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Attempts to persuade her stay after she felt insulted were ______.A.of no availB.out of fo

Attempts to persuade her stay after she felt insulted were ______.

A.of no avail

B.out of focus


D.in no way

提问人:网友hhhh7123 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“Attempts to persuade her stay …”相关的问题
Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were ________.A) in no way

Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were ________.

A) in no way

B) on the contrary

C) at a loss

D) of no avail

Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were ______.A.of no availB.on the

Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were ______.

A.of no avail

B.on the contrary

C.at a loss

D.in no way

Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were ______.A.of no availB.out of

Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were ______.

A.of no avail

B.out of focus

C.at a loss

D.in no way

The passage suggests that a speech that attempts to persuade people to act is likely to fa
il ifit does NOT ______.

A.distort the truth a little to make it more acceptable to the audience

B.appeal to the self-interest as well as the humanitarianism of the audience

C.address listeners' emotions as well as their intellects

D.concede the logic of other points of view

An elderly woman died yesterday after being knocked down by a motorist who had made no【21】
to brake (刹车) . A police officer asked the driver, a man of 69, to read the number-plate of a car parked on the opposite side of the road. The man said this was【22】, because it was foggy. In fact, it was a sunny day. After several attempts, even from a distance of two meters, the man【23】failed to read the number plate【24】. He said he had never needed【25】, though he had been【26】in a similar accident the day before.

The question of fitness to【27】comes【28】every time some medical condition relates to an accident like this. Last week two motorists died as result of blackouts (瞬间昏厥) at the wheel. With these【28】in mind, it is not surprising that accident prevention organizations are trying to persuade the government to introduce stricter controls over【30】.






While much of the United States of America put Prohibition to rest 73 years ago, large par
ts of the South have remained strictly off-limits to alcohol sales.

But local and national business interests that stand to profit from the sale of alcohol, including real estate developers, grocery chains, restaurant groups and Wal-Mart, are combining their political and financial muscle to try to persuade hundreds of dry towns and counties to go wet. In the process, they are changing the face of the once staunchly prohibitionist Bible Belt.

Attempts by Wal-Mart and others to allow alcohol sales in other places that remain dry—415 counties in the South and in Kansas still prohibit such sales—are meeting fierce resistance from some church groups and religious leaders. They argue that returning to the days when liquor flowed will mean more family violence, underage drinking, drunken driving and a general moral decay in the community.

Wal-Mart, based in a dry county in Arkansas, forbids drinking at events held at corporate headquarters. But the giant retailer has made a push in the last year to sell more liquor, along with beer and wine, in its stores.

From the beginning of this passage we know that ______ .

A.most of the American states were prohibited to take a rest

B.the United States of America prohibited others from rest

C.the United States of America prohibited alcohol sales

D.most states in the country began to allow alcohol sales

Advertising informs consumers about the existence ...

Advertising informs consumers about the existence and benefits ofproducts and services and attempts to persuade them to buy them. The best formof advertising is probably word of mouth advertising which occurs when peopletell their friends about the benefits of products or services that they havepurchased. Yet virtually no providers of goods or services relay on this alone,which using paid advertising instead. Indeed many organizations also use institutionalor prestige advertising which is designed to build up their reputation ratherthan to sell particular products. Although large companies could easily set up theirown advertising departments, write their own advertisements and by media space themselves.They tend to use the services of large advertising agencies. These are likelyto have more resources and more knowledge about all aspects of advertising andadvertising media than single company. It is also easier for a dissatisfycompany to give its account to another agency. And it would be to fire theirown advertising staff. The company generally give the advertising agency andagreed budget. A statement of the objective of the advertising campaign know asbrief and overall advertising strategy concerning the message to becommunicated to the target customers. The agency creates advertisements anddevelops a media prime, specifying which media will be used and in which proportions.Agencies often produce alternative ads or commercials that pretested innewspapers, television stations etc. in different parts of the country. Beforea final choices was made

prior to anational campaign.

Q22 What is probably the bestform. of advertising according to the speaker?

