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Mark Clements, 53, a garageman, had long and untidy hair. Laura Shira, 43, who gives hairc

uts, needed car repairs. Rather than【36】for service, the two residents helped each other. A typical small-town favor, right? No, the two didn't know each other. They【37】the Neighborhood Service Exchange (NSE), where members【38】their skills. The exchange need not be direct; members earn credit for hours【39】and can cash in later from anyone in the group.

The NSE may help people save a little money, but at its heart it's building a(n)【40】of community in a place that was losing that small-town feel. In a recent【41】, 78% said they didn't feel comfortable asking a neighbor for help. "We want neighbors to【42】like neighbors again," says Kathryn Myron, who【43】the group in 1998.

It's working. Hidi Hanson, 53, agreed to make "【44】phone calls" to Katie O'Brien, 66, who had suffered a stroke. The two became fast friends who now talk on the phone almost daily. "I don't even bother to keep【45】my credits anymore," says O'Brien.






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更多“Mark Clements, 53, a garageman…”相关的问题
How was the Project received when Mark first sent his invitation?A.Mark received responses

How was the Project received when Mark first sent his invitation?

A.Mark received responses from 53 schools.

B.There were about 1,500 bags decorated with one announcement.

C.It was a huge success, which, to a great extent, was due to the power of the Internet.

D.R was a hit among the schools but the local supermarket was quite reluctant to offer their bags at first.

According to paragraph 2, Clements compared the process of ecological succession toA.the r

According to paragraph 2, Clements compared the process of ecological succession to

A.the replacement of animal habitats over time

B.the development of an organism


D.changes in climate

In Clements' eyes, Japanese animationA.charms foreigners with its alien style.B.was founde

In Clements' eyes, Japanese animation

A.charms foreigners with its alien style.

B.was founded by Miyazaki.

C.is in lack of a soul.

D.will be substituted by foreign contributions.

One of these pioneer ecologists was Frederick Clements, who studied ecology extensively th
roughout the Midwest and other areas in North America. He held that within any given region of climate, ecological communities tended to slowly converge toward a single endpoint, which he called the "climatic climax." This "climax" community was, in Clementss mind, the most well-balanced, integrated grouping of species that could occur within that particular region. Clements even thought that the process of ecological succession—the replacement of some species by others over time—was somewhat akin to the development of an organism, from embryo to adult. Clements thought that succession represented discrete stages in the development of the community(rather like infancy, childhood, and adolescence), terminating in the climatic "adult" stage, when the community became self-reproducing and succession ceased. Clementss view of the ecological community reflected the notion of a precise balance of nature.

In paragraph 5, why does the author mention green ash trees and plains cottonwood trees?

A.To support the current view about how ecological communities develop

B.To provide an example of species that prefer to live on floodplains

C.To provide evidence that supports the theory of Clements

D.To show where one ecological community stops and the other begins






Who was right? Many ecologists have made precise measurements, designed to test the assump
tions of both the Clements and Gleason models. For instance, along mountain slopes, does one life zone, or habitat type, grade sharply or gradually into another? If the divisions are sharp, perhaps the reason is that the community is so well integrated, so holistic, so like Clements viewed it, that whole clusters of species must remain together. If the divisions are gradual, perhaps, as Gleason suggested, each species is responding individually to its environment, and clusters of species are not so integrated that they must always occur together.

A.Their research has helped to decide between the two views because it has focused on questions to which Clements and Gleason would give opposing answers. Who was right?Who was right? Many ecologists have made precise mMany ecologists have made precise measurements, designed to test the assumptions of both the Clements and Gleason models.Who was right? Many ecologists have made precise mFor instance, along mountain slopes, does one life zone, or habitat type, grade sharply or gradually into another?Who was right? Many ecologists have made precise mIf the divisions are sharp, perhaps the reason is that the community is so well integrated, so holistic, so like Clements viewed it, that whole clusters of species must remain together. If the divisions are gradual, perhaps, as Gleason suggested, each species is responding individually to its environment, and clusters of species are not so integrated that they must always occur together.

B.Who was right? Many ecologists have made precise mWho was right? Their research has helped to decide between the two views because it has focused on questions to which Clements and Gleason would give opposing answers. Many ecologists have made precise measurements, designed to test the assumptions of both the Clements and Gleason models.Who was right? Many ecologists have made precise mFor instance, along mountain slopes, does one life zone, or habitat type, grade sharply or gradually into another?Who was right? Many ecologists have made precise mIf the divisions are sharp, perhaps the reason is that the community is so well integrated, so holistic, so like Clements viewed it, that whole clusters of species must remain together. If the divisions are gradual, perhaps, as Gleason suggested, each species is responding individually to its environment, and clusters of species are not so integrated that they must always occur together.

C.Who was right? Many ecologists have made precise mWho was right?Who was right? Many ecologists have made precise mMany ecologists have made precise measurements, designed to test the assumptions of both the Clements and Gleason models. Their research has helped to decide between the two views because it has focused on questions to which Clements and Gleason would give opposing answers. For instance, along mountain slopes, does one life zone, or habitat type, grade sharply or gradually into another?Who was right? Many ecologists have made precise mIf the divisions are sharp, perhaps the reason is that the community is so well integrated, so holistic, so like Clements viewed it, that whole clusters of species must remain together. If the divisions are gradual, perhaps, as Gleason suggested, each species is responding individually to its environment, and clusters of species are not so integrated that they must always occur together.

