolemy build a large library at Alexandria?()

A.Because he thought it would make him as famous as Alexander the Great.

B.Because he wanted a safe place to collect all Greek books.

C.Because he wanted a new way to print books.

D.Because he wanted to correct all the mistakes in the books.

5.Which of the following does the passage lead you to believe?()

A.The library at Alexandria only had a few hundred books.

B.There were many libraries in Egypt at that time.

C.The great library helped to make Alexandria famous.

D.The scholars corrected all the mistakes in the books.

1. The scholars met once a year to exchange experi...

1. The scholars met once a year to exchange experiences. 2. Foreign ships are not allowed to fish in our territorial water. 3. I went to the doctor for an advice about my health. 4. The letter contained an important information. 5. In the afternoon I did some baby-sittings, for it is a fun looking after children. 6. The congregation was not numerous that night, but they seemed to be listening attentively to my lecture. 7. Poultries are dear in the city. 8. The board of director is shaking heads at the chairman’s speech. 9. The militias were called out to guard the borderland. 10. Such brilliant authors are really genii of our times. 11. The merchandises have arrived undamaged. 12. On hearing the death of my professor, I sent my sympathy. 13. He is relating to the children his experience as explorer. 14. The Middle Ages was a time of feudal rivalries. 15. The clipping of the hedges was usually burnt. 16. There were some looker-ons by the roadside, but they didn’t inform the police of the accident. 17. I like to stay long in the park. The green foliages are really restful. 18. In the garden she took a lot of photography. 19. We will have to finish a 12-pages assignment in a week. 20. Luggages are not allowed to be left here.

改错:Tracing missing persons can take much patient detective work.

Tracing missing persons can take much patient detective work. But a special kind of “private eye” can trace the missing ancestors of whole peoples by studying the clues buried by words. __1__These philologists, such as the language detectives are called, have traced __2__the word trail back from peoples in Europe, India, South Africa, the Americas,and the Pacific islands in a tiny nameless, and forgotten tribe that roamed central __3__Eurasia 5000 to 6000 years ago, before the dawn of writing history. __4__Since a long time scholars have been puzzled over the striking __5__difference of words in different languages. In Dutch, vader; in Latin, pater;in __6__old Irish, athir; in Persian, pidar;in the Sanskrit of distant India, pitr.

These words all sounded likely and meant the same thing—“father” __7__Where did it happen that widely separated peoples used such __8__close related sound symbols? The problem baffled linguists for years. The more so __9__because “father” was but one of a host of such coincidences. Towards the end of the 18 century it dawned on scholars that perhaps all these words stemmed __10__from some common language.

Peoples occupied North America before the arrival of the 【M1】______

European in the 15th century have long been known as Indians because 【M2】______

of the belief prevalent at time of Columbus that the Americas were the 【M3】______

outer reaches of the Indies. Most scholars agree that Native Americans

came into the Western Hemisphere from Asia by the Bering Strait in a 【M4】______

series of migrations. From Alaska they spread to the east and south. 【M5】______

Several separate waves of migration are said to count for the many native 【M6】______

linguistic families, while the common origin used to explain the physical 【M7】______

characteristics that Native Americans have in common--Mongoloid

features, coarse, straight, black hair, dark eyes, sparse body hair, and

a skin colour range from yellow-brown to reddish brown. Many scholars 【M8】______

accept evidence of Native American existence in the Americas back more

than 25,000 years. In pre-Columbian times the Native American

population of the area north of Mexico is estimated to be between one and 【M9】______

two million. From prehistoric times until recent historic times there were

roughly about six major cultural areas, excluding that of the Arctic i. e. ,【M10】______

Northwest Coast, Plains, Plateau, Eastern Woodlands, and Southwest.

Information about particular groups can be found in separate articles and in

separate biographies and subject articles.


Scholars and students have always been great travelers. The official ease for "academic mo
bility" is now often stated in impressive terms as a fundamental necessity for economic and social progress in the world, and debated in the corridors of Europe; but it is certainly nothing new. Serious students were always ready to go abroad in search of the most stimulating teachers and the most famous academies; in search of the purest philosophy, the most effective medicine, the likeliest mud to gold.

