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听力原文:Talks aimed at getting North Korea to stop trying to make nuclear weapons ended o

n Saturday with no significant breakthrough, but with all sides saying they are prepared to keep talking. The bare bones of a possible deal had emerged on Friday: North Korea would end its military nuclear programme in return for aid from China, Russia and South Korea.

There is a change for the better in North Korea nuclear crisis.



提问人:网友wwwsky 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“听力原文:Talks aimed at getting No…”相关的问题
听力原文:A new round of six-nation talks aimed at North Korea's nuclear disarmament will b

听力原文: A new round of six-nation talks aimed at North Korea's nuclear disarmament will begin on July 26 in Beijing, the Chinese and South Korean foreign ministries announced Tuesday. Notably, no limit was apparently set for the length of talks, underscoring a strong push by the United States and the other nations involved in the negotiations--China, Russia, Japan and South Korea in addition to North Korea--to reach a breakthrough even if it means extending the talks beyond the 4-day limit generally adhered to during the three previous unsuccessful rounds.

Which statement is NOT true about the new round of six-nation talks?

A.The talks Will begin on July 26.

B.The talks will be held in Beijing.

C.The talks will be hosted by the United States.

D.The talks will aim at the North Korea's nuclear disarmament.

听力原文: China and its trading partners this week began talks in Geneva that represent th
e final stage in Beijing' s 15-year effort to join the World Trade Organization. The talks, expected to last a week, are aimed at clearing most of the remaining obstacles to China' s member- ship. Officials said there is a lot of work to be done, but that they remain optimistic the problems can be worked out by the time WTO ministers meet in Qatar in November. Beijing has reached trade deals with all its partners, except Mexico.

What is the main idea of the report?

A.China has reached trade deals with all its partner.

B.WTO minister meet will begin in November.

C.China has entered WTO.

D.China' s effort to enter WTO goes smoothly.

听力原文: India and Pakistan have agreed to set up a telephone hotline between their forei
gn ministries to reduce the risk of nuclear war. An Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman says the two countries will use the hotline to warn of nuclear threats or accidents and help prevent misunderstandings. The talks in New Delhi aimed at reducing the risk of a possible nuclear confrontation are the first since India and Pakistan test-fired nuclear devices six years ago. India and Pakistan have fought three wars since 1947 and came close to another one two years ago.

What have India and Pakistan agreed to do?

A.To improve telecommunications.

B.To avoid misunderstanding.

C.To warn of military clashes.

D.To prevent nuclear confrontation.

SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Lis


Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

听力原文: The Bush Administration is warning that continuing Mid-east violence threatens to overwhelm US efforts to revive Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, using the recommendations of the Mitchell Commission to bring the two sides together. Administration officials are openly worried that the violence and particularly the car bomb attacks aimed at Israeli civilians could undermine what they see as a positive opening toward renewed peace talks, presented by the Michael report. The US' appeal came in the wake of the bomb blast Wednesday in the Israeli coastal town at Netanya that injured several Israelis. Responsibility for the bombing was claimed by the Palestinian group Islamic Jihad. At the State Department, spokesman, Philip Reeker, said there can be no ustification for terrorism and targeting at civilians. And he urged the Palestinian authority to do all they can to put an end to such incidents, which he said, threaten to overtake the latest peace efforts.

What is the main idea of the news item?

A.US concern over the forthcoming peace talks.

B.Peace efforts by the Palestinian Authority.

C.Recommendations by the Mitchell Commission.

D.Bomb attacks aimed at Israeli civilians.

听力原文: A U. N. Security Council delegation travels to South Africa on the first stop of
a nine - nation African tour aimed at bolstering peace efforts in the central Great Lakes region. The 12- member delegation, led by France's U. N. Ambassador Jean David Levitte, is expected in Pretoria Wednesday and plans to meet South African President Thabo Mbeki Thursday. Talks will focus on the conflicts in Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The U. N. Ambassadors also plan to meet former Presidents Ketumile Masire of Botswana and Nelson Mandela of South Africa. Mr. Masire is a negotiator in the Congolese conflict while Mr. Mandela has led efforts to end Burundi's eight-year-old civil war. Ambassador Levitte said Monday the size of a U. N. force already in Congo could increase depending on how the warring parties implement the disarmament and withdrawal process. In March, the United Nations began deploying soldiers in Congo to monitor a comprehensive ceasefire agreement. Following their talks in South Africa, the delegation will visit Zambia, Tanzania, and all countries involved in the regions conflicts. The Congolese war began in 1998 when Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi gave military backing to rebels opposed to the Kinshasa govern- merit. Congolese President Joseph Kabila has the support of Namibia, Angola and Zimbabwe. A peace accord signed one year later in Lusaka never really took hold.

A UN Security Council delegation travels to South Africa on the first stop of a nine - nation African tour aimed at ______.

