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She dropped her voice as she started to ______ that she had fallen in love with the poet.A

She dropped her voice as she started to ______ that she had fallen in love with the poet.





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更多“She dropped her voice as she s…”相关的问题
As her door began to open, she ________ the telephone, and then dropped the receiver as Luke walked in.
As her door began to open, she ________ the telephone, and then dropped the receiver as Luke walked in.

听力原文:W: Now, specifically in that song, you mention "Lisa". Is there actually a "Lisa"
out there?

M: Yes, there really is. She was somebody I went out with for two years actually.

W: What happened later?

M: Her dad just didn't want it to happen. It was so bad that she just couldn't take the pressure.

W: You must have felt bitter about the whole split up and everything?

M: It's really tough, she wants to do something with her life and her dad's threatening to cut off her college tuition if she continues to see me, so it's like she had a serious decision to make.

W: Were you bitter about her?

M: lake I said, at first, I was somewhat bitter but I understand, I guess. I don't know. I know I probably wouldn't have done the same thing. Who knows, people are different, so I couldn't really hold that against her.

W: What has she said to you since she heard it on the radio?

M: Oh. I haven't heard from her.

W: You haven't?

M: I dropped some notes for her to call me some time and she hasn't. I guess at this point, I don't expect her to. That's my call out to her, because I have no idea about that.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about Lisa?

A.Lisa is whom the man is speaking to.

B.Lisa is the girl whom the man dated two years ago.

C.Lisa is the girl who wrote this song.

D.Lisa is a girl whose name appears in one of the man's song.

SECTION ACONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversations. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:Sally: Now, specifically in that sen6, you mention "Lisa". Is there actually a "Lisa" out there?

Elliot: Yes, there really is. She was somebody I went out with for two years actually.

Sally: What happened later?

Elliot: Her dad Just didn't want it to happen so bad that she just couldn't take the pressure.

Sally: You must have felt bitter about the whole split up and everything?

Elliot: It's really tough, she wants to do something with her life and her dad's threatening to out off her college tuition if she continues to see me, so it's like she had a serious decision to make.

Sally: Were you hitter about her?

Elliot: Like I said, at first, I was somewhat bitter but I understand, I guess. I don't know. I know I probably wouldn't have done the same thins. Who knows, people are different, so I couldn't really hold that against her.

Sally: What has she said to you since she heard it on the radio?

Elliot: Oh, I haven't heard from her.

Sally: You haven't?

Elliot: I dropped some notes for her to call me some time but she hasn't, I guess at this point, I don't expect her to. That'e my call out to her, because I have no idea.

Who is true of Lisa?

A.Lisa is the man who is speaking to the man.

B.Lisa is the girl whom the man dated two years ago.

C.Lisa is the girl whom the man dated for two years.

D.Lisa is a woman whose name appears in one of the man’s song.

Everyone who eats in Carman's Country Kitchen in South Philadelphia knows that if
you need a job,a place to stay or a friendly ear on a blue day,you come to Carman Luntzel.The six-foot,46 year-old powerhouse not only cooks,she also acts as her restaurant's discussion leader and matchmaker.When breakfast regular Stephen Sacavitch wasn't meeting women,she put his picture on a bulletin board,with the words:"Girls.Nice guy.Give him a break."Last September a coffeepot left on a red-hot burner nearly destroyed the restaurant.Luntzel didn't have insurance.But bad news has a way of turning good at Carman's.Bereft at the thought of no more buttermilk pancakes or homemade pear pie-and no more Carman dishing out advice and help-her customers pitched in.They boarded up her windows,removed debris and primed and painted her scorched walls.It wasn't just the regulars.A guy on a motorcycle dropped off some cash.A woman from a nearby restaurant scoured charred dishes and stuck two $50 bills in Luntzel's pocket as she left.Just three weeks after the blaze,Luntzel was serving breakfast again."It was incredible,"she says."There's a sense about Carman that is just can-do,"says regular Kevin Vaughan."It's infectious."

