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Women The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower it is in arriving at ma


The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower it is in arriving at maturity. A man reaches the maturity of his reasoning powers and mental faculties hardly before the age of twenty-eight; a woman at eighteen. And then, too, in the case of woman, it is only reason of a sort--very niggard in its dimensions. That is why women remain children their whole life long; never seeing anything but what is quite close to them, cleaving to the present moment, taking appearance for reality, and preferring trifles to matters of the first importance. For it is by virtue of his reasoning faculty that man does not live in the present only, like the brute, but looks about him and considers the past and the future; and this is the origin of prudence, as well as of that care and anxiety which so many people exhibit. Both the advantages and the disadvantages which this involves, are shared in by the woman to a small extent because of her weaker power of reasoning. She may, in fact, be described as intellectually shortsighted, because, while she has an intuitive understanding of what lies quite close to her, her field of vision is narrow and does not reach to what is remote; so that things which are absent, or past, or to come, have much less effect upon woman than upon men.

This is the reason why women are more inclined to be extravagant, and sometimes carry their inclination to a length that borders upon madness. In their hearts, women think it is men's business to earn money and theirs to spend it--if possible during their husband's life, but, at any rate, after his death. The very fact that their husband hands them over his earning for purposes of housekeeping, strengthens them in this belief.

However many disadvantages all this may involve, there is at least this to be said in its favor; that the woman lives more in the present than the man, and that, if the present is at all tolerable, she enjoys it more eagerly. This is the source of that cheerfulness which is peculiar to women, fitting her to amuse man in his hours of recreation, and, in case of need, to console him when he is borne down by the weight of his cares.

According to the author, the major difference between a man's and a woman's intellect is that ______.

A.men mature much later than women

B.men have a broader view of things

C.women are more cheerful than men

D.man's intellect is nobler than that of woman

提问人:网友lilinmao 发布时间:2022-01-07
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更多“Women The nobler and more perf…”相关的问题
The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower it is becoming mature. A man
reaches the mature (1)_____ of his reasoning powers and mental faculties (2)_____ before the age of twenty-eight; a woman at eighteen. And then, too, in the case of woman, it is the only reason of a sort—very mean in its (3)_____. That is why women remain children their whole life long; never seeing (4)_____ but what is quite close to them, (5)_____ fast to the present moment, taking appearance for (6)_____, and preferring (7)_____ to matters of the first importance. For it is (8)_____ his reasoning faculty that man does not live in the present only, (9)_____ the brute, but looks about him and considers the past and the future; and this is the origin of (10)_____, as well as that of care and anxiety which so many people (11)_____ Both the advantages and the disadvantages, which this (12)_____, are (13)_____ in by the woman to a smaller extent because of her weaker power of reasoning. She may, in fact, be described as intellectually shortsighted, (14)_____, while she has an immediate understanding of what lies quite close to her, her field of (15)_____ is narrow and does not reach to what is (16)_____; so that things which are absent, or past, or to come, have much less effect upon women than upon men. This is the reason why women are inclined to be (17)_____ and sometimes carry their desire to a (18)_____ that borders upon madness. In their hearts, women think it is men's business to earn money and theirs to spend it—if possible during their husband's life, (19)_____, at any rate, after his death. The very fact that their husband hands them (20)_____ his earnings for purposes of housekeeping strengthens them in this belief.





The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower it is becoming mature. A man
reaches the mature (1)_____ of his reasoning powers and mental faculties (2)_____ before the age of twenty-eight; a woman at eighteen. And then, too, in the case of woman, it is the only reason of a sort—very mean in its (3)_____. That is why women remain children their whole life long; never seeing (4)_____ but what is quite close to them, (5)_____ fast to the present moment, taking appearance for (6)_____, and preferring (7)_____ to matters of the first importance. For it is (8)_____ his reasoning faculty that man does not live in the present only, (9)_____ the brute, but looks about him and considers the past anti the future; and this is the origin of (10)_____, as well as that of care and anxiety which so many people (11)_____. Both the advantages and the disadvantages, which this (12)_____, are (13)_____ in by the woman to a smaller extent because of her weaker power of reasoning. She may, in fact, be described as intellectually shortsighted, (14)_____, while she has an immediate understanding of what lies quite close to her, her field of (15)_____ is narrow and does not reach to what is (16)_____; so that things which are absent, or past, or to come, have much less effect upon women than upon men. This is the reason why women are inclined to be (17)_____ and sometimes carry their desire to a (18)_____ that borders upon madness. In their hearts, women think it is men's business to earn money and theirs to spend it—if possible during their husband's life, (19)_____, at any rate, after his death. The very fact that their husband hands them (20)_____ his earnings for purposes of housekeeping strengthens them in this belief.





