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Maritime piracy is rampant only in Malacca Straits and Gulf of Aden.

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更多“Maritime piracy is rampant onl…”相关的问题
Maritime piracy has impeded the delivery of shipments.

Ships entering piracy risk areas must be aware of the risk of attack and should take appropriate measures to increase the level of surveillance(监督)and security on board and devise means of responding to attacks.A clear and comprehensive Ship Security Plan and the training of crews in security measures and response techniques are essential.Without clearly defined and rigorously practiced procedures,the risk of an uncoordinated response during the inevitable confusion of an attack increases the danger faced by those on board the ship.While a Ship Security Plan and crew training may not prevent an attack they should help reduce the risks if an attack takes place.

Attacks by pirates or armed robbers pose an immediate threat to the safety of a ship and individual crew members.When responding to attacks,masters and crews should seek to minimize the risk to those on board and maintain effective control over the safe navigation of the ship. Finally,it is important that all incidents of piracy and armed robbery,even minor incidents,are reported in detail to the appropriate authorities as soon as practicable.Accurate knowledge of the type and extent of piracy and armed robbery of ships is valuable for assessing the risk and formulating a comprehensive response.


The passage implies the following except ______.

A.Safety of lives onboard and the control of the safe navigation of the ship are the priority considerations when making decisions in responding to attacks

B.A clear and comprehensive Ship Security Plan can be developed by notifying the appropriate authorities of piracy-related information

C.The risk of an uncoordinated response during the inevitable confusion of an attack could be decreased by clearly defined and well practiced procedures

D.The communication of piracy-related information is a useful mechanism for anti-piracy Actions

Without clearly defined and rigorously practiced procedures,the risk of an uncoordinated response during the inevitable confusion of an attack increases the danger faced by those on board the ship.A.frequently




Which of the following is not mentioned as the measures taken for anti-piracy ___________.A.Risk assessment and Ship Security Plan

B.security alarming system onboard

C.Practices of procedures

D.communication of piracy- or security- related information

Which of the following is correct according to the passage ___________.A.A Ship Security Plan can always define clear and comprehensive procedures

B.Rigorously practiced procedure can always prevent a piracy attack

C.A well-designed Ship Security Plan and the training of crews are significant for anti-piracy

D.A well-designed Ship Security Plan and the training of crews can always prevent the ship from being attacked


Passage Three Since software piracy (盗版) is an international issue, it’s possible that politics play a role as well. According to the BSA, the United States experiences a lower rate of software piracy than other nations. The United States also produces much of the software used throughout the world. Citizens of some countries may feel that it’s permissible to steal software because it’s a product of a large, wealthy nation that’s already a dominant power in the world. Others may steal software with a sense of nationalistic pride — if their culture views the United States in a negative light, stealing from the country may seem like a good thing. Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame suggest that the computer creates a “psychological distance” between the pirate and his or her victim. The computer appears to act like an ethical filter. The act of piracy doesn’t seem to carry with it any consequences. The pirate doesn’t see the harm in his or her actions and the likelihood of getting caught is low. The nature of the Internet seems to play a part, too. It’s easy to access pirated software. The Internet also gives users a sense of anonymity (匿名), which in turn can reduce a person’s sense of accountability (责任). When given the chance to grab something valuable for nothing with little to no risk of being caught, it’s easy to understand why some people will pirate software. 34. The “psychological distance” in the second paragraph means ______.

A、the pirated software users’ subjective thinking about the consequences of piracy

B、the possibility of being caught for using pirated software

C、the relationship between the people involved in piracy and the victims

D、how the pirated software users think of the victims

The police found that the house____and a lot of   things___.

[    ]

A. has broken into;  has been stolen

B. had broken into;  had been stolen

C. has been broken into;  stolen

D. had been broken into;  stolen

It is hardly necessary for me to cite all the evidence of the depressing state of literacy. These figures from the Department of Education are sufficient- 27 million Americans cannot read at all, and a further 35 million read at a level that is less than sufficient to survive in our society.

