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If the test taker finds an item to which an answer is not known, it may be ______ to leave

it blank and go on with the test.





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更多“If the test taker finds an ite…”相关的问题
The score of TEFOL that a test taker gets can be hold valid for 5 years.()

The score of TEFOL that a test taker gets can be hold valid for 5 years.()

The score of TOEFL that a test taker gets can be held valid for ________ years.





Frederic McHale implies that if the test taker is unique, he would ______.A.get a top grad

Frederic McHale implies that if the test taker is unique, he would ______.

A.get a top grade

B.get an average grade

C.be at an advantage

D.be at a disadvantage

If a test taker finds an item to which the answer is unknown, it may be ______ to leave it
blank and go on with the test.





Which of the following sentences about those international tests are true except _____

A.According to TOFEL, test takes can take the test only once in any 12-day period.

B.GRE General Test aims to measure the test takers’verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, analytical writing, and critical thinking skills.

C.Paper-based SAT Test is offered by ETS five times a year.

D.The score of GRE that a test taker gets can be hold valid for five years.

将下列bash代码改写为功能等价的代码,正确的是: if test -w errfile then cat errfile >> $LOGFILE rm errfile fi

A、[ -w errfile ] && { cat errfile >> $LOGFILE;rm errfile;}

B、if test -w errfile then cat errfile >> $LOGFILE rm errfile fi

C、if [ -w errfile ] { cat errfile >> $LOGFILE rm errfile }

D、if test -w errfile; then { cat errfile >> $LOGFILE; rm errfile;}

The dec line of the number of test takers in the Law School Admission Tests reflects th

A、the tests become more difficult

B、the test fee has increased

C、the total number of college students drops

D、it’s difficult for law school graduates to fi nd jobs

(a) (i) Defi ne a ‘test of control’ and a ‘substantive procedure’; (2 marks) (ii) State ON

(a) (i) Defi ne a ‘test of control’ and a ‘substantive procedure’; (2 marks)

(ii) State ONE test of control and ONE substantive procedure in relation to sales invoicing. (2 marks)

(b) Shiny Happy Windows Co (SHW) is a window cleaning company. Customers’ windows are cleaned monthly, the window cleaner then posts a stamped addressed envelope for payment through the customer’s front door.

SHW has a large number of receivable balances and these customers pay by cheque or cash, which is received in the stamped addressed envelopes in the post. The following procedures are applied to the cash received cycle:

1. A junior clerk from the accounts department opens the post and if any cheques or cash have been sent, she records the receipts in the cash received log and then places all the monies into the locked small cash box.

2. The contents of the cash box are counted each day and every few days these sums are banked by which ever member of the fi nance team is available.

3. The cashier records the details of the cash received log into the cash receipts day book and also updates the sales ledger.

4. Usually on a monthly basis the cashier performs a bank reconciliation, which he then fi les, if he misses a month then he catches this up in the following month’s reconciliation.


For the cash cycle of SHW:

(i) Identify and explain THREE defi ciencies in the system; (3 marks)

(ii) Suggest controls to address each of these defi ciencies; and (3 marks)

(iii) List tests of controls the auditor of SHW would perform. to assess if the controls are operating effectively. (3 marks)

(c) Describe substantive procedures an auditor would perform. in verifying a company’s bank balance. (7 marks)

A Frenchman, the psychologist Alfred Binet, published the first standardized test of human
intelligence in 1905. But it was an American, Lewis Terman, a psychology professor at Stanford, who thought to divide a test taker's "mental age", as revealed by that score, by his or her chronological age to derive a number that he called the "intelligence quotient", or IQ. It would be hard to think of a pop-scientific coinage that has had a greater impact of the way people think about themselves and others.

No country embraced the IQ--and the application of IQ testing to restructure society--more thoroughly than the U.S.. Every year millions of Americans have their IQ measured, many with a direct descendant of Binet's original test, the Stanford-Binet, although not necessarily for the purpose Binet intended. He developed his test as a way of identifying public school students who needed extra help in learning, and that is still one of its leading uses.

