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______ you return those books to the library immediately you will have to pay a fine.A.Unt

______ you return those books to the library immediately you will have to pay a fine.





提问人:网友polarbear627 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“______ you return those books …”相关的问题
听力原文:OK, everybody. Can we begin the meeting now? I'm Mike Johnson, the chairman of th

听力原文: OK, everybody. Can we begin the meeting now? I'm Mike Johnson, the chairman of the Graduation Committee for this year. You've all been chosen as representatives to plan the graduation ceremony. I am sending around a sheet of paper for you to write down your name and telephone number. Also, please write down which part of the ceremony you'd like to work on. Remember, as a representative,you'll have a lot of responsibilities. So only sign up if you feel you have the time to participate. When everyone has finished writing down the information, please return the paper to me. At our next meeting, one week from today,we will start to discuss the details of the ceremony.

What is the purpose of the meeting?

A.To determine who will graduate this year.

B.To discuss the seating arrangement.

C.To begin planning the graduation ceremony.

回答下列各题:John:Hi,Miss,call I return this shia?Saleswoman: 56__________ 41?John:It’s th


John:Hi,Miss,call I return this shia?

Saleswoman: 56__________ 41?

John:It’s the wrong size.I wear size 42.but ____57___.

Saleswoman:I remember nOW.Your wife bought it yesterday.

Shewanted size 41.but___58___ .She then took the smaller size.

John: ___59___ that I now wear size 42.

Saleswoman:We don’t have a size 42,either.Ok,I&39;ll____60____.


A.How about it B.She didn knowC.get the money for youD.we didn&39;t haye itE.it&39;s a size 40F.it&39;s wrong colorG.get a right one for you H.What’s the matter with it


A.How about it B.She didn knowC.get the money for youD.we didn&39;t haye itE.it&39;s a size 40F.it&39;s wrong colorG.get a right one for you H.What’s the matter with it


A.How about it B.She didn knowC.get the money for youD.we didn&39;t haye itE.it&39;s a size 40F.it&39;s wrong colorG.get a right one for you H.What’s the matter with it


A.How about it B.She didn knowC.get the money for youD.we didn&39;t haye itE.it&39;s a size 40F.it&39;s wrong colorG.get a right one for you H.What’s the matter with it


A.How about it B.She didn knowC.get the money for youD.we didn&39;t haye itE.it&39;s a size 40F.it&39;s wrong colorG.get a right one for you H.What’s the matter with it


SECTION BPASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to th


Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: India is the land of festivals. Diwali is the Festival of Light and is celebrated with fervour and gaiety throughout the country to ward off the darkness and welcome light into everyone's lives. A four-day celebration marks the festival, the first day of which, "Naraka Chaturdasi" commemorates the vanquishing of the immensely powerful demon Naraka by Lord Krishna and his wife Satyabhama. The second day is "Amavasya" when prayers are offered to the goddess of prosperity, Lakshmi, for it is believed that on this day Lakshmi is in her most benevolent mood and is ready to fulfill the wishes of her devotees. Indians queue up for hours to pay homage at the Lakshmi temples on Amavasya. The third day is "Kartika Shudda Padyami" but is of comparatively minor relevance. The fourth day is referred to as "Yama Dvitiya" and on this day brothers are invited to their sisters' homes. In north India it is also celebrated as the return of Rama from 14 years in exile after killing the wicked King Ravan. To commemorate his return to his homeland, Ayodhya, his subjects illuminated the kingdom & burst crackers. The city streets are festooned with tinsel and fairy lights, and excitement fills the air.

What is this passage about?

A.An Indian festival.

B.An Indian ceremony.

C.An Indian wedding.

D.An Indian goddess.

回答下列各题 MobilePhone Manners Mobile phones have changed the waywe communicate(交流);th

