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According John Howard, it would be more important ______ in order to help the poor countri


A.for the rich countries to increase their overseas aids

B.for the rich countries to raise their moral standards

C.for the rich countries to remove tile trade barriers

D.for the rich countries to increase their mean subsidies to poor overseas farmers

提问人:网友sosoliuhu 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“According John Howard, it woul…”相关的问题
Choose the correct answer. Nǐ shuō dé hǎo Zhōngwén ma ? 你说得好中文吗?

A、Wǒ bù shuō hǎo 。 我不说好。

B、Wǒ shuō de bù hǎo 。 我说得不好。

C、Wǒ shuō hǎo 。 我说好。

D、Wǒ shuō bù hǎo 。 我说不好。


She stood before us looking very composed as she gave us good morning. Sabri cleared his throat, and picking up the great key very delicately between finger and thumb -- as if it were of the utmost fragility -- put it down again on the edge of the desk nearest her with the air of a conjurer making his opening dispositions. "We are speaking about your house," he said softly, in a voice ever so faintly curdled with menace. "Do you know that all the wood is..." he suddenly shouted the last word with such force that I nearly fell off my chair, "rotten!" And picking up the key he banged it down to emphasise the point.

The woman threw up her head with contempt and taking up the key also banged it down in her turn exclaiming: "It is not."

"It is." Sabri banged the key.

"It is not." She banged it back.

"It is." A bang.

"It is not." A counter-bang.

All this was certainly not on a very intellectual level, and made me rather ill at ease. I also feared that the key itself would be banged out of shape so that finally none of us would be able to get into the house. But these were the opening chords, so to speak, the preliminary statement of theme.

The woman now took the key and held it up as if she were swearing by it. "The house is a good house," she cried. Then she put it back on the desk. Sabri took it up thoughtfully, blew into the end of it as if it were a sixshooter, aimed it and peered along it as if along a barrel. Then he put it down and fell into an abstraciton. "And suppose we wanted the house." he said, "which we don't, what would you ask for it?"

"Eight hundred pounds."

Sabri gave a long and stagy laugh, wiping away imaginary tears and repeating "Eight hundred pounds" as if it were the best joke in the world. He laughed at me and I laughed at him, a dreadful false laugh. He slapped his knee. I rolled about in my chair as if on the verge of acute gastritis. We laughed until we were exhausted. Then we grew serious again. Sabri was still as fresh as a daisy. I could see that. He had put himself into the patient contemplative state of mind of a chess player.

"Take the key and go," he snapped suddenly, and handing it to her, swirled round in his swivel chair to present her with his back; then as suddenly he completed the circuit and swivelled round again. "What!" he said with surprise. "You haven't gone." In truth there had hardly been time for the woman to go. But she was somewhat slow-witted, though obstinate as a mule: that was clear. "Right," she now said in a ringing tone, and picking up the key put it into her bosom and turned about. She walked off stage in a somewhat lingering fashion. "Take no notice, "whispered Sabri and busied himself with his papers.

The woman stopped irresolutely outside the shop, and was here joined by her husband who began to talk to her in a low cringing voice, pleading with her. He took her by the sleeve and led her unwillingly back into the shop where we sat pointedly reading letters. "Ah! It's you," said Sabri with well-simulated surprise. "She wishes to discuss some more," explained the cobbler in a weak conciliatory voice, Sabri sighed.

"What is there to speak of? She takes me for a fool." Then he suddenly turned to her and bellowed. "Two hundred pounds and not a piastre more."

It was her turn to have a paroxysm of false laughter, but this was rather spoiled by her husband who started plucking at her sleeve as if he were persuading her to be sensible. Sabri was not slow to notice this. "You tell her," he said to the man. "You are a man and these things are clear to you. She is only a woman and does not see the truth. Tell her what it is worth!"

The writer felt "ill at ease" because ______.

A.the proceedings seemed inappropriate to the occasion

B.he was afraid that the contestants would become violent

C.he felt that no progress was likely to be made

D.he was not accustomed to such stupidity

The Guildford Four, freed last week after spending 15 years in prison for crimes they did not commit, would almost certainly have been executed for the pub bombing they were convicted of had the death penalty been in force at the time of their trial. There may now be a decent interval before the pro-hanging lobby, which has the support of the Prime Minister, makes another attempt to reintroduce the noose.

Reflections along these lines were about the only kind of consolation to be derived from this gross miscarriage of justice which is now to be the subject of a judicial inquiry. In the meantime, defence lawyers are demanding compensation and have in mind about half a million pounds for each of their clients.

The first three to be released -- Mr. Gerald Conlon, Mr. Paddy Armstrong and Ms. Carole Richardson -- left prison with the 34 pounds which is given to all departing inmates. The fourth, Mr. Paul Hill, was not released immediately but taken to Belfast, where he lodged an appeal against his conviction for the murder of a former British soldier. Since this conviction, too, was based on the now discredited statements allegedly made to the Survey policy, he was immediately let out on bail. But he left empty-handed.

The immediate reaction to the scandal was renewed demand for the re-examination of the case against the Birmingham Six, who are serving life sentences for pub bombings in that city. Thus far the Home secretary, Mr Douglas Hurd, is insisting that the two cases are not comparable; that what is now known about the Guilford investigation has no relevance to what happened in Birmingham.

Mr. Hurd is right to the extent that there was a small--though flimsy and hotly-contested -- amount of forensic evidence in the Birmingham case. The disturbing similarity is that the Birmingham Six, like the Guilford Four, claim that police officers lied and fabricated evidence to secure a conviction.

Making scapegoats of a few rogue police officers will not be sufficient to expunge the Guildford miscarriage of justice. These are already demands that the law should be changed: first to make it impossible to convict on "confessions" alone; and secondly to require that statements from accused persons should only be taken in the presence of an independent third party to ensure they are not made under coercion.

It was also being noted this week that the Guilford Four owe their release more to the persistence of investigative reporters than to the diligence of either the judiciary or the police. Yet investigative reports -- particularly on television -- have recently been a particular target for the con demnation of Mrs. Thatcher and some of her ministers who seem to think that TV should be muzzled in the public interest and left to get on with soap operas and quiz shows.

To compensate the miscarriage of justice, the defence lawyers may ______.

A.demand 500,000 pounds for the Guildford Four

B.demand 500,000 pounds for each of the Guildford Four

C.demand 50,000 pounds for each of the Guildford Four

D.demand a re-examination of the Birmingham pub bombings

The main theme of the passage is ______.

A.a psychological analysis of the people involved

B.an account of the successive stages involved in house purchase

C.Sabri's technique in reducing the price of the house

D.a light-hearted study of bargaining techniques in general

The existing law States that ______.

A.convictions can be made on confessions and statements taken by police officers from accused persons and are valid legal evidence

B.convictions can't be made on confessions alone and there should be a third party when tak ing statements from accused persons

C.convictions can be made on confessions and a third party should be present when taking statements from accused persons

D.convictions can't be made on confessions alone and the statements taken by police officers from accused persons are valid legal evidence

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