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听力原文: UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has urged NATO to keep its promise and send more

troops to Afghanistan to ensure the country's general elections can take place as planned. Mr. Annan made the appeal at a news conference at UN headquarters in New York Friday. He said preparations for the September ballot are proceeding smoothly, but there are not enough troops on the ground to assure security. Mr. Annan's comment came as Afghan President Hamid Karzai made a similar appeal. Meanwhile violence in the war-torn country continues. Two U.S. Marines were killed and one wounded late Thursday during clashes with Islamic militants in eastern Kunar Province.

What appeal has Kofi Annan made to NATO?

A.To send more troops to Afghanistan.

B.To ensure peace and order in Afghanistan.

C.Not to intervene in Afghanistan's general elections.

D.To offer humanitarian aid to Afghanistan.

提问人:网友wu13wu13 发布时间:2022-01-06
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更多“听力原文: UN Secretary General Kof…”相关的问题
听力原文:To welcome the new UN Secretary General Ban Kin-Moon, renowned Italian composer A
lio Maricoli held his first American concert at the United Nations. In this report by Besera Kostava, the master of ceremonies, UN media chief Ahmad Southi, takes us through the highlights of this historical event.

Besera Kostava is the master of ceremonies for the concert.



听力原文:The former foreign minister of South Korea, Ban Kin-moon was sworn in as the next
UN Secretary General on Thursday morning. Even though he takes office on January 1st, Mr. Ban said he was already on the mission.

The new LIN Secretary General is already on the mission before he takes office.



听力原文:Meanwhile in Addis Ababa Monday UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has called for an

听力原文: Meanwhile in Addis Ababa Monday UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has called for an increase in agricultural production to feed the hungry in Africa. Mr. Annan said Africa must improve irrigation and transportation networks. He urged African nations to use genetically modified crops to boost agricultural output. In a sideline seminar to the African Union summit, several African presidents shared what they are doing to try to stop hunger in their countries.

What's the most serious problem African nations are facing?



C.Lack of drinking water.

D.Poor transportation.

听力原文:The UN Security Council has unanimously adopted a resolution renewing the UN peac

听力原文: The UN Security Council has unanimously adopted a resolution renewing the UN peace-keeping force in Rwanda for another 6 months while reducing its size by more than half. The UN resolution authorizes the reduction of the UN assistance mission in Rwanda from 5,000 troops to 2,300 hoops within three months and to 1,800 troops within four months. The resolution is a compromise between a proposal by UN Secretary General to cut the UN force in half and Rwandans' wish for an even larger reduction.. Rwandan authorities say they have assumed responsibility for national security following last year's Hutu-led genocide, reducing the need for UN peace-keeping. The UN force will also help with the training of the national police force and with the delivery of humanitarian aid.

The reduction of ______ UN peace-keeping troops within 4 months from Rwanda is authorized.





听力原文: The Americans have backed down on a resolution they tabled at the United Nations
seeking to renew the immunity of U.S. peacekeeping troops from prosecution in the International Criminal Court for War Crimes. Washington had faced the prospect of an embarrassing defeat in the Security Council following an intervention by the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. A spokesman for Mr. Annan said the Secretary General had strong grounds for his opposition. The Bush administration has said it fears politically motivated prosecutions.

What did the Americans do with their resolution?

A.They insisted on it.

B.They reworded it.

C.They submitted it again.

D.They gave it up.

听力原文:For the first time in 6 years, the United Nations will end a year with a surplus

听力原文: For the first time in 6 years, the United Nations will end a year with a surplus in his regular budget Correspondent Breck Ardery reports from the United Nations.

UN official Joseph Connor told reporters the year will end with a surplus in the United Nations regular budget of about i00 million dollars. Mr. Connor said the surplus was made possible by a larger than expected arrears payment from the United States. "They had to pay 350 million dollars of that by the end of December. They came in with 452 million dollars." The US Congress recently approved almost 1 billion dollars to pay US arrears to the United Nations. But payment of some of the money is contingent on further reforms in the world organization. Mr. Connor, the Deputy Secretary-General for Management, says next year's regular UN budget will be 2.5 billion dollars, virtually unchanged from 1999. He said continuing reductions in administrative expenses made the no-growth budget possible. Breck Ardery VOA's News, at the United Nations.

