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听力原文:Although people often use the phrase "the dictionary", there are many different k

听力原文: Although people often use the phrase "the dictionary", there are many different kinds of dictionaries, some general and some specialized. General dictionaries are all-purpose dictionaries that contain a broad range of words and common usage. The first general dictionary that you used was probably a school dictionary. These dictionaries contain relatively few words and emphasize common words that you are most likely to encounter in your school years.

Later, most people acquire a college dictionary. These dictionaries have more than 150, 000 entries with detailed definitions that are sufficient for most college students as well as general users. They also separately list abbreviations, biographical and geographical names, foreign words and phrases and tables of measures. The Random House Websters College Dictionary and the American Heritage Dictionary are well-known college dictionaries.

For scholars or researchers, un abridged dictionary provides as many as 500,000 entries that have detailed definitions and extensive word histories. You will find these dictionaries primarily in libraries and they often spend several volumes. Specialized dictionaries such as the drinking water dictionary or dictionary of legal terms are also very useful for scholars or researchers.


A.One that is unabridged with detailed definitions.

B.One that contains fewer words and emphasizes on special words.

C.One that contains a broad range of words in common usage.

D.One that spans several volumes and has extensive word histories.

提问人:网友xxhacker 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“听力原文:Although people often use…”相关的问题
听力原文: About 200,000 people held rallies in several U.S. cities yesterday to demand mor
e rights for illegal immigrants. The largest of the rallies was in Chicago where 150,000 gathered. Most of the protests were peaceful, although there was an evening rally in Los Angeles where some protesters threw rocks and bottles at police who then responded by firing rubber bullets to disperse the crowd.

How many people gathered in Chicago demanding rights for illegal immigrants?





听力原文:In today's business news, it has been reported that Jane Parsons, president of th

听力原文: In today's business news, it has been reported that Jane Parsons, president of the Star Company, will retire next year. Ms. Parsons' skill and corporate connections helped to build the Star Company into a large business employing hundreds of people in our region. Although Ms. Parsons is leaving her job as president, she will continue as a consultant for the company. Star Company executives say the search for the next president is underway.

What is Ms. Parson's current position?

A.Company president


C.News announcer

D.Employment counselor

听力原文:Although the practice of the old Roman religion disappeared many centuries ago, s

听力原文: Although the practice of the old Roman religion disappeared many centuries ago, some traces of the Roman gods are still present in our daily vocabulary. The names of the Roman sun god, Sol, and the moon goddess, Luna, are used frequently in our language.

The word solar describes anything pertaining to the sun, and lunar anything pertaining to the moon. For example, the sun and the planets circling it are called the solar system. The period of time in which the earth circles the sun once is a solar year. The moon takes one lunar month to circle the earth. A lunar year of twelve lunar months is eleven days shorter than a solar year.

In some cases our language shows how these heavenly bodies affect us directly. A room or place for sunbathing is often called a solarium. We get our word parasol from the Italian word meaning "a guard against the sun". For many centuries it was believed that the moon affected people who were mentally ill. For this reason people who were mentally ill were often referred to as lunatics.



B.The moon.

C.The sun.


听力原文:(With) Other viruses, such as smallpox and measles, and polioneuromere, the major

听力原文:(With) Other viruses, such as smallpox and measles, and polioneuromere, the majority of people mount an immune response even if they never been vaccinated that clears the natural infection. With H1V, there are virtually no incidents of a person who has completely cleared the virus from their body, which means that although some people can control the virus better than others, the body is having trouble making a protective immune response.

What is the point the speaker is trying to make about HIV virus?

A.HIV vaccines trigger an immune response, but that response has proven inadequate.

B.The body's natural immune response to HIV infection could eradicate the virus.

C.The majority of people could mount an immune response even without being vaccinated that clears the natural infection from every virus.

D.Some people can control HIV virus better than others and make a protective immune response.

听力原文:In order to man w in Britain, both the man and the woman must be over sixteen. An

听力原文: In order to man w in Britain, both the man and the woman must be over sixteen. Anyone under eighteen must obtain parental consent. People can get married either in a registry office or in a church. On three Sundays before the wedding a public announcement of the forthcoming manage has to be made in church, and announcement has to be put up on a board at the church or the registry office.

In a registry office ceremony there must be two witnesses. On some occasions, especially when people have married secretly, two passers-by in the street have suddenly found themselves asked to witness a marriage! Although the number of registry office marriages is increasing, most people still prefer a church wedding. The bride, in white, is at tended by bridesmaids, and led by a proud father up to the church altar, where the bridegroom is waiting, nervously, attended by his best man.

