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Questions 1~5 are based on the following passage:London started its first major bike hire scheme on July 30th. Transport For London (TFL), the agency responsible for moving people around England’s capital, put 5,000 bicycles in 400 different locations around the city. The idea is to cut traffic, reduce pollution and provide a greener way of getting around London’s streets. The scheme had a few teething problems on its first day as people could not lock the bikes properly once they had finished riding them. As a gesture of goodwill, London Mayor Boris Johnson announced all rentals on the first day would be free of charge. The bikes are available for free for the first 30 minutes but costs go up steeply thereafter. Renters have to pay $1.60 for the first hour and $78 for 24 hours. The bikes are clearly designed for very short trips. TFL says it sees a “cycle revolution” happening in London. It predicts there will be around 40,000 new cycle journeys every day on the rental bikes. Mr Johnson says he wants to see a return to the turn of the 20th century, when 20 per cent of journeys in London were made by bicycle. The scheme has received a lot of positive feedback in the first two days. ManyLondoners believe it is a great alternative to London’s overcrowded and overpriced trains and buses. One commuter (远程上班族), Andy Clark, told the Reuters news agency: “It’s a great idea. I’ve seen it operating in Paris and Barcelona and thought why don’t we have one?” The Londonist Blog said the bikes were very sturdy and were “designed to withstand a beating from both careless cyclists and drunken vandal s (故意破坏公物者)”. London’s bike rental service is intended to ______. A.move people around free of charge B.ease traffic problems on the city ’s roads C.promote the bike sales in the city D.raise people ’s awareness of poll ution

提问人:网友linux5151 发布时间:2022-01-07
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Questions 1~5 are based on the following passage:Attention -deficit disorder (ADD) happens with about 5% of children in school. These children show signs of not paying attention or doing things without thinking first. They may not be able to follow more than one direction at a time. Their actions can be quick and they talk like they are in a hurry. Doing these things is called “being hyperactive .” Many of the children who are looked at for ADD seem hyperactive. They tend to bother other student s at the wrong times. Sometimes a child with ADD is labeled as lazy, excited, or a trouble maker. Many times the problem is not their fault and they can not control it. About half of the children with ADD usually stop their ADD behavior by the time they be come an adult. Those that do not lose their ADD behavior continue to have a hard time staying on one task for very long. There are many reasons why a person may have a hard time focusing on a task for very long. A doctor will need to see or hear about how the person acts in a lot of different places. The medical history of the person is important, too. There are tests that can be given to help in seeing if the person has ADD. Sometimes medicine can help a person with ADD. It can help the person to focus on a task longer and to cut down on responding to distractions. The medicine must be given by a doctor and the person with ADD carefully watched to see if the medicine is helping. Which of the following is NOT a sign of ADD children? A.Not focusing on what they are doing. B.Ta lking like they are in a hurry. C.Thinking twice before taking action. D.Following one direction at a time.


Questions 1~5 are based on the following passage Today our knowledge of food and what it does for our bodies are far more advanced than that of the old times. Now we know about vitamins and how each kind of vitamin helps in the growth of a particular part of our body. There are on the market all k inds of vitamins which one can take to make up for one’s lack of certain important things, which are needed for good health. Of course, if we eat well and properly, the food that we eat will take care of our body and so there is no need to take any kinds of vitamins unless our doctor tells us that our bodies are short of something, which can be supplied by them. Generally speaking, everything we eat does some good to our body, but if we eat too much of one kind of food and pay too little attention to other s, we may have too much of one kind and not enough of others . Then we may be in trouble.We are often told that we must eat some meat at each meal in order to get the necessary proteins. That is only partly true, for proteins are not found only in meat . We can also get them from some vegetables. The best advice about what to eat is what we should eat all kinds of food but never too much of any .<One may take certain vitamins when _______. A.one wants to encourage the growth of a particular part of the body B.one eats all kinds of food C .one’s health is harmed by the lack of certain things which can be supplied by vitamins D.one eats well and properly

The following scenario relates to questions1 to 5.Herd Co is based in a country whose curr

The following scenario relates to questions 1 to 5.