Q23 What does the speaker sayis the proposes of many organization using prestige advertising ?

Q24 How did large companiesgenerally handle their advertising?

Q25 What would advertisingagencies often do before a national campaign?

Two conflicts convinced Western countries that they dared not reduce their forces too dras
tically. The first was the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990. This came at the height of the happiness at the end of the Cold War and the new era of peace that was expected to follow. By January 1991 it was apparent that attempts to persuade Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein to withdraw through a combination of military threats, economic pressure, and diplomatic inducements had failed. American, British, and French forces found themselves using military equipment and concepts designed to deal with the Warsaw Pact in central Europe to defeat a moderate- sized Third World country. This brought home the lesson that in a world in which total war had become too horrific to contemplate even a limited war was no small matter and would demand considerable commitment.

Even so, the Gulf War was a relatively straightforward confrontation. It was against a known enemy over a clear-cut matter of principle and fought by means that played to the West' s comparative advantages, for example in air power. To defense planners, this was much to be preferred to the considerably more complicated types of conflict where opponents merged easily into their surroundings, and adopted guerrilla warfare rather than open battle.

Prudent defense planners never want to get involved in messy civil wars, while the military dislikes having to get between warring groups. It is usually easier to get in than out of these conflicts. Yet even as troops were returning from the Gulfin the summer of 1991, Yugoslavia was starting to fall apart. By 1992, British and French forces were being deployed in Bosnia, along with contingents from other countries, to try to deliver humanitarian aid and soften the blows of a bitter ethnic conflict. Eventually, in 1995, now joined by the Americans, they began to take a much tougher line and this created the conditions for a political settlement, although not an early withdrawal of outside forces. They were still needed to keep the peace.

The experience of these conflicts illustrates some of the difficulties now faced by defense planners. They must prepare for a wide range of operations, from set-piece battles to vicious inter-communal skirmishes: Even though they may hope that total wars are things of the past for the major industrialized countries, limited wars might still require the sort of capabilities once assumed to be relevant only to total wars. Limited wars also come in all shapes and sizes. In 1982 the Falklands War was won through achieving naval superiority followed by an amphibious landing, while in 1991 Kuwait was liberated through air supremacy followed by a heavy armored advance. The first stage of the Gulf crisis involved a naval blockade -- the last stage involved light forces protecting Kurds. Bosnia involved a hybrid force of infantry geared to a low-intensity conflict supported by ak power conducting a high-intensity campaign. Future conflicts might involve direct attacks on environmental targets or attempts to exploit the West's growing dependence on information technology. Terrorism and international criminal organizations are now often presented as the most serious threats to Western societies.

From the sentence "This brought home the lesson that in a world in which total war had become too horrific to contemplate even a limited war was no small matter and would demand considerable commitment.", we know that______.

A.the world has realized that a limited war was a piece of cake and demanded no matter

B.the people urged to launch a limited war

C.the world has realized that even a limited war was still terrible and needed to do a lot of things to finish it

D.people were afraid to begin a limited war so the have done a lot of things to prevent it

Every product on the market has a variety of costs built into it before it is ever put up
for sale to a customer. There are costs of production, transportation, storage, advertising, and more. Each of these costs must bring in some profit at each stage: truckers must profit from transporting products, or they would not be in business. Thus, costs also include several layers of profits. The selling price of a product must take all of these costs(and built-in profits) into consideration. The selling price itself consists of a markup over the total of all costs, and it is normally based on a percentage of the total cost.

The markup may be quite high 90 percent of cost or it may be low. Grocery items in a supermarket usually have a low markup, while mink cost have a very high one. High markups, however, do not in themselves guarantee big profits. Profits come from turnover. If an item has a 50 percent markup and does not sell, there is no profit. But if a cereal has an 8 percent markup and sells very well, there are reasonable profits.

While most pricing is based on cost factors, there are some exceptions. Prestige pricing means setting prices artificially high in order to attract select clientele. Such pricing attempts to suggest that the quality or style. of the product is exceptional or that the item cannot be found elsewhere. Stores can use prestige pricing to attract wealthy shoppers.