To be, or not to he—that is the question; Whether this nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep— No more. . . Questions:

From which play are these lines taken from?

My own sex, I hope, will excuse me, if I treat them like rational creatures, instead of fl
attering their fascinating graces, and viewing them as if they were in a state of perpetual childhood, unable to stand alone. I earnestly wish to point out in what true dignity and human happiness consists — I wish to persuade women to endeavor to acquire strength, both of mind and body, and to convince them that the soft phrases, susceptibility of heart, delicacy of sentiment, and refinement of taste, are almost synonymous with epithets of weakness, and that those beings who are only the objects of pity and that kind of love, which has been termed its sister, will soon become objects of contempt.

Animated by this important object, I shall disdain to cull my phrases or polish my style. I aim at being useful, and sincerity will render me unaffected: for, wishing rather to persuade by the force of my arguments than dazzle by the elegance of my language, I shall not waste my time in rounding periods, nor in fabricating the turgid bombast of artificial feelings, which, coming from the head, never reach the heart. I shall be employed about things, not word! And, anxious to render my sex mom respectable members of society, I shall try to avoid that. flowery diction which has slid from essays into novels, and from novels into familiar letters and conversation.

The education of women has, of late, been more attended to than formerly, yet they are still reckoned a frivolous sex, and ridiculed or pitied by the writers who endeavor by satire or instruction to improve them. It is acknowledged that they spend many of the first years of their lives in acquiring a smattering of accomplishments: meanwhile strength of body and mind are sacrificed to libertine notions of beauty, to the desire of establishing themselves — the only way women can rise in the world — by marriage. And this desire making mere animals of them, when they marry they act as such children may be expected to act — they dress, they paint, and nickname God's creatures. Surely these weak beings are only fit for a seraglio! Can they be expected to govern a family with judgment, or take care of the poor babes whom they bring into the world?

If then it can be fairly deduced from the present conduct of the sex, from the prevalent fondness for pleasure which takes place of ambition and those nobler passions that open and enlarge the soul: that the instruction which women have received has only tended, with the constitution of civil society, to render them insignificant objects of desire — mere propagators of fools! If it can be proved that in aiming to accomplish them, without cultivating their understandings, they are taken out of their sphere of duties, and made ridiculous and useless when their short-lived bloom of beauty is over. I presume that rational men will excuse me for endeavoring to persuade them to become more masculine and respectable.

Indeed the word masculine is only a bugbear: there is little reason tn fear that women will acquire too much courage or fortitude, for their apparent inferiority with respect to bodily strength, must render them, in some degree, dependent on men in the various relations of life. But why should it be increased by prejudices that give a sex to virtue, and confound simple truths with sensual reveries?

Women are, in fact, so much degraded by mistaken notions of female excellence, that I do not mean to add a paradox when I assert, that this artificial weakness produces a propensity to tyrannize, and gives birth to cunning, the natural opponent of strength, which leads them to play off those contemptible infantile airs that undermine esteem ever whilst they excite desire. Let men become more chaste and modest, and if women do not grow wiser in the same ratio, it will be clear that they have weaker understandings. It seems scarcely necessary to say, that I now speak of the sex in general. Many indivi

―To be, or not to be — that is the question;/whether, tis nobler in the mind to suffe

A.King Lear

B.Romeo and Juliet



Past heroes and heroines seem to be nobler than those of today according to their biograph




What does Chrysostom say is Moses's reason for not discussing the spiritual nature of ligh

A.The people wouldn't understand.