Joseph Connor was ______.

A.US Secretary

B.US Deputy Secretary for Management

C.UN Deputy Secretary-General for Management

D.UN Deputy Secretary for Funding

听力原文:United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan is on his way to the Middle East in a

听力原文: United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan is on his way to the Middle East in an effort to end 8 months of violence between Israel and the Palestinians. A UN spokesman said Mr. Annan will discuss the situation with area leaders during the week-long trip. He said Mr. Annan will meet in Cairo Tuesday with Egyptian President Hosni Mubaraki Foreign Minister Ahmed Maherel Sayyab and Arab League Secretary-general Amr Moussa. In Jerusalem, American Intelligence official George Tenet met with Palestinians and Israeli security officials. Both Israel and the Palestinians say they generally support an American plan to end the violence. But they accuse each other of trying to block a permanent peace.

Q: How long will Mr. Annan's Middle East trip last?


A.Two weeks.

B.One week.

C.Three weeks.

听力原文:At the United Nations, assistant secretary general for peacekeeping Hedi Anaby sa

听力原文: At the United Nations, assistant secretary general for peacekeeping Hedi Anaby says preparations for voting in East Timor must go forward quickly. Mr. Anaby says voters must be officially recorded by June 22nd for the election to be held on August 30th. Voters will elect an 88- member National Assembly which will write a constitution. Mr. Anaby has told the UN Security Council that it will be difficult to record voters by the required dates. Als0 East Timorese independence leader Xanana Gusmao has again said that he will not seek the presidency of the new country. He said he will help East Timor in other ways. A presidential election is expected next year.

Q: According to Hedi Anaby, what must go forward quickly in East Timor?


A.preparations for a strike.

B.arrangement for a holiday.

C.preparations for voting.

听力原文: The UN children's program UNICEF says it plans to help millions of African child
ren return to school or start classes for the first time next year. The agency's executive director says more than twenty-four million children in Africa are not in school because of discrimination, school fees or other factors. Meanwhile the chief UN office for refugees is asking for additional fifty-six million dollars for food and housing for people fleeing ethnic violence in Sudan's western Darfur region. A spokesman says Secretary General Kofi Annan is planning to visit the region soon.

How will UNICEF help the African children?

A.Build more schools in Africa.

B.Reduce school fees in Africa.

C.Return them to school.

D.Provide them with food and housing.

听力原文: The UN Security Council has unanimously adopted a resolution renewing the UN pea
ce-keeping force in Rwanda for another 6 months while reducing its size by more than half. (26[C]) The UN resolution authorizes the reduction of the UN assistance mission in Rwanda (25[A]) from 5000 troops to 2300 troops within three months and to 1800 troops within four months. The resolution is a compromise between a proposal by UN Secretary General to cut the UN force in half and Rwandans' wish for an even larger reduction. Rwandan authorities say they have assumed responsibility for national security following last year's Hutu-led genocide, reducing the need for UN peace-keeping. (26[B], [D]) The UN force will also help with the training of the national police force and with the delivery of humanitarian aid.

The reduction of ______ UN peace-keeping troops within 4 months from Rwanda is authorized.





听力原文: United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan has promised to improve US and UN pr
otection of human rights which activists complain has taken a back seat in the past. Mr. Annan made the commitment before the 53-member UN human rights commission meeting in Geneva. However, the new UN leader was criticized by some human rights activists for failing to offer any specifies.

Human rights activists complain that ______.

A.the US has taken the place of the UN in settling human rights issues

B.the UN has failed to play its necessary role in protecting human rights

C.the UN should have tolerated the violation of human rights by big powers like the US

D.the UN has talked more than it has done in protecting human rights

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