D.Who was right? Many ecologists have made precise mWho was right?Who was right? Many ecologists have made precise mMany ecologists have made precise measurements, designed to test the assumptions of both the Clements and Gleason models.Who was right? Many ecologists have made precise mFor instance, along mountain slopes, does one life zone, or habitat type, grade sharply or gradually into another? Their research has helped to decide between the two views because it has focused on questions to which Clements and Gleason would give opposing answers. If the divisions are sharp, perhaps the reason is that the community is so well integrated, so holistic, so like Clements viewed it, that whole clusters of species must remain together. If the divisions are gradual, perhaps, as Gleason suggested, each species is responding individually to its environment, and clusters of species are not so integrated that they must always occur together.

Directions: The flowinrg isa list of erms rlared t0 human reource. Afier reading it, y
ou are rqurete find the iens eqialet to lhoe given in Chinee in the uable below. Then you should mark the crepnding letere with a line through the center im order of the numbered blanks, 53 through 57,on the Answer Sheet.

A一Annual leave

B一Sick leave

C一 Background screening

D一Big data

E一Child labor

F一Contract of service

G—Employee ssessment

H—Flexible work arrangements

I一Job analysis

J一Immediate family member

K一Quality management

L一Risk management

M一Team building

N一Training needs analysis

O一Labor market

P一Job classification

Q一-Job evaluation







听力原文:Emergency crews strung lifelines Wednesday to damaged neighborhoods in this north

听力原文: Emergency crews strung lifelines Wednesday to damaged neighborhoods in this north Texas city and three other tornado alley towns were hit by tornadoes that killed at least 60 persons and injured more than 800 others. Texas Governor Bill Clements took to the air to survey the damage left by Tuesday's killer twisters and said the cost to re- build would run between $ 200 million and $ 300 million. The Texas Department of Public Safety reported 44 bodies had been found in Wichita Falls by noon, plus 12 in Vernon and one in Harold, a few miles to the west.

_______ attacked a north Texas city and three other towns.





第二节 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项([A]、[B]、[C]和[D])中选出能填入相应空

第二节 完形填空



We may look at the world around us, but somehow we manage not to see it until whatever

we've become used to suddenly disappears.(36) ,for example, the neatly-dressed woman I

(37) to see-or look at-on my way to work each morning.

For three years, no matter (38) the weather was like, she was always waiting at the bus stop around 8: 00 am. On (39) days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair of woolen gloves. Summertime (40) out neat, belted cotton dresses and a hat pulled low over her sunglass-es. (41) ,she was an ordinary working woman. Of course,1 (42) a11 this only after she was seen no more. It was then that I realized how (43) I expected to see her each morning. Youmight say I .(44) her.

“Did she have an accident? Something(45)?”I thought to myself about her .(46) .Now that she was gone,I felt I had .(47) her. I began to realize that part of our.(48) life probably in- cludes such chance meetings with familiar .(49) the milkman you see at dawn, the woman who (50)walks her dog along the street every morning, the twin brothers you see at the library. Such people are(51) markers in our lives. They add weight to our520fplace and belonging.

Think about it. .(53),while walking to work, we mark where we are by .(54) a certain building, why should we not mark where we are when we pass a familiar, though.(55),person?


[A] Make


[C] Give

[D] Have

The global reputation of Japan's animation industry—an animated cartoon industry—has never
been higher, and at first glance it would appear to be in rude health. In the opening weekend of Miyazaki's new film, Howl's Moving Castle, a record 1.1 million Japanese crammed into cinemas nationwide. It has since been seen at home by nearly 10 million people, and has made Japan the only country in which The Incredibles has been kept out of the top slot.

Yet Japan's animators are full of gloom. They fear that the future is bleak and that the success enjoyed by Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, which makes his films, is actually masking a sad decline. Indus try experts say that not only is there a lack of creative talent on a par with Miyazaki, but the overall standard of animators has fallen over the past decade as low pay and poor working conditions force many to quit. "Miyazaki can't be replaced, he's a one-off," says Jonathan Clements, a British animation expert, "Miyazaki isn't 100 per cent of Ghibli, but when he goes, the party is over."

The creative and commercial success enjoyed by Ghibli has afforded it a unique breathing space. For other studios, however, commercial pressures force work to be done at breakneck speed and on shoestring budgets. Veterans of the industry say quality has been sacrificed as television cartoon episodes are made for as little as £10,000.

Many young animators rely on parental support to put them through animation schools and continue to need financial help just to afford to work in Tokyo, the world's most expensive city. Yet, remarkably, animation has little problem attracting recruits. Dozens of students pore over desks painstakingly producing page after page of drawings. Most say they are aware that pay is low but desperately want to work in the industry they fell in love with as children through cartoons such as Doraemon, the blue talking cat, and Battle of the Planets.' But reality often bites as animators reach their thirties, by which time they typically earn around a third of the average pay for Japanese their age and at lower hourly rates than supermarket clerks.

Clements believes that the soul of animation is at stake. "Animation is, by definition, from Japan, but it's only a matter of time before the number of foreign contributors tips the balance, and what used to be animation becomes plain old cartoons," he says. "It may ultimately remove much of what makes animation appeal to its current foreign audience base: its exoticism."

For the time being, Japan's animation industry is

A.in a state of inactivity.

B.somewhat promising.

C.going from bad to worse.

D.seemingly glorious.

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