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听力原文:M Hi. I'm sorry I'm late. There was a traffic jam near the bridge. Cars were back

ed up for miles.

W That's O.K. I tried to call your mobile phone, but you must've turned it off. Our flight has been delayed by 3 hours.

M Oh, it must be because of the thunderstorm. It's pouring outside.

W Yes, but the weather should clear up by this evening, and at least now we'll have time to get something to eat. I'm hungry. Let's go get some lunch.

Why was the man late?

A.He had a flat tire.

B.He took the wrong turn.

C.He missed the shuttle bus.

D.There was a traffic jam.

提问人:网友zenggeqiang 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“听力原文:M Hi. I'm sorry I'm late.…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Hi. Welcome to Heavenly Pies. May I take your order?W: Uh... yes. I'd like the

听力原文:M: Hi. Welcome to Heavenly Pies. May I take your order?

W: Uh... yes. I'd like the fried chicken steak.

M: Okay. Would you like fries, bread, or rice with your meal?

W: Umm. I'll take the rice.

M: Would you care for anything to drink?

W: Yeah. I'll take a medium Sprite.

M: Okay. A medium Sprite. And what kind of dressing would you like with your salad? It comes with the fried steak.

W: What dressings do you have?

M: We have French, Italian, blue cheese, and Ranch.

W: Oh! Ranch, please.

M: Would you like anything else?

W: Well, I'd like to see your pie menu. That's the main reason why I like to dine here.

M: Oh, I'm sorry, but we aren't serving pies today.

W: Huh?

M: Well, you see, Dave, our baker, slipped on a banana peel back in our kitchen two days ago, and injured his back.

W: Oh, no.

M: He'll be out for at least two weeks. In the meantime, we're serving ice cream sundayes instead. Sorry.

W: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better soon.


A.T-bone steak & beer.

B.Fried chicken steak & Sprite.

C.Boiled chicken & salad.

D.Roast beef & rice.

听力原文:M: Hello, Madam. What can I do for you?W: Hi. Uh... I bought this MP3 player here

听力原文:M: Hello, Madam. What can I do for you?

W: Hi. Uh... I bought this MP3 player here one year ago. But it doesn't work now.

M: Oh, dear. I am sorry to hear that.

W: I want to have it fixed. I am sure you can deal with it, right?

M: Absolutely. Will you please show me your sales slip?

W: Yeah, here it is.

M: I'm sorry, Madam. We can fix it for you, but I'm afraid that you have to pay for that.

W: Why? You promised that you would fix it for free if it has any problems.

M: Yes, we did. But that was valid within one year. You see, yours has run out.

W. Well, it...uh...ran out a week ago, but I didn't drop it off a building or anything. What difference can a week make?

M: I'm sorry. We only have a one-year guarantee. So we can't...

W: Can't you make any exception? That is only a week.

M: Sorry, Madam. If we make it for you, we'll have to make it for everybody.

W: Actually it didn't work a week ago, but at that time I was too busy to bring it here. So strictly speaking the time when it got bad was really within the one-year guarantee.

M: Well, Madam. You should have brought it in earlier. There is nothing I can do for you.

W: So you surely can't give me an exception?

M: Sorry, Madam. The rules are the rules.

W: OK. You just fix it. I'll pay for that.


A.In a supermarket.

B.At a shop.

C.In a grocery.

D.At a repair shop.

听力原文:M: Hi. Welcome to Heavenly Pies. May I take your order?W: Uh... yes. [23]I'd like

听力原文:M: Hi. Welcome to Heavenly Pies. May I take your order?

W: Uh... yes. [23]I'd like the fried chicken steak.

M: Okay. Would you like fries, bread, or rice with your meal?

W: Umm. I'll take the rice.

M: Would you care for anything to drink?

W: Yeah. [23]I'll take a medium Sprite.

M: Okay. A medium Sprite. And what kind of dressing would you like with your salad? It comes with the fried steak.

W: [24]What dressings do you have?

M: We have French, Italian, blue cheese, and ranch.

W: Oh! Ranch, please.

M: Would you like anything else?

W: Well, I'd like to see your pie menu. That's the main reason why I like to dine here.

M: Oh, I'm sorry, but we aren't serving pies today.

W: Huh?

M: Well, you see, Dave, [25]our baker, slipped on a banana peel back in our kitchen two dgys ago,and injured his back.

W: Oh, no.

M: He'll be out for at least two weeks. In the meantime, we're serving ice cream sundaes instead. Sorry.

W: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better soon.


A.T-bone steak & beer.

B.Fried chicken steak & Sprite.

C.Boiled chicken & salad.

D.Roast beef & rice.

听力原文:W: Hello, sir. What can I do for you?M: Hi. I have this cassette player here that

听力原文:W: Hello, sir. What can I do for you?

M: Hi. I have this cassette player here that I bought a few months ago, and it just ruined four of my favorite cassettes.