A.strengthening the ties between UN body and South Africa

B.providing economic aid to South Africa

C.monitoring comprehensive ceasefire agreement

D.bolstering peace efforts in the central Great Lakes regions

听力原文: British Prime Minister Tony Blair has been holding talks with President Putin of
Russia at his country home outside Moscow as the start of a diplomatic mission to raise support for Mr. Blair's plans to tackle poverty in Africa and global climate change. Mr. Blair's trip to Russia and several other European countries is part of preparations for the G8 summit in Britain next month.

Speaking shortly after the meeting ended the Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia supported the idea of writing off the debts of African countries but this must be done in conjunction with democratic processes and control over the flows of funding to these countries.

President Putin spoke through an interpreter,

"As far as Africa is concerned, we discussed this matter today with the Prime Minister we discussed the issue of financial assistance and the write-off of debt. And we believe that these processes should be carried out in parallel with democratic with the development of democracy in these states and the enhancement of proper institutions."

British Prime Minister Tony Blair's diplomatic mission is aimed to ______.

A.gain support for his plans to eliminate poverty in Africa

B.gain support for his plans to wipe out terrorism in Europe

C.gain support for his election

D.gain support for his plans to tackle problems in economic development

SECTION CNEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section, you will hear several news items. List


Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

听力原文: Negotiators from China are due to meet their US counterparts in Washington later for talks aimed at ending a dispute over the textiles trade. US manufacturers are concerned the rapid flow of cheap Chinese products into America could drive them out of business. I'm joined now by Tanya B. from New York. Tanya, first of all, what went wrong the last time we had talks between the US and China on textiles? What are the main sticking points?

Well, the problem really is that the two sides are getting fairly angry with each other. On the one hand China says that you can't do this. This is not in the spirit of free trade globally. On the other hand the US is saying well the quota is expired at the beginning of the year and since then we have seen a surge of Chinese imports and that is disruptive to our markets. So the sticking points are really that the US would like to stick with an agreement to limit the growth of Chinese textile imports.

According to the news, what is the US manufacturers' concern about the Chinese textile imports?

A.Chinese products are better than American's.

B.Chinese products are cheaper than American's.

C.China does not obey the spirit of free trade.

D.Chinese products are more competitive than American's.

听力原文: Shots have been fired at an American Institute in the Greek capital, causing min
or damage but no casualties. The attack came hours after the offices of an American jeans company was bombed in Athens. Windows were shattered and cars were damaged, but no one was injured. There has been no claim of responsibility for the two attacks. But it's believed they were intended to protest against the forth coming visit of the United States President, Bill Clinton.

Overseas again, Palestinian and Israeli negotiators have ended the first round of final status talks only two hours after it began. The two sides met in Ramula for the discussions, which they hope, will lead to a final peace treaty. Delegates said they would first focus on procedural issues. But they emerged after two hours, although both sides refused to say if they had encountered any problems. The talks were aimed at resolving the most difficult issues they face. The meeting opened despite a bomb explosion, which injured 14 people in the Israeli coastal resort of Netanhu.


13.What accident happened to an American Institute?

14.Where did the accident take place?

15.How many people were killed or injured in the accident that befell the American Institute?

16.Where did Palestinian and Israeli negotiators meet?

17.How long did the meeting last?


A.Car bomb.


C.Plane crash.

D.A fare.

听力原文:Why are you walking so quickly? (A) Sue talks very fast. (B) I'm late for a meeti

听力原文:Why are you walking so quickly?

(A) Sue talks very fast.

(B) I'm late for a meeting.

(C) They enjoy walking.





听力原文: Sierra Leone's rebels and pro -government militia- men have begun handing over t
heir weapons to U. N. peacekeepers under an agreement to end recent fighting.

U.N. officials say the process has begun in two districts--Kambia and Port Loko. The United Nations says about one- thousand rebels of the Revolutionary United Front and another one thousand militia members are located in the areas.

Meanwhile, U.N. officials say some 250 Bangladeshi peacekeepers have deployed in the heart of rebel territory in the east of the country.

The disarmament deal follows a peace agreement Tuesday between the rebels and the pro - government Civilian Defense Force, made up of ethnic Kamajors.

The Kamajor fighters had attacked rebel positions in northern and eastern Sierra Leone in recent weeks, prompt- ing U.N. calls for peace.

Tuesday's talks were also aimed at consolidating last November's troubled peace deal between the rebels and the government.

R - U - F rebels have fought government forces for the past 10 years in a conflict centering on control of Sierra Leone's diamond - mining areas. The rebels have become notorious for killing and maiming thousands of civilians.

What have the Sierra rebels and pro - government militiamen done under an agreement to end the recent fighting?

A.They have killed thousands of civilians.

B.They have fought each other again.

C.They have begun handing over their weapons to U. N. peacekeepers.

D.They have found a diamond mine.

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