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听力原文: NIGERIA Residents of Nigeria's city of Jos say attacks are continuing for a four


Residents of Nigeria's city of Jos say attacks are continuing for a fourth day in parts of the state previously unaffected despite the imposition of a 24-hour curfew and the deployment of soldiers.

Incidents of violence are still being reported in the volatile city amid reports that clashes between gangs of Muslim Hausas and mostly Christian Beroms have now spread beyond Jos to neighboring towns and other parts of the Plateau state.

U. S.-based Human Rights Watch says more than 200 people have been killed in three days of violence. So far, Nigerian officials have confirmed only the death of 60 people.

The government imposed a 24-hour curfew and ordered troops to act swiftly to stop the fighting. Top police and military commanders are all in Jos to direct security operations in the troubled city.


North Korea has apparently revalued its currency, in a move that may be aimed at tightening domestic market activity.

According to the reports, Pyongyang announced that old North Korean won notes are to be exchanged for new notes at the rate of 100 to one. Citizens will reportedly be ordered to trade in old 1,000-won bills for new 10-won notes this week.

North Korea has experienced severe shortages of food, medicine, and other basic needs for two decades, due to the government's economic mismanagement and isolation. North Korea scholars say a black market now flourishes, mainly across the border with China. A number of North Koreans are believed to cross into China regularly to trade and work. This week's currency reform. may be aimed at flushing out earnings from such activities.


Iran's foreign ministry spokesman says Tehran plans to take legal action after being rebuked by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) over its nuclear program.

Iran Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast criticized the International Atomic Energy Agency rebuke of Tehran's nuclear program and expressed displeasure with those U. N. member countries that voted in favor of it.

In a measured and even tone of voice, Mehmanparast stressed Tehran would protest the censure by sending written complaints to the countries that supported it.

Mehmanparast added Iran would "not give up its rights," to produce nuclear power, and issued a vague threat to take legal action against those trying to prevent it from doing so.


The Swiss Government asked parliament yesterday to ratify a treaty establishing an international criminal court to try mass murderers and other gross violators of human rights.

The court, to be based in the Dutch city of The Hague, would try the most heinous crimes—genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

"Setting up a permanent criminal court that aims to put an end to leaving criminals unpunished has been expected for decades. Its creation marks a valuable contribution to peace and security," the foreign ministry said in a statement.

Twenty-two countries have ratified the treaty drawn up in Rome in 1998. A total of 60 must do so before the court can start up. Some 115 countries have signed up for the court, signaling their intention to ratify the treaty.


U.S. officials say they foresee no change in the U. S. dollar's role as the world's primary reserve currency. The statements come in response to calls from China for the establishment of an international reserve currency that is not tied to one country.

International unease about the U. S. dollar stems from the fact that China and other nations are holding large and growing amounts of American debt, according to econ


B.More than 200.



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更多“听力原文: NIGERIA Residents of Nig…”相关的问题
听力原文: The United States says Nigeria and Burma take part in much of the illegal drug s
ales around the world. The State Department made the statement in its yearly report about international illegal drug control. It says nearly all the illegal drug heroin in the United States comes through Nigeria or Burma. The State Department list also names Iran and Syria as countries that are not trying to stop illegal drug sales and production.

Nearly all the illegal drug heroin in the United States come through ______.

A.Nigeria and Iran.

B.Burma and Syria.

C.Iran and Syria.

D.Burma and Nigeria.

听力原文: Commonwealth leaders agreed to lift Nigeria's three-and-a-half-year suspension o
n May 29, the day the military government hands over power to an elected president, the organization's secretary-general announced yesterday. Nigeria was suspended from the 54-nation group of mainly former British colonies in 1995 after it executed nine minority rights activists, including writer Ken Saro-Wiwa. But now that the country has embarked on a return to democracy, Commonwealth heads of government have agreed to end the estrangement. Secretary-General Chief Emeka Anyaoku said in a statement, "1 am delighted an unfortunate episode in Nigeria-Commonwealth relations will now come to an end and Nigeria is resuming its rightful place in the Commonwealth."

