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Now this businessman seems to be unable to pay ______ the money borrowed from the bank.A.i

Now this businessman seems to be unable to pay ______ the money borrowed from the bank.





提问人:网友jyw1120 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Now this businessman seems to …”相关的问题
The company is now more open to change because of this businessman\'s way of thinkin

According to the last paragraph, the typical volunteer now may be______.A.an enthusiastic

According to the last paragraph, the typical volunteer now may be______.

A.an enthusiastic but unqualified young student

B.a highly qualified headmaster or teacher

C.an executive or businessman with at least 15 years' experience

D.a well-experienced accountant, manager, or doctor

The word "tycoon" in the last paragraph is ______.A.derived from a Japanese word, meaning

The word "tycoon" in the last paragraph is ______.

A.derived from a Japanese word, meaning a businessman with great wealth and power

B.an English translation of a Russian word, meaning a man of great consequence

C.borrowed from Portuguese, meaning an industrialist with a great man of money obtained illegally

D.rarely used now because of its derogatory meaning

Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news.At the end o f the news item,youwill b

Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news.At the end o f the news item,you

will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the news.

Who is George Mitchell?

[A] A representative of the IRA guerrillas.

[B] A key player.

[C] A former US Senator.

[D] A businessman and writer.

The word "tycoon" in the last paragraph is ______.A.derived from a Japanese word, meaning

The word "tycoon" in the last paragraph is ______.

A.derived from a Japanese word, meaning a businessman with great wealth and power

B.an English translation of a Russian word, meaning a man of great consequence

C.borrowed from Portuguese, meaning an industrialist with a great sum of money obtained illegally

D.rarely used now because of its derogatory meaning

Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each p

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

听力原文: A nobleman and a businessman once met in a restaurant. For their lunch they both ordered soup. When it was brought, the nobleman took a spoonful, but the soup was so hot that he burned his mouth and tears came to his eyes. Noticing that, the businessman asked him why he was weeping. The nobleman was ashamed to admit that he had burned his mouth and answered, "Sir, I once had a brother who had committed a great crime, and for this he was hanged. I was thinking of his death; so I was weeping." The businessman believed his story and began to eat his soup. He too burned his mouth, so he had tears in his eyes. Noticing it, the nobleman asked the businessman why he was weeping. The business man now realized that the nobleman had deceived him. He answered, "My lord, I am weeping because you were not hanged together with your brother."


A.Don't believe other people's words too easily.

B.Penny wise and pound foolish.

C.Don't pretend to be wise.

D.Don't eat soup when it is too hot.

The Businessman of the CenturyLed by people who could take an idea and turn it into an ind

The Businessman of the Century

Led by people who could take an idea and turn it into an industry, our world reached unheard-of levels of productivity and prosperity. From Henry Ford at one end of the century to Bill Gates at the other, they influenced lives far beyond the business world. American magazine FORTUNE lists four most influential businessmen of the past 100 years and selects one of them to be the Businessman of the Century. The following is how the man is chosen.

What the Business of the Century is Like?

To select one man to be the Businessman of the Century is to look back upon almost unimaginable change. Organization Man rose to challenge the robber baron (强盗式贵族,强盗式资本家). The railroad and telegraph had created mass markets. New machines had made mass production possible. Business had to change to exploit these opportunities; big far-flung enterprises simply couldn't be financed or run by one tycoon(大亨), however rich or brilliant. He needed share-holders, executives, business units, and staff. "Thus came into being," writes historian Alfred D. Chandler, "a new economic institution, the managerial business enterprises, and a new subspecies of economic man, the salaried manager."

The 20th century was the Century of the Manager.

Who is Better, the Manager or the Entrepreneur?

It's impossible to think of America,-without the restless entrepreneurial (企业家的) desire to go someplace new, do something new, become someone new. The peculiar gift of American capitalism seems to be its ability to keep both the manager and the entrepreneur in the ring (拳击场), fighting forever, neither gaining a permanent advantage over the other. At mid-century, the popular ideal of business might have been the manager, but at the century' s beginning -- and certainly now at its conclusion -- our heroes are builder, founders, risk takers.

What Makes the Businessman of the Century?

How to pick one to stand above the rest? He should, dearly, be someone who was well known at the time he labored and is still famous today -- that is, a person who was noticeably successful in both the short run and the long. He should have been captain of an enterprise of some scale (规模). And we concluded that Businessman of the Century should have been part of an industry that is characteristic of his time.

Why Must the Businessman of the Century be Selected from Car and Computer Industries?

We narrowed the search to a final four. Each was the dominant businessman of a quarter of this century; each created or built a corporation that is still greatly influential today; each played a major role in automobiles or computers, the two industries that, more than any others, distinguish this century from those of the past. As it happens, the men are equally divided between entrepreneurs and managers: Two of them founded great concerns but also managers who brought enormous growth and wealth to their employers. Now, the four candidates were:

HENRY FORD (1865--1946): Founder of Ford Motor Co.