回答下列各题 MobilePhone Manners Mobile phones have changed the waywe communicate(交流);they have also brought about problemsin phone manners(礼仪).Gaik Lira,aSingapore-based advisor,has some adviceon phonemanners. When dealing with missed calls,the person being called should return the call.“Calls should bereturned as soon as possible,and no laterthan the following day.Anything laterthan that,and anapology or a reason for the delay should go with the call.” Textmessages should be kept short and to the point.If they go beyond tour or five lines,call or e—mail instead.“The use ofshort forms should be among family members and friends.never in abusiness simafion.” Speak in a low voice as if you weretalking to someone next to you.If theconnection is bad,don’t raise your voice in order to be heard,simply move to another place where the connection may bebetter.And if that doesn’t work,tell the caller to callyou back or offer to call at a later time. When a conversation is cut off dueto a bad connection,the person whostarted the conversa—tionshould call back.“It may be inconvenientfor the other person to return the call,especially if it’s anunlisted number,or an overseas call.” When running late for a date ormeetin9,it is acceptable totext to inform. that you’II be de—layed.Messages should be apologetic.“A message like‘Sorry.Will be about 30 minutes late due toflight delay’is considered politeand thoughtful.” Taking calls during meetings isonly acceptable if you have informed the chairperson that you areexpecting an urgent(紧急的)call.If you get an unexpected but urgent call,apologize to those presentand offer a quick explanation as to why you have to take that call.Then leave the room to continueyour phone conversation. What should one do if he has missed a call?

A.Textan apology to the caller.

B.Callback if it is from abroad.

C.Waittill the caller calls again.

D.Returnthe call as early as one call.

Bill looked everywhere for his dictionary but ______ had to return home without it.A.in th

Bill looked everywhere for his dictionary but ______ had to return home without it.

A.in the end

B.at the end

C.in the finish

D.at the last

SECTION BPASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to th


Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: Okay, everybody. Can I please have your attention? I'm Bills Smith, the director of the school play for this year. You've all volunteered as assistants to help organize the play, and I can't tell you how much we appreciate your support, I'm sending around a form. for you to put down some information on how we can get in touch with you, so if you could put your names, phone numbers, and times you will be available we'd appreciate it. If you have any special skills, it would be good for you to write those down on the paper as well. Also please write down the performances that you will be able to assist with. I realize that everybody can't come to each performance, but the more you attend the better. However, you should also keep it in mind that it will be very time consuming, and we may end up staying quite late into the evening. So don't sign up if you won't be able to make it.

Once you have all had a chance to go through the sign-up sheet and mark down any special skills you might have to offer, please return it to me. At our next meeting, on Tuesday, we'll begin talking about the details of all the different jobs. While you're waiting for the sheet to get passed around, I'll be happy to answer any questions that you have today.

What is the purpose of the meeting?

A.To determine who will be in the play.

B.To determine the details of the volunteers.

C.To choose the director of the play.

D.To start planning for the play.

The name Hallowe' en comes from the original "hallowed" (or holy) "evening". Many of the c

The name Hallowe' en comes from the original "hallowed" (or holy) "evening". Many of the customs of Hollowe' en date back to ancient times when people believed in magic and superstition.

In ancient Ireland, people believed that on this night the dead could return to earth as witches, ghosts, black cats or in other strange forms. These creatures would perform. all sorts of wicked mischief. They were creatures of the night, and any form. of light was a protection against them. People made special lanterns, which they placed by windows and doors to keep the evil spirits away. In time, these lanterns came to be made out of hollowed-out pumpkins with a scary face carved on one side and a candle placed in the center. These are known as "Jack-o'-lanterns."

Hallowe' en superstitions were brought over to America in the nineteenth century and have now been trans formed into a creative seasonal celebration. Children dress up as ghosts and witches. On the evening of October 31st, they nm from house to house calling out "nick or treat." Neighbours give them candy ("treats") and if they do not the children might play a "trick" on them, like dusting flour over their doorstop; or making a lot of noise outside their windows. Adults also dress up and go to costume parties where they might receive prices for the best or scariest costume.

People decorate their houses with cut-outs of ghosts, witches, skeletons and spiders' webs, as well as beautifully carved pumpkins. Stores sell all sorts of goods in the typical Hallowe' en colors of orange and black. You can also buy pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies and even pumpkin ice cream!

Hallowe' en might began in ______.

A.the 19 th century

B.ancient Ireland



You'd sound a lot more polite if you make the request _________a question.A、in th

A.in the form. of

B.in terms of

C.on the basis of

D.in two minds about

Thank you for your Order No.123. We _______________ it and will dispatch th goods early June.





As you hold the insurance policy, we should be ______ if you would take the matter up for us with th





You can' t hear what I'm saying ______ you stop talking.A.only ifB.unlessC.lestD.except th

You can' t hear what I'm saying ______ you stop talking.

A.only if



D.except that

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