But the broader and more controversial use of IQ testing has its roots in a theory of intelligence--part science, part sociology --that developed in the late 19th century, before Binte's work and entirely separate from it. Championed first by Charles Darwin' s cousin Francis Galton, it held that intelligence was the most valuable human attribute, and that if people who had a lot of it could be identified and put in leadership positions, all of society would benefit.

Terman believed IQ tests should be used to conduct a great sorting out of the population, so that young people would be assigned on the basis of their scores to particular levels in the school system, which would lead to corresponding socioeconomic destinations in adult life. The beginning of the IQ-testing movement overlapped with the eugenics movement--hugely popular in America and Europe among the "better sort" before Hitler gave it a bad name--which held that intelligence was mostly inherited and that people-deficient in it should be discouraged from reproducing. The state sterilization that Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes notoriously endorsed in a 1927 Supreme Court decision was done with an IQ score as justification.

The American IQ promoters scored a great coup during World War I when they persuaded the Army to give IQ tests to 1.7 million inductees. It was the world's first mass administration of an intelligence test, and many of the standardized tests in use today can be traced back to it: the now ubiquitous and obsessed-over SAT(Study Ability Test); the Wechsler, taken by several million people a year, according to its publisher; and Terman' s own National Intelligence Test, originally used in tracking elementary school children. All these tests took from the Army the basic technique of measuring intelligence mainly by asking vocabulary questions (synonyms, antonyms, analogies, reading comprehension).

According to Termon's theory, a twelve-year-old boy's mental age is 10, then his IQ number is about______.





Part B (10 points)Though hardly as unwelcome as death or taxes, college entrance exams are

Part B (10 points)

Though hardly as unwelcome as death or taxes, college entrance exams are just as inevitable and almost as dreaded by high school students.

As the testing dates loom for juniors and seniors for the SAT (formerly called the Scholastic Assessment Test) and the American College Test, or ACT, most students are looking for an edge, any edge, in the competition.

And as the number of homes with computers continues to rise, test publishers and software developers have been quick to recognize a growing niche. With the market for test preparation materials at all levels estimated at $540 million annually, they have jumped on the tech bandwagon to produce computerized tutorials that promise to boost scores.

(41)"We believe that it's important for a student to be prepared to take the tests," notes Don Powers, a research scientist at the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, N. J. , the organization that administers the SAT for the College Board. "It's important to know how to take the test so that you won't get a score that's lower than you deserve." But, he adds, "none of the rigorous scientific evidence that we have seen supports these promises" to raise test scores.

(42) Several points, however, do weigh in favor of software as opposed to traditional test-preparation. Cost is a big one.

(43) Convenience is another, as the College Board points out in touting its new sofware.Afew points to remember when evaluating various test-prep software packages:

(44) The exams, though they may seem mystical to the test taker, are not magic and certainly not random. There is little variation in the strategies the programs use to boost test scores because there is little variation in how the test are developed.

Largely, what differentiates one program from another is the computer interface, which can make the software more—or less—user-friendly, and such features as automated tracking of student progress.

(45) A crash course with test prep software is never an alternative to careful, long-term preparation for taking the exams. Some students are better equipped to respond to the self-paced, self-motivated approach software offers than others, Powers notes.

Although parents may be in the market for what they consider "serious" study aids, their children, who are the ones taking the tests, may appreciate the programs that offer a little humor.

Finally, as programs frequently point out, the SAT and ACT, while important to college admissions officers, are only one element of a successful college application.

[A] A test prep course with a live instructor can cost as much as $700. Test-prep software costs $30 to $80.

[B] Most of the programs, in fact, emphasize the importance of "guessing strategies" and eliminating unlikely answers to improve scores.

[C] Unlike many programs, this one can give you a quick, easy and comfortable way to achieve a high score.

[D] "I would rather use the program than take a preparation course, because I could do this on my own time and in my own home," notes one student in the College Board materials.

[E] Although at least one of the test programs asks you how long you have to prepare to take the examination in order to customize the learnign curve, all recommend spending a period of weeks, not hours, using the software.

[F] But though many programs offer money-back guarantees, professional test writers tend to scoff at those claims.


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