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Losing is inevitable if your child plays soccer.A.YB.NC.NG

Losing is inevitable if your child plays soccer.




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更多“Losing is inevitable if your c…”相关的问题
In recent years more and more companies have involved in the tide of incorporating downsiz
ing throughout the world. Downsizing is dismissing employees and reassigning their duties to the remaining ones so as to reduce costs. It is usually called restructuring, rightsizing, reallocation resources, or job separation. However it is modified, employees affected by these practices know clearly what the words mean to them laid off. And no "kinder, gentler" words can help relieve the anxiety and distress of losing a job.

In the quest to lower costs to keep competitive, companies often make decisions with little or no regard for the well-being of the people involved. For example, in the past years in AT, thousands of managers and employees have been dismissed through downsizing, though many of them have twenty or more years of loyal contribution to the firm. Industry analysts say that if organizations wish to be considered responsible, ethical corporate citizens, they must demonstrate concern for their employees, even when they have to tell them they are no longer employed.

Careful planning and preparation can be adopted to ease the employees' shock and stress at being laid off. It is always important to have effective, honest and timely communication. Employees who know the grave situation can prepare themselves for the inevitable and so will be much better able to get through when the misfortune falls.

In spite of difficulties to work out a best way, many firms are still trying. IBM for instance, offers early retirement. In AT&T, job search help and career counseling are offered to displaced employees. Organizations can also provide retraining programs or outplacement assistance and a reasonable severance package. Those new jobless are not, however, the only ones affected by the downsizing. It is also necessary to address the needs and concerns of remaining staff, to show sensitivity to their feeling of loss, and to deal with their worries about more layoffs. Only by so doing can an organization retain their loyalty and trust. Do responsible companies lay people off? Is it ethical to close factories? Must employers guarantee workers jobs for life? Questions about the ethics of downsizing are sure to continue. If, as most experts agree, downsizing is here to stay, perhaps the real question is not, "Is it ethical to downsize?' but "How can companies downsize ethically?"

According to the passage, the downsizing in the company is more and more, because _______.

A.it is a tendency all over the world

B.it is a periodical action

C.it is the effective way to reduce the cost

D.some employees are not qualified for the jobs

[A\] prominent\[B\] invariable\[C\] evident\[D\] inevitable

■ Section B Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by
some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice.

Passage One

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

During the past seven or eight years, researchers have made some new and exciting discoveries about osteoarthritis (骨关节炎), a common and debilitating problem. No longer considered an inevitable consequence of the wear and tear associated with aging, osteoarthritis is now understood to be an active process that progressively damages cartilage (软骨) , the normally resilient (有弹性的) connective tissue cushioning every joint in the body. Osteoarthritis is caused by damaged cartilage that the body cannot properly repair. As we age, our cartilage becomes more prone to damage. When this damage occurs, cells within the cartilage may release mediators (substances that cause local inflammation), along with other cartilage-destroying chemicals. This process of damage upon more damage results in osteoarthritis.

Researchers have been able to identify what puts people at risk of developing osteoarthritis. Age is not necessarily an issue, although the disease is certainly more common in the elderly. Obesity is an overwhelmingly strong risk factor. For those already diagnosed, losing weight has been shown to slow the disease’s progression and substantially ease joint pain. Injury to a bone or joint may make that area more prone to arthritis in the future. For example, ankle fractures and knee surgery are linked to osteoarthritis, as are injuries due to some vigorous contact sports. Repetitive activities such as the movements involved in certain fields of work can contribute to osteoarthritis.

A number of recent studies have emphasized the importance of exercise in reducing pain and maintaining function in people with osteoarthritis. Weight reduction is another key component of treatment. Shoe inserts and knee braces can also relieve knee pain caused by osteoarthritis. Although basic pain medications can help, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen (布洛芬,一种抗炎、镇痛药) are more effective in relieving pain. However, these drugs carry the risk of kidney damage, high blood pressure, fluid retention and stomach bleeding. Glucosamine sulfate (氨基葡萄糖硫酸盐) is a component of normal joint cartilage. Recent studies have shown that 1,500 mg per day of this medication, available without a prescription, can decrease pain and improve function for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.

第22题:According to the passage, osteoarthritis ________.

A) is inevitably caused by wear and tear due to aging

B) is an active process in which cartilage is damaged abruptly

C) is caused by damaged cartilage that the body cannot properly repair

D) is caused by cells within the cartilage that may release mediators

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Delayed DeliveryStella bad been prepared for her husband's death. Since the doctor's prono

Delayed Delivery

Stella bad been prepared for her husband's death. Since the doctor's pronouncement of terminal cancer, they had both faced the inevitable, striving to make the most of their remaining time together. Dave's financial affairs had always been in order. There were no new burdens in her widowed state. It was just the awful aloneness ... the lack of purpose to her days.

They had been a childless couple by choice. Their lives had been so full and rich. They had been content with busy careers, and with each other. They had many friends. That was the operative word these days. It was bad enough losing the one person you loved with all your heart. But over the past few years, she and Dave repeatedly coped with the deaths of their friends and relations. They were all of an age--an age when human bodies began giving up. Dying. Face it--they were old!

And now, approaching the first Christmas without Dave, Stella was all too aware she was on her own.