Herd Co is based in a country whose currency is the dollar ($). The company expects to receive €1,500,000 in six months’ time from Find Co, a foreign customer. The finance director of Herd Co is concerned that the euro (€) may depreciate against the dollar before the foreign customer makes payment and she is looking at hedging the receipt.

Herd Co has in issue loan notes with a total nominal value of $4 million which can be redeemed in 10 years’ time. The interest paid on the loan notes is at a variable rate linked to LIBOR. The finance director of Herd Co believes that interest rates may increase in the near future.

The spot exchange rate is €1·543 per $1. The domestic short-term interest rate is 2% per year, while the foreign short-term interest rate is 5% per year.

What is the six-month forward exchange rate predicted by interest rate parity?

A.€1·499 per $1

B.€1·520 per $1

C.€1·566 per $1

D.€1·588 per $1

As regards the interest rate risk faced by Herd Co, which of the following statements is correct?A.In exchange for a premium, Herd Co could hedge its interest rate risk by buying interest rate options

B.Buying a floor will give Herd Co a hedge against interest rate increases

C.Herd Co can hedge its interest rate risk by buying interest rate futures now in order to sell them at a future date

D.Taking out a variable rate overdraft will allow Herd Co to hedge the interest rate risk through matching

Which of the following hedging methods will NOT be suitable for hedging the euro receipt?A.Forward exchange contract

B.Money market hedge

C.Currency futures

D.Currency swap

Which of the following statements support the finance director’s belief that the euro will depreciate against the dollar?

(1) The dollar inflation rate is greater than the euro inflation rate

(2) The dollar nominal interest rate is less than the euro nominal interest rate

A.1 only

B.2 only

C.Both 1 and 2

D.Neither 1 nor 2

As regards the euro receipt, what is the primary nature of the risk faced by Herd Co?A.Transaction risk

B.Economic risk

C.Translation risk

D.Business risk



Questions 1~5 are based on the following passage: (10 分) How did a peddler of cheap shirts and fishing rods become the mightiest corporation in America? The short version of Wal -Mart’s rise to glory goes something like this:in 1979 it racked up billion dollars in sales;by 1993 it did that much business in a week ;by 2001 it could do it in a day . It’s a shocking tale — one that propelled Wal -Mart from rural Arkansas,where it was founded in 1962,to the top of the Fortune 500.Sam Walton ,Wal-Mart’s founder,pushed sales growth continuously while squeezing cost s with sophisticated information technology .He exhorted employees to sell better with the “ten -foot rule” (greet customers if they are that close ).He was ,in other words,an early evangelist for the first commandment of today’s economy :service rules .Wal-Mart ,in fact ,is the first service company to rise to the top of the Fortune 500.When Fortune first published its list of the largest companies in America in 1995,Wal-Mart didn’t even exist .That year General Motors was America’s biggest company,and in every year that followed,either GM or another mighty industrial ,Exxon,was No.1. Wal-Mart’s achievement caps a bigger economic shift — from producing goods to providing services.Manufacturing’s share of U.S.employment peaked in 1953,at 35% .It has been declining steadily since .In the decade that will end in 2010,the Bureau of Labor Statistics figures that goods-producing industries will create 1.3 million new jobs,compared to 20 million for service industries .To look at it another way,today there are about four times a s many people working in service jobs as in other kinds of jobs .And even within manufacturing,services are an increasingly large share of operations . As America got richer,consumption got more complicated .With more income to throw around ,people started spending more on services — movies and travel,mortgages to buy houses ,insurance to protect those houses ,the occasional weekend s at a luxury hotel .Fortune calls this a shift in the demand pattern .Over the next few years,only three of the ten fastest-growing oc cupations (software engineers ,nurses ,and computer support )pay middle-class salaries.The rest could be called Wal-Mart kinds of jobs — cashiers,retail assistants,food service ,and so on .In short ,the service economy is delivering more good jobs than ever before.In 1993, W al-Mart could have a sales volume of two billion dollars in ______.A.one week B.two weeks C.one dayD.two days

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