Nigeria will return to the Commonwealth after______.

A.she has sentenced minority rights activists to death

B.the military has resumed control of the country

C.power has been handed over to an elected president

D.she has negotiated with Commonwealth leaders

SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section, you will hear several news items. List


Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: Foreign observer teams seem unanimous that Nigeria's election has fallen short of the Democratic minimum, but they are waiting till more results are declared before they announce their full conclusions. European Union observers say they witnessed widespread violence, intimidation, ballot-box stuffing and serious shortages of election material. The Commonwealth groups spoke diplomatically about shortcomings. Even the West African group Ecowas in which Nigeria has a powerful voice said the vote was neither free nor fair.

Nigeria's election was ______ according to most foreign observers.



C.out of control

D.in perfect order

听力原文: The Shell oil company says villagers in the south-eastern part of the country ha
ve released the last of the more than 100 hostages they seized Saturday. The hostages are Nigerian employees of the Shell oil company. They were seized by the Ejaw ethnic group in Delta state. The hostages were seized to protest a decision by Nigeria's government to place a new municipal council in the territory of the opposing ethnic group. The dispute does not involve Shell oil company's policies.

Who held the hostages?

A.Workers of the Shell oil company.

B.Nigerian officials.

C.Villagers of an ethnic group in Nigeria.

D.Managing staff of the Shell oil company.

听力原文: Commonwealth leaders agreed to lift Nigeria's 3-5 years' suspension on May 29, t
he day the military government hands over power to the elected president, the organization secretary general announced yesterday.

Nigeria was suspended from the 54 nation group of mainly former British colonies in 1995 after it executed 9 minority rights activists including writer Ken Thawrawiwa. But now that the country has embarked on the return to democracy, Commonwealth heads of government have agreed to end this estrangement. Secretary general chief Ormiga Anyaco said in a statement: "I'm delighted at a fortunate episode in Nigeria Commonwealth relations will now come to an end and Nigeria is resuming its rightful place in the Commonwealth."

Nigeria returned to the Commonwealth after______.

A.she had sentenced minority rights activists to death.

B.the military had resumed control of the country.

C.power had been handed over to an elected president.

D.she had negotiated with Commonwealth leaders.

SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section, you will hear several news items. List


Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: The British High Commission in Nigeria says they cannot deal with the high number of visa applications that have nearly, doubled in the last two years. Eighty percent of young people who apply are turned down, some because they have forged documents. The High Commission insists this is a temporary measure and says they will lift the ban next year after reorganizing their office.

What is NOT correct about the British High Commission in Nigeria?

A.It turned down 85 percent of the applications.

B.The commission hardly can deal with the heavy workload.

C.Its ban is only a temporary act.

D.Its office is to be reorganized.

听力原文:Polio has been eliminated from Somalia as no case of the disease has been reporte

听力原文: Polio has been eliminated from Somalia as no case of the disease has been reported for exactly one year, the UN World Health Organization says. The WHO described it as a "landmark victory" and a testimony to the efforts of more than 10,000 volunteer workers.The country has been riven by war and violence since 1991 and has no central government or detailed medical data. But a WHO spokesman said the UN's network of monitors made it confident in its assessment.

Somalia's last case of indigenous polio was in 2002, but it was re-infected three years later with the virus originating from Nigeria.The last case was reported on March 25th. 2007 in central Somalia. The disease, which causes paralysis, has been eliminated in developed nations but persists in parts of India, Nigeria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

What is the main idea of the news item?

A.Somalia is re-infected with polio virus.

B.Somalia has successfully eradicated polio.

C.Somalia suffers from indigenous polio.

D.Polio still persists in developing countries.