With shaky fingers, she lowered the volume of her radio so that the Christmas music faded to a muted background. To her surprise, she saw that the mail had arrived. With the inevitable wince (退缩) of pain from her arthritis(关节炎), she bent to retrieve the white envelopes from the floor. She opened them while sitting on the piano bench. They were mostly Christmas cards, and her sad eyes smiled at the familiarity of the traditional scenes and at the loving messages inside. She arranged them among the others on the piano top. In her entire house, they were the only seasonal decoration. The holiday was less than a week away, but she just did not have the heart to put up a silly tree, or even set up the stable that Dave had built with his own hands.

Suddenly eagulfed(吞没) by the loneliness of it all, Stella buried her face in her hands, and let the tears come. How would she possibly get through Christmas and the winter beyond it!

The ring of the doorbell was so unexpected that Stella had to stifle(窒息) a small scream of surprise. Now who could possibly be calling on her7 She opened the wooden door and stared through the window of the storm door with consternation (惊愕). On her front porch, stood a strange young man, whose head was barely visible above the large carton in his arms. She peered beyond him to the driveway, but there was nothing about the small car to give clue as to his identity. Summoning courage, the elderly lady opened the door slightly and he stepped sideways to speak into the space.

"Mrs. Tbomhope?"

She nodded. He continued, "I have a package for you."

Curiosity drove caution from her mind. She pushed the door open, and he entered. Smiling, he placed his burden carefully on the floor and stood to retrieve an envelope that protruded from his pocket. As he handed it to her, a sound came from the box. Stella jumped. The man laughed in apology and bent to straighten up the cardboard flaps, holding them open in an invitation for her to peek inside.

It was a dog! To be more exact, a yellow Labrador retriever puppy. As the young gentleman lifted its squirming(蠕动)body ap into his arms, he explained, "This is for you, ma'am." The young pup wiggled in happiness at being released from captivity and thrust ecstatic, wet kisses in the direction of the young man's face. "We were supposed to deliver him on Christmas Eve," he continued with some difficulty, as he strove to rescue his chin from the wet little tongue, "but the staff at the kennels(狗窝) start their holidays tomorrow. Hope you don't mind an early present."

Shock had stolen Stella's ability to think clearly. Unable to form. coherent'sentences, she stammered, "But ... I don't ... I mean ... who ... ?"

The young fellow set the animal down on the doormat between them and then reached out a finger to tap the envelope she was still holding. "There's a l




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PARENTS: Make Your Child A WinnerPlaying on a soccer team can be an important experience i

PARENTS: Make Your Child A Winner

Playing on a soccer team can be an important experience in your child's life. Participation can help your child physically and personally. However, placing your child on a soccer team does not guarantee a beneficial experience.

As a parent you can help your child have a positive experience in playing soccer. The type of support you give to your child can make soccer fun and rewarding or the cause of anxiety and stress. You can motivate your child and help to develop a healthy, positive self-image.

Here are some suggestions:

Children play soccer to have fun.

They also play to learn and improve their skills, to enjoy exciting times, to be with friends, and to stay in shape. In order to maintain or improve your child's motivation for playing soccer, find out why they like to participate and support their reasons for playing.

Success in soccer is more than just winning.

Young children equate winning with success and losing with failure. If children win a game, they feel good or worthy. If they lose they feel incompetent or unworthy. This attitude toward winning can be discouraging to children, unless they are always winning. One of your most important roles, therefore, is to help your child keep winning in proper perspective. Try to redefine success in terms of the actual performance or how well your child and the team played. Focusing on the performance rather than the outcome helps keep the game in perspective.

Your child may also need guidance in how to deal with success. In winning, two things can happen. Long run success may come so easily that the competitive game loses its challenge. Your child may become complacent and/or arrogant. Conversely the pressure to win may result in a lack of motivation if your child dreads playing in fear of failure. Your child may not be able to perform. well and may want to quit. Give encouragement and positive support if this is the case. It is important that you assist your child in understanding their contribution to the team's overall performance.

Winning is fun.

Your child needs to know that striving to win is important. Being successful in soccer also means making improvements and striving to do one's best. You can help develop this winning attitude in your child by encouraging maximum effort during practices and games, rewarding their improvements in mastering skills, and supporting your child to try their best. The will to win is important but the will to prepare to win is of greater value.

Losing is inevitable if your child plays soccer

Your child must learn to accept themselves after a loss, this is an important part of participation in the game. Instead of finding excuses it is important for your child to understand the reasons why the team lost. Such reasons may include superior competition, too many mistakes, poor preparation to compete at this level, or maybe the players have a poor attitude. Whatever the reasons your child needs to regroup. Focus on better preparation physically and mentally for training and the next game so he/she can do better next time. This is a valuable lesson.

Realistic goals will help your child.

Compare current performances with past performances to determine whether your child has been successful. Your child must experience success at a level that demands his/her best effort. When your child's skill level improves they realize that effort equals success, and will feel a sense of accomplishment.

Encourage skill improvements, good plays, and good behavior.

Remember to praise effort-not just good performance-this will motivate your child to try hard. The best way to encourage is by praising or with physical response, a pat on the back, thumbs up, or smile. Try to avoid giving m




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