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The common cold is the most frequent of all illness. At any given moment, about one out of

every eight people has a cold. Most people get colds by touching things that another person with a cold has used or touched. You can even catch a cold by shaking hands. So if someone you know has a cold, you should try not to use the same cups, glasses, dishes, or telephone with him. If you have to touch a person with a cold or handle something that the person has used, wash your hands immediately afterwards. Soap does not kill cold viruses, but running water can carry them away.

Most people get colds by【46】that another person【47】has used or touched. To prevent you from catching colds, you should try【48】the same things that the person with a cold has used. If you have to use them,【49】your hands immediately afterwards.【50】can carry cold viruses away.

提问人:网友imujenkin 发布时间:2022-01-07
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A、The technique for eating a steamed lobster is relatively simple.

B、This part of the lobster offers a relatively large amount of easily obtainable meat with relatively little effort.

C、How to eat a lobster, then, is fairly simple.


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