W: I'm sorry.

M: So, I'd like you to fix it or refund my money.

W: May I see your sales slip, please?

M: Yeah, here it is.

W: I'm sorry, sir. Your warranty was good for only six months. It expired ten days ago.

M: Well, what difference does ten days make? The machine was obviously defective when I bought it.

W: Well, the workers in our service center can look at it, but there will be a charge.

M: A charge? I thought you would fix it for free.

W: I'm sorry, sir. Your warranty has run out. There's nothing I can do for yon.

M: No. No, look. I didn't drop it off a building or anything. I mean, what difference can ten days make? I mean, you can...

W: Sir, I'm sorry, we have the six-month rule for a reason. We can't...

M: Well, you can bend the rule a little bit, can't you?

W: Make an exception for you? Then we'll have to make one for everybody. Well, sir, you knew when your warranty ran out. You should have brought it in before. It was guaranteed for six months and six months only. There's nothing I can do for you.

What is wrong with the cassette recorder?

A.It was damaged.

B.It doesn't work.

C.It destroyed tapes.

D.It can't record things.

听力原文:M: Hello ! University Books. Tim Weber speaking.W: Hi! Tim, this is Ruth.M: Oh, h

听力原文:M: Hello ! University Books. Tim Weber speaking.

W: Hi! Tim, this is Ruth.

M: Oh, hi. Ruth, What's up?

W: Well. The Student Federation needs a couple of volunteers to give guided tours to the new students during orientation next week. Would you be able to help out?

M: That depends on the days you had in mind. I'm working here fulltime before classes begin, it's really busy now, with all the textbook orders coming in, but I do have some time off.

W: What about Saturday? Most new students arrive on the weekend.

M: Sorry, I have to work all day Saturday. How about Thursday and Friday? I've got both mornings free.

W: I don't have the schedule on me...Ken's got it. Maybe you can set something up with him.

M: I only be able to spare a couple of hours, though.

W: No problem. I'll ask Ken to get in touch with you later today. Will you be at this number?

M: Yeah, till four...Look, I've got to go. I have to get all the order out before I leave today.

W: OK, thanks, Tim. Bye.


A.To find out if the book she ordered is in.

B.To ask him to attend a Student Federation meeting.

C.To get his schedule of classes for next semester.

D.To see if he has time to welcome new students.

听力原文:M: Hi. Uh, haven't we met before? You look so familiar. W: Yeah. We met on campus

听力原文:M: Hi. Uh, haven't we met before? You look so familiar.

W: Yeah. We met on campus last week, and you asked me the same question.

M: Oh, oh really? I'm sorry, but I'm terrible with names. But, but, but . . . Let me guess. It's Sherry, right?

W: No, but you got the first letter right.

M: I know, I know. It's on the tip of my tongue. Wait. Uh, Sandy, Susan. Wait, wait. It's Sharon.

W: Yeah. You got it . . . and only on the fourth try.

M: So, well, Sh . . ., I mean Sharon. How are you?

W: Not bad. And what was your name?

M: It's Ben, but everyone calls me B.J. And, uh, what do you do, Sh . . . Sharon?

W: I'm a graduate student majoring in TESL.

M: Uh, TESL . . . What's that?

W: It stands for Teaching English as a Second Language. I want to teach English to non-native speakers overseas.

M: Hey, that's sound really exciting. And do you need some type of specific degree or experience to do that?

W: Well, most employers overseas are looking for someone who has at least a Bachelor's degree and one or two years of experience. And what do you do? Are you a student on campus?

M: Yeah, but, uh . . . I guess I'm thinking of the idea of going into accounting or international business, but I guess I'm now leaning towards a degree in marketing.

W: Oh, uh . . . Well, I have to run. I have a class in ten minutes.

M: Oh, okay. And, uh, by the way, there's this, uh, dance on campus at the student center tonight, and I was wondering if you'd . . . you know . . . like to come along.

W: Oh really? Well, perhaps . . .

M: Okay, well, bye.


A.At s party.

B.At school.

C.At a friend's house.

D.In the classroom.

听力原文:W: Good morning. Housing office, how can I help you?M: Hi. (23)I'm calling about

听力原文:W: Good morning. Housing office, how can I help you?

M: Hi. (23)I'm calling about the new low-cost housing for graduate students.

W: Are you aware that it's only available to married graduate students and their families?

M: Yes. I think my wife and I may qualify since she's still in graduate school. But I was wondering whether there were any other requirements.

W: Well, unless you have more than one child, you both have to have an annual income not less than 15,000 dollars. You may be qualified if you are in the above condition.

M: I'm working as a part-time research assistant so that's no problem. (24)But right now we're living with my wife's parents. Does that mean we have to include their income, too?

W: Not necessarily.

M: I may have lots of questions to ask. Sorry for taking you so much lime. But I may still have a couple of questions to ask.

