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He (inspired) many young people to take up sports.A.encouragedB.allowedC.calledD.advised

He (inspired) many young people to take up sports.





提问人:网友pengkehappy 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“He (inspired) many young peopl…”相关的问题
He inspired many young people to take up the sport. A. encouragedB. allowedC. calledD. ad

He inspired many young people to take up the sport.

A. encouraged

B. allowed

C. called

D. advised

Cousteau RememberedJacques-Ives Coustean died in Paris on 26 June, 1997 at the age of 87.

Cousteau Remembered

Jacques-Ives Coustean died in Paris on 26 June, 1997 at the age of 87. His influence is great. Scientists respected his creative engineering; engineers praised his science. Coustean, who claimed to be neither scientist nor engineer, contributed significantly to both disciplines — and to many more.

Throughout his adventure-filled life, Coustean challenged definitions. Yes, he was a captain in the French Navy, and early on, a filmmaker and natural storyteller. Later, he became a famous ocean explorer, designer of underwater equipment, expedition leader, author, speaker, businessman, environmentalist, teacher and leader of an influential organization (the Cousteau Society).

All who care about the sea — and even those who don't think much about the ocean one way or another — owe Coustean a tremendous debt. The knowledge gained as a consequence of his direct contributions, and the strong others, have transformed the way the world thinks about the sea. His stories, of encounters with sharks and other fish inspired many to go see themselves. Coustean pioneered ventures in underwater living in the 1960's: sub-sea labs where scientists submerged for days or weeks — the underwater labs similar to skylab or the space station. His films and television programmes won two Academy Rewards, three Emnies, and the hearts and minds of viewers worldwide for decades.

Showered with honours, Cousteau remarked recently that he thought his most important accomplishment was to make people aware of— and care about — the ocean. Thanks to him, we grew concerned about our growing population and the consequences of over fishing and ocean pollution that threaten the health of the sea, and we were inspired to do something to improve the way things are done.

We shared the sad feeling with Cousteau when Simone, his wife and partner for many years, died and when his son Phillippe was killed in a plane crash. We shared his joy when Jean Michael, his eldest son, became an explorer and a spokesman for the sea in his own right. We were happy for Coustean when he began a new family with his second wife, Fracine. And now that his voice of the ocean is silenced, we feel very sad.

According to the passage, Coustean's influence is great because he ______.

A.was both a scientist and an engineer

B.invented skylab

C.made contributions to science and engineering

D.was a captain in the French Navy

Cousteau Remembered Jacques—Ives Cousteau died in Paris on 26 June,1997 at the age of

Cousteau Remembered

Jacques—Ives Cousteau died in Paris on 26 June,1997 at the age of 87.His influence is great. Scientists respected his creative engineering;engineers praised his science.Cousteau,who claimed to be neither scientist nor engineer,contributed significantly t0 both disciplines--and to many more.

Through out his adventure--filled 1ife,Cousteau challenged definitions.Yes,he was a captain in the French Navy,and early on,a filmmaker and natural storyteller.Later,he became a famous ocean explorer,designer of underwater equipment,expedition 1eader,author,speaker, businessman,environ- mentalist.teacher and leader of an influential organization(the Cousteau Society).

All who care about the sea--and even those who don’t think much about the ocean one way or another--owe Cousteau a tremendous debt,The knowledge gained as a consequence 0f his direct contributions,and the strong others,have transformed the way the world thinks about the sea.His stories 0f encounters with sharks and 0ther fish inspired many t0 go see themselves.Cousteau pioneered ventures in underwater living in the l 960’s:sub-sea labs where scientists submerged for days or weeks...—the underwater labs similar to Skylab or the space station.His films and television programmes won two Academy Rewards,three Emnies,and the hearts and minds of Viewers worldwide for decades.

Showered with honours.Cousteau remarked recently that he thought his most important accomplishment was to make people aware of and care about—the ocean.Thanks to him.we grew concerned about our growing population and the consequences 0f overfishing and ocean pollution that threaten the health of the sea,and we were inspired to d0 something to improve the way things are done.

We shared the sad feeling with Cousteau when Simone,his wife and partner for many years,died and when his son Phillippe was killed in a plane crash.We shared his joy when Jean--Michael,his eldest son.became an explorer and a spokesman for the sea in his own right.We were happy for Cousteau when he began a new family with his second wife,Fracine.And now that his voice of the ocean is silenced,we feel very sad.