Leader pricing and bait pricing are the opposites of prestige pricing. Leader pricing means setting low prices on certain items to get people to come into the stores. The products so priced are called loss leaders because little or no profit can be made on them. The profits are made from other products people buy while in the store. Bait pricing, now generally considered illegal, means setting artificially low prices to attract customers. The store, however, has no intention of selling goods at the bait prices. The point is to get people into the store and persuade them of the inferiority of the low-priced item. Then a higher priced item is presented as a better alternative.

A common retail tactic is odd priced products. For some products of $300, the store will set the price at $295 or $299.95 to give the appearance of a lower price. Automobiles and other high-priced products are usually priced in this manner. For some reason $7995 has more appear to a potential car customer than $8000.

Bid pricing is a special kind of price setting. It is often used in the awarding of government contracts. Several companies are asked to submit bids on a job, and normally the lowest bidder wins. A school system may want to buy a large number of computers. Several companies are asked to submit prices, and the school district will decide on the best bid based as well on considerations of quality and service.

We learn from the second paragraph, ______.

A.reducing cost is the surest way to increase profits

B.profits depend on how fast goods are moving

C.fair markup promise the greatest profits

D.lower markup brings reasonable profits

The Aleuts, residing on several islands of the Aleutian Chain, the Pribilof Islands, and t
he Alaskan peninsula have possessed a written language since 1825, when the Russian missionary Ivan Venation selected appropriate characters of the Cyrillic alphabet to represent Aleut speech sounds, recorded the main body of Aleut vocabulary and formulated grammatical rules. The Czarist Russian conquest of the proud, independent sea hunters was so devastatingly thorough that tribal traditions, even tribal memories, were almost obliterated. The slaughter of the majority of an adult generation was sufficient to destroy the continuity of tribal knowledge, which was dependent upon oral transmission. As a consequence, the Aleuts developed a fanatical devotion to their language as their only cultural heritage.

The Russian occupation placed a heavy linguistic burden on the Aleuts. Not only were they compelled to learn Russian to converse with their overseers and governors, but they had to learn Old Slavonic to take an active part in church services as well as to master the skill of reading and writing their own tongue. In 1867, when the United States purchased Alaska, the Aleuts were unable to break sharply with their immediate past and substitute English for any one of their three languages.

To communicants of the Russian Orthodox Church a knowledge of Slavonic remained vital as did Russian, the language in which one conversed with the clergy. The Aleuts came to regard English education as a device to wean them from their religious faith. The introduction of compulsory English schooling caused a minor renascence of Russian culture as the Aleut patents sought to counteract the influence of the schoolroom. The harsh life of the Russian colonial rule began to appear more happy and beautiful in retrospect.

Regulations forbidding instruction in any language other than English increased its unpopularity. The superficial alphabetical resemblance of Russian and Aleut linked the two tongues so closely that every restriction against teaching Russian was interpreted as an attempt to eradicate the Aleut tongue. From the wording of ninny regulations, it appears that American administrators often had not the slightest idea that the Aleuts were clandestinely reading and writing their own tongue or even had a written language of their own. To too many officials, anything in Cyrillic letters was Russian and something to be stamped out. Bitterness bred by abuses and the exploitations the Aleuts suffered from predatory American traders and adventurers kept alive the Aleut resentment against the language spoken by Americans.

Gradually despite the failure to emancipate the Aleuts from a sterile past by relating the Aleut and English languages more closely, the passage of years has assuaged the bitter misunderstandings and caused an orientation, away from Russian toward English as their second language, but Aleut continues to be the language that molds their thought and expression.

The author is primarily concerned with describing ______.

A.United States government attempts to persuade the Aleuts to use English as a second language

B.Russian and United States treatment of Alaskan inhabitants both before and after 1867

C.how the Czarist Russian occupation of Alaska created a written language for the Aleuts

D.the Aleuts' loyalty to their language and American failure to understand it

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