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According to Paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT true of the perpetual studiers whe

n they are in school?

A.They usually sit in the front of the class and write pages of notes a day.

B.They talk to someone only at the end of class when the lecture is over.

C.They take out all their books and study for the classes that they have the next day.

D.They rarely take part in something of a social life.

提问人:网友guocomputer 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“According to Paragraph 2, whic…”相关的问题
Which of the following apoptotic proteins is homologous to human Bcl-2? a. CED-3 b. CED-4 c. CED-9 d. none of the above





Cotransformation between two genes is more likely if they are:

A、close to one another.

B、far apart from one another.

C、both next to the F factor.

D、both oriented in the same direction.

Which is true on the subarachnoid space in the vertebral canal()。

A. lies between dura matter and arachnoid

B. up to subarachnoid space in the skull by the foramen magnum

C. down the the height of the fifth sacral vertebral

D. terminal cistern is formed by the space below the second sacral vertebral

E. the fluid in it can communicate with that in the center canal of spinal cord directly

Which of the following words is formed by compounding?





Which of the following statements is true of interpreting the body language?

A、Someone who have their arms and legs uncrossed are shy and introvert.

B、If the person is leaning toward you, he could be interested in your conversation and actively engage in.

C、If the person easily distracted by other things, you should speak louder to draw his attention.

D、Once you start talking, you needn’t watch listener’s body language or pay attention to whether they appear comfortable or not.

8 多选 The following factors which would cause the increase of Tg?

A、A Rigid group, such as cyclic structures in the backbones

B、B Polar group, such as Cl and CN(Cyano group)

C、C Crystallites in the matrix

D、D Cross-linking

He is no longer _______he used to be.
Without patience in the practice, the whole martial art philosophy, which is built on respect would collapse.
1. “Actions speak louder than words”, which indicates body language is more important than oral statements on some occasions.

听力原文:Narrator Listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class. Professor OK, uh lets um, lets start. All Jim Abbott ever wanted to do...uh... was play baseball. This is not an unusual ambition, perhaps, but Jim Abbott was born with a condition that might have dampened the motivation of most others: He has no...uh...no right hand. Youd never know it watching him pitch in the Majors, though(hes currently with the Angels). What would motivate a young man to pursue a goal that everyone told him was impossible? The words motivation and emotion...uh...both come from the Latin root meaning "move", and the psychology of motivation is indeed the study of what...what moves why we do what we do. Like emotion, motivation involves physiological processes, cognitive processes, and social and cultural processes that shape its expression. Emotion can motivate us to behave in particular ways: Anger can move us to shout, fear can move us to run, and love moves us...us...um to do all sorts of things. But emotion is only one kind of motivating force. In general, motivation refers to...to an inferred process within a person or animal that causes the organism to move toward a goal. The goal may be to satisfy a biological need, as in eating a sandwich to reduce hunger. The goal may be to fulfill a psychological ambition, such as...as...discovering a vaccine for AIDS or winning a Nobel Prize. But psychologists who study motivation, like those who study emotion, often disagree about what the phenomenon is, what causes it, and how to identify it. If you...uh...see a woman eating a doughnut, you dont necessarily know her motive for doing so. Perhaps she is ravenously hungry and could eat anything you put in front of her? perhaps she has an insatiable passion for doughnuts and will eat one even if she has just consumed a five-course meal; perhaps she hates doughnuts but is being polite because a friend brought her one as a surprise. Moreover, just as several emotions usually cluster together, so several motives may...may operate together, sometimes...uh...in different directions. A man may be motivated to achieve financial success and to be a good father, but what happens when one motive conflicts with the other? For many decades, the study of motivation was dominated by drive theory put forward by Hull in 1943. In drive theory, biological needs result from states of physical deprivation, such as a lack of food or water. Such needs create a...a physiological drive, a state of tension that motivates an organism to satisfy the need. We have only a few primary(unlearned)drives, including hunger, thirst, excessive cold and pain. Although physical energy fuels most human motives, it soon became apparent that drive theory could not account for the complexity and variety of human motivations. As drive theory went out of fashion, so did the field of motivation as a major topic in psychology. Recently, uh...however, research on motivation has been reinvigorated by the "cognitive revolution" - the emphasis throughout psychology on the fact that people are conscious creatures who think and plan ahead, who set goals for themselves and plot strategies to reach them. Modern motivational research tends to emphasize what is unique in human aspirations such as the pursuit of fame, romantic love, athletic perfection, or a seemingly impossible goal such as rowing across the ocean. These social motives(in contrast to biological drives)are learned, some in childhood, some in later life, and they are called "social" because they develop in the context of family, environment, and culture. We now focus on one of the domains of adult life that we think best illustrate the cognitive and biological complexities of human social motivation; love. OK...the need for affiliation refers to the motive to be with others, to make friends, to cooperate, to love. Our lives would be impossible without connection to others. Human development depends on the childs ability to form. attachments and to learn from adults and peers, and on the adults ability to form. relationships with intimate partners, family, friends, and colleagues. No one doesnt need someone. Of course, individuals vary in their need for affiliation; some like "lots of space" and "breathing room", and others like to be surrounded by friends and family every minute of the day. Cultures, too, vary in the value they place on affiliation. American culture emphasizes independence and self-reliance, but Latino and Asian cultures emphasize family cohesiveness, group interdependence, arid teamwork. In the United States "dependence" is almost a dirty word, but in Japan the need for dependence is assumed to be powerful and necessary. In reality, all individuals are dependent; but they often depend on one another for different things at different ages. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer. 1. Why does the professor mention Jim Abbott? 2. According to the professor, what is motivation? 3. According to the professor, what is the main problem with the drive theory? 4. What aspect of modern motivation research does the professor mainly discuss? 5. What is the professors opinion of affiliation? Professor In reality, all individuals are dependent, but they often depend on one another for different things at different ages. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question. Professor In the United States "dependence" is almost a dirty word, but in Japan the need for dependence is assumed to be powerful and necessary. 6. What does the author imply when he says this? Professor In the United States "dependence" is almost a dirty word...Narrator Listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

Why does the professor mention Jim Abbott?

A.To indicate how impossible for him to play baseball.

B.To encourage people to forge their unusual ambition.

C.To introduce the following presentation on motivation.

D.To prove that emotion can motivate people behave unusually.

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