第 21 题 According to the passage,Cousteau’ s influence is great because he

A.was both a scientist and an engineer.

B.invented Skylab.

C.made contributions to science and engineering.

D.was a captain in the French Navy.

Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: Mark Twain traveled quite a lot often because circumstances, usually financial circumstances force him to. He was born in Florida, Missouri in 1835 and then moved to Hannibal, Missouri with his family when he was about four years old. Most people think he was born in Hannibal, but that isn't true. After his father died when be was about twelve, Twain worked in Hannibal for a while and then left so that he could earn more money. He worked for a while as a typesetter on various newspapers and thengot a job as river pilot on the Mississippi. Twain loved this job and many of his books show it. The river job didn't last, however, because of the outbreak of the Civil War. Twain was in federate army for two weeks and thenhe and his whole family went to West to get away from the war and the army. In Nevada and California, Twain prospected for silver and gold without much luck but did succeed as a writer. Once that happened, Twain traveled around the country giving lectures and earning enough money to go to Europe. Twain didn't travel much the last ten years of his life and he didn't publish much either. Somehow, his travels inspired his writings. Like many other popular writers. Twain derived much of materials for his writing from the wealth and diversity of his own personal experiences.


A.His travels.

B.His short stories.

C.His finances.

D.His family.

PART CDirections: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each on


Directions: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.

听力原文: Mark Twain, who wrote the story we are going to read, travelled quite a lot, often because circumstances, usually financial circumstances forced him to. He was born in Florida Missouri in 1835, and moved to Hannibal Missouri with his family when he was about four years old. Most people think he was born in Hannibal, but that wasn't true. After his father died when he was about 12, Twain worked in Hannibal for a while and then left so that he could earn more money. He worked for a while as a type-setter on various newspapers and then got a job as a river pilot on the Mississippi. Twain loved his job and many of his books showed it. The river job didn't last, however, because of the outbreak of the Civil War. Twain was in the Confederal Army for just two weeks and then he and his whole company went to West to get away from the war and the army. In Nevada and California , Twain prospected for silver and gold without much luck but did succeed as a writer. When that happened, Twain travelled around the country, giving lectures and earning enough money to go to Europe. Twain didn't travel much the last ten years of his life and he didn't publish much either. Somehow, his travels, even when forced, inspired his writings. Like many other popular writers, Twain derived much of the materials for his writing from the wealth and diversity of his own personal experiences.

When was Twain born?





This lucky deal inspired Mr. Boggis. He _________ a good idea.
What is the main idea of the passage?PART CDirections: You will hear three dialogues or mo

What is the main idea of the passage?


Directions: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.

听力原文: Mark Twain who wrote the story we are going to read traveled quite a lot, often because circumstances, usually financial circumstances forced him to. He was horn in Florida Missouri in 1835 and moved to Hannibal Missouri with family when he was about 4 years old. Most people think he was born in Hannibal, but that is not true. After his father died when he was about 12, Twain worked in Hannibal for a while and then left, so that he could earn more money. He worked for a while as a typesetter on various newspapers, and then got a job as a river pilot on Mississippi River. Twain loved this job, many of his books show it. The river pilot job didn't last, however, because of the outbreak of the Civil War. Twain was in the confederate army for just two weeks, and then he and his whole company went west to get away from the war and the army. In Nevada and California, Twain prospected for silver and gold without much luck, but did succeed as a writer. Once that happened Twain traveled around the country giving lectures and earning enough money to go to Europe. Twain didn't travel much the last ten years of his life and he didn't publish much either. Somehow his travels, even when forced, inspired his writings. Like many other popular writers, Twain derived much of the materials for his writing from the wealth and diversity of his own personal experiences.

The speaking focused on which aspect of Mark Twain's life?

A.His travels.

B.His short stories.

C.His finances.

D.His family.

Many Roman inventions were based on Greek weapons because the______.A.Greeks had superior

Many Roman inventions were based on Greek weapons because the______.

A.Greeks had superior weapons

B.Romans were involved in frequent wars

C.Romans were familiar with many types of weapons

D.Greeks proved themselves inspired inventors

He claimed that it was her rudeness that ________ him to strike her.





He was ___ into a life of crime by greed and laziness.A、draggedB、temptedC、attractedD、ins





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