ALFR1ED P. SLOAN JR. (1876--1966): CEO of GM

THOMAS J. WATSON JR. (1914--1993): CEO. of IBM

WILLIAM H. GATES (1955--): Founder of MICROSOFT

What's the Difficulty in Choosing One Out of the Four?

How can one pick among these four men, each being extraordinary leader, each amazingly successful, each the founder of a legacy that has -- or will have -- long outlived him?

Of the four men, Watson -- businessman, pilot, sailor, diplomat -- had the most soul and probably the most fun. If size mattered most, then Sloan or Watson might win the nod -- Microsoft is no smaller, but it' s only No. 109 on the FORTUNE 500. And it was Sloan who showed the world how to build a giant corporation and make it work. Sloan has the added merit of having competed directly with one of his fellow finalists, leaving Henr




听力原文:Ten years ago a small boy fell off his bicycle because he wanted to look behind.

听力原文: Ten years ago a small boy fell off his bicycle because he wanted to look behind. This gave Billy Morgan, a British businessman, a new idea. He designed a bicycle helmet with a built-in minor.

Mr. Morgan launched the product six months ago, and it now has sales of 27,000 and sells in twelve countries from Korea to Finland. The target for the second year is for sales of nearly 1 million pounds.

But it wasn't easy for Mr. Morgan to become successful. He had problems when he tried to interest UK manufacturers in making the helmet. It cost Mr. Morgan 1 million pounds of his own money to develop the helmet for the mass market.

Mr. Morgan found a helmet-maker in France. He worked with French consultants to make the design better for mass production, and spent £ 450,000 on preparing the French plant to make the helmet.

Now he plans to do more research and development. He wants to manufacture other designs of rearview helmets for motorcycling, skiing and horse-riding.


A.A product launch that didn't succeed.

B.A new idea that became a commercial success.

C.A manufacturing problem.

D.A new design of the bicycle helmet.

根据下面内容,回答题 "Businessman of the Year" AwardA. James King: Chief Execu


"Businessman of the Year" Award

A. James King: Chief Executive of Fentons Finance

King was nominated for the quality of his leadership, with the judges claiming that the Fentons Finance boss is almost revered by his team. He is credited with reinventing Fentons Finance - revitalizing its culture of inflexibility, removing outdated pre-merger barriers and playing a brilliant tactical game. He led everyone to believe he was opposed to large mergers and then jumped on the Westcombe Bank opportunity at just the right moment. History will be the judge, but for now the markets consider King to be a star.

B. Keith Nash: Chief Executive of Hamley&39;s Supermarkets

Nash took over as CEO when Hamley&39;s systems and distribution were out of date and the brand badly needed freshening up. He began refocusing the brand at the higher quality end of the food market and launched several own-brand initiatives for the health conscious. As a result, the share price has gone up nearly 80 per cent. This should be extremely satisfying for Nash, who had left the retailer in 1986, disappointed after failing to secure the top job.

C. Jorge Marquez: Chairman of the Kenwick Group

Marquez was a popular choice for his achievements at Kenwick. The judges say he has been courageous in pushing through the appointment of controversial or inexperienced chief executives to companies within the group, and then sponsoring them as they transformed their businesses. He operates as a "virtual" chairman, without a permanent office in any one company. He phones his CEOs regularly, and several of them have acknowledged the vital contribution he makes to their effectiveness. Everyone is impressed at how he also finds the time to be chairman of two other large companies.

D. Richard Jenkins: Finance Director of Centron Advertising

Labouring in the shadow of a high-profile boss can sometimes draw attention away from the finance director, and the judges considered it was high time Jenkins got that attention. The CEO may be the public face of Centron, but Jenkins is the one who makes it run smoothly. Behind the scenes, he is constantly demonstrating that budgets and forecasts are what is needed to make a company successful, particularly now that the advertising market has been hit by recession, it is largely thanks to him that Centron is in much better shape than its rivals.

This businessman has successfully targeted a different group of consumers. 查看材料





听力原文:Last April, American businessman Dennis Tito reportedly paid between twelve-milli

听力原文: Last April, American businessman Dennis Tito reportedly paid between twelve-million and twenty-million dollars to spend one week on the International Space Station. NASA had strongly objected to the Russian plan to permit a civilian on the costly research vehicle. After two years of negotiations, space officials have agreed on a process to train private citizens to take trips to the International Space Station.

NASA recently agreed to conditions that will permit Russia to sell trips to the space station. An American company called Space Adventures Limited of Arlington, in Virginia plans the trips. Experts say the change in policy at NASA shows a new desire to use space vehicles for business and industrial purposes. In a speech to Congress last year, NASA official Michael Hawes said that the space agency had not considered civilian travel as one of the industries it wanted to develop. However, Mister Hawes said that private space travel could now be done as long as safety measures are observed carefully.

Candidates for adventure space travel trips must be in excellent health and must pass difficult health tests. They must receive a lot of training. However, Special English can help you prepare for a space holiday. This is because all successful candidates who wish to travel to the International Space Station must be able to read and speak English.


A.Because it welcomes t a big sum of money by tourist

B.Because it thinks that safety measures are followed carefully.

C.Because Russia agrees, too.

D.Because the spaceship is available.

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