听力原文: Police fired tear gas and bullets to the air Monday to disperse protesters in Ni
geria's main city Lagos who chanted anti-government slogans while burning tires in the street. In the capital Abuja, police clashed with union pickets who were preventing civil servants from entering their offices. Indefinite strike was called by the Nigerian Labor Congress to protest against the government's decision to slash subsidies on fuel prices. The subsidies cut has increased the price of fuel by more than 50%. The government's reelected president Olusegun Obasanjo says the savings are needed for health care and education. Union leaders say they want President Obasanjo to make a reasonable offer to reduce the scale of the price rise. Nigeria is Africa's largest oil producer but it still faces chronic fuel shortages because most of the oil is shipped abroad.

What resulted in the increase of fuel price by more than 50%?

A.That the government needed money for health care and education.

B.That the government increased the oil prices.

C.That the government cut its subsidies on fuel prices.

D.That the oil workers were on strike.

听力原文:(25) The world's largest drug company is embroiled in a global controversy over w

听力原文: (25) The world's largest drug company is embroiled in a global controversy over whether it tested an unapproved drug on sick children in Nigeria without their full understanding. The case involving Pfizer raises questions about how to protect human subjects as American companies conduct more and more drug trials around the world. VOA's Leta Hong Fincher has this report.

In 1996, a meningitis epidemic hit the Nigerian state of Kano. Researchers from the American company, Pfizer, treated 100 Nigerian children with the experimental drug, Trovan. The Nigerian government and the Kano state government are suing Pfizer over the drug trial. (26) They say it caused the deaths of 11 children and seriously disabled others.

Why is the world's largest drug company embroiled in a global controversy?

A.Because this company sells drugs of low quality to Nigeria.

B.Because of a medical accident in Nigeria.

C.Because the company treated the Nigerian children with the experimental drug without full understanding.

D.Because the company uses the experimental drug Trovan around the whole world.

听力原文: Hundreds of youths stormed a police station and set fire to cars in southeastern
Nigeria on Tuesday after a protester was fatally shot by a police rifle, officials said.

The youths began protesting Tuesday morning over demands that a local oil refinery and petrochemical plant employ more people from the area, said police chief Samuel Adetuyi.

They set fire to part of a police station in the Niger delta village of Ogale and burned an SUV in its courtyard. One protester was killed when he tried to grab a rifle from a police officer and the gun accidentally went off, he said.

Discontent is high among people in the Niger delta over unemployment and continued poverty despite booming oil production in their area.

Nigeria is the world's seventh largest oil exporter and the fifth largest supplier of crude oil to the United States.

According to a police officer, the protest was triggered______

A.for a local police commander ordered Ms men to open fire on them

B.for a nearby petrochemical plant had dismissed some young employers

C.for protesters demanded to find a job in the local oil-related factories

D.for the police had killed a young man from the neighborhood

听力原文: U.S. authorities have temporarily closed the American consulate in Nigeria's com
mercial capital, Lagos, because of a security threat. Other diplomatic missions in the city have done the same.

A statement read by a spokeswoman for the U.S. Embassy in Abuja, Claudia Anyaso, said a threat to security was the reason for closing the Lagos consulate Thursday afternoon.

"The U.S. Consulate in Lagos will close, beginning 3:00 p.m. local time June 16, because of a security issue of mutual concern to the U.S. mission in Nigeria and the government of Nigeria. This security issue is being addressed with the help and close collaboration of relevant Nigerian authorities."

U.S. officials would not give specific details on the threat.

The consulate remained closed Friday, while security staff reviewed the situation. It is scheduled to reopen Monday, said an official in Lagos.

The decision by American authorities in Nigeria prompted at least one other foreign mission to follow suit. British officials said their decision to close their consulate in Lagos Friday was a direct result of U. S. security concerns.

Several countries have consulates near the American mission. British officials said other countries had followed the American example.

Nigeria, Africa's most populous country, is home to several festering civil conflicts. An armed struggle for control over the oil-rich Niger Delta regularly leads to the abduction of foreign nationals. Violent clashes frequently erupt between the country's Muslims and Christians.

Al-Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden has cited Nigeria as a candidate for, what he called, "liberation."

Why have U.S. government temporarily closed the American consulate in Lagos?

A.Because of political disturbance there.

B.Because of economic crisis there.

C.Because of security threat there.

D.Because of the workers' strike there.

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