But my own worry today is less that of the overwhelming problem of elemental literacy than it is of the slightly more luxurious problem of the decline in the skill even of the middle-class reader, of his unwillingness to afford those spaces of silence, those luxuries of domesticity and time and concentration, that surround the image of the classic act of reading, it has been suggested that almost 80 percent of America's literate, educated teenagers can no longer read without an accompanying noise (music) in the background or a television screen flickering at the corner of their field of perception. We know very little about the brain and how it deals with simultaneous conflicting input, but every common-sense intuition suggests we should be profoundly alarmed. This violation of concentration, silence, solitude goes to the very heart of our notion of literacy; this new form. of part-reading, of part-perception against background distraction, renders impossible certain essential acts of apprehension and concentration, let alone that most important tribute any human being can pay to a poem or a piece of prose he or she really loves, which is to learn it by heart. Not by brain, by heart; the expression is vital.

Under these circumstances, the question of what future there is for the arts of reading is a real one. Ahead of us lie technical, psychic, and social transformations probably much more dramatic than those brought about by Gutenberg, the German inventor in printing. The Gutenberg revolution, as we now know it, took a long time; its effects are still being debated. The information revolution will touch every fact of composition, publication, distribution, and reading. No one in the book industry can say with any confidence what will happen to the book as we've known it.

The picture of the reading ability of the American people, drawn by the author, is ______.

A.rather bleak

B.fairly bright

C.very impressive

D.quite encouraging


Assignment: Read “Academic literacy and plagiarism: Conversations with international graduate students and disciplinary professors” by Ali R. Abasi and Barbara Graves, and write a summary of its thesis and main points. Your summary should be at least one paragraph long (8 -10 lines) and no more than one page. You CANNOT plagiarize from the abstract on the first page. Summary: a concise restatement of a reading’s main ideas. When composing a summary . . . Do . . . Don’t . . . Use your OWN words. It may be necessary at times to quote the author if you want to capture a particular phrase or tone from the original, but your summary should be mostly in your own words. Rely heavily on quotations. Borrow language directly from the text without enclosing it in quotation marks. At some point (usually either in the beginning or the end of your summary) offer a direct statement of the author’s thesis or main idea in your own words. Include a summary of the supporting ideas the author uses to support his or her main idea. Offer your opinions, analyses, or judgments of the author’s ideas or effectiveness. This can be tricky to avoid—even a statement like “Ulreich beautifully describes . . .” involves your opinion that his description is beautiful. Provide context for your summary by offering the full name of the author and the full title of the text in the first or second sentence. Then, refer to the author throughout the rest of the summary by his or her last name. Write as if your reader is already familiar with the text. Use effective verbs that characterize an author’s rhetorical moves: argues, claims, stresses, concedes, admits, examines, questions, analyzes, points out, reasons, compares, refutes, rejects, emphasizes, confirms. Offer some variation in your verbs. If the author is making lots of claims, don’t use the verb claim over and over. Offer some variation through synonyms: claims, posits, argues, asserts, believes, comments, contends, notes, thinks, notes, writes, suggests. Don’t use verbs that indicate a direct statement by the author unless followed by a direct statement. For example, don’t say that the author “states that . . .” when you are only inferring something from his or her remarks. Reserve verbs like states for direct quotes. Don’t use the verb quotes unless the author is quoting someone else. In other words, don’t say “Al Gore quotes that he could have won the nomination.” Reserve the verb quotes for when Al Gore is quoting someone else in the text: “Al Gore quotes Leo Tolstoy, saying that ‘All happy families are alike.’” Compose your summary in the present tense. Switch tenses or use the past tense unless the text itself refers to something that happened in the past. For example, “According to Stevenson, research done in the early 1970’s erred (past) because it ignored women. Because of this she argues (present) that it should be reassessed.” Grading: When grading your summaries, I will pay attention to the following: your ability to adhere to the conventions above; organization; your understanding of the article’s thesis and main ideas; grammar and spelling. Since this is a short assignment (less than one page), I will expect an “A” summary to be free of grammatical and spelling errors. After all, you will likely have less than ten sentences to edit.

Antithesis is the deliberate arrangement of ______________ words or ideas in balanced structural forms to achieve force and emphasis.





Long range acoustic device is a non-lethal device using pain inducing sound beam to drive away the pirates.
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