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听力原文:The President of Guinea Lansana Conte has named a new government a month after ap

pointing a new prime minister to end a series of strikes which brought the country to a standstill for several weeks. President Come announced members of the new cabinet on a television broad- cast after consultations with the Prime Minister Lansana Kouyate.

One month ago Lansana Kouyate was appointed as the new prime minister of Guinea by the president Lansana Conte on the television broadcast.



提问人:网友ningjing 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“听力原文:The President of Guinea L…”相关的问题
听力原文:President Bush named federal appeals judge John G. Roberts Jr. to fill the first

听力原文: President Bush named federal appeals judge John G. Roberts Jr. to fill the first Supreme Court vacancy in a decade on Tuesday, delighting Republicans and unsettling Democrats by picking a young jurist of impeccably conservative credentials.

If confirmed by the Republican-controlled Senate, the 50-year-old Roberts would succeed retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, long a swing vote on a court divided over abortion, affirmative action, states' rights and more.

Bush offered Roberts the job in a lunchtime telephone call, then invited him to the White House for a nationally televised, prime-time announcement. The president said his choice will "strictly apply the Constitution in laws, not legislate from the bench."

The confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee was expected to begin in late August or early September. That would allow plenty of time for the Senate to meet Bush's timetable of a vote before the high court begins its new term on Oct. 3.

Bush administration officials arranged for Roberts to pay his first courtesy calls on leading senators on Wednesday after breakfast with Bush in the White House residence. Republican reaction to the appointment was strongly supportive, while Democrats responded in measured terms.

"I'm just a little surprised that he's already subject to criticism. But this is America," said Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa. , chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass,, reflecting an emerging Dem ocratic strategy, said he would use the hearings to probe whether Roberts can "separate his personal ideology frmn the rule of law."

Advocacy groups on the left and the right have made plans for multi million-dollar confirmation campaigns featuring television advertising and grass-roots organizing designed to sway swing vote senators. The ferocity of the battle is undetermined, however.

According to the news items, the retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor must______.

A.be a conservative

B.be a liberal

C.be a moderate

D.have no position

听力原文:W: Did you listen to the president's speech on the radio last night?M: I was writ

听力原文:W: Did you listen to the president's speech on the radio last night?

M: I was writing a report on economics, a report you know.

Q: What can we learn from the man's reply?


A.The president spoke on the radio on economics.

B.The president should have reported on economies.

C.The man missed the speech.

D.The man thought it was a wonderful report.

听力原文:When did Ms. Yong get promoted to vice president?(A) Because of his great work. (

听力原文:When did Ms. Yong get promoted to vice president?

(A) Because of his great work.

(B) About three months ago.

(C) He is tough anyway.





听力原文: President Bush gave the nation several clues Saturday about the per son he will
nominate for a seat oil the Supreme Court, except for the most important one—a name. In his weekly radio address, Bush said his eventual nominee will be a "fair-minded individual who represents the mainstream of American law and American values."

His candidate also "will meet the highest standards of intellect, character and ability and will pledge to faithfully interpret the Constitution and laws of our country," the president said.

"Our nation deserves, and I will select, a Supreme Court justice that Americans can be proud of," he said, without revealing the name that many are anxious to hear.

Bush also discussed his recent meeting with Senate leaders of both parties to discuss the nomination and confirmation process fro' a replacement for Sandra Day O'Connor. The first woman to serve on the high court, O'Connor announced July 1 that she is stepping down after 24 years.

Much of the retirement speculation—before and after O'Connor's surprise announcement—had focused on Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, who is 80 and ailing with thyroid cancer.

Rehnquist tried to dampen expectations this week, issuing a statement in which he said his retirement is not imminent and that he would continue on the court "as long as my health permits."

The reason why Sandra Day O'Connor resigned from the Supreme Court was

A.that she failed to please either party in the Congress

B.that she had served too long a time in the Court

C.that she was 80 years old and ailing with thyroid cancer

D.not mentioned

听力原文:Where will the president make his annual speech?(A) It was so boring and also ted

听力原文:Where will the president make his annual speech?

(A) It was so boring and also tedious.

(B) On the fourth floor by the lounge.

(C) The schedule has been pushed back to next week.





听力原文:W: Did you listen to the president’s speech on the radio last night M: I was writ
听力原文:W: Did you listen to the president’s speech on the radio last night M: I was writing a report on economics, a report you know. Q: What can we learn from the man’s reply ()

A.The president spoke on the radio on economics.

B.The president should have reported on economics.

C.The man missed the speech.

D.The man thought it was a wonderful report.

听力原文:M: I wonder if the University has chosen the new president yet?W: Someone said th

听力原文:M: I wonder if the University has chosen the new president yet?

W: Someone said they picked a person a few months ago. But I guess it was just a rumor.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.They have already chosen a president.

B.They will choose a president in a few months.

C.She thinks earlier reports that they chose a new president were false.

D.She thinks the appointment will take effect soon.

听力原文: Indonesin President Megwti Sukrnoputri hs declredn end of mrtil lw in
听力原文: Indonesin President Megwti Sukrnoputri hs declredn end of mrtil lw in the troubled northern province ofceh. The lif
听力原文: Indonesin President Megwti Sukrnoputri hs declredn end of mrtil lw in

听力原文: Indonesin President Megwti Sukrnoputri hs declredn end of mrtil lw in the troubled northern province ofceh. The lif

A.lifted martial law

B.imposed martial law

C.sent troops to take over power

D.reached peace agreement with the military

听力原文:W: Did you listen to the president's speech on the radio last night?M: I was writ

听力原文:W: Did you listen to the president's speech on the radio last night?

M: I was writing a report on economics, a report you know.

Q: What can we learn from the man's reply?


A.The president spoke on the radio on economics.

B.The president should have reported on economics.

C.The man missed the speech.

D.The man thought it was a wonderful report.

听力原文:W: How did you like the president's speech tonight?M: Unfortunately I got home to

听力原文:W: How did you like the president's speech tonight?

M: Unfortunately I got home too late tonight to watch it.

What are they talking about?

A.A speech on television.

B.A meet with the president.

C.An article in the newspaper.

听力原文:In today's business news, it has been reported that Jane Parsons, president of th

听力原文: In today's business news, it has been reported that Jane Parsons, president of the Star Company, will retire next year. Ms. Parsons' skill and corporate connections helped to build the Star Company into a large business employing hundreds of people in our region. Although Ms. Parsons is leaving her job as president, she will continue as a consultant for the company. Star Company executives say the search for the next president is underway.

What is Ms. Parson's current position?

A.Company president


C.News announcer

D.Employment counselor

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