And it seems sensible to wait. One quarter of all marriages between people under twenty-one end in divorce. In Britain in 1972, there were 124,248 divorces," Look before you leap" would be good advice to people thinking of get ting married.


A.Under 18.

B.Under 16.

C.Over 19.

D.Under 1

听力原文:In order to marry in Britain, both the man and the woman must be over sixteen. An

听力原文: In order to marry in Britain, both the man and the woman must be over sixteen. Anyone under eighteen must obtain parental consent. People can get married either in a registry office or m a church. On three Sundays before the wedding a public announcement of the forthcoming marriage has to be made in church, and announcement has to be put up on a board at the church or the registry office.

In a registry office ceremony there must be two witnesses. On some occasions, especially when people have married secretly, two passers-by in the street have suddenly found themselves asked to witness a marriage! Although the number of registry office marriages is increasing, most people still prefer a church wedding. The bride, in white, is attended by bridesmaids, and led by a proud father up to the church altar, where the bridegroom is waiting, nervously, attended by his best man.

And it seems sensible to wait. One quarter of all marriages between people under twenty-one end in divorce. In Britain in 1972, there were 124,248 divorces, "Look before you leap"(三思而行) would be good advice to people thinking of getting married.


A.Under 18.

B. Under 16.

C. Over 19.

D. Under 17.

听力原文:Although I think the United States generally has an excellent system of transport

听力原文: Although I think the United States generally has an excellent system of transportation, I don' t think that it does a good job of transporting people between cities that are only a few hundred miles apart. A person commuting between Detroit and Chicago or between San Francisco and Los Angeles, so-called strip cities, may spend only a relatively short time in the air while spending several hours getting to and from the airport. This situation makes flying almost as time-consuming as driving. Moreover, airplanes use a lot of their fuel just getting into the air. They simply are not fuel efficient on short trips. High speed trains may be an answer. One fairly new proposal for such a train is for something called a MAGLEV, meaning a magnetically levitated train. Magievs will not actually ride on the tracks but will fly above tracks that are magnetically activated. This will save wear and tear on the tracks. These trains will be able to go faster than 150 miles per hour. At that speed conventional trains have trouble staying on the tracks. As you can see, Maglevs offer exciting possibilities for the future.

What is the topic of the talk?

A.Energy conservation.

B.Transportation of the future.

C.Strip cities:

D.Advantages of air transportation over railroads.

听力原文:The Civil War came about as a result of many differences between the North and th

听力原文: The Civil War came about as a result of many differences between the North and the South. The differences bad their beginnings in the early 1800s. Tensions continued to grow for several decades. When the war began in 1861, most Americans believed the conflict would not last long. Instead, it stretched into four years of bloody fight(29). In the end, more Americans died in the Civil War than in any war the nation had fought.

The disagreements between the North and the South centered on the following five issues: slavery, tariffs, taxes, political power in the House of Representative, and political power in the Senate(30). People in the North had strong feelings about each of these issues. So did the people in the South. Each side had reasons for the way it felt.

Many people in the North did not believe in slavery. They thought the people of the South should not own slaves. Although some southerners opposed slavery, most felt they needed slaves to raise cotton and tobacco, which were the pillar economy. On the other hand, the North's economy was based on manufacturing industry not plantation agriculture. The northerners opposed slavery in the South since they had not enough people to work in their factories and wanted to get human resources (31). In the end the North won the war and the Union was saved.


A.In 1816.

B.In the middle of 1800s.

C.In 1861.

D.In 1865.

听力原文:W: Good evening, Mr. Brown, and welcome to the program.M: Thank you!W: I wonder i

听力原文:W: Good evening, Mr. Brown, and welcome to the program.

M: Thank you!

W: I wonder if you could tell listeners more about the work you do?

M: Certainly.

W: Mr. Brown, I gather that you work for a company developing software for reading electronic books?

M: That is so.

W: Do you think there is much future in that7

M: Well, people buy music online—so why not books?

W: You have to read electronic books on a machine, don't you?

M: That is so, although of course you might be able to print them out on a printer.

W: .So why should people read a book on an expensive machine when they can buy a cheap copy and carry it around with them and read it whenever they like?

M: That is an interesting point. People need time to become aware of the value of e-books.

W: Is it true that at the Frankfurt Book Fair, in 2000,there was a prize for the best books published in electronic form?

M: Yes, that is true: the prize was worth $ 100,000.

W: Who put up the money for the prize?

M: Err, software companies such as Microsoft and Adobe.

W: I suppose they are trying to encourage publishers to get the e-book business off the ground.

M: That's probably true.


A.At a television studio.

B.On a radio program.

C.In a job interview.

D.In a factory.

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