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Nisbett's research shows that Americans emphasize context than Chinese do.A.YB.NC.NGD.2

Nisbett's research shows that Americans emphasize context than Chinese do.





提问人:网友jxh2003zfr 发布时间:2022-01-06
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Chinese and Americans literally view the world differently according to a new study, which
found that the two groups tend to move their eyes in distinctly different patterns when looking at pictures.

"If people are literally looking at the world differently, we think it would be natural for them to explain the world in different ways," said Richard Nisbett, a psychologist at the University of Michigan.

Over the past decade research by Nisbett and his colleague has surprised the social sciences with numerous studies showing that Westerners and East Asians think differently.

Westerners tend to be analytical and pay more attention to the key, or focal objects in a scene—for example, concentrating on the woman in the "Mona Lisa," as opposed to the rocks and sky behind her,

East Asians, by contrast, tend to look at the whole picture and rely on contextual information when making decisions and judgments about what they see, Nisbett said.

The new study was designed to determine if the difference in the thought processes of East Asians and Westerners affects how Westerners and East Asians physically look at the world.

To find out, the researchers measured eye movements of 45 U.S. and Chinese students as they looked at photographs that featured single focal objects against complex backgrounds. For example, one image showed a tiger by a stream in a forest. Another image showed a fighter jet flying over a mountainous landscape.

When test subjects looked at the pictures, differences emerged between the U.S. and Chinese students within the first second of an average viewing, Nisbett said. "Americans are looking at the focal object more quickly and spend more time looking at it," he said. "The Chinese have more saccades(jerky eye movements). They move their eyes more, especially back and forth between the object and the background field."

The finding suggests that East Asians literally spend more time putting objects into context than Americans do. The differences are not just reflected in how individuals recall and report their memories but in how they physically see an image in the first place.

Nisbett says that any explanation for the cultural differences is, at this point, speculation(推测). However, he and his colleagues suggest that the differences may be rooted in social practices that stretch back thousands of years.

"Westerners are taught to pay attention to objects that are important to them, to have goals that they can follow," he said. "East Asians are more likely to pay attention to the social field."

Nisbett traces the origins of the variation to at least 2,000 years ago. At that time collaborative, large-scale agriculture was the primary driver of the East Asian economy. For most workers, economic survival required paying attention to the person in charge as well as co-workers in the fields. Context was important.

By contrast, ancient Greek society—the prototypical(原型的) Western society—was characterized by individualistic activities, such as hunting, fishing, and small-scale farming.

The difference, Nisbett said, still holds today. East Asian societies tend to be more socially complex than Western societies. Understanding context, therefore, has more value in East Asia than in the West.

Characterizing Differences. Anthropologist Alan Fiske said the researcher's data is "very sound." But he questions the complex social reasons that the study authors use to explain the differences.

"Social scientists have not been successful in characterizing in absolute general terms what the difference is between East Asian and European-American societies," said Fiske, the director of the Center for Culture, Brain, and Development at the University of California, Los Angeles. "We all agree there are huge differences, b





It's easy to get the sense these days that you've stumbled into a party with some powerful
drug that dramatically alters identity. The faces are familiar, but the words coming out of them aren't. Something has happened to a lot of people you used to think you knew. They've changed into something like their own opposite.

There's Bill Gates, who these days is spending less time earning money than giving it away—and pulling other billionaires into the deep end of global philanthropy(慈善事业) with him. There's historian Francis Fukuyama, leading a whole gang of disaffected fellow travelers away from neoconservatism. To flip-flopis human. It can still sometimes be a political liability, evidence of a flaky disposition or rank opportunism. But there are circumstances in which not to reverse course seems almost pathological(病态的). He's a model of consistency, Stephen Colbert said last year of George W. Bush:" He believes the same thing Wednesday that he believed on Monday—no matter what happened on Tuesday".

Over the past three years, I found people who had pulled a big U-turn in their lives. Often the insight came in a forehead-smiting moment in the middle of the night: I've got it all wrong.

It looked at first like a sprinkling of outliers beyond the curve of normal human experience. But when you stepped back, a pattern emerged. What these personal turns had in common was the apprehension that we're all connected. Everything leans on something, is both dependent and depended on.

"The difference between you and me", a visiting Chinese student told University of Michigan psychologist Richard Nisbett not long ago", is that I think the world is a circle, and you think it's a line". The remark prompted the professor to write a book, The Geography of Thought, about the differences between the Western and the Asian mind.

To Western thinking, the world is linear; you can chop it up and analyze it, and we can all work on our little part of the project independently until it's solved. The classically Eastern mind, according to Nisbett, sees things differently: the world isn't a length of rope but a vast, closed chain, incomprehensibly complex and ever changing. When you look at life from this second perspective, some unlikely connections reveal themselves.

I realized this was what almost all the U-turns had in common: people had swung around to face East. They had stopped thinking in a line and started thinking in a circle. Morality was looking less like a set of rules and more like a story, one in which they were part of an ensemble cast, no longer the star.

What can we infer from first two paragraphs?

A.Some people have changed into someone another.

B.Rhere are some drugs that can change one's identity.

C.Some moneybags are pulled to act as philanthropist.

D.francis Fukuyama has become a great traveler.

Stevenson's research showed that Asians and Asian-Americans are more intelligent than other students.
According to Coffey's research, the brain may benefit from ______.A.runningB.playing chess

According to Coffey's research, the brain may benefit from ______.


B.playing chess


D.playing football

Research into the Internet in china began in the______.A.1980'sB.2000'sC.Internet Cafe'sD.

Research into the Internet in china began in the______.



C.Internet Cafe's


As to the stem-cell research, the Bush Administration's attitude is one of ______.A.skepti

As to the stem-cell research, the Bush Administration's attitude is one of ______.





Which can be the situations for writing a research proposal?

A、Applying for some research funds or grants

B、Applying for an opportunity for a project

C、Applying for a bachelor’s, or master’s or doctor’s degree

D、Reporting the results of a research project

Some (research) suggests (what) there is a (link between) the body's calcium balance (and)

Some (research) suggests (what) there is a (link between) the body's calcium balance (and) tooth decay.



C.link between


Titles such as Doctor or Professor are usually used before the research contributor’s names.
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