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听力原文: Two workers died and six were badly injured yesterday after apparently inhaling

toxic gas at a waste treatment plant in western Japan. A police spokesman said the men were using a mixer tank containing chemicals to treat industrial waste when the accident occurred at the factory in Fukushima. One man fell into the tank and colleagues trying to fish him out collapsed almostimmediaely.

What were the men doing according to the police?

A.They were treating industrial waste.

B.They were tanking industrial waste.

C.They were tanking chemicals.

D.They were using a tank to mix chemicals.

提问人:网友cdly7475 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“听力原文: Two workers died and six…”相关的问题
听力原文: A Pakistani lawyer said the resumption of the trial of eight foreign aid workers
accused of preaching Christianity in Afghanistan has been put off until Sunday. He had met earlier Saturday with the aid workers: two Americans, two Australians, and four Germans. They insist they were in Afghanistan to help the poor, not to convert them. The penalty for these captured aid workers could range from expulsion to a jail term and death sentence.

Eight foreign aid workers were arrested in Afghanistan because of their_____ activities.





听力原文:Fire raced through two subway trains packed with people in South Korea on Tuesday

听力原文: Fire raced through two subway trains packed with people in South Korea on Tuesday after a man ignited a carton filled with flammable material, killing about 120 people and injuring 135, officials said. A suspect was under interrogation in Daegu, South Korea's third-largest city, but police still did not know what motivated the attack. Rescue workers had given up the search for survivors by thc afternoon. It was unknown what substance the attacker used to start the blaze. The fire started in one six-car train at a station, spreading to another train also stopped at the station, officials said. Lim Dae-yoon, the chief of Daegu city's east district municipal government, said the number of victims was about 120.

S. Korea subway arson injured______.

A.135 people

B.230 people

C.255 people

D.120 people

听力原文:Some mental health research has linked depression in women with lower weight in t

听力原文: Some mental health research has linked depression in women with lower weight in their babies during the first year of life. They studied 632 women from small villages. The women were in good physical health and in the last three months of pregnancy.

The study identified 160 of the women, or one in four, as depressed. They always felt sad or tired. They had problems eating or sleeping. They felt guilty and thought about killing themselves.

The researchers compared these women with 160 others who were not depressed. Health workers then weighed and measured the babies of both groups at birth. Re-examinations took place at two, six and twelve months of age. The health workers also re-examined the mental health of the mothers.

Babies whose mothers remained depressed grew less than the babies of the other women. The babies of the depressed mothers were also more likely to get sick. Earlier studies showed that ten to fifteen percent of pregnant women and new mothers in Western nations suffer from depression. Other studies in South Asia have found that depression affects almost two times as many women in developing countries.

A new program will be started to help these new mothers. In the program health workers will visit new mothers for up to a year. The workers offer advice about things like health and cleanliness. The health workers will also listen to the mother's problems and suggest some easy things at first that she can do for her baby. The program will be tested for three years to see how well it succeeds.


A.How depression affects women's health.

B.How depression in mothers affects their babies' weight.

C.How to get rid of depression.

D.How to better feed low weight babies.

听力原文: Two explosions in trash cans slightly injured nine people Tuesday in separate lo
cations in the popular resort city of Antalya on the Mediterranean coast, the police chief said. Police said they could not confirm whether the blasts were the result of bombs or of some sort of aerosol can exploding in the heat. The first explosion occurred as men were emptying a trash can into a garbage truck in the city center, injuring three city workers and two people standing nearby. The second explosion occurred about 10 minutes later in a trash can near a market and injured four people.

Which statement is NOT true about the explosions?

A.There were two altogether.

B.They occurred on Tuesday.

C.They occurred in a resort city.

D.They occurred in the same location.

听力原文:It has been officially acknowledged that the income gap is a bit too big in the c

听力原文: It has been officially acknowledged that the income gap is a bit too big in the country's urban areas.

An official document on Sunday says that the income disparity, to a considerably large extent, results from irrational distribution of social wealth. To illustrate the irrational distribution, the document mentions two perspectives. First, income disparity between different industries has enlarged dramatically in recent years, as some of them made bigger profits using their monopoly status. Second, the income gap between the managerial staff and ordinary staff workers has also been widening.

In these two cases, some policies adopted during the reform. process were to blame because these policies allowed state-owned sectors that use their monopoly status to make big profits to distribute a large share of the profit among their workers.

It was also unfair to allow the managerial level staff to have much higher salary than ordinary staff workers within some state-owned enterprises and institutions.

In addition, some urban workers get extra income by doing business beyond their regular jobs using the power or social connections they have established in their professions, which usually involve rare resources. This easily leads to corruption and unfair competition.