Mobility of this Kind meant also mobility of ideas, their transference across frontiers, and their simultaneous impact upon many groups of people. The point of learning is to share it, whether with students or with colleagues. One presumes that only eccentrics have no interest in being credited with a startling discovery, or a new technique. It must also have been reassuring to know that other people is other parts of the world were about to make the same discovery or were thinking along the same lines, and that one was not quite alone, confronted by inquisition, ridicule or neglect.

In the twentieth century, and particularly in the last 20 years, the old footpaths of the wandering scholars have become vast highways. The vehicle which has made this possible has of course been the aeroplane, making contact between scholars even in the most distant places immediately feasible, and providing for the very rapid transmission of knowledge.

Apart from the vehicle itself, it is fairly easy to identify the main factors which have brought about the recent explosion in academic movement. Some of these are purely quantitative and require no further mention: there are far more centers of learning, and a far greater number of scholars and students.

In addition one must recognize the very considerable multiplication of disciplines, particularly in the sciences, which by widening the total area of advanced studies has produced an enormous number of specialists whose particular interests are precisely defined. These people would work in some isolation if they were not able to keep in touch with similar isolated groups in other countries.

Frequently these specializations lay in areas where very rapid developments are taking place, and also where the research needed for developments is extremely costly and takes a long time. It is precisely in these areas that the advantages of collaboration and sharing of expertise appear most evident. Associated with this is the growth of specialist periodicals, which enable scholars to become aware of what is happening in different centers of research and to meet each other in conferences and symposia(座谈会). From these meetings come the personal relationships which are at the bottom of almost all formalized schemas of cooperation, and provide them with their most satisfactory stimulus.

According to the passage, scholars and students are great travelers because ______.

A.salaries and conditions are better abroad

B.standards are higher at foreign universities

C.they are eager for new knowledge

D.their governments encourage there to travel

Long ago, in 331 B.C., Greece conquered(征服)Egypt and built Alexandria(亚历山大港).Th

Long ago, in 331 B.C., Greece conquered(征服)Egypt and built Alexandria(亚历山大港).This city was named after Alexander the Great’King of Greece.After Alexander’s death, a great general named Ptolemy became ruler of Egypt.

The Greeks loved learning.Ptolemy believed that people needed to have written records of their thoughts and ideas.They needed to have a place to collect their books.For the first time in history, Ptolemy tried to collect together all the Greek books that had been written.To do this, he built the largest and the best library in ancient world.

Before this time, great writings were often hard to find, and many had been lost.Books were then written by hand on a kind of paper called papyrus.Sheets of papyrus were rolled around wooden sticks.The papyrus(纸莎草制的纸)rolls were stored in deep shelves on the library walls.

All books brought in Egypt were taken to the library.There,scholars studied them and corrected any mistakes.The books were copied over so they would be easier to read and store.They were listed in catalog(目录).

The library at Alexandria grew to have over a half million books.It was a center of learning for over 700 years before it was destroyed by fire in A.D.391.

1.Alexandria is the name of a() while Alexander was the name of a ().

A.place in Egypt; king in Greece

B.place in Greece; king in Egypt

C.king in Greece; place in Egypt

D.place in Greece; king in Egypt

2.In this passage the word“scholars”means ().

A.people who fought as soldiers

B.people with much learning

C.people who taught in schools

D.people who wrote the Greek books

3.The passage does not say so, but it makes you think that ().

A.it was hard to make papyrus

B.copying books took a long time

C.no one ever read the books at Alexandria

D.Books from all over the world were brought to the library

4.Why did Ptolemy build a large library at Alexandria?()

A.Because he thought it would make him as famous as Alexander the Great.

B.Because he wanted a safe place to collect all Greek books.

C.Because he wanted a new way to print books.

D.Because he wanted to correct all the mistakes in the books.

5.Which of the following does the passage lead you to believe?()

A.The library at Alexandria only had a few hundred books.

B.There were many libraries in Egypt at that time.

C.The great library helped to make Alexandria famous.

D.The scholars corrected all the mistakes in the books.

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