W: Don't worry. Why don't you stop by our office so I can give you some forms to fill out and explain everything in more details?

M: That sounds like a good idea. Would tomorrow morning be all right?

W: The afternoon might be better. (25)It can be pretty crazy around here on a Friday morning.

M: All right then. I'll try to make it in the afternoon. Is there anyone special I should ask for?

W: You can ask for me, Susan Davidson. Or ask my assistant Bill Brown, if I'm not available when you are there

M: Thanks so much for your help. I'll be there this Friday afternoon.

W: Glad that I can help. You are welcome! Bye-bye!


A.To make an appointment to look at a house.

B.To get information about special housing.

C.To ask about getting a loan to buy a house.

D.To renew his housing contract.

听力原文:M: Hi. Lisa. Have you registered for the courses yet?W: yes, I have, Max.M: Oh, s

听力原文:M: Hi. Lisa. Have you registered for the courses yet?

W: yes, I have, Max.

M: Oh, sorry, but...can you tell me...what is your major again?

W: Sure. I major in computer science.

M: Why did you choose it? As far as I know, most gifts do not like that.

W: That's true, but not in my case. I am crazy about computers. Besides, computers are very popular and it will be easier td find a job after graduation and also computer-related jobs are well paid.

M: Yes, I agree. Information technology does have a very big effect on our lives. It allows us to store very large amounts of information, transmit a lot of information quickly and process a lot of information as soon as we receive it. But, don't you think the Arts are quite interesting and creative?

W: Yeah, I have nothing against the Arts. I just don't have talent in that area. Well, actually, many arts can be played, produced, and enjoyed through computers and the internet, for example, you can watch movies online and even receive TV programs from another country. Isn't that fantastic?

M: It sure is. It seems that fewer people nowadays can appreciate traditional and fine art.

W: I don't see anything wrong about that. Time is changing. Everything is developing. Why can't we have arts in a new way?

M: Reasonable. But I still prefer the good, old things.

W: Come on, Max. Don't you think it is much too expensive to study fine arts? And it is much less likely to be financially secure after graduation?

M: Yeah...but many people choose arts to study in spite of that.


A.Because it is interesting and creative.

B.Because it has a big effect on our lives.

C.Because she can make big money with it.

D.Because she can graduate more easily.

听力原文:M: Hi. Uh, haven't we met before? You look so familiar.W: Yeah. We met on campus

听力原文:M: Hi. Uh, haven't we met before? You look so familiar.

W: Yeah. We met on campus last week, Yeah! And you asked me the same question.

M: Oh, oh really? I'm sorry, but I'm terrible with names. But, but, but ... Let me guess. It's Sherry, right?

W: No, but you got the first letter right.

M: I know, I know. It's on the tip of my tongue. Wait. Uh, Sandy, Susan. Wait, wait. It's Sharon.

W: You got it ... and only on the fourth try.

M: So, well, Sh ..., I mean Sharon. How are you?

W: Not bad. And what was your name?

M: It's Ben, but everyone calls me B.J. And, uh, what do you do, Sh ... Sharon?

W: I'm a graduate student majoring in TESL.

M: Uh, TESL ... What's that?

W: It stands for teaching English as a second language. I want to teach English to non-native speakers overseas.

M: Oh, yeah. I'm pretty good at that English grammar. You know, verbs and adjectives, and uh ... Hey, that sounds really exciting. And do you need some type of specific degree or experience to do that? I mean could I do something like that?

W: Well, most employers overseas are looking for someone who has at least a Bachelor's degree and one or two years of experience. And what do you do? Are you a student on campus?

M: Yeah, but, uh ... I guess I'm mulling(仔细考虑)over the idea of going into accounting or international business, but I guess I'm now leaning towards a degree in marketing.

W: Oh, uh, ... Well, I have to run. I have a class in ten minutes.

M: Oh, okay. And, uh, by the way, there's this, uh, dance on campus at the student center tonight, and I was wondering if you'd.., you know.., like to come along.

W: Oh really? Well, perhaps....

M: Okay, well, bye.


A.At a party.

B.On a picnic.

C.On campus.

D.At a friend's house.

Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversation

Section B

Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D.

听力原文:W: Hi, Bill. This is Nancy.

M: Oh, hi. How is everything going?

W: Just fine, thanks. How about you?

M: Pretty well.

W: Uh, I'm calling to see if you will be free on Saturday night.

M: Hmm, Saturday night? Let me think. Oh, I'm afraid not. My brother just called to say he was coming that night. I told him I would meet him at the airport.

W: Oh, that's too bad! It's my birthday and we are going to have a party at my place. I thought you would come then.

M: I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to make it.

6. What is the man going to do on Saturday night?


A.Have dinner with the woman.

B.Meet his brother at the airport.

C.Give a birthday party.

D.Go shopping.

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