The word "powerhouse"in paragraph one means ()

A、a small powerplant

B、a good restaurant

C、an energetic person

D、an angry woman

听力原文:Although we are told when young that honesty is the best policy, we are often tau

听力原文: Although we are told when young that honesty is the best policy, we are often taught the opposite by experience and observation. A child quickly learns that she cannot always tell the truth. For instance, the little girl who tells her great aunt that she's fat and ugly learns that honesty can have some unfortunate results. Similarly the five-year-old who admits to pinching the baby soon has ample evidence that dishonesty might be the real virtue. In addition to her own experience, the child also observes that adults don't practice what they preach about honesty. Any alert child knows by the age of eight that adults really employ the little white lie to serve their own purposes. For instance, a child may hear a parent explain on the phone that his family have a lot of company when the child knows that no one is there but family members. Another child may hear her mother insist that she's terribly glad to see an old friend who has dropped by and then, two hours later, hear her mother complain about her day being interrupted by the visit. As a result, the child learns from watching that dishonesty is the practice even when honesty is the stated policy.


A.Practice requires him to be honest.

B.Dishonesty is not a virtue.

C.Honesty may make him suffer.

D.Honesty is the best policy.

SECTION ACONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversations. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文:Sally: Now, specifically in that seng, you mention "Lisa". Is there actually a "Lisa" out there?

Elliot: Yes, there really is. She was somebody I went out with for two years actually.

Sally: What happened later?

Elliot: Her dad Just didn't want it to happen so bad that she just couldn't take the pressure.

Sally: You must have felt bitter about the whole split up and everything?

Elliot: It's really tough, she wants to do something with her life and her dad's threatening to out off her college tuition if she continues to see me, so it's like she had a serious decision to make.

Sally: Were you hitter about her?

Elliot: Like I said, at first, I was somewhat bitter but I understand, I guess. I don't know. I know I probably wouldn't have done the same thins. Who knows, people are different, so I couldn't really hold that against her.

Sally: What has she said to you since she heard it on the radio?

Elliot: Oh, I haven't heard from her.

Sally: You haven't?

Elliot: I dropped some notes for her to call me some time but she hasn't, I guess at this point, I don't expect her to. That's my call out to her, because I have no idea.

Who is true of Lisa?

A.Lisa is the man who is speaking to the man.

B.Lisa is the girl whom the man dated two years ago.

C.Lisa is the girl whom the man dated for two years.

D.Lisa is a woman whose name appears in one of the man's song.

1 After graduating from high school in Michigan, M...

1 After graduating from high school in Michigan, Madonna received a dance scholarship to the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance. After convincing her father to allow her to take ballet lessons, she was persuaded by her ballet teacher to pursue a career in dance, dropped out of college in 1978, and relocated to New York City. (1) She worked as a Dunkin’ Donuts waitress and danced with modern dance troupes, continuing to perfect her craft while trying to make ends meet. “It was the first time I’d ever taken a plane, the first time I’d ever gotten a taxi cab,” she once said of her move to New York. “I came here with $35 in my pocket. It was the bravest thing I’d ever done.” 2 After collaborating with bands---The Breakfast Club and Emmy, she eventually decided to market herself as a solo act and recorded demos to send to record labels in New York City. Madonna was famously rejected by Millennium Records President Jeremy Ienner, known for productions of such hits as “Dirty Dancing” and “Sister Act.” He stated that while he enjoyed some of her music, she was “not ready yet” and he would “pass for now.” This rejection motivated Madonna to continue making music with club DJ Mark Kamins, who at the time was working with Seymour Stein of Sire Records. Kamins gave Stein a demo of Madonna’s work while Stein was in the hospital, and he insisted Madonna come to the hospital immediately so he could sign her to his label. 3 In an interview, Stein remembered what it was like to meet Madonna: “I always believed in her, because not only did she have talent, but she had a burning desire, drive, ambition, and a work ethic that is incredible. So, she had everything and I saw that in my hospital room.” Madonna has tried very hard to achieve success. Which of the following is NOT an example given by the passage to show how hard she has worked?

A、Received a dance scholarship to the University of Michigan School of Music.

B、Relocated to New York City.

C、Worked as a Dunkin’ Donuts waitress and danced with modern dance troupes.

D、Continue making music with club DJ Mark Kamins.