B.The people would have treated it as a god.

C.The people did not find spiritual things appealing.

D.The people would have seen physical things nobler than spiritual things.

My own sex, I hope, will excuse me, if I treat them like rational creatures, instead of fl
attering their fascinating graces, and viewing them as if they were in a state of perpetual childhood, unable to stand alone, I earnestly wish to point out in what tree dignity and human happiness consists -- I wish to persuade women to endeavor to acquire strength, both of mind and body, and to convince them that the soft phrases, susceptibility of heart, delicacy of sentiment, and refinement of taste, are almost synonymous with epithets of weakness, and that those beings who are only the objects of pity and that kind of love, which has been termed its sister, will soon become objects of contempt.

Animated by this important object, I shall disdain to cull my phrases or polish my style. I aim at being useful, and sincerity will render me unaffected: for, wishing rather to persuade by the force of my arguments than dazzle by the elegance of my language, I shall not waste my time in rounding periods, nor in fabricating the turgid bombast of artificial feelings, which, coming from the head, never reach the heart. I shall be employed about things, not word! And, anxious to render my sex more respectable members of society, I shall try to avoid that flowery diction which has slid from essays into novels, and from novels into familiar letters and conversation.

The education of women has, of late, been more attended to than formerly, yet they are still reckoned a frivolous sex, and ridiculed or pitied by the writers who endeavor by satire or instruction to improve them. It is acknowledged that they spend many of the first years of their lives in acquiring a smattering of accomplishments: meanwhile strength of body and mind are sacrificed to libertine notions of beauty, to the desire of establishing themselves -- the only way women can rise in the world -- by marriage. And this desire making mere animals of them, when they marry they act as such children may be expected to act -- they dress, they paint, and nickname God's creatures. Surely these weak beings are only fit for a seraglio ! Can they be expected to govern a family with judgment, or take care of the poor babes whom they bring into the world?

If then it can be fairly deduced from the present conduct of the sex, from the prevalent fondness for pleasure which takes place of ambition and those nobler passions that open and enlarge the soul: that the instruction which women have received has only tended, with the constitution of civil society, to render them insignificant objects of desire -- mere propagators of fools! If it can be proved that in aiming to accomplish them, without cultivating their understandings, they are taken out of their sphere of duties, and made ridiculous and useless when their short-lived bloom of beauty is over. I presume that rational men will excuse me for endeavoring to persuade them to become more masculine and respectable.

Indeed the word masculine is only a bugbear: there is little reason to fear that women will acquire too much courage or fortitude, for their apparent inferiority with respect to bodily strength, must render them, in some degree, dependent on men in the various relations of life. But why should it be increased by prejudices that give a sex to virtue, and confound simple truths with sensual reveries?

Women are, in fact, so much degraded by mistaken notions of female excellence, that I do not mean to add a paradox when I assert, that this artificial weakness produces a propensity to tyrannize, and gives birth to cunning, the natural opponent of strength, which leads them to play off those contemptible infantile airs that undermine esteem ever whilst they excite desire. Let men become more chaste and modest, and if women do not grow wiser in the same ratio, it will be clear that they have weaker understandings. It seems scarcely necessary to say, that I now speak of the sex in general. Many individuals have

A.they will lose independence with the image

B.they will not be trusted with the image

C.they will be despised with the image

D.they will not be elegant with the image

From science, modestly pursued, with a due consciousness of the extreme finitude of our in
tellectual powers, there can arise only nobler and wider notions of the purpose of Creation. Our philosophy will be an affirmative one, not the false and negative dogmas of Auguste Comte, which have usurped the name, and misrepresented the tendencies of a true positive philosophy. True science will not deny the existence of things because they cannot be weighed and measured. It will rather lead us to believe that the wonders and subtleties of possible existence surpass all that our mental powers allow us clearly to perceive. The study of logical and mathematical forms has convinced me that even space itself is not a requisite condition of conceivable existence. Everything, we are told by materialists, must be here or there, nearer or further, before or after. I deny this—and point to logical relations as my proof.





D.other women

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