Whatever the reasons, the big income disparity will exert negative impact on the country's economic and social development.

It is fairly understandable that low-income residents harbor some grievances against their high-income counterparts. They may even develop a complaint against the government and social system.


A.The insufficient build-up of transporting system.

B.The imbalance of talent reserves in rural and urban areas.

C.The irrational allocation of social wealth.

D.The information block.

听力原文: A 3-year old Palestinian boy was killed and nine Palestinians were wounded late
Tuesday in the northern Gaza Strip when rockets launched by militants misfired and landed in Palestinian areas, rescue workers said. Witnesses said militants fired three rockets at the Israeli town of Sderot where thousands of Israeli opponents of the planned Israeli withdrawal from Gaza had gathered in a demonstration. Two of the rockets fell in Palestinian areas and the third fell in an open field near Sderot. Among the wounded were five children, aged 4 to 11.

Who were the rockets launched by?


B.Rescue workers.



听力原文:W: Meg, I've just got us tickets to Singapore.M: So exciting, then when do we set

听力原文:W: Meg, I've just got us tickets to Singapore.

M: So exciting, then when do we set off?

W: The plane leaves tomorrow afternoon. So we set off for the airport at llam.

M: So we leave at 11 am. Do we stop off anywhere on the way or is it a di rect flight?

W: Well, there aren't any direct flights, we can stop off in Hong Kong. So we can stop and spend two days there on our way to Singapore.

M: Great. I always wanna go there. When do we get back?

W: We'll return home in 10 days'time.

M: Wow, wonderful, I just can't wait.

When is their flight?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

听力原文: Fire raced through two subway trains packed with people in South Korea on Tuesda
y after a man ignited a carton filled with flammable material, killing about 120 people and injuring 135, officials said. A suspect was under interrogation in Daegu, South Korea's third-largest city, but police still did not know what motivated the attack, Rescue workers had given up the search for survivors by the afternoon. It was unknown what substance the attacker used to start the blaze. The fire started in one six-car train at a station, spreading to another train also stopped at the station, officials said. Lira Dae-yoon, the chief of Daegu city's east district municipal government, said the number of victims was about 120.

S. Korea Subway Arson injured

A.135 people.

B.230 people.

C.255 people.

D.120 people.

听力原文:Roosevelt was the only president in American history who served more than two ter

听力原文: Roosevelt was the only president in American history who served more than two terms. And he's remembered by the Americans as a grey patriot.

He was born in a rich family and had studied in Harvard University. At the age of forty, he was stricken with infantile paralysis and lost his ability to walk normally. In spite of his poor health, he was still elated governor of New York in 1928 on the Democratic ticket. In 1932, he was elected President. Within three months after he moved in the White House, Roosevelt presented to Congress more than 70 bills for approval which were generally known as his "New Deal".

This "New Deal" was to strike some kind of balance between different branches of national economy and reduce the gap between production and consumption. The "New Deal" enlarged government interference in production and circulation, but it took no measure against private ownership of means of production. It readjusted the distribution of social wealth,but exploitation remained legal.But workers' conditions in general achieved some improvement and progress was made in labor organization.

He achieved some success in revitalizing American economy and derived his fame from the“New Deal”as a man of confidence.


A.In 1928.

B.In 1929.

C.In 1932.

D.In 1940.

听力原文:About two percent of the population of the United States is of Asian origin—some

听力原文: About two percent of the population of the United States is of Asian origin—some five million people. Chinese, Japanese, and Philippines form. the largest groups. However, there are also significant numbers of Asian-Indians, Pakistanis, Koreans, and Vietnamese now living in America. As a result of the war in Vietnam, some 350,000 refugees from that country have entered the United States since the early 1970s.

Chinese and Japanese workers were imported into the United States by employers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.Most of the Chinese settled in California, where they were employed mainly in heavy industries, such as mining and railroad construction. They were faced with intense prejudice and discrimination, especially from lower-class white people, who saw them as a source of threat to their jobs. The retreat of the Chinese into distinct Chinatowns was not primarily their choice, but was enforced by the hostility they faced. Since Chinese immigration was ended by law in 1882, the Chinese remained largely isolated from the wider society—at least until recently.

Most of the Japanese immigrants also settled in California and the other Pacific states. During World WarⅡ, following the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan, all Japanese Americans in the United States were made to report to“relocation centers”which were effectively concentration camps. In spite of the fact that most of the Japanese were American citizens, they were compelled to live in the hastily established camps for the duration of the war.


A.About 35,000.

B.About 250,000.

C.About 350,000.

D.About 25,000.

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