Eleven days after her son Benjamin's birth by C-section, Linda Coale awoke in the middle o
f the night in pain, one leg badly swollen. Just【C1】______her doctor returned her phone call asking what to do,she dropped dead【C2】______a blood clot(凝块).

Pregnancy-related deaths like Coale's【C3】______to have risen nationwide over the past decade, nearly tripling in the state with the most careful count-California. And【C4】______they're very rare--about 550 a year out of 4 million births【C5】______--they're nowhere near as rare as they should be. Pregnancy-related death rate is four times【C6】______than a goal the federal government【C7】______for this year. "It's unacceptable," says Dr. Mark Chassin of The Joint Commission, the agency which recently issued a(n)【C8】______to hospitals to take steps to【C9】______mothers-to-be. "Maybe as many as half of these are【C10】______."

Two years after Coale's death near Annapolis,Maryland, her sister says【C11】______that list should be warning women about【C12】______of an emergency, like the clot called deep vein thrombosis(DVT)that can kill【C13】______it breaks out of the leg and moves to the lung. "【C14】______she wanted to do was have her own family, and when she【C15】______gets that privilege, she's no longer【C16】______us," says Clare Johnson, who says her the sister's【C17】______risk was being pregnant at age 35.

Pregnancy-related death【C18】______little public attention in U.S.,【C19】______last year's worry over the flu that killed at least 28 pregnant women. Among the【C20】______preventable causes are massive bleeding, DVT-caused lung disease and uncontrolled blood pressure.






My father had a small business, employing about 15 people at any given time. We sold all s
orts of dairy products, and many more, from a small store in front of the dairy building. During the summer months, rows of eager tourists lined up at that ice -cream counter for a taste of my father s exquisite homemade ice cream. Because it was an extremely busy little store, the employees had to work very quickly for hours at a time, with little rest. One day, in 1976, we had a new employee, Debbie, who wanted to work in the store for the summer. She had never done this type of work before, but planned to give it her all. On her first day, Debbie made just about every mistake in the book. She added up the sales wrong on the cash register. She charged the wrong prices for items. She gave the wrong bag of food to the wrong customer. And she dropped and broke a half-gallon of milk. I couldn t stand watching her struggle any longer. I went into my father s office and said, " Please go out there and put her out of her misery." I expected him to walk right into the store and fire her on the spot. Since my father s office was situated within view of the sales counter, he had no doubt seen what I was talking about. He got up from his desk and walked over to Debbie, who was standing behind the counter. "Debbie," he said, as he put his hand gently on her shoulder. "I have been watching you and I saw how you treated Mrs. Forbush." Debbie s face began to flush, and she looked as if she was about to cry. She struggled to remember Mrs. Forbush from the many women she had given the wrong change to or spilled milk on. My father continued, "I ve never seen Mrs. Forbush be so polite before. You really knew how to handle her. I am sure she is going to want you to wait on her every time she comes in. Keep up the good work." My father was a wise and compassionate employer. Because of this, Debbie became a loyal and hard-working employee for 16 years—and a friend for life.

The small business run by the author s father______.

A.barely survived this year

B.hardly made any money

C.suffered some losses

D.was quite successful

听力原文:W: Oh, no! Oh, I can't believe I dropped that mirror. What bad luck.M: Don't worr

听力原文:W: Oh, no! Oh, I can't believe I dropped that mirror. What bad luck.

M: Don't worry, mama! I'll pick it up for you.

W: Thanks. But you know I can just hear your grandmother's voice saying" Now you are in for seven years of bad luck. ".

M: Why would she say that?

W: Oh, you know her, she's very superstitious. She believes that once a mirror is broken, you can't see yourself as a whole person in it. So something really had is going to happen to you.

M: Yes, but why? Why seven years of bad luck.

W: Well, I guess a long time ago, people thought it took seven years for the body to repair itself, so I guess it would take seven years to fix a broken body.

M: Seven years is a really long time. I guess I’m glad I didn't drop that mirror.

W: Oh?

M: No, mama, I'm only kidding. I mean you don't really believe in that stuff, do you?

What will make one have seven years of bad luck according to the speaker?

A.To break the mirror.

B.To see the black cat.

C.To write with left hand.

D.To sneeze without blessing.

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