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Al Qaeda is a terrorist group thatA.attacked U.S. intelligence agencies.B.is responsible f

Al Qaeda is a terrorist group that

A.attacked U.S. intelligence agencies.

B.is responsible for most online attacks.

C.was once involved in a bombing plot.

D.is plotting to attack the FBI.

提问人:网友ljz64864 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Al Qaeda is a terrorist group …”相关的问题
The best title for this brief passage should be ______.A.Indonesia: Grim Economic Prospect

The best title for this brief passage should be ______.

A.Indonesia: Grim Economic Prospects in 2002

B.Why is Jakarta resisting US Military Aid

C.The Link of Indonesia Terror Groups to al Qaeda

D.Southeast Asia: Terror's New Front

听力原文: The FBI warned a planned terror attack may occur in the United States or against
U. S. interests in Yemen, as reported on Tuesday, but U. S. officials do not know the target or how the suspected plot would be carried out. The FBI said the uncorroborated threat came from information discovered in Afghanistan, where the U. S. military has been sifting through material left by al Qaeda members, and from interviews with detainees, including al Qaeda members, held at the U. S. Navy Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Rushing to put out the alert late Monday night after recently discovering the possible threat, the FBI said one or more operatives might be involved in the attack, including a Saudi-born Yemeni man.

The FBI sounded a warning against a possible attack in the United States because

A.they don't know how the plot will be carried out.

B.they don't know what target the plot aims at.

C.they have got information from some material.

D.they have sifted through material for information.

Stay the Course on Terror War坚持反恐战争的道路 President Bush urged US allies Tuesday to

Stay the Course on Terror War


President Bush urged US allies Tuesday to remain committed to the reconstruction of Iraq, vowing that terrorist attacks like last week's bombings in Spain "will never shake the will of the United States. "

"It's essential that we remain side-by-side with the Iraqi people as they begin the process of serf-government," Bush said in a White House appearance with Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende.

Bush's comments come one year after the US-led invasion of Iraq and at a time when his handling of the war on terror is being questioned by many Democrats, particularly Sen. John Kerry, the presumed Democratic presidential nominee.

"They'll kill innocent people to try to shake our will," Bush said of terrorists. "That's what they want to do. They'll never shake the will of the United States. We understand the stakes. "

The administration has cast the toppling of the regime of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein as part of the broader war on terror. Bush has generally enjoyed high marks from the American public for his leadership on national security following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

But Democrats have grown increasingly vocal in their criticism of Bush's approach to the war on terror, saying he has alienated allies abroad and failed to match his often tough rhetoric with support for first responders, such as firefighters, at home and equipment for soldiers in the fielD.

Typical was a comment Monday from Kerry, when he addressed one firefighters' union that has endorsed his bid for the presidency.

"I do not fault George Bush for doing too much in the war on terror," Kerry saiD."I believe he's done too little. "

The administration has refuted the charges. Administration figures point out that about three dozen nations have contributed in some fashion to the reconstruction of Iraq. And Bush-Cheney campaign officials say it's Kerry—not Bush—who has failed to provide support for homeland security through various Senate votes. Kerry said the Republican campaign is taking a selective and misleading review of his votes.

"I'm not going to worry about them misleading because we're going to keep pounding away at the truth over the next few months," Kerry said at a campaign event in West Virginia on Tuesday, talking about the administration's record on several fronts.

But the challenge for Bush on the terror war is not just coming from the US campaign trail.

In the aftermath of last week's bombings of commuter trains in Madrid, Spanish voters ousted the Popular Party of Bush ally Jose Maria Aznar in favor of the Socialists, who opposed the US- led invasion of Iraq last March. Socialist leader Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said Monday he wants to pull Spanish troops out of Iraq unless the United Nations takes on greater role there.

Asked how he would respond to Dutch citizens who have called for Balkenende to withdraw that country's troops, Bush said, "I would ask them to think about the Iraqi citizens who don't want people to withdraw because they want to be free. "

About 1,100 Dutch troops are stationed in southern Iraq, part of the coalition that has occupied the country since the US-led invasion last March. Balkenende said his government has yet to discuss whether Dutch troops would remain in Iraq beyond the end of June, when the United States plans to hand over power to a new Iraqi government.

Bush said the al Qaeda terrorist network—a leading suspect in the Madrid bombings, which killed 201 people—hopes to stop the spread of freedom and democracy in the Middle East.

"A1 Qaeda wants us out of Iraq because al Qaeda wants to use Iraq as an example o

A.the United States itself is divided in opinion regarding its relationship with its allies

B.George Bush and John Kerry were in serous dispute concerning the process of self-government in Iraq

C.George Bush has not done enough to prevent terrorist attacks

D.the Bush administration is under pressure both at home and abroad

Al Qaeda leaders helped Jose Padilla ______.A.blow up an apartment building in the U. S.B.

