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You work for a large company. One of your colleagues in your department has quitted and yo

You work for a large company. One of your colleagues in your department has quitted and yo

u are in charge of his job now. Write an email to all staff: telling them why you are in charge of the current job saying how they can contact you expressing your hope for future job. Write 40-50 words. To: all staff From: Jack Smith Subject: Department Transfer

提问人:网友dwj2007 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“You work for a large company. …”相关的问题
Why do you want to leave the present job?

A、I don’t like it.

B、I hate it.

C、The salary is low.

D、I’d like to work in a large company that offers more opportunities for growth.

听力原文:M:When was the first computer built?W:It was built in 1944.M:Is it the same as th

听力原文:M:When was the first computer built?

W:It was built in 1944.

M:Is it the same as the computers that we use now?

W:No,it was as large as a room and worked very slow.

M:But computers have become smaller,and worked faster now.

W:Yes. Most computers are as small as a TV set. Some can be made smaller than a book.

M:Why is a computer so useful?

W:It can keep much information and work very fast.

M:Then they can do a lot of work for us.

W:You are right. They have greatly changed our lives.


A.It was as large as a TV set.

B.It was as large as a room.

C.It was as large as a book.

D.It was as small as a palm.

Lucy: What made you leave such a large company? Ken: My work there was so boring. I couldn
't do anything myself. I always had to have my boss' approval. So I decided to get a new job at Coricom, a small venture company. Lucy: ______ Ken: The work here is very challenging, which suits me. We always have to cope with dynamic working conditions. And, since there are not many people in this company, we understand each other very well and feel like we are all in the same family.

A.What's the hardest part of your new job?

B.How do you like your new job?

C.Tell me about what you liked at the large company.

D.Tell me about what you liked in your university.

Part BDirections: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one

Part B

Directions: You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.

听力原文:W: How do you like your new job?

M: I like it very much. This is a nice company to work for.

W: You worked for a large company before, didn't you?

M: Yes, I did. But I prefer a small company.

W: Is it really different?

M: Oh, yes. It's much different. I like a small company because it's more exciting.

W: You mean a large company is boring to work for?

M: No, it's not boring. But a large company has too many people and because it is so big that two or three people couldn't possibly make all the important decisions.

W: You see, small businesses have a common problem: only the two or three people who run it can make decisions, and the employees may not be very happy because they can't make decisions.

M: But large companies also have a common problem: so many people are making decisions that sometimes it is a waste of time and money.

W: Well, I guess there are problems everywhere.

M: Yeah, but I still prefer working for a small company. It's more interesting and I'll keep more opportunities.

What does the man prefer to work for?

A.A large company.

B.A small company.

C.A company of his own.

D.All kinds of companies.

You are the CEO of a large publishing house and desire to improve project management pract
ices in your company . What is the BEST thing to do in order to manage the publication of each issue?

A.Clearly define the work to be supplied by other companies .

B.Retain the functional organization structure .

C.Set up a project office .

D.Identify all the stakeholders for this project .

In the third paragraph of Text A, the author illus...

In the third paragraph of Text A, the author illustrates animals’ damages to forests by large mammals such as moose and elk. If you turn to a dictionary, you will find similar definitions with the two words: moose / elk: a large type of deer with big horns called antlers which is found in Northern Europe, Asia, and North America But the truth is that moose and elk are two different animals. Work in groups to clarify the features and detailed distinctions between moose and elk. You can refer to some academic papers and try to write down a mini report on the clarification. In the report you are required to use some quotations. At the end of the report, list the sources according to the CMS style.

Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company.
Which would you prefer? Write an essay of about 400 words to state your view. In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

听力原文:To succeed in the impersonal and competitive world of a metropolitan city, you ne
ed to be honest, hard working, highly receptive and well-qualified.


A.If you are too aggressive, you will find it difficult to become successful in your city life.

B.Your personality has nothing to do with your competitiveness when you choose to work in a big city.

C.Living and working in a large city demands certain personal traits and qualifications.

D.If you live in an impersonal and competitive world, you are more likely to be successful.

听力原文:W: Why are there so many strikes in England? You haven't got such problem yoursel
f here, but lots of factories have. What do you think is the reason?

M: Well, er...I wouldn't say a lot of factories. I would say a few large factories mainly in the automobile industry...where the work is of a very boring condition, and I think most workers who go on strike look upon it as a...a change from the daily routine.

Q: What does the man suggest as a reason for strikes in the automobile industry?


A.The workers want to change their jobs.

B.The work there is dull.

C.The work there is much too demanding.

D.The workers there are strike-prone.

【填空题】Microcomputer is the most common and famil...

【填空题】Microcomputer is the most common and familiar (1) to us. It can be a (2) model or (3) one. Microcomputers are widely used in offices, homes, schools, or companies. (4) can support 2 to about 50 (5) at the same time and works much faster than microcomputer. They may be used to conduct accounting work or (6) a particular manufacture process. If you go to the airline, a bank or a large insurance (7), you may see a mainframe (8). Mainframe computers offer faster processing (9) and greater storage capacity than minicomputer. They can support thousands of users, and their size can be either big or small. Super computers are (10) of the computer world.

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