Al Qaeda leaders helped Jose Padilla ______.

A.blow up an apartment building in the U. S.

B.gain access to sufficient natural gas and explosives

C.prepare for a terrorist attack with natural gas

D.store natural gas in an apartment building

The U.S. government closes its embassy in Yemen, becauseA.it received bomb threat from al

The U.S. government closes its embassy in Yemen, because

A.it received bomb threat from al Qaeda.

B.there might be some security threats against it.

C.al Qaeda set off an explosive onboard a plane.

D.the relationship between U.S. and Yemen becomes tense.

SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

听力原文: Police have not yet definitively established that four men who carried bombs un to London's transport network intended to die in last week's blasts, a Scotland Yard spokesman said on Saturday.

He was commenting on a report in the Daily Mirror newspaper suggesting the bombers, who all died in the July 7 explosions, may have thought they had time to get away after planting the devices.

Police have, carefully refrained throughout the investigation from publicly using the term "suicide bomber", describing the four men only as bombing suspects.

Fifty-five people died in the blasts on three underground trains and a bus. Police suspect the attacks were masterminded by al Qaeda Islamist militants.

The Daily Mirror report said several factors cast doubt on the suicide theory—two of the men had pregnant wives, they did not carry the explosives strapped to their bodies, and they bought return rail tickets from Luton to London.

According to the news item, which of the following has NOT been mentioned as a reason to cast doubt on the suicide theory.

A.The bombers bought return tickets from Luton to London.

B.The bombers were masterminded by al Qaeda Islamist militants.

C.The explosives were not fastened to the bombers.

D.Two of the bombers were father-to-be.

听力原文: Publicly identifying himself for the first time, a former member of a classified
Pentagon intelligence unit elaborated on what he claims were attempts he made to share information about potential al Qaeda operatives in the United States before the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer claims he alerted the FBI in September 2000 about the information uncovered by the secret military unit "Able Danger," but he says three meetings he set up with bureau officials were allegedly blocked by military lawyers, according to Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa. , who has set up interviews for Shaffer.

Which of the following statements is true of FBI, according to this news?

A.It was alerted about the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks as early as 2000.

B.It captured some terrorists secretly in 2000.

C.It arrested Anthony Shaffer before Sept. 11, 2001.

D.It reported the threat on the Sept. 11,2001 terrorist attacks to the White House.

SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

听力原文:News Item One

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Pakistani intelligence agents found plans for new attacks against the United States and Britain on a computer seized during the arrest of a senior al- Qaeda suspect wanted for the 1998 twin U. S. embassy bombings in East Africa, the information minister said.

The plans were found in e-mails on the computer of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, a Tanzanian arrested July 25 after a 12-hour gunbattle in the eastern city of Gujrat, Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed told The Associated Press on Monday.

Ahmed said authorities have also arrested another top suspect believed to be a computer and communications expert, and that that man was cooperating with investigators.

The Home Office in London, which is responsible for policing and security in Britain, said it did not believe the computer seizure revealed a "specific threat" or that the British public needed to take any specific action as a result.

Two AK-47 rifles, plastic chemicals, two computers, computer diskettes, and a "large amount" of foreign currency were recovered from the home in Gujrat where Ghailani was seized. More than a dozen others, including his wife and several children, were also arrested in that raid.

Officials believe the group was making plans to flee Pakistan on false passports. Gujrat is a center for document forgers and human smugglers in Pakistan.

rraf has been a top U. S. ally in the war on terror, infuriating Muslim radicals in Pakistan and elsewhere, and his security services have arrested a number of top al-Qaeda-linked figures, most recently Ghailani.

Ahmed said the investigation into Ghailani had revealed that he was training terrorists in Pakistan to commit suicide attacks, thcough it was not clear if there was a direct connection between him and the attempt on Aziz.

The government has promised a reward of 10 million rupees (US $175, 000) for information about the identity of the suicide bomber, state-run Pakistan Television reported.

US. Embassies in East Africa were attacked with bombs in _________.





The bomb explosion might be linked to ______.A.A1 Qaeda terrorist groupB.citywide rioting

The bomb explosion might be linked to ______.

A.A1 Qaeda terrorist group

B.citywide rioting on the day before

C.the killing of a Sunni cleric

D.the dispute over the ownership of the mosque

A1 Qaeda leaders helped Jose Padilla ______.A.blow up an apartment building in the U. S.B.

A1 Qaeda leaders helped Jose Padilla ______.

A.blow up an apartment building in the U. S.

B.gain access to sufficient natural gas and explosives

C.prepare for a terrorist attack with natural gas

D.store natural gas in an apartment building

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